, Europe andMexico force the student to reflect on the great differences that remain between nations. Askingthe students to, in effect, “walk a mile in the other person’s shoes” gives the students anappreciation and new-found respect for the diversity that exists in today’s global economy.CONCLUSIONWith the demand in technology coursework for engineering ethics to be taught, this paper hassought to introduce the reader to the ease of creating an Engineering Ethics course and some ofthe required areas for discussion as well as the necessity to stress the global society.Additionally, the development of such a course allows a department to meet some of the ABET
g Reporting and presenting are the primary abilities required to communicate professionallyWhile most of these topics receive coverage elsewhere in the curriculum, the capstoneexperience provides a point where the students can both reflect on these concepts as they prepareto conclude their professional studies, and to integrate these ideas into the execution of thecapstone project. Page 11.1413.3In the traditional implementation of the Capstone Project course, these lectures were preparedand delivered by a faculty
andexperiences.In order to modernize our program, we need to focus on both the curriculum and thefacilities. Strong industrial support in the form of money, equipment, and advice enabledsignificant facility upgrades. While substantial amounts of faculty time and effort wererequired for curriculum revisions. Historically lecture and theory based courses, havebeen dramatically upgraded to reflect the concepts and skill sets need by today’sgraduates.OutcomesUniversity administrators routinely visit the project based problem solving learningenvironment with distinguished guests to highlight the innovative learning approach. Thefacility has also assisted in topic development for faculty grant writing. All of thecourses that utilize the facility are full and
appropriate documentation the car modifications could be accomplished during a semester Page 23.278.7 Absolutely. I tend to learn more working on projects as opposed to learning theory in a classroom, although this project would be impossible without previous microcontroller and programming experience in the classroom. I think this project reflects some current trends in the direction technology is heading which makes it valid and exciting. Projects near the cutting edge of technology make it possible for students to contribute in the future.Was the time spent appropriate? Yes. There was a large
weneed real-world skills and experiences. Page 23.57.5In order to modernize our program, we need to focus on both the curriculum and thefacilities. Strong industrial support in the form of money, equipment, and adviceenabled significant facility upgrades. Substantial amounts of faculty time and effortwere also required for curriculum revisions. Historically lecture and theory basedcourses, have been dramatically upgraded to reflect the concepts and skill sets need bytoday’s graduates.OutcomesUniversity administrators routinely visit the project based problem solving learningenvironment with distinguished guests to highlight the innovative learning
Table 3 Page 15.225.8The probabilities assigned above might reflect a situation where funding proposals can be sortedinto categories characterized by a relatively high probability of acceptance (0.15), an averageprobability of acceptance (0.10), and a low probability of acceptance (0.02). Analysis of Figures5-8 shows that there will be slightly more variability in the system outcomes relative to thatobserved under the previous, equal probability, scenario. Certainly other scenarios could beconstructed where less variability would be observed. Figure 5Figure 5 indicates the department is most likely to
curriculum revisions, historically lecture and theorybased courses, have been dramatically upgraded to reflect the concepts and skill sets needby today’s graduates.OutcomesUniversity administrators routinely visit the project based problem solving learningenvironment with distinguished guests to highlight the innovative learning approach. Thefacility has also assisted in topic development for faculty grant writing. All of thecourses that utilize the facility are full and students genuinely look forward to each class.In fact, students become so enthralled in the problem solving process they loose track oftime. Local industries frequently suggest the senior capstone projects as a manner to helpthem solve some of their prototyping issues. An additional
placing a pieceof reflective tape on the orbiting mass (internal to the sander) and using an optical tachometer tomeasure the revolutions. Figure 5: Mounting of the Orbital Sander Vibration Source Page 24.317.5The accelerometer can be mounted in several different manners. The easiest is a simple drill andtap in the side of the wooden tier. This is sufficient for a short time, but the threads willeventually strip and a new fastening hole must be created. If a longer lasting mount is desired, itis possible to use a small nut to hold the accelerometer (Figure 6). In order to install the nut,drill a shallow hole in the side of the
overall rating of this course? 11 13 7 1 1.81 1 good23 How promptly were assignments and tests returned? 9 6 13 3 1 2.25 1 good24 Could tests be completed in the allotted time? 1 1 1 2 26 1 4.50 5 good25 Did the instructor let you know what he or she expected on tests and assignments? 21 6 3 1 1 1.44 1 good26 Did exams reflect the important aspects of the course? 2 8 21 1 4.47 5 good27 How clear were examination questions
of Texas and in the nation.The new program will provide students with the necessary expertise and skills to excel in thepower industry.One of the main challenges in organizing and structuring a Power Engineering Technologyprogram is to design and implement a curriculum that reflects the current and future needs of theindustry. To meet that objective, faculty members of Texas A&M University met withrepresentatives of several utility companies to determine what skills, knowledge, and level of Page 15.409.2expertise are required in the industry today1. Once a list of required courses was obtained,individual faculty members within the
PriceManufacturerPyranometer Separate Direct solar $7,402CM22/ power radiation,Kipp & Zone source solar insolation, sky radiation on the level surface, global- inflected and reflected
Strongly Agree.From Table 4, it can be seen that the students were not very satisfied by the support from theindustry. This was the first time a project of this nature and scale was done as a part of this class.The industry support to the students while working on the project was not made available at thelevel or frequency that was planned. This is clearly reflected in the student feedback. Thedetailed feedback from the students has provided the instructors with better ideas regarding howto engage students and industry during the course of the project. The plan is to currentlyimplement these improvement measures during the upcoming semester. The feedback indicates that working on the project and the material covered in class wasuseful to
misunderstanding and misinterpretation that is detrimental to the learning process. It is difficult for any person to unlearn old information once viewed as accurate, impacting their learning ability within that concept [12].The knowledge types of students possess often reflected in their goal orientation and motivationwithin a classroom space. Svinicki [13] talked about how students' goal orientation andmotivation influence their learning, either positive or negative. Svinicki speaks of two types ofstudents, Performance Oriented and Mastery Oriented. Performance-Oriented is focused ongrade achievement and course requirements over true content competency and understanding.These students are often less willing to take on challenges to
-reported increased learning interest and self-motivation forevery participant. The project’s objectives were articulated to the students through aseries of assigned questions related to the rotation of the designed physical model.Students had to make assumptions, complete analytical calculations, and discuss therelationship(s) between their theoretical values and experiential data.Project reports plus pre- and post- project surveys were collected from each group afterthree-weeks’ work. In the report and the surveys, students’ comments reflected theirviews about this project-based learning. The corresponding learning outcome results havebeen assessed, as well.Students at Purdue University Kokomo campus are commuters. The typical
local school in thedistance learning network. An on-line real-time monitoring system can also be used for theclosed book exams. Examination questions should reflect the course objectives.2. Weekly performance check on laboratory assignmentsMeans need to be designed so that faculty can review the activities or laboratory results thatstudents need to complete. This will require weekly performance checks on laboratoryassignments. One way to do this is to schedule one-on-one sessions between students and theinstructor. This can be done with an on-line chat, telephone conversation, or a two way videoconferencing using computer software applications that the faculty can view students workvia a webcam.3. Laboratory review test questionsReviews for
grades, reputations, history and interviews.Conversely, it is much easier for employers to accurately identify the technical skills andcapabilities of individuals who have obtained industry-supported credentials and certifications.Such certifications are frequently skills and competencies-based, while building on thegrounding in fundamental principles that underlies most technical degree programs. Thus,employers can more readily and accurately rely on specific relevant certificates - such as theCISSP certificate for information security1, and CWNA and CWNS certificates for wirelessnetworking technologies - to reflect specific levels of student skills and proficiencies. Suchcertifications are usually obtained outside of traditional university
collaborative aspect of the second wikiassignment brought students together both online and in the classroom. The studentsoften discussed their pages before and after class. Students had a third wiki assignment Page 13.1402.11where they were allowed to choose the topic for a new wiki page. They were encouragedto make links with all the other pages. These wiki pages will be used in subsequentofferings of the course.4.3 Graduate course experience in independent researchSimilar to the small-scale heat transfer course, in the graduate course on optimization andproduct development, students were given two assignments in creating wiki pages: 1. Reflection: Create
Percentage Technical Report Schedule Adherence Progress Memos Figure 8. Individual Student Performance Distribution for Project Assessment InstrumentsThis is not unexpected since the technical report includes all aspects of the project and teammembers have only developed subsystems. There is correlation between the length and detail ofthe task exposition in the technical report and team members’ involvement in designing the task.Students report the tasks they design more thoroughly than those designed by other groupmembers.Peer and self-assessment was added to the project to measure individual project contributionsand introduce reflective practices to the assessment process.10 The most
. Page 13.1269.5From Primary Causes to Root CauseThe previous section illustrated many of the operational features that characterize today’shigh-tech industry. It is a worldwide phenomenon. Although laws and governmentinfluence vary considerably, the trends are truly global. Educational responses andsolutions must therefore also be set in the context of international competitiveness 4.Following the reasoning process of Figure 1, the much-simplified trace-back sequence is:Why has the structure of industry changed so much? It reflects an evolutionary process that pays off in earnings and market growth. Specialization on core competencies allows fast technology development.Why specialize? Advanced technology requires massive
limited amount of water, meaning it can be used in minimallyequipped instructional spaces. On account of the simple apparatus, parameters such as tubinglength and the elevation of the water reservoir are easily varied. This allows students to carry outsuch valuable exercises as calibrating their analytical models to experimental results on abaseline configuration, and then investigating how well the calibrated model can predict the flowwhen the geometry is modified. The paper includes a description that will allow others to easilyreproduce the apparatus, and also reflections on the utility of the exercise as an educational tool.IntroductionDeveloping an ability to use a combination of analytical and experimental tools to solvetechnical problems
learning, project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, andchallenge-based learning.In the Control Systems course in the Electronic Systems Engineering Technology (ESET)program at Texas A& M University, students were introduced to the Maker Culture in class.Laboratories were re-structured to support students’ effort to work on course projects that theychose on their own. This had a positive impact on the motivation of the students. A Mini-MakerFaire was organized at the end of the semester where student did demo and presentation. Theproject evaluation was also changed to reflect the Maker Culture spirit: whether your designworks or not is not as important as what you learned in the process.Although the subject has been discussed by many
cyber enabled learning in the academic community build up.Two previous funded NSF projects: (1) TUES Type 2: “Dissemination of MicroprocessorCourses through Classroom and Interactive Cyber-Enabled Technologies” and (2) I-Corp L:“Transform the Innovated Design and Development of an Embedded Design Training Systemand Associated Support Curricula into a Commercial Available Product” addressed the issues ofoutdated microcontrollers (68XXX and 80XXX series) with new microcontrollers from MicrochipPIC and Arduino ATMEL. The introduction of the Texas Instruments (TI) ARM M4 series was adirect reflection of the I-Corp L project results that the academic community is still in need of anadvanced microcontroller platform to meet industry technical
from allthat is available is problematic. Similar to our counterparts in the industry, educators must selectsoftware which satisfies a number of often competing requirements. Our software acquisitionsmust compliment the curriculum, integrate with the technical capacity of the institution, andprovide sufficient challenge to students, all the while reflecting current industry standards. Weare thus presented with a shared dilemma: how do both educators and industry decide whichsoftware application(s) to acquire?Software acquisition and adaptation decisions often involve comparing alternatives of severalcriteria. However, the end users of the software systems may not necessarily be familiar with theoverall decision-making criteria. To address this
and impede its performanceinclude:• Distance between RFID reader antenna location and the passive tag• Angular orientation of passive tag with respect to RFID reader antenna• RF noise interference• RF signal reflections from ground or walls• RF signal reflection of metal surfaces to which the RFID tags attachedTag Performance Evaluation The following RFID tags were tested by the students under guidance of the advisor todetermine the most suitable tag to be used: The Alien Technology Squiggle Tag, The AlienTechnology ALN-9540-WR 2x2, the Alien Technology ALM-9554-WR Inlay, Omni-ID, andOmni-ID Max Rigid, a metal tag coated in silicon, Key Fob Tag, and Mango Key Fob tag. Threetests were performed to validate the tags’ performance
factors affect experimental results, thetensile testing experiment was expanded to incorporate thermoplastic specimens made bythree distinctly different processes. Student roles included manufacture of the specimens,measurement of necessary dimensions, conducting the tensile tests, generating stress-strain curves for each specimen, and determining the corresponding Young’s modulusand ultimate tensile strength values. Reflection on the effects of process and geometricvariation on their property results became a new report requirement. This article willpresent the complete laboratory experience, results, and initial student response to thisenhanced tensile testing experiment.Keywords: Tensile test, Tensile strength, Specimen preparation, Specimen
0.23 .465** 0.251 1* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).ConclusionsThis study’s results suggest that parents found the summer camp interesting and worthattending. In addition, participating in STEM Competition Night helped them tounderstand some innovative technologies and engineering concepts better. When parentsincrease their engineering knowledge and generate more positive behaviors and attitudestowards the engineering topics and concepts, this will reflect on their children. Becauseparents have a powerful impact on their children’s future career choices [1], helping theparents’ improve their engineering knowledge, behavior, and attitude
. Results indicate a very strong interest in the adoptionof vLabs, as reflected by the attendance to the workshops (an aggregate of over 100 instructorsfrom more than 70 institutions, 25 states). Future work includes expanding the number of vLabs,increasing the number of internship opportunities, disseminating vLabs, and numericallyquantifying the impact of the enhanced cybersecurity model.Acknowledgement and DisclaimerSupport for this project has been received from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant1822567. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.References1. N. Klingbeil, K. Rattan, M. Raymer, D. Reynolds, R. Mercer
AASHTO design criteria and to produce professional drawings. Students who utilized Civil 3D in design agree that they are the designers and that the software is only a tool to aid in the design process. Students also understand that the feasibility and quality of their designs reflect the ability and experience of the designer and not necessarily the software. A neat computer output does not necessarily mean a good design. In other words, the designer takes the credit or the blame for the quality of design.While additional comments were allowed, few were received. Of those documented, severalseemed to indicate both GPS and Civil 3D were productive and useful tools. o “Several jobs I have applied for called me
scenarios with low mobility. For stationary scenarios the positions of the transmitter andthe receiver are fixed and students can experiment with power attenuation measurements in orderto validate the appropriate wireless channel model. The experiment involves the following mainsteps, which allow the students to learn about the multipath propagation associated with wirelesschannels. With transmitter and receiver at close distance, the line of sight (LOS) path between transmitter and receiver corresponds to the dominant and the range equation is applicable for propagation modeling. Placing the transmitter and receiver further apart in an average size lab room, propagation modeling should include also reflections
approach mimics industry/job environment where students will have limitedtime to solve problems but still more than just one hour typically allowed in academia. Inaddition, additional stress induced by the presence of instructor is eliminated and reflects workenvironment in industry, as one would expect in most cases that supervisors would not bemonitoring employees as they solve problems. Although there may be occasions where studentswould have to solve problems quickly, one would not expect that to be applicable to cases whichwould require lengthy calculations which would be common for design problems involvingsystems dynamics.The students are asked to sign University Honors Code at the beginning of the semester. If thestudents do not sign the