. Kamat received her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Arizona, Tucson and MS in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana - Champaign . She also has a BE in Construction Engineering from University of Mumbai and Diploma in Civil Engineering from Government Polytechnic, Mumbai. Prof. Kamat’s research is in the areas of reinforced and prestressed concrete, concrete blocks and engineering education.Kamren S. Donovan c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Design and Building of a Load Frame for Buckling TestAbstractMembers, such as columns, which are by their nature subjected to compressive load, mightexperience deflection perpendicular to axial
#12 and #15 seemed touse multiple browsers while accessing the OWLS. Student #12 opened live graph in one browserand LEWAS intro in another, while student #15, first opened two browsers, then opened fourbrowsers, which can be detected by the alternating colors in the graph. Fourth, most of the usersclosed their browser/s after completing the task, but students #7 and #8 kept their browsers openeven after their class. Moreover, student #7 seemed to go back and forth for using the OWLSbrowser between 3.30 and 3.40 pm. Fifth, there seems to be a frequent activity trend in whichstudents were accessing the system for the OWLS-based task. Students were mostly navigatingfrom the home page (grey color) to the watershed summary (dull green), to the
issues for thecontrol valve outputs, but we would recommend using shielded wires on these measurements.This paper gives details of construction and operation for a new lab apparatus that is suitable forundergraduate experiments in fluid mechanics, process control, and secure operation ofcyberphysical systems. Hopefully, other instructors will be able to benefit from our experienceusing this equipment.References[1] A. Teixeira, K. C. Sou, H. Sandberg and K. H. Johansson, "Secure control systems: A quantitative risk- management approach," IEEE Control Systems, vol. 35, pp. 24-45, 2015.[2] H. Sandberg, S. Amin and K. H. Johansson, "Cyberphysical security in networked control systems: an introduction to the special issue," IEEE Control Systems
learning of classroom concepts. This study did not control the tutorial instructionthat students received, so different tutorial instructors could have affected the exchange ofknowledge between the classroom and laboratory. However, the techniques used in this studycould be used to prompt reflection on in-class concepts that appear in a lab. This could be a greatopportunity to improve student learning.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the Claremont Center for Teaching and Learning.REFERENCES[1] L. B. Buck, S. L. Bretz, and M. H. Towns, “Characterizing the Level of Inquiry in the Undergraduate Laboratory,” Res. Teach., p. 7.[2] A. M. Schoffstall and B. A. Gaddis, “Incorporating Guided-Inquiry Learning into the Organic Chemistry
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experiment(s) were clear to 2 5 2.67 1.11 1.22 me at all time. 29 I have had many difficulties with the server and 1 4 2.5 0.96 0.92 technical re- VISIR. strictions 30 The response time of the system was adequate. 3 5 4 0.82 0.67 31 I found it difficult to find time to carry out the ex- 1 4 2.67 1.11 1.22 periments allocated. 32 VISIR worked without any problems. 3 4 3.5 0.5 0.25In addition to the closed questions presented in Table 1, the students were asked to
January 8, 2019]4 Google. G-Suite [Online]. Available from: https://gsuite.google.com/ [Accessed January 8,2019]5 Papert, S. & Harel, I. (1991). “Situating Constructionism.” Constructionism, 36, 1-11.6 Szymula, K.P.; Magaraci, M. S.; Patterson, M.; Clark, A.; Mannickarottu, S. G.; Chow, B. Y.,An Open-Source Plate Reader. ACS Biochemistry 2018; DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00952.7 Space.nss.org, “Enterprise In Space Program Announces Winners for Its Print The FutureCompetition to 3D Print on International Space Station” [Online]https://space.nss.org/enterprise-in-space-program-announces-winners-for-its-print-the-future-competition-to-3d-print-on-international-space-station/ [Accessed January 8, 2019]8 Group K Diagonostics, [Online] https
under Grant No.EEC 1623105. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References[1] J. P. Lampi and T. Reynolds, "Connecting Practice & Research: From Tacit to Explicit Disciplinary Writing Instruction," Journal of Developmental Education, vol. 41, pp. 26- 28, 2018.[2] D. E. Gragson, J. P. Hagen, L. Diener, C. J. Nichols, L. F. Hanne, A. G. King, et al., "Developing technical writing skills in the physical chemistry laboratory: A progressive approach employing peer review," Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 87, pp. 62-65, 2010.[3] S. D. Loveland and S. D
, how they resolved and finally a demonstration of their prototype in front of their peers for 6-7 minutes. For each lab (11 of them), every student uploaded a LAB report to summarize what they had learned on a corresponding day and how theory and experiments complemented each other. Total number of students assessed (Ns): 21 during Spring 2018Outcome 1 Average (Ms): Standard deviation (s): Mid-Term 1: 65.3% Mid-Term 1: 4.24 Mid-Term 2: 63.15% Mid-Term 2: 3.76 Final Exam: 61.6% Final Exam
features of various measurement tools. This work aims to get beginning students intheir first semester of college classes an introduction to many of these measurement tools as wellas to the critical thinking required to utilize these tools in a manufacturing environment. Thesetopics and skills are likely covered in engineering technology programs but not in traditionalengineering programs.References [1] S. Stahley, S. Bhatty, C. Kincaid, D. Fant, J. Fuehne, and M. Bridgeman, “Advanced Center for Manufacturing Excellence Learning Lab,” Proceedings of the NCSL International Workshop and Symposium, Sacramento, CA, 2012. [2] J. Fuehne, Laboratory Activities for a Dimensional Metrology Class, Measure: The Journal of Measurement Science
devoted tohelp them develop their reports including instruction on a report template and three focused writ-ing workshops. This was followed by a draft submittal and two-stage blind peer review process.For the initial peer review, reviewers were guided by tasks that required they locate and restatekey ideas from the paper prior to identifying specific weaknesses. For example, reviewers wererequired to underline the technical objective, circle the control variable(s), and box the response(s).For the second draft, the paper author assessed which of their main points were not successfullycommunicated, made corrections, and provided a rebuttal statement. The reviewers then assessedthe resubmission, rated the papers, and provided minor suggestions for
-voltage DC motor[8] and is assumed to be a fan in a compartment. When the LED is ONin the previous temperature comparison module, a positive biased voltage is provided betweenthe base pin and the emitter pin of the transistor. Then the collector pin to the emitter pin iscontinuous and the motor is ON.Fig. 2 is the integrated electronic circuit built by the students on a breadboard based on theelectronic diagram in Fig. 1. It was further tested to demonstrate whether it can activate ordeactivate the motor in response to temperature change. Figure 2. Integrated electronic circuit built on a breadboard based on Fig.1.Fig. 3 illustrates the testing procedure of the integrated electronic circuit in Fig. 2. At time = 1 s,the integrated
benefit of labs for reinforcing physics content,” Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1–12, 2017.[7] C. Wieman and N. G. Holmes, “Measuring the impact of an instructional laboratory on the learning of introductory physics,” Am. J. Phys., 2015.[8] M. Pedaste et al., “Phases of inquiry-based learning: Definitions and the inquiry cycle,” Educational Research Review. 2015.[9] T. A. Litzinger et al., “Engineering education and the development of expertise,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 100, no. 1, pp. 123–150, 2011.[10] S. E. Brownell, M. J. Kloser, T. Fukami, and R. Shavelson, “Journal Article Undergraduate Biology Lab Courses: Comparing the Impact of Traditionally Based ‘Cookbook’ and Authentic Research
seek to evaluate integrative thinking, we choose to avoid the style ofpoint-allocation rubrics, as point awards necessarily skew towards simple report features thatmay fail to reflect the students’ understanding of their work.To reflect our emphasis on higher-level thinking we have chosen to develop mastery-orientedrubrics, where report sections are evaluated on a continuum from Novice to Mastery (or 1 to 5).This enables us to rank reports according to the students’ ability to define critical points for eachsection of a report. Our generic rubric for a laboratory report is shown in Table 1. Table 1. Default rubric for assessing student understanding in laboratory reports Headed Section Important Statement(s
of the table ordesktop so that the point on the beam where the load will be applied is over the edge of the tableor desktop to allow the weight to hang freely below (see Fig. 4). The weights are attached to thebeam using a simple metal “S” hook whose pointed end rests on the top of the beam at the loadpoint while the kilogram weight is attached to the lower part of the hook hanging below theapparatus.Other configurations. The beam bending apparatus can be used in other testing situations. Forexample, beams with thin-walled C-shaped cross sections will develop large twist angles if theloads are not applied precisely at the shear center. Figure 5a shows such a beam (CNC machinedfrom an aluminum plate) with a crossbar attached at its tip (right
ASTMstandards for tensile properties of plastics. The model number of extensometer used in the test is634.12E-54.Before the tensile tests, the width and thickness of the center section of each of the specimens aremeasured then entered into the testing program. The tensile specimen is loaded into the testingmachine by attaching the clamps to both ends and the distance between the clamps is measuredand entered into the program. The tensile strain rate applied is 0.2 in/min (0.0847 mm/s). Theprogram records tensile load and elongation, which can be converted to stress – strain curves.Results and discussionThe fractured tensile samples are shown in Figure 1. In general, the samples show brittle fracturedue to relatively small deformation. In order to
: Integrated Approach to Designing College Course,” Texas Christian University PR, 2018. 2. Einde, L., Deng W., Wilson P., Elgamal A, Hubbard P, “NEESit MacBook Accelerometer and Video Sensor Platform for Education and Research,” 38th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, NY, 2008. 3. Dusicka, P., Berman J.W., and Purasinghe R., “Steel Frame Lateral System Concept Utilizing Replaceable Links,” Proceedings of the 2009 NZSEE Annual Technical Conference, New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering, Christchurch, NZ, 2009 4. Singh, A., Ferry, D., Mills, S., “ Improving Biomedical Engineering Education Through Continuity in Adaptive, Experimental, and Interdisciplinary Learning Environments
unit(s) along with difficulty finding suitable storagelocations. In this paper, a refrigeration lab is proposed that costs less than $300, and yet may be amore useful activity for students than expensive and bulky training systems. The structure of thepaper is as follows. First, basic vapor compression cycles are reviewed, followed by a descriptionof the lab equipment and exercise. Next, sample results are provided, and finally, potentialmappings of this lab experiment to ABET student outcomes are given.Vapor Compression System AnalysisPrior to the lab exercise, it is highly recommended that students have learned the ideal and actualvapor compression system cycles. This is standard material in any undergraduate thermodynamicstextbook, e.g
Mapped I/O. Laboratory #6: The purpose is to introduce an assembly program that can do a simple task using an ARM Cortex M4F board. Laboratory #7: The purpose is to introduce an assembly program to perform simple S/W button tasks. Laboratory #8: The purpose is to introduce an assembly program to control a bar LED and S/W buttons. Laboratory #9: The purpose is to introduce simple parallel communication between the FPGA board and TM4C123G Launchpad. Laboratory (Extra): The purpose is to write an assembly program and FPGA implementation that can generate a hamming code. Term project: This term project is an extended lab of two weeks. For the term project, students will create a
respect to labs’ lifecycle for future planning. Thiswork could be further extended to include the time analysis of all the activities related to a lablifecycle. An example could include evaluation of all labs for a single course or even an entire labenvironment for an educational technology-intensive program.Bibliography[1] D. A. Kolb, Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1984.[2] J. N. Harb, S. O. Durrant, and R. E. Terry, “Use of the Kolb Learning Cycle and the 4MAT System in Engineering Education,” Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 82, April 1993, pp. 70-77.[3] J. N. Harb, R. E. Terry, P. K. Hurt, and K. J. Williamson, Teaching Through The Cycle
evaluated in terms of scattering parametersor S-parameters, with S21 giving the transmitted power wave and S11 giving the reflected powerwave both in terms of frequency.Setting up the filter design in Sonnet Lite involves defining power and ground planes, materials,transmission line geometries, and frequency sweep range. An example filter layout in SonnetLite is shown in Fig. 7 and example plots of simulated results for S11 and S21 are shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 7: Distributed-element filter layout in Sonnet Lite. Fig. 8: Distributed-element filter simulation results in Sonnet Lite.Autodesk EAGLE PCB LayoutAutodesk EAGLE is a free PCB design and layout package that is also capable of exportingGerber files used for PCB
greatly appreciate the support of NSF (DUE #1505066).7. Reference[1] N. S. Thompson and E. M. Alford, "Developing a Writing Program in Engineering: TeachingWriting to Teach Engineering Literacies," in 48th Annual Meeting of the Conference on CollegeComposition and Communication, Phoenix, AZ, 1997.[2] J. Parkinson, "The Student Laboratory Report Genre: A Genre Analysis," English for SpecificPurposes, vol. 45, pp. 1-13, 2017.[3] K. Walker, "Using Genre Theory to Teach Students Engineering Lab Report Writing: ACollaborative Approach," IEEE Transaction on Professional Communication, vol. 42, no. 1, pp.12-19, 1999.[4] D. N. Perskins and G. Salomon, "Transfer of Learning," International Encyclopedia ofEducation, vol. 2, pp. 6452-6457, 1992.[5] B
-Based Electromagnetic Fields Course” in Proceedings of the Mid-Atlantic Section Fall Conference, Penn State University - Berks Campus - Reading, PA, October, 2017.[4] M. Mitchell, D. Blandford and K. M. Chandler, “Student Projects for an Electromagnetics Course” in Proceedings of the 123rd Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, June, 2016.[5] S. Wentworth, Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with Engineering Applications. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2005.[6] M. Iskander, Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, 2/e. Longrove, IL: Waveland Press, 2013.[7] B. Notaros, Electromagnetics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2011.[8] B. David, and J. Marshall, “Resolving Epistemological Tension in Project-Based Introductory
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closest match available in the market; anexplanation is provided about why the proposed design is cost-effective. Results from selectedapplications using the dynamometer have been presented. Potential other applications for thedynamometer have been proposed. It is hoped that this paper will help other engineering educatorsbuild their own dynamometer using the designs described in this paper.Acknowledgements:The authors would like to thank Denso Foundation for their support for senior design projects at Trineduring 2015-2017. The dynamometer discussed here was built using funding from Denso Foundation.References:[1]. Harding, G. L., & Prygoski, M., & Burns, J., & Carmichael, B. J., & Engstrom, M. S. (2018, June), APortable Engine
) 93 318-321.8. E Sharpe and S Andreescu, “Integration of nanoparticle-based paper sensors into the classroom: An example of application of rapid colorimetric analysis of antioxidants” J. Chemical Education (2015) 92 886-891.9. AW Martinez, ST Phillips, E Carriho, SW Thomas, H Sindi, and GM Whitesides, “Simple telemedicine for developing regions: Camera phones and paper-based microfluidic devices for real-time, off-site diagnosis” Analytical Chemistry (2018) 80 3699-3707.10. Li Shen, JA Hagen, and I Papautsky, “Point-of-care colorimetric detection with a smartphone” Lab Chip (2012) 12 4240-4243.11. Y Lu, W Shi, J Qin, and B Lin, “Low-cost portable detection of gold nanoparticle-labeled microfluidic immunoassay with camera cell
institutionincreased the depth of CH102’s inquiry-based learning approach with the introduction of a waterquality laboratory sequence. We used five key elements to develop the laboratory curriculum.First, we determined that the laboratory curriculum must satisfy the course goals, which broadlyincluded learning safe laboratory practices, developing data analysis skills, and developinglaboratory techniques required for more advanced STEM courses (American Chemical SocietyCommittee on Professional Training, 2015). Second, we determined that laboratory work shouldprimarily be a hands-on experience in which students are provided the opportunity to carry outexperiments themselves (Larsen, et al. 2013; Obenland, et al., 2014). Third, we determined theintroductory
four categories described above.Considering the average grade obtained over all reports in each class for all experiments, I couldthen check the improvement of the class within the same semester. I could also observe theimprovements in average scores for the same engineering class over time as it progressed alongthe four labs in successive semesters.ResultsI was the faculty instructor for the labs under consideration and relevant to this study, in thefollowing semesters: (F= Fall Semester; S= Spring Semester).Table 1 – Lab Assignment Sequence from Fall 2013 to Fall 2018Lab\Semester F 13 S14 F14 S15 F15 S16 F16 S17 F17Physics 1 x x x
Commander V Fuel Injection Kit. We would also like to thank The ModalShop MTS Systems Corporation for supplying noise level testing equipment for this competition.9. References 1. N. Skillicorn, "What Is Innovation? 15 Experts Share Their Innovation Definition." 4 November 2016. [Online]. Available: www.ideatovalue.com/inno/nickskillicorn/2016/03/innovation-15-experts-share- innovation-definition/. 2. S. Foreman, "Best High Flow Catalytic Converter in the Market Today?" 31 July 2017. [Online]. Available: innovatecar.com/best-high-flow-catalytic-converter. 3. Ålander, "Particle Emissions from a Small Two-Stroke Engine: Effects of Fuel, Lubricating Oil, and Exhaust After treatment on Particle Characteristics," Aerosol
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