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12.9.12lower than circuits built into a single monolithic chip simply because of longer connecting wirescontributing to parasitic capacitance and noise.According to the students, the phase-locked-loop project was a success as was shown in the FMaudio demodulation demonstration, as well as in the measured specs. The students learned aboutphase-locked-loops, integrated circuits, and working as a member of a design team. Aphotograph of the actual completed breadboard is shown on the following page.Bibliography1. Fentiman, A. W. and J.T. Demel, "Teaching Students to Document a Design Project and Present the Results." The Journal of Engineering Education, October 1995, pp. 329-333.2. Gray, P.R., P.J. Hurst, S. H. Lewis, and R.G. Meyer, Analysis and
the dynamics of interaction between the fluidflow and the geometry of the airplane. Reliable operation of a computer depends partly on theefficiency with which heat is removed from the circuit board by the fluid flow introduced by thecooling fan(s). Efficient power plant operation depends heavily on the interaction between fluidflow (working fluid) and the heat and work interactions associated with the fluid. There are anumber of other engineering applications where fluid flow plays a significant role and so thestudent training in these discipline areas should have access to a good fluid flow experimentalfacility. The most common fluid flow facility suitable for this purpose is a wind tunnel.Problems in aerodynamics, heat transfer
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? Page 12.526.2PurposeThe purpose of this study was to determine if there is a need for an online Master of Sciencedegree in Technology Management in the Western Kentucky University (WKU) service area.While this program will be available worldwide our university requires that we demonstrate aregional need for all new programs. An additional purpose to this study was to determine if ourindustrial partners have a preference for the delivery method of Master’s programs available tothem.Review of LiteratureWhile distance education is not a new practice in education with correspondence-like coursesstarting in the late 1800’s the large growth of DE courses did not occur until the 1990’s4. Withthe advancement of technology in the United States and rest
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sustain economic growth. Just asthe space race in the 1960’s motivated political, educational, business, and thepopulation to act, so must today’s global brain race create a sense of urgency toaddress this issue. Concrete steps must be taken to curtail the tide. A change inemphasis must be enacted in K-12 as well as higher education with all the playersin STEM working together. Numerous efforts are being implemented across theUnited States to address the concern in K-12 and post secondary education. Someefforts have had limited success while others are making a bigger impact.However, we are not seeing a significant national effort or an urgent concern tiedto any of these independent initiatives. Therefore, the challenge must be posed:Have we
touring based on photogrammetry.” Journal of CulturalHeritage, Volume 8, Issue 1, January-March 2007: 26-31.2 Karen J. Horton, Constance Holden, Ken Wild, Service Learning in the U. S. Virgin Islands National Park: AVirtual Preservation Project, Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Education AnnualConference & Exposition, American Society for Engineering Education, 2005, http://www.asee.org/acPapers/2005-743_Final.pdf (accessed Jan. 17, 2008).3 Maxwell school of Syracuse University Anthropology Department Field School, Archaeological Survey andHistoric Site GIS,St. John, United States Virgin Islands,http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/anthro/archfield/virginislands/index.asp (accessed Jan. 17, 2008).4 MicroStation, Bentley
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is to eliminate or reduce bias in the user's measurement system relative to thereference base. The calibration procedure compares an "unknown" or test item(s) or instrumentwith reference standards according to a specific algorithm.” For manufacturing companies manytypes of measurements are critical to the creation of quality and reliable products. Among thoseare measurements of length, weight, torque, temperature and power. Calibration of the Page 13.742.2instruments making those measurements is critical to good business. The American Society ofQuality (ASQ) offers a program including a four-hour exam for technicians leading to thedesignation
). Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation. Appendix Table 2-333. 2. The Business Roundtable. 2006. “Innovation and U.S. Competitiveness: Addressing the Talent Gap. Public Opinion Research.” January 12. Available at: http://www.businessroundtable.org/pdf/20060112Two-pager.pdf4. Savage, E.N. A Conceptual Framework for Technology Education: A Historical Perspective. Journal of Technology Studies, v28 n2 pp98-100 Sum-Fall 20025. Sorby, S. & Oberto, L. “A Program Combining Engineering and Teacher Certification”. Proceedings of the 32nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Boston, MA, November 6-9, 2002.6. Johnson, T. “A New Engineering Degree Program for Secondary School Teachers”. Proceedings of the 2004 ASEE
that 12 more students passed DC Electricity this time, than would have under the formatof the previous two offerings. Even if only one more student succeeds each time because of thein-class circuits, it is worth the effort to this professor.Bibliography 1. Anderson-Rowland, M.R., “Understanding Freshman Engineering Student Retention through a Survey,” Proceedings American Society for Engineering Education Conference, Milwaukee, WI, June 1997. 2. Milks, A.., “Modifying the Learning Environment to Improve Student Retention,” Proceedings of the 2002American Society for Engineering Education Conference& Exposition, Montreal, Canada, June 2002. 3. Mehta, S. I., “An attention Quiz: A Low-Tech, High-Yielding Teaching Tip
Their Role in the Six Sigma Methodology, Quality Progress 32(9): 100- 103. 11. Kaplan, Robert S., and David P. Norton. The Balanced Scorecard. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1996. 12. Blakeslee, J.A. “Implementing the Six Sigma Solution.” Quality Progress, vol. 32, no. 7, July 1999, pp. 77- 85. Page 13.215.13
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sequence for Engineering Technology students ispresented in the paper. It is hoped that specializing in this technology of micro world will be ofimmense advantage to technology students in securing exciting jobs in all levels of MEMSmanufacturing industries. Developing new programs and curriculum will provide themicrosystems industry with a flexible set of educational resources and a core of trained humanpower while increasing the general public’s awareness. This will also facilitate in the futurecreation of standardized curriculum, educational programs and industry validated certification.Bibliography1. Hane Kazuhiro, “ Latest ternd of Optical MEMS. General remarks,” Optronics, ISSN: 0286-9659, VOL. NO288;Page. 50-52 (2005).2. X. Wang, B. Li, S
Figure 11. Prototype of Completed Project Page 13.758.11VI. ConclusionNowadays, cell phones are one the most popular wireless devices with numerous capabilities,and the concept of using a cell phone to alert owners of security breaches to their vehicles hasbeen used in similar projects in the past. However, the results of this project verified that thesame goal can be accomplished by employing a timer module to provide the equivalent functionsof the more expensive and complex systems that require extensive computer programmingcode(s) and/or hardware to operate properly. Furthermore, production cost and effectiveness ofthis idea were the major parameters of this project, and the timer module proved to
patient outcomes. Page 12.502.11i Hwang RW, Herndon JH. (2007). The Business Case for Patient Safety. Clin Orthop Relat Res. Schmidek, J M. Weeks, W. B. (2005). What Do We Know About Financial Returns on Investments iniiPatient Safety? A Literature Review. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 31(12),690-699. S. Leatherman, et al. (2003). The Business Case for Quality: Case Studies and Analysis. Health Affairs,iii22(2), 17-30. L. Feazell and J. Marren. (2003). The Quality-Value Proposition in Health Care. Journal of Health CareivFinance, 30(2), 1-29
significant difference among the three groups. Furtheranalysis of homework averages, test averages, and scores on the final exam produced similarresults with no differentiating characteristics. Page 12.386.4 100 AA S, 83.9 FES, 83.1 FET, 85.2 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Figure 2 – Final Average (out of 100 points)The SurveyIn order to learn more about the differences in the student's preparation levels and overallperceptions
240, Computer Solid Modeling 3 COMM 101R, Public Speaking 3 Gen Ed, Social Science Perspective (S) 3 3-1 MET 300, Thermodynamics 3 MET 310, Dynamics 3 MaET 320, Basic Naval Architecture
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of student learning are detailed in this paper.Anticipated areas of improvement were student preparation for class, class participation, andnumber of students successfully meeting course learning objectives. Assessment and evaluationof the results of the JiTT implementation include ongoing tracking of student learning objectivesuccess rates, a survey of student views of JiTT, and faculty reflections.BackgroundThe recent rapid advances in web accessibility, coupled with the identification of active learningas a key to student understanding, provide the framework for a new instructional approach calledJust in Time Teaching (JiTT). Beginning in the mid 1990’s, physics educators were searching fora teaching technique to motivate and hold the
Carolina-Charlotte DR. DAVID S. COTTRELL is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1978 and retired in 2000 after more than 22 years of service with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Studies at Texas A&M University resulted in an MS Degree in Civil Engineering in 1987 and a PhD in 1995. He is a registered Professional Engineer and has taught courses in statics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, graphic communications, engineering economy, and construction planning, scheduling, estimating, and management.Anthony Brizendine, University of North Carolina-Charlotte DR
pathwas clearly identified and the WBS was followed closely.In the reflection papers written by the students, numerous comments were made that indicated agenerational clash. The class has several non-traditional students in their late 50’s and 60’s.These older students were more inclined to give as well as accept orders and direction. Theirstyle was more autocratic. The younger generation of students did not espouse this approach andresisted it. Their view was much more democratic and demanding an input on every decision.This generation gap was fascinating and accentuated the fact that project management is allabout people. The younger generation did not recognize this conflict for the generational clashthat it was, while the non-traditional
, and to select the correct relationship(s) from the tables for solution. Also,the student should know the physical meaning of derivatives and integrals. Page 11.764.5The basic calculus problems follow the standard math course practice of giving a function anddirecting the student either to take the derivative or to integrate over a specific range. Problemsassigned in this course start with the most straightforward, where the problem is a direct matchwith a table entry, and increase in difficulty. With inclusion of problems using trigonometricfunctions, one type of problem will require integration of a function such as sin(πx) dx
2006-2149: STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF THE IMPORTANCE OF FACULTYTEACHING TECHNIQUES FOR THEIR LEARNING/SUCCESS IN ATECHNOLOGY BASED BACCALAUREATE PROGRAMAhmed Khan, DeVry University-Addison Ahmed S. Khan, Ph.D. is a senior Professor in the EET dept. at DeVry University, Addison, Illinois. He received his M.Sc (applied physics) from University of Karachi, an MSEE from Michigan Technological University, and an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management. He received his Ph.D. from Colorado State University. His research interests are in the areas of Fiber Optics Communications, faculty development, and outcomes assessment, and, Internet and distance education. He is author of “The Telecommunications Fact
2006-2369: USE OF RUBRICS FOR ASSESSMENT OF A SENIOR PROJECTDESIGN COURSEAhmed Khan, DeVry University-Addison Ahmed S. Khan, Ph.D. is a senior Professor in the EET dept. at DeVry University, Addison, Illinois. He received his M.Sc (applied physics) from University of Karachi, an MSEE from Michigan Technological University, and an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management. He received his Ph.D. from Colorado State University. His research interests are in the areas of Fiber Optics Communications, faculty development, and outcomes assessment, and, Internet and distance education. He is author of “The Telecommunications Fact Book” and co-author of “Technology and Society: Crossroads to the 21st
. Chang, C. M. (2005). Engineering management: Challenges in the new millennium. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.3. Dorf, R. C. & Byers, T. H. (2005). Technology ventures: From idea to enterprise. Boston: McGraw-Hill.4. Evans, P. & Wolf, B. (2005). Collaboration rules. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 33(4), 50-57.5. Jones, R. C., Butcher, W. S., & Prey, J. C. (2005). The globalization of engineering, IEEE Engineering Management Review, 33(4), 40-42.6. Hughes, K. H. (2005). Facing the global competitiveness challenge. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 33(4), 7-13.7. Narayanan, V. K. (2001). Managing technology and innovation for competitive advantage. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.8
. “Wireshark: The world’s foremost network protocol analyzer.” Internet: http://www.wireshark.org/, [Dec. 31, 2012]2. D. S. Domin. “A Review of Laboratory Instruction Styles”. Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 76, pp. 543 – 547 , April 1999. Page 23.554.10Appendix – Copy of Pre-test/Post-Test QuestionsTest (25 points)Instructions: The duration of this assignment is 20 minutes. Credit will be given for your work in addition to the correct answer. Please show your work in the space provided. The back of each page may be used to continue your solution.Question 1 (2 points)What is
members within the Schoolof Technology could hinder such growth.References1. Panigrahi, S., Burbank, K. A Strategic Analysis of Graduate Programs in Engineering Technology [CD-ROM]. Proceedings of the 2012 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, USA.2. Kaminski, W. The Development of a Master of Science Degree in Engineering Technology [CD-ROM]. Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, USA.3. Latif, N., Dyrenfurth, M. Assessment of an Innovative Masters Program [CD-ROM]. Proceedings of the 2002 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, USA.4. http://www.bls.gov/ooh/about/projections
Cyber Security education, training, and awareness in the undergraduate curriculum. References1. President's Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC), Cyber Security: A Crisis ofPrioritization (Feb. 2005).2. Can higher education fix the cybersecurity shortfall? – Retrieved fromhttp://www.schools.com/articles/cybersecurity-shortfa3. D. Rowe, B. Lunt, J. Ekstorm, “The Role of Cyber-Security in Information Technology Education” -SIGITE’11, October 20–22, 2011.4. L. Clinton, “Education's Critical Role in Cybersecurity” - EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 44, no. 5(September/October 2009): 60–61.5. R. Raj, S. Mishra, C. Romanowski, T. Howles, “CyberSecurity as General Education”, 15thColloquium for