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Displaying results 31 - 60 of 810 in total
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Technical Session 6: Hands-on Projects and Spatial Skills
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
S. Patrick Walton, Michigan State University; Mark Urban-Lurain, Michigan State University; Amanda Idema, Michigan State University; Timothy J Hinds, Michigan State University; Daina Briedis, Michigan State University
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First-Year Programs
Paper ID #12230Spatial Visualization Skills Intervention for First Year Engineering Students:Everyone’s a Winner!Dr. S. Patrick Walton, Michigan State University S. Patrick Walton received his B.ChE. from Georgia Tech, where he began his biomedical research career in the Cardiovascular Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. He then attended MIT where he earned his M.S. and Sc.D. while working jointly with researchers at the Shriners Burns Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. While at MIT, he was awarded a Shell Foundation Fellowship and was an NIH biotechnology Predoctoral Trainee. Upon completion of his doctoral studies, he
Conference Session
First-year Programs: Core Skills
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Gustavo B. Menezes, California State University, Los Angeles; Paul S. Nerenberg, California State University, Los Angeles; Ni Li, Northwestern Polytechnical University; Emily L. Allen, California State University, Los Angeles
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First-Year Programs
at the college of engineering, computer science and technology (ECST).Prof. Paul S Nerenberg, California State University, Los Angeles Dr. Paul S. Nerenberg is currently an Assistant Professor of Physics and Biology at California State University, Los Angeles. He received his PhD in Physics from MIT and has a strong interest in improving the quality of introductory physics education, particularly for students who enter college with little or no previous physics coursework.Ni Li, Northwestern Polytechnial University Ni Li, Ph.D., was an Assistant Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at California State University, Los Angeles. Now, she is working in the school of Aeronautics at Northwestern
Conference Session
FPD V: Increasing Engagement and Motivation of First-year Students
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine S. Zerda, University of Houston; Diana G. de la Rosa-Pohl, University of Houston; Stuart A. Long, University of Houston; Fritz J. Claydon, University of Houston
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First-Year Programs
AC 2012-3499: IMPROVING STUDENT ENGAGEMENT AND OUTCOMESIN FIRST-YEAR ENGINEERING COURSES AT A HIGHLY DIVERSE,MULTICULTURAL URBAN UNIVERSITYDr. Katherine S. Zerda, University of Houston Kathy Zerda is the Director of the Program for Mastery in Engineering Studies (PROMES), the multicul- tural learning community for undergraduates at the Cullen College of Engineering. She also directs the UH Women in Engineering program. Zerda is an Instructional and Research Assistant Professor for the college and serves as the Faculty Advisor for the student chapters of the Society of Women Engineers and the Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists. Before joining the University of Hous- ton, Zerda worked as an
Conference Session
FPD 1: Projects and Teamwork in First-Year Courses
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Malinda S Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder; Janet L Yowell, University of Colorado Boulder; Samantha Maierhofer, University of Colorado, Boulder; Derek T Reamon, University of Colorado, Boulder
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First-Year Programs
Paper ID #7069Teamwork in First-Year Engineering Projects Courses: Does Training Stu-dents in Team Dynamics Improve Course Outcomes and Student Experi-ences?Dr. Malinda S Zarske, University of Colorado, Boulder Malinda S. Zarske is the director of K-12 Engineering Education at the University of Colorado Boulder’s College of Engineering and Applied Science. A former high school and middle school science and math teacher, she has advanced degrees in teaching secondary science from the Johns Hopkins University and in civil engineering from CU-Boulder. She is also a First-Year Engineering Projects Instructor, Faculty Advisor
Conference Session
FPD 4: First-Year Engineering Courses, Part I: Multimedia, Large Classes, and TAs
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kimberly C. Huett, University of West Georgia; Barbara B. Kawulich, University of West Georgia; P.K. Raju, Mechanical Engineering Dept, Auburn University,Al; Chetan S Sankar, Auburn University
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First-Year Programs
STEM Education: Innovations and Research ( Chetan S Sankar, Auburn University Page 23.1295.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Use of Multimedia Case Studies in an Introductory Engineering Course at Two Southeastern Universities: A Qualitative Evaluation StudyAbstractIt has been suggested that changes in the classroom environment and nature of instruction maypositively affect student learning of introductory engineering concepts.1 In response to recentcalls to improve engineering instruction, 2,3 an
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Gregory Edward Simon, University of Colorado Denver; Maryam Darbeheshti, University of Colorado Denver; Miriam Howland Cummings, University of Colorado Denver; William Taylor Schupbach, University of Colorado Denver; Tom Altman, University of Colorado Denver; Michael S. Jacobson, University of Colorado Denver; Katherine Goodman, University of Colorado Denver
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First-Year Programs
Science and in Mathematics, and M.S. and Ph.D. (1984) in Computer Science, all from the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Altman specializes in optimization algorithms, formal language theory, and complex system simulation. He has published over 75 journal, conference, and technical papers. Presently, Dr. Altman is a Professor of Computer Science at CU Denver and has been an active ABET Program Evaluator (CAC) since 2008. His current research focus is on STEM and more specifically, Engineering Education.Dr. Michael S. Jacobson, University of Colorado Denver Professor of Mathematics for over 40 years, with a keen interest in STEM Education and improving student success.Prof. Katherine Goodman, University of Colorado Denver
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: First-Year Experiences
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Miriam Howland Cummings, University of Colorado Denver; Maryam Darbeheshti, University of Colorado Denver; Gregory Edward Simon, University of Colorado Denver; William Taylor Schupbach, University of Colorado Denver; Michael S. Jacobson, University of Colorado Denver; Tom Altman, University of Colorado Denver; Katherine Goodman, University of Colorado Denver
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
recent NSF S-STEM award that focuses on STEM identity at Urban Universities. Darbeheshti’s primary research is in the area of Multi-phase viscous flows in Fluid Mechanics. She is also involved in First-Year Engineering Program, and created the Engineering Learning Community for First-year students at CU-Denver. is a member of ASME: Society of Mechanical Engineers. She serves as the faculty advisor for the Society of Women Engineers in the College of Engineering, Design and Computing.Mr. Gregory Edward Simon, University of Colorado DenverWilliam Taylor Schupbach, University of Colorado DenverDr. Michael S. Jacobson, University of Colorado Denver Professor of Mathematics for over 40 years, with a keen interest in STEM
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Monday Potpourri
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hector Enrique Rodriguez-Simmonds, Purdue University - Engineering Education; Nelson S. Pearson, University of Nevada, Reno; Jacqueline Ann Rohde, Clemson University; Kyle Patrick Vealey, West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Adam Kirn, University of Nevada, Reno; Allison Godwin, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering)
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First-Year Programs
Paper ID #18887Forget Diversity, Our Project is DueMr. Hector Enrique Rodriguez-Simmonds, Purdue University - Engineering Education Raised in South Florida, born in Mexico. Half Colombian and half Mexican; proud MexiColombian. H´ector earned his MS in Computer Engineering and is currently pursuing a PhD in Engineering Education, both from Purdue University. His research interests are in investigating the experiences of LGBTQ+ students in engineering, tapping into critical methodologies and methods for conducting and analyzing research, and exploring embodied cognition.Mr. Nelson S. Pearson, University of Nevada, Reno
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Tuesday Potpourri
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jean S. Larson, Arizona State University; Medha Dalal, Arizona State University; Wilhelmina C. Savenye, Arizona State University; Claudia Elena Zapata, Arizona State University; Nasser Hamdan, Center for Bio-mediated & Bio-inspired Geotechnics; Edward Kavazanjian Jr., Arizona State University
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First-Year Programs
Paper ID #19103Complete Research Paper: Implementation of an Introductory Module onBiogeotechnics in a Freshman Engineering CourseDr. Jean S. Larson, Arizona State University Jean Larson has a Ph.D. in Educational Technology, postgraduate training in Computer Systems Engineer- ing, and many years of experience teaching and developing curriculum in various learning environments. She has taught technology integration and teacher training to undergraduate and graduate students at Ari- zona State University, students at the K-12 level locally and abroad, and various workshops and modules in business and industry. Dr. Larson
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jenni Buckley, University of Delaware; Amy Trauth, University of Delaware; Michael Chajes P.E., University of Delaware; Lori Pollock, University of Delaware; Kevin R. Guidry; Michael L. Vaughan, University of Delaware; Jeannie S. Stephens, University of Delaware
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First-Year Programs
work for a Ph.D. in Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Delaware. He is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and President of the Board of Trustees of Bethel AME Church of Wilmington, DE. He is married to Cheryl M. Vaughan, a Private Banking Vice President, and they have been blessed with two children Sterling Michael, Accounting/MIS graduate at UD, and Carter Lynsay, a 14 year old aspiring young women engineer.Prof. Jeannie S. Stephens, University of Delaware Jeannie Stephens received her doctoral degree in materials science and engineering from the University of Delaware in 2004. Since then, she has been a National Research Council fellow at the National Institute of Standards and
Conference Session
First Year Programs Division Poster Session: The Best Place to Really Talk about First-Year Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica E S Swenson, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach; Marya H Schnedeker, Center for Engineering Education and Outreach, Tufts University; Sarah Marie Coppola, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach; Leonardo Andres Madariaga, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach / Federico Santa Maria Technical University
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First-Year Programs
Paper ID #13847Examining the Influence of an Ill- and Well-defined Problems in a First-YearEngineering Design CourseMs. Jessica E S Swenson, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach Jessica Swenson is a graduate student at Tufts University. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering with a research focus on engineering education. She received a M.S. from Tufts University in science, technology, engineering and math education and a B.S. from Northwestern University in me- chanical engineering. Her current research involves examining different types of homework problems in mechanical engineering
Conference Session
Interactive Panel on Improving the Experiences of Marginalized Students on Engineering Design Teams
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lorelle A Meadows, Michigan Technological University; Denise Sekaquaptewa, University of Michigan; Marie C Paretti, Virginia Tech; Alice L. Pawley, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Debbie Chachra, Olin College of Engineering; Adrienne Minerick, Michigan Technological University
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Tagged Divisions
Design in Engineering Education, Electrical and Computer, Engineering Libraries, First-Year Programs, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, Minorities in Engineering, Student, Technological and Engineering Literacy/Philosophy of Engineering, Women in Engineering Shawn S Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of En- gineering at Arizona State University. He teaches context-centered electrical engineering and embedded systems design courses, and studies the use of context in both K-12 and undergraduate engineering design education. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Education (2010) and M.S./B.S. in Electrical and Com- puter Engineering from Purdue University. Dr. Jordan is PI on several NSF-funded projects related to design, including an NSF Early CAREER Award entitled ”CAREER: Engineering Design Across Navajo Culture, Community, and Society” and
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Retention & Bridge Programs #2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Maryam Darbeheshti, University of Colorado Denver; William Schupbach, University of Colorado Denver; Ariel Cervantes Lafuente; Tom Altman, University of Colorado Denver; Katherine Goodman, University of Colorado Denver; Michael S. Jacobson, University of Colorado Denver; Shani O'Brien, University of Colorado Denver
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First-Year Programs
published over 75 journal, conference, and technical papers. Presently, Dr. Altman is a Professor of Computer Science at CU Denver and has been an active ABET Program Evaluator (CAC) since 2008. His current research focus is on STEM and more specifically, Engineering Education.Prof. Katherine Goodman, University of Colorado Denver Katherine Goodman is assistant professor at the University of Colorado Denver, and the associate director of Inworks, an interdisciplinary innovation lab. Her research focuses on transformative experiences in engineering education. She is currently division chair of the Technological and Engineering Literacy - Philosophy of Engineering Division (TELPhE).Dr. Michael S. Jacobson, University of
Conference Session
FPD 5: Transitions and Student Success, Part I
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
S. Patrick Walton, Michigan State University; Daina Briedis, Michigan State University; Mark Urban-Lurain, Michigan State University; Timothy J Hinds, Michigan State University; Carmellia Davis-King, Michigan State University; Thomas F. Wolff P.E., Michigan State University
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First-Year Programs
Paper ID #7410Building the Whole Engineer: An Integrated Academic and Co-CurricularFirst-Year ExperienceDr. S. Patrick Walton, Michigan State University S. Patrick Walton received his B.ChE. from Georgia Tech, where he began his biomedical research career in the Cardiovascular Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. He then attended MIT where he earned his M.S. and Sc.D. while working jointly with researchers at the Shriners Burns Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital. While at MIT, he was awarded a Shell Foundation Fellowship and was an NIH Biotechnology Predoctoral Trainee. Upon completion of his doctoral studies, he joined
Conference Session
FPD 3: Research on First-Year Courses
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jon Sticklen, Michigan State University; Daina Briedis, Michigan State University; Claudia Elena Vergara, Michigan State University; Mark Urban-Lurain, Michigan State University; Renée S DeGraaf M.A., Lansing Community College; Louise Paquette, Lansing Community College; Ruth Heckman, Lansing Community College; Neeraj Buch, Michigan State University; Thomas F. Wolff P.E., Michigan State University
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First-Year Programs
and reform.Ren´ee S DeGraaf M.A., Lansing Community College Tutoring Services Coordinator, Student Services Division, Learning Assistance DepartmentProf. Louise Paquette, Lansing Community CollegeRuth Heckman, Lansing Community CollegeDr. Neeraj Buch, Michigan State UniversityDr. Thomas F. Wolff P.E., Michigan State University Page 23.488.1 Dr. Thomas F. Wolff is Associate Dean of Engineering for Undergraduate Studies at Michigan State University. In this capacity, he is responsible for all activities related to student services (academic ad- ministration, first year programs, advising, career planning, women
Conference Session
FPD IV: Improving Student Success: Mentoring, Intervening, and Supplementing
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Colleen A. McDonough, Michigan State University; Daina Briedis, Michigan State University; Neeraj Buch, Michigan State University; Renée S. DeGraaf, Lansing Community College; Jon Sticklen, Michigan State University; Sarah J. Stoner, Michigan State University; Mark Urban-Lurain, Michigan State University; Claudia E. Vergara, Michigan State University; Thomas F. Wolff, Michigan State University
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First-Year Programs
ABET.Dr. Neeraj Buch, Michigan State UniversityRene S DeGraaf, Lansing Community College Tutoring Services Coordinator, Learning Assistance Department 1990 - presentJon Sticklen, Michigan State University Jon Sticklen is the Director of the Center for Engineering Education Research at Michigan State Univer- sity. Dr. Sticklen is also Director of Applied Engineering Sciences, an undergraduate bachelor of science degree program in the MSU College of Engineering. He also is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Dr. Sticklen has lead a laboratory in knowledge-based systems focused on task specific approaches to problem solving. Over the last decade, Dr. Sticklen has pursued en
Conference Session
1553 FPD3 - Computer & Programming Tools in First Year Instruction
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Maja Mataric; Juan Fasola; David Feil-Seifer
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First-Year Programs
Robotics as a tool for immersive, hands-on freshmen engineering instruction AbstractH a n d s
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Technical Session 8: Project-based Learning and Cornerstone Courses
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert H. Caverly, Villanova University; Randy Weinstein, Villanova University; James C. O'Brien, Villanova University; Seri Park, Villanova University; Edward Stephen Char Jr., Villanova University; John Komlos, Villanova University
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First-Year Programs
✉✐✈♣❦✇❦♣t❦❤ ♣❦①②❦♥❥❦ ♠♣ ❧♠③♠❧❦❧ ♠♥t✐ ④✐②❤ s⑤⑥④✈♣❦✇❦♣t❦❤ ⑦⑥✐❥⑧♣ ✉♠ts ts❦ ④♠❤♣t s⑤⑥④✈⑨⑩❶⑩⑨❷⑩❸ ❹❺❻❼❽ ❹⑩❾❿➀ ❷➁⑩ ➂❻❸⑩ ➂❻➃❸⑨⑩➄ ❷➁❾⑨ ➅➆➅⑩❸ ➇❻❼➃⑨⑩⑨ ❻❿ ❷➁⑩ ➂❻❸⑩ ➂❻➃❸⑨⑩➈ ➉➁⑩ ➂❻❸⑩ ➂❻➃❸⑨⑩ ❾⑨➊➋➌➍➋➎➍➎ ➌➏ ➐➏➑➍➒ ➓➔➌➍➒➊➔→ ➣➍➒➓➔➋➍ ➌➏ ➌↔➍ ↕➊➑➍ ➍➋➣➊➋➍➍➒➊➋➣ ➙➒➏➣➒➔➓➛ ➔➑➔➊→➔➜→➍ ➔➌ ➝➊→→➔➋➏➑➔ ➞➋➊➑➍➒➛➊➌➟➠➡➢➤➥➦➡➧➨➩ ➡➦➫➦➨ ➧➭➯ ➤➭➫➦➲➳➭➥➤➭➵➧➨➩ ➡➳➥➸➺➵➤➲➩ ➤➨➤➡➵➲➦➡➧➨ ➧➭➯ ➥➤➡➢➧➭➦➡➧➨➻➼➽➾➚➪ ➶➹➶➘➴ ➷➬➮➱➪➘➪ ➬✃ ❐➾➴➘➘ ❒➹❮➬➴ ❐➬➶➚➮ ➶➬➚✃❐➪❰ Ï Ð ÑÒÓÔÕÓÓÒÖ× ÖØ ÙÚÛ ÜÛÓÓÖ×ÓÝÜÛÞß×ÛÑ Ò× àÖßáÒ×â àÒÙÚ ØÒßÓÙÝãÛÞß Û×âÒ×ÛÛßÒ×â ÓÙÕÑÛ×ÙÓ ÑÕßÒ×â ÙÚÛ äåæ çèéêä ëìéë ëìè íåêäëîçèéê èæïèêåèðñè ìéä òèèð ëéóôìëõ ö ÷ øùúûüúúùýþ ýÿ  þ  úú✁úú✂✁þ✄ ✄ýý☎ ✆ ú✁ø ýþ ✝✞✁✟  þø ✝ýú✄✟✄✁ú✄ùþ✠ ✄ý ✠ ü✠✁ ú✄üø✁þ✄ ✝✁✞ÿý✞✂ þû
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Professional Skill Development
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kathryn Schulte Grahame, Northeastern University; Susan F. Freeman, Northeastern University; Jake Alexander Levi, Northeastern University
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First-Year Programs
Computer Engineering & Computer Science student at Northeastern University. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Community Engagement and Service-Learning: Putting faces to a community to create better engineersAbstractThis complete evidence-based practice paper presents how Service-Learning (S-L) helped first-year engineering students attending an urban institution to grow their concept of community.When S-L is incorporated into a first-year engineering design course, students expand theirlearning as they work and teach in the community. In addition, students get a chance to see andexperience the greater community to which they belong. Through S-L, engineering students
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Poster Session
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Christopher Horne P.E., North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University; Alexandra Kurepa, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
througha simple measurement using a smartphone. The concept of using the accelerometer sensor in mobilephones for physics experiments has become a well-known option for STEM teachers [10]. Sincethese devices are readily available to most students and teachers, experiments can be set up at lowcost while generating interest and motivation for learning.The smartphone app called Phyphox™ is used to record the accelerometer readings and report theearth's acceleration of 9.81 m/s² while the phone is resting (which is what we call "Accelerationwith g"). In contrast, the physical acceleration is zero when the phone is resting (or moving at aconstant speed), so there is a virtual sensor that subtracts the constant acceleration (usually by takinginto
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Major Choice
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Michelle E. Jarvie-Eggart, Michigan Technological University; Amanda Marie Singer, Michigan Technological University; Jason Mathews, Michigan Technological University
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First-Year Programs
child plays with, what books their child reads, and where their childgoes to school. As a result, a student’s exposure and perception of different career disciplinesand professional roles is highly influenced by the introductory actions of parents.Parents themselves can serve as role models for engineering if they themselves are engineers [4].Studies have found that children are often more literate in the professions of their parents and asa result occupational inheritance may occur. This phenomenon has been found to occur infamilies in which a parent, sibling, or other relative(s) are engineers as well as in families withmedical professionals and lawyers. [15]Parents also provide support for their children when selecting majors [4]. In fact
Conference Session
First-year Programs: Research and Spatial Skills
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Mayari I. Serrano, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Suzanne Zurn-Birkhimer, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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First-Year Programs
of origami task (O-folding instructions 19 . LI-2).Modules were provided online via the course management system. Participants had one week tocomplete each module and submit the appropriate task deliverable(s) via the online system. Thedeliverable for each origami-based module was a photograph of the object(s) they created (Figure2). The deliverable for each CAD-based module was a SketchUp file of their final drawing(s)(Figure 4). Figure 4: Deliverable of CAD task (C-LI-1).Figure 3: Example of CAD task (C-LI-1) mul-tiview orthographic drawings
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Focus on Student Success I
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brian Scott Robinson, University of Louisville; Tom Tretter, University of Louisville; James E. Lewis, University of Louisville; Nicholas Hawkins, University of Louisville
Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
(for engineering context) 8-item, validated instrument focused on longer-term,maintained interest. The methods that follow were developed to explore a multi-subfactordepiction(s) (from literature) of maintained interest, including conceptualizing and analyzingstudent responses. Two associated research questions thusly addressed in this study are: 1) whatis the strongest factor structure for measuring the construct of first-year engineering students’long-term, stable maintained interest in the choice of pursuing an engineering career?; and 2)how strong is the fit of theoretically-grounded structural models of the construct of first-yearengineering students’ maintained interest in engineering careers? Results show significantempirical support in
Conference Session
First-year Programs Division Technical Session 6: Hands-on Projects and Spatial Skills
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Diana Bairaktarova, University of Oklahoma; Matthew Reyes, University of Oklahoma; Nooshin Nassr P.E., University of Oklahoma; Dan Thomas Carlton, University of Oklahoma, College of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
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Tagged Divisions
First-Year Programs
, S. A. (1999). Developing 3D spatial visualization skills. Engineering Design Graphics Journal, 63(2), 21–32.[6] Olkun, S. (2003, April). Making connections: Improving spatial abilities with engineering drawing activities. International Journal of Mathematics Teaching and Learning, 1–10.[7] Sutton, K., & Williams, A. (2008). Developing a discipline-based measure of visualization. UniServe Science Proceedings, 115–20.[8] Martín-Dorta, N., Saorín, S. J., & Contero, M. (2008). Development of a fast remedial course to improve the spatial abilities of engineering students. Journal of Engineering Education, 97(4), 505–13.[9] Guay, R. B. (1977). Purdue Spatial Visualization Test: Rotations. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue Research
Conference Session
First Year Programs Division Poster Session: The Best Place to Really Talk about First-Year Education
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary E. Goodwin, University of South Florida; John Pharo Morgan III, University of South Florida; Yan Wang, University of South Florida; Michelle King, University of South Florida College of Engineering; Blake A Burton, University of South Florida
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First-Year Programs
to show the basic retention numbers andthen allowed for further deeper exploration of student retention by showing the retention brokenout by many different subcategories of students.IntroductionLearning communities have a long history including the Meiklejohn “Experimental College” atthe University of Wisconsin in 1920. In the past couple of decades they have emerged as a wayto improve the retention for first year students.During the 1980’s and 1990’s there was a renewed interest in improving undergraduateeducation in the United States. The Boyer Commission in 1998 released its report, ReinventingUndergraduate Education: A Blueprint for America's Research Universities1, on the state ofundergraduate education. It recommended 10 ways to
Conference Session
FPD 2: Building Community
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Caroline Liron, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach; Heidi M. Steinhauer, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach; Jayathi Raghavan, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach; Bereket Berhane, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
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First-Year Programs
1 1 2 It would never come Possibly, if the Possibly, whether the Absolutely, if the Absolutely, whether to mind problem was simple problem is simple or problem was simple the problem was complicated simple or complicated non-SLC (S=39) SLC (S=31) Figure 8. Will of students (non-SLC and SLC) to use programming for mathematical or physics problems
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Peer Mentoring
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Noah Salzman, Boise State University; Ann E. Delaney, Boise State University; Catherine Rose Bates; Donna C. Llewellyn, Boise State University
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First-Year Programs
, as well as several years of electrical and mechanical engineering design experience as a practicing engineer. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from Swarthmore College, his Master’s of Education degree from the University of Massachusetts, and a Master’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Doctorate in Engineering Education from Purdue University.Ms. Ann E. Delaney, Boise State University Ann Delaney is the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Coordinator and the SAGE Scholars Program Director in the College of Engineering at Boise State University. SAGE Scholars is an NSF-funded S-STEM scholarship program which is part of the Redshirting in Engineering Consortium. As part of this program
Conference Session
FPD VII: Research on First-year Programs Part II
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mitchell Pryor, University of Texas, Austin
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First-Year Programs
procrastination. Evidence is often subjective oranecdotal. In self- paced Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) courses, observationalopportunities can be further limited.Yet PSI can be an effective teaching strategy for course material such as that in a first-year, web-based, introductory programming course. Students (particularly first-year students) have diversebackgrounds and a varied technical literacy. In this particular course, students complete 18 unitsfollowing a traditional PSI s-curve (reviewed below) in terms of content difficulty over thecourse of one semester. The content introduces students to two syntaxes and three programmingparadigms (compiled, interpreted, and object-oriented languages). The PSI format allowsindividuals to invest
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Peer Mentoring
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Rezvan Nazempour, University of Illinois at Chicago; Houshang Darabi, University of Illinois at Chicago; Renata A. Revelo, University of Illinois at Chicago; Peter C. Nelson, University of Illinois at Chicago; Anthony E. Felder, University of Illinois at Chicago; Didem Ozevin P.E., University of Illinois at Chicago; Jeremiah T. Abiade, University of Illinois at Chicago
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First-Year Programs
Research and Education c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Implementation of an Introductory Engineering Course and its Impact on Students’ Academic Success and RetentionAbstractThis Complete Research paper will describe the implementation of an introductory course(ENGR194) for first semester engineering students. The course is meant to improve retention andacademic success of engineering first-year students in the College of Engineering at the Universityof Illinois at Chicago. The implementation of this course is part of an ongoing National ScienceFoundation (NSF) Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (S-STEM)project. This paper reports on the impact of combinatorial
Conference Session
First-Year Programs: Maker Spaces in the First Year
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Brian Scott Robinson, University of Louisville; James E. Lewis, University of Louisville; Nicholas Hawkins, University of Louisville; Teresa Lee Tinnell, University of Louisville
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First-Year Programs
engineering students at the J.B. Speed Schoolof Engineering (SSoE) at the University of Louisville must take.The interest barrier, defined in this paper as “student beliefs related to the significance and/orusefulness of engineering”, inherently includes student perception(s) related to the level ofpleasure experienced in conducting engineering-related tasks or activities. Research has identifiedinterest as the most significant retention impediment for SSoE students; specifically, an increasein interest predicted which students remained in engineering. Yet the significance of the interestquestion extends well beyond SSoE to engineering programs all over the country.First-year engineering makerspace courses can have a positive impact on first-year