and cracks a low power (2mW) Helium-Neon(HeNe) laser source has been used. Due to relatively high wavelength of the red photons irradiated from the HeNelaser source, the incident laser beam possesses a very high level of reflectivity and negligible penetration.The experiments listed in this paper explore unique optical methods using a line laser. The advantage for using thistype of laser is that it generates low energy red photons having about two to three electron-volt energy andpossessing perfect reflectivity. The low energy photons have negligible low penetration. The paper explains amethodology for non-contact measurement of radius of curvature on the finished surface of manufactured parts. Inaddition, a hybrid approach consisting of
efficiencies in pursuing the differingaccreditation requirements. The purpose of this paper is to share how the use of sharedlearning outcomes and technology created some advantages for the accreditation process.Also discussed are the challenges and disadvantages of pursuing multiple accreditationprocesses.Purpose of the PaperThe purpose of this paper is to share the experiences of the faculty as they evolved amore efficient way of collecting quality information, reflecting on it and subsequentlydocumenting it in the various self-studies and other evaluative systems required bythe various accreditation bodies. Additionally, the authors desire to: • Highlight the key lessons learned • Advance suggestions for others who seek accreditation
answer of item 3 relate to the cutoff frequency of the low pass filter? Page 25.56.8Experiment 6: Basic Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)Concepts: Impedance matching and mismatching, line loss, reflected wave, cable’s propagationvelocity, matching load, line discontinuities, transmission line characteristic impedance, loadimpedance, reflection coefficient.Objectives: Students become familiar with the use of TDR as a standard procedure in detectingfaults in transmission lines. This technique is especially useful in cases where it is difficult toinspect the transmission line visually such as buried cables. One was the goals of this
completed the year he retired in 1977.OIT’s subsequent history reflects the initial path Purvine established. It continued to focus onhands-on technical education, working closely with industry through regular meetings withadvisory councils. OIT hires primarily faculty with industry experience, and continues Purvine’stradition of stressing education in communications and other non-technical subjects. It alsomaintains close ties with the ASEE and ECPD. For example, faculty at OIT led the effort to editand publish the volume of ASEE Engineering Technology history in 1995. Today, the institutionis recognizably a manifestation of Purvine’s desire to provide for “The Forgotten Generation.”Due to his contributions, Purvine was recognized as one of the
light what is oftenthe primary goal of any educational program, whereas the ultimate goal is to prepare students foremployment by providing problem solving experiences similar to what they will experience intheir careers. So, in many cases the most practical method of achieving this goal is to provide ashort term simulation of the industrial environment where the student can be observed and givenadvice how to proceed by an expert in the field when necessary.This method closely follows the circular experiential learning model first proposed by Lewinthen later refined by Kolb3,4. In this cycle, student learning is a dynamic that flows throughconcrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experience. Inthis
challenges and opportunities … is to figure out and invent ways toinclude reflection and critical thinking in the learning (either built into the instruction or througha process of instructor-led debriefing) [9].”Knowing that reflection and critical thinking are essential for learning, online instruction mustinclude a means for teaching the students how to reflect on the educational process and learnfrom the experience. This concept is difficult in an online course, and online instructors mustincorporate opportunities for students to consider the ways they solved problems, not simplyfinding solutions, submitting the answers via an online format and moving on to the nextquestion or chapter.One challenge with online courses is the lack of interaction
. All diagrams and figures are first person. Procedure lacks past tense or in first person. clear and labeled correctly. Procedure is many necessary steps. Figures Procedure is lacking some written as a first person narrative in the or diagrams are missing. necessary steps. Some past tense. figures may be improperly labeled. 0 1 2 3 DATA Missing Equipment list is missing Data recorded has a small Data accurately reflects
, and ‘reasonable’ explanations for howand why things work, over many years of experience. It should be expected that they wouldnaturally ‘resist’ any contradiction or ‘discrepancy’ when presented correct but conflictinginformation. Page 25.734.3In his review, Zacharia2 points to previous research that concluded that fostering conceptualchange requires challenging students with ‘discrepant events’ to contradict their conceptionsprovoking a cognitive conflict that causes reflection and resolution. These discrepant events andsignificant experience can be provided both through the use of laboratory inquiry-basedexperimentation and through the
seeking to collaborate, and hinders studentrecruitment. To improve cohesiveness and shared understandings, 30 industry representatives and educatorsgathered for a two-day retreat in April, 2011, to explore the future of this branch of engineeringtechnology that supports medical equipment involved in patient care. The main goal of themeeting was to identify a discipline name that could be easily understood by members of thepublic, in contrast to the current widely-varying titles. The group members determined that aunifying name for the discipline should be healthcare technology management. This title doesnot reflect the possible job-level names that may be identified or adapted in the future.This paper explores opportunities presented as the field
and meanings); visual learners (prefer visual representations of vs. verbal learners (prefer written and presented material--pictures, diagrams, flow spoken explanations); charts) inductive learners (prefer presentations that vs. deductive learners (prefer proceed from the specific to the general) presentations that go from the general to the specific); active learners (learn by trying things out, vs. reflective learners (learn by thinking working with others) things through, working alone); global learners (holistic, systems thinkers, learn vs. sequential learners (linear, orderly, in large
array. The following factors are affected on the performance of a solar cell4: Sunlight and the angle that the sunrays hit the PV cell. Climate conditions such as clouds, fog, dust. The atmospheric layer's absorption and reflection. Temperature of the surroundings. Fig 2. Solar panel configurationsThe equivalent circuit of PV cells can be modeled as a current source in parallel with a diodeand series and shunt resistances4,5 as shown in Fig. 3. The output current I is obtained from: q ( V Rs I ) V Rs I I I l I 0 e nkT 1 (1) R SH
, nor is it to define thediscipline of technology. The intent is to understand and critically reflect on the meaning ofthese two concepts and draw associations between them in an evolving effort to define anddevelop the 21st Century Technologist. It is only through a comprehensive understanding ofthese related concepts that we can draw parallels and capitalize on existing bodies of knowledge.As discussed by Bertoline6, technology is a pervasive feature of our contemporary culture but itis more than that; it is a defining feature of the human condition. Page 25.217.3We know a great deal about technologies in an individual sense, but much less
. Page 25.1377.6 Figure 2. Industry Sponsored ProjectsMicroprocessor / Microcontroller usage:Use of microprocessor or microcontroller has penetrated all fields especially the embeddeddomain. As majority of capstone project falls into the embedded category, such penetration isobvious and is reflected in Figure 3. Figure 3. Percentage of Projects using MP/MCWith gradual increase from 2005, the usage level has reached 100% in recent years. This is Page 25.1377.7healthy as use of microprocessor provides flexibility to the system by adjusting / modifying thecode to suit the changing requirements
Strongly Agree.From Table 4, it can be seen that the students were not very satisfied by the support from theindustry. This was the first time a project of this nature and scale was done as a part of this class.The industry support to the students while working on the project was not made available at thelevel or frequency that was planned. This is clearly reflected in the student feedback. Thedetailed feedback from the students has provided the instructors with better ideas regarding howto engage students and industry during the course of the project. The plan is to currentlyimplement these improvement measures during the upcoming semester. The feedback indicates that working on the project and the material covered in class wasuseful to
% members the highest possible score. I wanted my evaluation to reflect the 2 38 68% relative contributions of all members. I wanted to provide feedback that 3 would help my 3 5% peers become better team members. I wanted to punish and/or reward a small number of 4 3 5% specific individuals within my group. I just wanted to be done as 5 0 0
contact (tapping mode) to avoid damage to the samples.Video data requires significantly more storage density and in order to accommodate the data, the pit Page 25.1465.8and land sizes must be shrunk to smaller values. The spacing between tracks, width of tracks, theirdepth and reflectance vary according to the type of disc. Measuring the physical characteristicsof the disc can help calculate the storage capacity of the disc. The smallest features of the DVDs arepits about 400 nm long, 320 nm wide, 120 nm deep, with a track pitch of 740 nm. BluRay DVDplayers provide high definition video for HDTV, requiring more data density. On Blu-ray the
, PLCinput and output devices, and PLC communications to third year students. The power portion of the labs utilize small components (such as motors, relays, Page 25.526.4transformers, etc.) that students assemble based on instructor provided schematics. The eightpower labs explicitly detail the design and testing procedures as well as the reflection that shouldoccur. These labs are all hands-on and require physical interaction with the components. The course provides both instructor developed labs and commercially available labs. Theinstructor developed labs use physical, hands-on equipment and the commercial labs usesimulator software
disadvantage is the lack of incentives for maximizing effort and apotential delay time of up to two years between discovering weaknesses and potentialremediation.IEEE-SME Electronics Assessment ExamThe IEEE-SME Electronics Assessment Exam is a collection of approximately 120 multiplechoice questions spanning a range of topics considered to be common to most baccalaureateElectronics Engineering Technology programs6. The assessment exam questions seem to becrafted to cover a broad range of capabilities. EET programs across the country were polled as tosubject matter and a body of knowledge committee created a set of questions reflective of thetopics gathered. Yet another committee vetted the questions and their answers to formulate theexam. Students
that can be compensated with embedded systems using intensive softwareprotocols. Both hardware and software provide options in designing security choices toovercome the concerns. The merging of these systems is the major focus in newly developedindustrial products. The reflection of the current developments in technology, with regard tocomputer/electronic technology curricula and project implementations, are crucial to the successof the program and the enrolled students. Engineering technology focuses on both “hands-on andminds-on” design work and the practice is to integrate existing technology products into realworld applications. Through the implementation of this project, students have been provided theopportunities to learn about current
course development process. Additionally, TADL instructors will beavailable for synchronous online office hours for 3 hours each week. Participantswill relate their progress and receive feedback regarding each milestone in TADLthrough online discussion.SPSU’s distance learning efforts and student enrollment have expanded at a rateof 33% each year from 2007 to 2010. Distance courses are 17% of the credithours at SPSU. This reflects a phenomenal growth rate that does not include thetremendous expansion of hybrid course offerings throughout the same period. Wecurrently offer 28 certificates and degrees online. Future plans includedevelopment of at least 4 new online programs in the next two years.SPSU has faculty that do an excellent job in
) were having difficulty finding computer science graduates with skills appropriate for the industry. In particular, graduates of local public and private universities were too focused on writing code or revising code, rather than on solving problems..This opinion was summarized in the following statement: “They don't know how to really analyze problems and turn them into solutions” The board recommended revising our Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) to reemphasize critical thinking skills and to include the ability for “researching” (i.e., analyzing and designing solutions for) problems in specific computer science disciplines. The board’s recommendations and guidance, now reflected in all seven of
: Page 25.795.7 “That you can set up multiple layouts and virtually implement them in minutes to see if they work. Also, the 3D options through Google warehouse.” “Easy to add items, easy to replace stock images with more relevant images, easy to change run cycle times.” “Ability to change objects quickly.” “How you can make it look like a real facility.” “3D, random time calculations, symbols to reflect objects.” “Easy to learn, quick to do, helps you visualize.” “I could see using the software to make an accurate plant layout.” “It was easier to see the Queueing Theory happening.” “The ability to show results in multiple forms.” “Watching the entities run through the model
fundamentaldifferences (1) learning is active rather than passive [5], (2) learning is process-oriented rather thancontent-oriented, (3) failure is important part [6], (4) feedback is necessary [7], (5) understanding is Page 25.5.2deeper [8]. Discovery learning allows for deeper understanding by encouraging naturalinvestigation through active process-oriented methods of teaching [9].There are five main architectures, categorizing discovery learning [6]: (1) case-based learning, (2)incidental learning, (3) learning by exploring, (4) learning by reflection, (5) simulation-basedlearning. In case-based learning students examine cases and discuss how to solve
energy crisis has encouraged a revolution inenergy use and conservation. The paradigm shift from fossil fuels to “green” energy has alsobegun to have a major impact on college science and engineering curricula. While the nationbattles to loosen the grip of fossil fuels on the economic infrastructure, institutes of highereducation struggle to attract, retrain, and graduate innovative young minds for future careers inan increasingly demanding and complex energy industry.The difficulty in preparing a sufficient number of quality scientists and engineers reflects a long-standing national trend. The number of students obtaining post-secondary engineering orengineering technology degree continues to stagnate while overall graduation rates are on
curricular changes suggested above,especially those that reinforce connection of engineering study to contextual real-world solutionsthat help people and society, have been shown to increase student retention and diversity. Thismessage should be infused into the first-year engineering technology courses to ensure higherretention of underrepresented groups. Service-based projects requiring innovative solutionsshould be made available for students ranging from the first-year to the senior-year.SummaryThese recommendations reflect findings of previous reports, such as the two NSF 5XME8workshops, and the Carnegie Foundation’s reports (e.g., Sheppard et al.6). Some of theserecommendations are not new, with some implemented and integrated into curricula
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not reflect the views of DHS.Bibliography:1. Patrick S. Roberts, “What Katrina Means for Emergency Management”, The Forum, Volume 3, Issue 3, Article 2, 2005.2. Jeremy I. Levitt and Matthew C. Whitaker, Hurricane Katrina: America's Unnatural Disaster, University of Nebraska Press, 2009.3. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Fundamentals of Emergency Management, Emergency Management Institute, Independent Study 230 (a), 2010.4. George D. Haddow, Jane A. Bullock, and Damon P. Coppola, Introduction to Emergency Management, Elsevier Science, 2010.5. Emergency Management Institute, Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams, Department of
compiled for eachsemester. The data were obtained from internal administrative reports and show how manystudents were currently registered; the reports include students at all academic levels (not justfreshman) and ignore students no longer attending CMICH or who had been an SET major butlater switched elsewhere. Thus, changes in the number from time to time reflect studentsgraduating (-), stopping attendance at CMICH (-), transferring into CMICH (+), and newlysigning their majors (+).Surveys were also given in EGR120 from semesters 0809F to 1011S. In each semester, Initialsurveys were given at the beginning of the course that asked students to rank their top threeintended majors (“1” for top choice, “2” for second, “3” for third). In 0809F and
asynchronous online version was later developed in the semester and available to students inearly October 2010. Participants were prohibited from enrolling in Spring 2011 classes until theycompleted both steps of the workshop process.The workshop focused on challenges to student academic success. Students were able to definetheir personal goals and the resources that were most appropriate to help them overcome theirchallenges. Completion of an academic self-assessment grid was used to guide students throughthe self-identification of challenges to their academic success. A copy was given to the studentand the other was returned to the advisor to review prior to the follow-up appointment. Studentsthen participated in an academic reflective activity
electronic productand systems were identified and retained. These include basic analog and digitalcircuits/electronics, embedded hardware/software design, wired and wireless communications,instrumentation, and control systems. Second, the content and objectives of these courses weremodified to reflect a strong system design and integration perspective. As part of this, mostcourses have become project-based, requiring teams of students to work on open-ended, industrydesigned projects. Finally, courses have been added to the curriculum in areas that supportproduct development such as testing, quality assurance, engineering statistics, andproduct/system development processes. Once the new curriculum was designed, it was vetted with an industrial
, studentschose to undertake a deeper analysis of lead time variability thereby demonstrated how areduction in supplier lead time variability can improve the bottom lines of ABC Medical. Exhibit6 graphically describes the negative correlation between the lead time variability and theadditional revenue for the company. In other words, the reduction of lead time variability willreduce the need for safety stock thereby reducing the overall cost of inventory. This savings willeventually be reflected in the company earnings before profit, taxes & deductions (EBTDA), andreturns on net assets as shown in Exhibit 6. Page 25.751.10 Exhibit 6: Impact of reduction in lead time on the profitability