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disciplines through hands onprojects.24 Among the students who participated in the pre-survey, 32% were female. Students atInstitution B do not declare majors within engineering until the sophomore year. However whenasked to identify their intended engineering majors on the pre and post survey the majority wereconsidering chemical (37/33%), mechanical (16/18%), and bioengineering (11/17%), with someinterest in civil, computer, electrical, and industrial engineering.Table 2. Course Characteristics Class Rank Major(s) Enrollment+ Description A1 1st Year Civ/Arch E 87 / 78 Required 2-cr intro; 2-week sust. module A2 1st Year Environ E 64 / 63 Required 1-cr intro; 1 week sust
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persistence.Journal of Engineering Education. 2005; 94(4); 419-425.2. Besterfield-Sacre M, Atman C, Shuman L. Characteristics of freshman engineering students: models fordetermining student attrition in engineering. Journal of Engineering Education. 1997; 86; 139-149.3. Chemers M, Hu L, Garcia B. Academic self-efficacy and first-year college student performance and adjustment.Journal of Educational Psychology. 2001; 93(1); 55-64.4. Huang S, Fang N. Prediction of student academic performance in an engineering dynamics course: developmentand validation of multivariate regression models. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2010; 26(4);1008-1017.5. Huang S, Fang N. Predicting student academic performance in an engineering dynamics course: a
just an American problem, it is a global problem as well. According tothe United Nations World Urbanization Prospects report, urban population grew from 30% of theworld population to 54% in 2014 and is expected to be 66% by 2050.[4]Since the 1990’s, scientists have traced global warming and climate change to the Green HouseGases (GHG) emitted by the fossil fuels burned in the transportation sector. The UStransportation sector, which is the movement of people and goods by cars, trucks, trains, ships,airplanes, and other vehicles, emitted 1,802 million metric tons of CO2 according to theEnvironmental Protection Agency; this is 27% of all GHG emissions in 2013.[5]Thus from an environmental perspective, pollution due to the burning of fossil fuels
include SKC Cascade Impactors for particulatematter, TSI Inc.’s P-Trak Ultrafine Particle Counter, Sabio Instruments Inc.’s Photometer forozone, RAE Systems QRAE II Personal Air Monitor for carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, andother combustible gases, Extech Sound Level Meters for noise levels, and Test Light Meters forlight intensity. For parameters that could not be analyzed on campus such as radon and dieselparticulate matter (DPM), sampling cartridges were mailed to commercial analytical laboratoriessuggested by the vendors.In another project offered every year in the course since 2000, mathematical models and airsampling instruments were used to determine the ventilation and air exchange rates in chosenclassrooms, laboratories, and offices
). "Globalization: Threats or Opportunity." 12 April 2000: IMFPublications.[2] James J. Duderstadt “Engineering for a Changing World – A Roadmap to the Future of Engineering Practice,Research, and Education” The Millennium Project (2008)[3] S. Chinnammai “Effects of Globalisation on Education and Culture” ICDE International Conference(November 2005)[4] Bridges, G. "Grounding Globalization: The Prospects and Perils of Linking Economic Processes ofGlobalization to Environmental Outcomes". Economic Geography (2002)[5] Vivien Stewart “A World-Class Education: Learning from International Models Of Excellence And Innovation”ASCD Premium Member book (February 2012)[6] Burbules, N. C. and Torres, C. A. “Globalization and Education: Critical Perspectives” (2000)[7
, 2016.10. Kriebel, D., Tickner, J., Epstein, P., Lemons, J., Levins, R., Loechler, E.L., Quinn, M., Rudel, R., Schettler, T. and Stoto, Michael. 2001. The Precautionary Principle in Environmental Science. Environmental health Perspectives. 109(9): 871-876.11. Lucena, J., Schneider, J., Leydens, J. 2010. Engineering and Sustainable Community Development. Morgan & Claypool Publishers.12. Pratt, C.C. 2000. Measuring Program Outcomes: Using Retrospective Pretest Methodology. American Journal of Evaluation, 21: 341-349.13. Rockwell, S. and Kohn, H. Summer 1989. Post-Then-Pre Evaluation. Journal of Extension, 27(2).14. Davis, G. 2003. Using Retrospective Pre-post Questionnaire to Determine Program Impact. Journal of Extension, 41(4
1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 Year First AccreditedFigure 1. Growth in Number of ABET EAC-accredited EnvE programs in the U.S.The Environmental Engineering Body of Knowledge (BOK) outlined aspirational content forbachelor’s degree programs in environmental engineering. It acknowledged the historical rootsof the environmental engineering discipline, stating “in the1980’s and 1990’s, environmentalengineering evolved into a stand-alone engineering discipline…engineers came to view thisdiscipline as separate from, albeit related to, allied engineering disciplines such as civil andchemical engineering.”9 (p. 7). The BOK also recognized that a balance of technical and
, another hollow fiber membrane by Sawyer,and iodine tablets. Each method is described below. Five of the purification methods were eitherpurchased from Amazon.com, but could be purchased from a backpacking or camping supplystore. The remaining two methods were assembled using common laboratory supplies such ashot plates and glass beakers and an empty plastic liter bottle.Table 1. Summary of Implemented Water Treatment Methods Purification Purification Source or Materials Cost Method Mechanism(s) SODIS UV disinfection and Clear 2-liter emptied Negligible thermal heating and cleaned soda
uncertainty to a relevant environmental engineering scenario.AssessmentBoth indirect assessment (an indicator of perception of outcome attainment) and directassessment (an embedded indicator of performance in outcome attainment) are used to assesscourse outcomes in our program. Because both types of data are important, all outcomes areevaluated using an overall assessment score, which is based on indirect data from surveys (Likertscale) and performance based (embedded) indicators. The indirect score is based on a scaledassessment (1-5 Likert scale) from student surveys using the web-based end of course feedbacksystem and the instructor’s assessment. The students and instructor(s) review each courseoutcome and determine to what degree cadets can