Paper ID #26477Guided Peer Review of Technical Writing for Large Laboratory CourseDr. Natasha Smith P.E., University of Virginia Dr. Smith is an Associate Professor at the University of Virginia. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Guided Peer Review of Technical Writing for a Large Laboratory CourseAbstractLaboratory courses, and in particular laboratory reports, are logical choices to assess two par-ticular student outcomes: ‘the ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyzeand interpret data;’ and ‘the ability to communicate effectively.’ If
Paper ID #31373Pair-to-Pair Peer LearningDr. Nebojsa I Jaksic P.E., Colorado State University, Pueblo NEBOJSA I. JAKSIC earned the Dipl. Ing. degree in electrical engineering from Belgrade University (1984), the M.S. in electrical engineering (1988), the M.S. in industrial engineering (1992), and the Ph.D. in industrial engineering from the Ohio State University (2000). He is currently a Professor at Colorado State University-Pueblo teaching robotics and automation courses. Dr. Jaksic has over 90 publications and holds two patents. Dr. Jaksic’s interests include robotics, automation, and nanotechnology engineering
desirable, especially where instructors model a correction andrequest that students themselves make the remaining corrections.In addition to asking students to revise based on instructor feedback, engaging in peer review canbe beneficial, especially for the peer-reviewer [6]. Likewise, written and oral feedback from apeer learning facilitator or graduate teaching assistant can help students learn [3], even withdifficult writing tasks such as argumentation and synthesis [23].In the current study, we consider different variants of feedback-and-revision, as implemented bythree different engineering faculty in laboratory courses.MethodologyStudy design & research questionsIn this study, we developed and evaluated the impact of a collaborative
responsible for all sections in the same lab.This means that the size of the sample considered was not uniform.An important issue that remains inconclusive is the distribution of the merit for the monitoredprogress in the writing skills of the students in the sequence of lab courses.We the instructors, do in most cases witness a dramatic improvement in student writing skillsfrom their incoming year to their last year reports in advanced courses. These improvements areundoubtedly due to a large variety of factors – including natural maturity, expanding educationfrom all courses, strong contributions from courses in the core curriculum including writingintensive classes, hands-on activities, learning from peers and from teamwork and more. It isprobably
, we demonstrate how thevarious experiments are integrated with a variety of writing assignments. In addition to traditionallaboratory or design reports, these include more compact forms of writing such as business letters,executive reports, and short essays. A key aspect to the course design is the combined lecture + lab-oratory format with small class sizes. This allows significant class time to be devoted to instructionon writing, developing drafts, peer review, and refinement.The course was designed to meet multiple ABET outcomes in addition to technical writing re-quirements from the university-level. Both indirect and direct metrics have indicated success inmeeting these outcomes, at least in the short term. The impact of the course on
Paper ID #32353Pair-to-Pair Peer Learning: Comparative Analysis of Face-to-Face andOnline Laboratory ExperiencesDr. Nebojsa I. Jaksic, Colorado State University, Pueblo NEBOJSA I. JAKSIC earned the Dipl. Ing. (M.S.) degree in electrical engineering from Belgrade Uni- versity (1984), the M.S. in electrical engineering (1988), the M.S. in industrial engineering (1992), and the Ph.D. in industrial engineering from the Ohio State University (2000). He currently serves as a Pro- fessor at Colorado State University Pueblo teaching robotics and automation courses. Dr. Jaksic has over 90 publications and holds two patents. His
withoutbecoming discouraged. Beyond reach at present (what students ZPD (what student can cannot do) do with assistance) Prior knowledgeFigure 1. Illustration of ZPDEngineering educators have studied engineering undergraduates’ lab report writing with moststudy results predominately focused on best practices for supporting lab report instruction inclassroom settings [7-14]. The best practices include tutoring support and automated feedback,peer evaluations, self-evaluations, and assessment standards, and a web-based writing supportsystem. Having said that, studies
the lab courses. At the sametime, the three courses are scaffolded so that students’ build experimentation, communication, andteamwork skills over three semesters. In particular, Thermal Fluids Lab is aligned in the samesemester students take Fluid Mechanics, a semester after they have had Thermodynamics, and aterm before they take Heat and Mass Transfer. It incorporates a significant individual writing as-signment and final team project, in addition to a number of focused experiments with team-basedassignments.The first offering of Thermal Fluids Laboratory was delivered, as it was originally conceived, inFall 2019. Students attended in-person lectures, worked in teams in-person during the lab period,reviewed peer written work during in
experimentationskills such as data acquisition and uncertainty analysis. In this class, students also write a singledetailed lab report on an experiment that undergoes an two-stage peer review process.. Both ofthe first two labs include a small group project that challenges students teams creativity to design,execute, and communicate their own experiments. For the final course, Mechanical EngineeringLab, students work in teams throughout the semester to design, execute, and write a full report onmore complex experiments.The new experiential lab sequence began in Spring 2019 with the first offering of the MechanicsLab. The succeeding sections of the paper specifically discuss the design of this course, highlight-ing a few specific modules and how they align
. i knew how to do the math and one of the other group members was confident enough to check my math and they were much better at the write up portion so they focused on rewriting my explanations into a good lab write up. Unfotunatly we didn't collaborate far enough in advanced so we ended up writing it the night before and the morning of. But their working pre-med students. what can you do? meh. We worked well and met a handful of times as well as collaborated on a google document to get the report written. Group collaboration was a little frustrating. Out of three people, two of us did everything. It would be nice to include some peer evaluation of group mates. Not very good, we didn't know each
to request more lectures and less labtime. Student attitudes towards working with their partner and peer-to-peer learning werepositive across cohorts and semesters. In light of this the authors describe methods of scaffoldedopportunities for independent as well as peer-to-peer learning. While student preferences varied, data is also presented on student behavior and achievement.Class attendance remained over 90% throughout all three semesters (including the COVIDSpring 2020 semester). Student feedback has indicated a sense of obligation to their lab partnersand perceived value of the in-class activities to be the primary motivators of attendance. Further,data on student achievement of summative assessments across topics has been summarized
course he describes where students are gradedon their individual outcomes. These concepts have been expanded through the rubric used in thecourse described here, which is presented in Appendix A. All technical writing and oralpresentation assignments in the course were ranked using this scale.In addition to this rubric, students provided written critiques for peers during oral presentations,which contributed to student outcome (g). This form, shown in Appendix B, tasked students toindicate what they thought were positive during the presentation (I like…) and then what theythought could be improved (I wish…). This appendix shows a sample critique from a student,with all names and identifying information redacted. Through the course requirement
to measureP-V-T relations for an ideal gas. The second part was a solar-powered hydrogen fuel cell vehicleand focused on energy conversion and efficiency concepts. The third is a project where studentsworked in teams to propose a project in their choice of one of two topics: one is a design projecton solar thermal energy and the other is a research project using calorimetry.The course consists of a 1-hour weekly lecture on Monday morning to discuss theory needed forthat week and present skills such as using MATLAB, uncertainty analysis, writing lab reports, etc.Students then meet in the afternoon on one day (Monday-Thursday) for a 3-hr lab session. Duringthis session, they are divided into breakout rooms to meet and work with their peers on
. In the former, students use a computer to control equipment andacquire measurements in an engineering design and experimentation lab. Lab activities such asthe development of a computer interface for an oscilloscope, a set of motors, and a photodiodeculminate in the realization of an automated laser scanning microscope system. In the latter,students receive instruction and feedback on their lab notebook entries, in addition to engaging inroutine peer review of each others’ notebooks; and, in turn, use those notebooks as a resource forpreparing a Progress Report and an Instrument Design Report. The instructors collaborate inorder to facilitate improvement of students’ skills in the art of notebook use, e.g., create a rubricfor assessment
, online education effectively competeswith residential programs. For many disciplines, the interaction among students required fordiscussion or peer review of written work can be handled in courses through discussion boards,chat sessions, team conferences, and written assignments. Furthermore, for some courses,simulations and case studies can replace active learning sessions.[1] However, even with theadvances in online education, the challenges of most laboratory courses required on-sitelaboratory experiences because of the need for physical hardware and resources. Some of themost affected disciplines include engineering, the physical sciences and health sciences.[2][3][4] The 2020 pandemic created immediate and focused challenges that
experimental methods. He has participated in many research projects and has published several peer-reviewed journal papers since 2004.Mr. Oludayo Samuel Alamu, Morgan State University American c Society for Engineering Education, 2021 Paper ID #34061 Mr. Alamu is a Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engi- neering, Morgan State University where he conducts qualitative and quantitative research works leading to development. He has participated and led several innovative research works and he is a member of the rocketry team at
[16]. We extended the approach reported elsewhere ofidentifying evidence of framing agency [17]. Such techniques build on observations that agencycan be detected in talk, such as by evaluating the subjects of sentences (“I” versus “we” versus“it”) and the kinds of verbs used (“did” versus “should” versus “must”) [18, 19]. Extending suchtechniques to the analysis of written artifacts presents additional challenges, as studentscommonly use passive voice in technical writing, a trend that is reflected as well in publications[20]. We therefore considered other evidence for agency and ownership, such as detailed first-hand depictions and clarity about decisions.Results and discussionWe organize our results by research question, first detailing the
Students (IRES) projects funded by the NSF. He has published over 90 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences.Dr. Kang Xia, Virginia Tech Kang Xia received her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1997), M.S. from Louisiana State University (1993), and B.S. from Beijing Agricultural University (1989). She was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1997-1998), an Assistant Professor at Kansas State University (1998-2001), University of Georgia (2002-2005), and Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Mississippi State University (2006-2010), an Associate Professor at Mississippi State University (2010- 2011) and at Virginia Tech (2011-2016). She also served as Director for Re
trying to learn online using new technology. In some cases, students lived in areas withlimited bandwidth. Some students lacked the use of laptops or other computing resources and oftenattended classes via mobile phones.While working in an office environment was risky and discouraged, the lack of faculty interaction withpeers left many faculty feeling a sense of isolation. Normal hallway discussions were restricted, makingcollaboration such as co-teaching multiple sections of the same course much harder. Similarly, notbeing able to come to campus not only limited faculty-student interactions (office hours, recitations,etc.), it also inhibited student-peer interaction (group projects, teamwork, etc.) and stopped most ofextracurricular experience
, how they resolved and finally a demonstration of their prototype in front of their peers for 6-7 minutes. For each lab (11 of them), every student uploaded a LAB report to summarize what they had learned on a corresponding day and how theory and experiments complemented each other. Total number of students assessed (Ns): 21 during Spring 2018Outcome 1 Average (Ms): Standard deviation (s): Mid-Term 1: 65.3% Mid-Term 1: 4.24 Mid-Term 2: 63.15% Mid-Term 2: 3.76 Final Exam: 61.6% Final Exam
Volumetric glassware Air displacement pipette Maintaining a lab notebook Writing a lab report Data analysisFigure 2. Matrix of laboratory techniques, instruments, and skills on survey. Students wereasked on the initial assessment to place a star next to items with which they have little to noexperience and circle items with which they have extensive experience. In the final survey,students were asked to circle items for which they felt the laboratory improved their level ofunderstanding and cross out the items for which their level of understanding was not improved.No response was an option in both surveys.Students were also asked to provide feedback on the affective learning environment byindicating descriptive
bring together the different subjects and to relate classroomtheory to real world application. Four laboratory exercises develop the students’ understandingof the material, reinforce prerequisite knowledge, and develop hands-on skills. Good teachinginvolves more than communicating the content of one’s discipline; a good teacher also needsboth to motivate students to continue learning and to teach them the skills and strategies neededfor continued learning.Student teams of two were provided an Arduino microcontroller kit and various components toinclude basic sensors and actuators. Teams had to review lecture material, read componentspecification sheets and instructions, write program code to implement and calibrate thecomponents, and answer
initially to establish the reality of remote laboratories or the accuracy of simulations for later study. Finally, it is clear that students learn not only from equipment, but from interactions with peers and teachers [7].”This observation highlights the developmental aspect of becoming an effective investigator. Italso recognizes the social dimension of learning.There is a whole body of pedagogical literature that recognizes this developmental dimensionand the need for appropriate scaffolding and support from peers and teachers. Laboratoryexperiences can be characterized in terms of the degree of autonomy afforded to the students; thedegree to which they can exercise agency in what is investigated, how this is done and
organizes, coordinates Electrical and Electronic Lab courses for the college.Dr. QINANG HU, Oklahoma State University Dr. Hu is an assistant professor of practice at Oklahoma State University. He is responsible for instructing hands-on lab courses in material sciences and solid mechanics. His areas of interest include concrete durability, X-ray microanalysis, and cement hydration mechanism. He has published peer-review articles in Concrete and Cement Research, Construction and Building Material, Fuel, Acta Materia, ACI structural Journal and etc. He is a member of American Concrete Institute and American Ceramic Society. He also serves as a reviewer in Construction and Building Material.Dr. Toni Ivey, Oklahoma State
picture” oftypical EMAG applications that support learning objectives. Additionally, assigning conceptquestions [7] during a class period better engages students via the peer instruction activities ofgroup discussion and polling for self-assessment to sharpen their understanding of the key ideas.However, when EMAG is offered as a non-lab theory-oriented course as it traditionally has been,assigning a single hands-on semester-long project [8] captures students’ attention morecompletely by involving their tactile senses and focusing on a specific application. A suitablecourse-project also offers ample opportunity for construction, testing, experimentation, andcreative modification. As a work-in-progress, this paper presents results of a metal