step in the designprocess or an important skill such as writing technical documents or teamwork. During theremaining 45 minutes, students meet in their design teams to work together. The first half of thesemester is devoted to defining the design problem, developing the design context review,establishing design criteria, brainstorming solutions, using a Pugh matrix to evaluate and selectone or two solutions, and then defining and describing the selected solution(s) in more detail.During design team meetings, each team has access to its own whiteboard.During the second half of the semester, half of the class periods are similar to the formatdescribed above; the other half of the class periods are entirely devoted to team meetings.Lecture topics
. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.4. Ohland, M. W., Sheppard, S. D., Lichtenstein, G., Eris, O., Chachra, D., & Layton, R. A., Persistence, engagement, and migration in engineering programs, Journal of Engineering Education, 2008, Vol. 97, No. 3, pp. 259-278.5. Marra, R. M., Rodgers, K. A., Shen, D., & Bogue, B., Leaving engineering: A multi-year single institution study, Journal of Engineering Education, 2012, Vol. 101, No. 1, pp. 6-27.6. Atman, C. J., Sheppard, S., D., Turns, J., Adams, R. S., Fleming, L. N., Stevens, R., Streveler, R. A., Smith, K. A., Miller, R. L., Leifer, L. J., Yasuhara, K., & Lund, D., Enabling engineering student success: The final report for the center for the
incorporation of the other Grand Challenge areas into thedesign project to provide an increased variety of choices for students. In order to further assessthe impact of this project on students, future studies may include a control group for comparison.In an effort to increase the response rate, surveys for future studies may be given during classinstead of simply posting them online for students to complete on their own.References[1] National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges for Engineering.[2] Sheppard, S., S. Gilmartin, H. L. Chen, K. Donaldson, G. Lichtenstein, E. Özgür, M. Lande, and G. Toye.,“Exploring the engineering student experience: findings from the academic pathways of people
, we suspect that the increasein overall retention was impacted by an increase in sense of belonging. To benefit sense ofbelonging and reduce chilly-climate issues that appear to impact females’ pathways more thanmales’, it is recommended that faculty development, particularly for creating an inclusiveclassroom environment, be implemented at the institution studied.AcknowledgementThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1226586.Bibliography1 M. W. Ohland, G. Zhang, B. Thorndyke and T. J. Anderson, "Grade-Point Average, Changes of Major, and Majors Selected by Students Leaving Engineering," in Frontiers in Education, Savannah, 2004.2 E. Judson, B. Smith, J. Erzen , S. Krause, J. Middleton and
were added to capture additional detail as to the students’ perception of their abilities. These questions included: 1. WHY do engineers need to be proficient at communicating through writing, orally, and graphically? 2. What skill(s) do you think you need to work on most and WHY?Results and DiscussionsQuantitative ResultsThe quantitative results are summarized in Table 2 for better comparison. The results of thesurvey, regardless of the type of the communication, show a meaningful positive change in thelevel of the students’ confidence in each category at the end of the semester, with the largestchange belonging to the graphical communication. In addition, we carried out a paired t-test onthe average of
ofconnectedness and belonging is very a challenging task, and that perhaps ten survey questions are not enoughto do that. The research team would like explore this further by conducting a more rigorous research studythat involves improved survey instruments, qualitative essay questions, and focus groups. Moreover, theresearchers conclude that although a short activity or intervention in a course might positively impact senseof belonging, it is essential to think more broadly and deeply as to how to positively impact sense ofbelonging for our students. Works Cited [1] Hurtado, S., & Carter, D. F. (1997). Effects of College Transition and Perceptions of the Campus Racial Climate on Latino College Students’ Sense of Belonging. American
administration as a Mathematician and Computer Systems Analyst for the U. S. Department of Energy as well as more than 25 years of experience teaching mathematics, statistics, computer science, and freshman engineering courses in higher education institutions. Currently, she leads a team of faculty who are dedicated to providing first year engineering students with a high- quality, challenging, and engaging educational experience with the necessary advising, mentoring, and academic support to facilitate their transition to university life and to prepare them for success in their engineering discipline majors and future careers. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020How Do Student
Page 23.121.4directly or indirectly, their own conception of the right answer and not support the solutionsbeing produced by the students.The second purpose is to prepare TAs to reliably evaluate and provide feedback on students’work on the MEA(s) slated for implementation in a given semester. TAs need guided practicewith prototypical student work that highlights different solution paths that they might encounter.This enables the TAs to develop a level of expertise with the problem posed in the MEA.Because the feedback the TAs provide is critical for students to be able to improve theirsolutions, the primary activity of the TA training model is focused on allowing TAs to exploreand practice their feedback skills.TA Training with MEAs in
becomes the only synchronously available instructionalcoach for small groups. Prior work [25]–[27] indicates that TAs can serve as effective co-instructors, particularly in facilitating team-based activities; however, TAs do require oversightand coaching in order to be effective in their role. In a large-enrollment course setting, the sheernumber of TAs required to support course activities necessitates robust professional developmentand a clear plan for TA management by course instructor(s) [29], [30].In this paper, we present strategies for offering large-enrollment FYE courses in an entirelyonline setting; and we critically examine the effectiveness of this approach by comparing studentoutcomes between FTF and online course formats. Our
on the first submission, the students who took Instructor 1from the experimental group outperformed the comparison group students on all othersubmissions. Instructor 1’s students average scores increased by 1.251 points compared to theaverage scores of the students from the comparison group that only increased by 0.384 points.The students who took Instructor 2 from the experimental group received the lowest averagescore on all four submissions, but had the greatest gains across the submissions (with the averageincreasing by 1.780 points). Mathematical Model Complexity (out of 9 points) Change in Means across 4 Submissions 8.5
and project timeline can be found in Table A.1 in AppendixA.Based on the feedback the course developers received after the course has been offered during2013 Fall session A, weekly units have been reordered for 2013 Fall session B, the details ofwhich can be found in Table A.2 in Appendix A. The main reason for the reordering was tomore evenly distribute the workload over the semester and give students more time to work onthe project. Units with time intensive activities were paired with units that did not require asmuch work. This seemed to have helped students better manage the workload and pace of thecourse.The course developers agreed that for the first half of the course, each unit should contain a fewshort video lectures, discussion(s
surveys were administered at the beginning, middle, and end of the semesterto generate paired data used to investigate trends over time (Figure 2). Each survey took less than20 minutes to complete and gathered demographic information including age, genderidentification, race/ethnicity, and intended major(s)/minor(s). Survey 1 and Survey 3 consisted offour parts: self-ranking of technical skills competency (beginner, intermediate, advanced, orexpert), self-ranking of confidence in essential parts of the engineering design process using a five-point Likert scale (Figure 3), degree of agreement with statements related to general engineeringself-efficacy using a five-point Likert scale (Figure 4), and open-ended questions related to thosetopics. The
eighth grade, ANSEP student datacompared to national student data.*Nord, C., Roey, S., Perkins, R., Lyons, M., Lemanski, N., Brown, J., and Schuknecht, J. (2011). The Nation’sReport Card: America’s High School Graduates (NCES 2011-462). U.S. Department of Education, National Centerfor Education Statistics. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.On the first day of the Middle School Academy, each student assembles a top-end computer andloads the operating system and Microsoft Office software. Students then use the computers onvarious tasks related to the daily classes they take for the remainder of the Academy. Studentsattend classes that include problem solving, research, and communication skills incorporatedwith biology, chemistry
,” The Journal of Academic Librarianship, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 25– 30, Jan. 2008, doi: 10.1016/j.acalib.2007.11.007.[5] J. D. Eldredge, D. G. Bear, S. J. Wayne, and P. P. Perea, “Student peer assessment in evidence-based medicine (EBM) searching skills training: an experiment,” Journal of the Medical Library Association, vol. 101, no. 4, pp. 244–251, Oct. 2013, doi: 10.3163/1536.[6] A. J. Carroll, S. J. Hallman, K. A. Umstead, J. McCall, and A. J. DiMeo, “Using information literacy to teach medical entrepreneurship and health care economics,” Journal of the Medical Library Association, vol. 107, no. 2, pp. 163–171, Apr. 2019, doi: 10.5195/jmla.2019.577.[7] K. M. Klipfel, “Authentic engagement: Assessing the effects of
Aerospace Engineering at The Ohio State Uni- versity in 2006 and received her M.S. from Ohio State in 2007. In 2012, Krista completed her Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering at Ohio State. Her engineering education research interests include investigating first-year engineering student experiences, faculty experiences, and the connection between the two.Dr. Kathleen A Harper, The Ohio State University Kathleen A. Harper is a senior lecturer in the Department of Engineering Education at The Ohio State University. She received her M. S. in physics and B. S. in electrical engineering and applied physics from Case Western Reserve University, and her Ph. D. in physics from The Ohio State University. She has been on the staff of
e om S le og nc ia H ad
rapid understanding of this tool in the academic Page 13.576.8environment. This will lead to enhancing not only the students’ teaming experience but theengineering learning environment.References 1. “Engineering Education for a Changing World,” Report prepared by the ASEE Engineering Deans' Council and Corporate Roundtable, Washington,D.C., ASEE, 1994. 2. ASTD, "Workplace Basics: The Skills Employers Want," American Society for Training and Development and U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, 1988. 3. Evans, D. L., G. C. Beakley, P. E. Crouch, and G. T. Yamaguchi, "Attributes of Engineering
Cohoon and William Aspray. 2006. p. 205-238.3. DEEP: Developing Effective Engineering Pathways. NSF grant DUE-0336517.4. Eggleston, L. E. and Laanan, F. S., Making the Transition to the Senior Institution. In Transfer students: Trends and issues. New Directions for Community Colleges, edited by F. S. Laanan. 2001. p, 87-97. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.5. Glass, J. C. and Harrington, A. R. Academic performance of community college transfer student and "native" students at a large state university. 2002. Journal of Research and Practice, 26, p. 415-430.6. Hills, J. Transfer shock: The academic performance of the transfer student. The Journal of Experimental Education , 33(3), (Spring, 1965). (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED
persist in engineering are not creative, it is by our instructionthat creativity is neglected and then phased out. Enhancing the creative skills of engineeringstudents can begin by incorporating the practices of art education, not necessarily to reconstructengineering courses, but to pepper our existing courses with material borrowed from the morecolorful side of campus.References1 Bairaktarova, D. (2016). Syllabus - Introduction to Spatial Visualization.2 O’Connor, A. J., Nemeth, C. J., & Akutsu, S. (2013). Consequences of Beliefs about theMalleability of Creativity. Creative Research Journal, 25(2), 155–162. Dweck, C. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. Random House.4 Matusovich
• Friends 4 for Often 5 for Yes, Very Much Do the following see you as an engineer? 1 for No, Not at All • Yourself 2 for Seldom Recognition by Self • Engineering instructor(s) 3 for Sometimes 4 for Often 5 for Yes, Very Much In your opinion, to what extent are the following associated with the field of
an engineering degree.Future work will continue to follow these students as they navigate their college degreeprograms, monitoring how these factors and others may predict major retention further into thecurriculum.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) underGrant No. 1734347. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.References[1] K. M. Ehlert, M. K. Orr, and Grigg, “WIP : What’s your major? First-year engineering students’ conifidence in their major choice,” in Proceedings from FYEE 2018, Glassborrow NJ, 2018.[2] V. Germeijs and K. Verschueren, “High
row. In Figure 2, this was the standard deviation for each ofthe three rows for each of the four dimensions under “Rater 1” label. Then the three row-wisestandard deviations were averaged, then placed in a matrix of average dispersions andreferred to as the dispersion for the Rater 1’s ratings for all the team members including Rater1’s self-rating. This procedure was repeated for Rater 2 and 3 accordingly. The same methodswere used to calculate the dispersion matrix for the rest of the secondary school teams as wellas the FYE comparison group.Figure 2 - Raw Peer Evaluation DataA repeated measure ANOVA was used to compare the differences in dispersions between theK12 and FYE comparison samples for each of two peer reviews. The time delay
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, which is required for almost all the undergraduate engineeringprograms at MSOE and more than 90% of these students take Chemistry I during their firstquarter immediately following their completion of the Carter Academy program. Previously, thestudent survey feedback was not positive and promising as expected. In addition, it has beennoticed that the “attitude” of students towards learning chemistry was relatively negative atMSOE, partially due to their majors which are mostly in traditional engineering programs, suchas mechanical and electrical engineering. Students studying within these majors generally do notfeel the need to learn chemistry but rather choose to simply pass the required chemistry course(s)to obtain their degree. In another
awareness. We also plan to track student performance infuture semesters as a way to measure transferability of skills learned in SI sessions.References[1] Dawson, P.; van der Meer, J.; Skalicky, J.; Cowley, K. (2014). On the Effectiveness ofSupplemental Instruction: A Systematic Review of Supplemental Instruction and Peer-AssistedStudy Sessions Literature Between 2001 and 2010. Review of Educational Research. 84 (4):609–639[2] Palincsar, A. S. (1986). Metacognitive strategy instruction. Exceptional children, 53(2),118-124[3] Flavell, J. H. (1987) Speculation about the nature and development of metacognition. In F.Weinert & R. Kluwe (Eds.), Metacognition, motivation, and understanding (pp.21 - 29).Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.[4
in the fall. The FrEP project, supported by NSF STEP and S-STEM grants,continues to provide scholarships for these FrEP students through their freshman year. OurIntegrated Curricula are structured such that students register for a block of core classes, and theS-STEM student cohort comprises one of these blocks. Throughout the academic year, studentmentors are assigned to this cohort to conduct Supplemental Instruction sessions each week.At present, 85% of this initial FrEP cohort has been retained in a STEM discipline. Data from theprevious three years show an average freshman to sophomore STEM retention rate for a similarcohort of 59%. These students also have displayed more confidence, positive attitudes, respect,and a greater