this skill developmentmore intentionally. Specifically, we will add two additional short readings on leadership ofdiverse teams, and we will ask mentors to write short reflections (a few paragraphs) at three orfour time points during the semester. We believe this scaffolded reflection will enhance mentors’learning and retention of this critical information, as shown in other studies of double looplearning and scaffolded reflection [10,11].Suggested Best Practices for Working with Peer MentorsOver five years of teaching this course, we have found that certain practices for mentorrecruitment and facilitation have improved the project experience for students, mentors, andinstructors. For example, we: Recruit excellent former students of the
sophomore Bioengineering class, over 50% of students reported feelingunprepared for technical writing assignments (data unpublished), despite some of thesestudents having earned credit for the RHET 105 course. In sum, while the RHET 105 courseprovides many valuable lessons in rhetoric and research-based writing, it cannot provideengineering students with disciplinary-specific skills necessary to write in the genres thatengineering careers will demand.Lack of student preparation for technical writing assignments is one of several challenges thatfaculty face when developing student writers. Teaching technical writing is also very time-intensive. Peer review has been used successfully in some cases, but it requires that students betrained in reviewing
%)and illustrates effective targeting toward their peer audience.The infographic assignment has been implemented winter quarter 2017 in two sections of theIntroduction to Engineering course (total of 90 students placed in 30 teams) and also in onesection of a Critical Thinking and Writing course (~20 students). The Introduction toEngineering course repeated the assignment and both draft and final rubric assessments wererecorded. The full rubric results are available in Appendix E with summarized results availablein Table 3. The infographic platform chosen by student teams again favored Piktochart (57%)with other platforms chosen including Venngage, Google Slides, MS Word, and various Adobesoftware. The top vote earning infographic posters from
’ development, achievement, and persistence through encouraging the integration of social and academic lives within a college or university and its programs, and through quality interaction with peers, faculty members, and the campus environment5. (pp. 49–50)Learning communities help students to make friends right away so that they can then settle inand focus on academics. Johnson et al8, wrote about how using cooperative learning in learningteam environments helps to reduce anxiety, helps to increase motivation, and promotesemotional bonding. In the learning teams, the first year seminar course, and the academicstrategies course students are asked to reflect and write about their experiences. Research asshown the importance of
a competency gap between graduates’ soft skills (social,leadership, workplace diversity) and what is needed by employers. Students have the content andtechnical knowledge, but they lack the skills and experience to share that knowledge in anaccessible way, with diverse groups and in multiple modes as dictated by the nature of theproject or workplace. Jollands, Jolly and Molyneaux’s 2012 research on engineering curriculumthat requires multiple technical writing, presentation and communication opportunities, thatincludes peer and faculty feedback, better prepares their graduates for the workplace. AnEconomist Intelligence Unit Report, Driving the Skills Agenda: Preparing Students for theFuture (2015), states that the most highly sought after
. Finally C is introduced to complement the basic programming skills developed with Python andMATLAB. C offers insights into more advanced computer science concepts such as explicit data typing,pointers and memory allocation. Further, it provides more control of hardware like obtaining data fromsensors and regulating motors connected to embedded control systems. Teams also use RobotC withMindstorm mechatronic systems during their second semester term projects. Introducing first year engineering students to multiple programming languages may seemdaunting. To meet this challenge the instructional model for this course leveraged the benefits ofproblem based learning, peer instruction and studio learning to provide students with an effective
presenting on a particular topic of interestin designing and running student success initiatives, followed by an open-ended discussion.Topics included peer-facilitated learning, web-based advising tools and the use of technologymore generally in career development and advisement, the transfer evaluation process, how tobreak down barriers to collaboration, and the growth mindset (as defined and described bypsychologist Carol Dweck). A quick online reflections survey was made available to the PLCafter each meeting, and summary notes of the discussions were posted on the PLC forum. 1. What is the main reason you came to the meeting today? 2. What is one thing new you learned from today's meeting? (if nothing, please write N/A) 3. What is one
on projects, and project management skills to monitor project progress. Students are then given multiple in-class design challenges and out-of-class projects to provide them with opportunities to act on these skills and reflect on their process to improve for the next design activity. The first year engineering course is worth 3.5 credits each semester and has 3 2-hour sessions. Class sessions use a studio model of instruction and encourage peer instruction in teams for every class session. The "context" for the course is to prepare students for their academic and professional engineering careers. This means developing skills in innovative design, computational modeling/analysis, project management and teaming. Engineering students
positions with the social hierarchy and theirengineering teams. However, these identities were only accessible to majority students andunderrepresented students were often left out of the team dynamics. This study emphasized thebest practices of promoting teamwork with diverse students including: (1) teaching aboutdiversity, especially teaching how to respect one’s teammates and the client’s needs; (2)organizing teams to reduce conflict, balance gender composition (or have all-men or all-womenteams), and improve trust; (3) incorporating peer feedback throughout the duration of the teamand using it to mediate disrespectful interactions and unacceptable practices; (4) including a widerange of teamwork expectations in grading practices; and (5) better
instance SI in history coursesstresses skills to improve literature analysis and essay writing while SI in calculus coursesstresses heuristic problem solving skills. As administrators developing this program, weencountered limited literature pertaining to the implementation and resulting effects of SI inengineering courses at other universities. To adapt this pilot SI model to fit the needs of studentsin engineering coursework, we designed this study to gain understanding of the studentpopulation, their motivations for attending SI, and whether or not SI attendance was linked toincreased academic performance.Another objective was to provide feedback to the instructors of this course (and other freshmencourses) regarding the level of student
in the areas of creative writing and movie making. She teaches ”Script to Screen” workshops to grades K-8 and coordinates the Gifted/Talented program at Oaklawn Elementary School. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Assistive Technology for Freshmen Design and K-12 OutreachAbstractThis Work in Progress paper presents on the design of project-based learning approach focusedon assistive technology as applied in a freshmen level engineering course which also integratesoutreach with the local K12 system. The university course targets general education topics as wellas an introductory engineering design experience and includes content on the engineering designprocess, societal
anengineering degree and write a reflective comprehensive report at the end of the course.Previously published results reported a positive impact on first-year engineering studentretention and performance after the first year of implementation of the DYP program. The resultsof the four-year longitudinal study confirm an increase in overall GPA and persistence for thefirst-year, but more remarkably it shows that the DYP program has a long term sustainable effecton student success. Results show statistically significant differences in GPA and persistence ratesbetween the DYP cohort and control cohort for all years. The DYP cohort showed higher overallGPAs: +0.53 year one, +0.33 year two, +0.31 year three and +0.26 year four (p<0.001, exceptfor year
study asked individuals to indicate the ethics topics thatthey taught in one or more of their courses (18 topics were identified, an additional “other” wasprovided with a space to write-in; “no topics” was also an option). For any individuals whoselected one or more topics), this was followed by a question where respondents indicated all ofthe types of courses where they taught these topics (9 options provided and “other”); results aresummarized in Table 2. Among the survey respondents, 71 only reported teaching these topics infirst-year courses (either first-year introductory course and/or a first-year design course) and noother types of courses. On average, four different ethics related topics were reported by eachinstructor of these first
designed to assist students with self-efficacy beliefs and personal goals.At this University all engineering and computer science students take an introduction toengineering course that covers the engineering process, teamwork, communication skills, thedifferent branches of engineering, ethics, and co-curricular and extracurricular opportunities.Section sizes are ~30 students, so students can build community with peers and their professor.The professor of the Introduction to Engineering course is the academic advisor for his/her set ofstudents. Students declare or confirm their major by the end of the first semester. Resources tohelp students choose a major include laboratories, advisor meetings, student panels, a semester-long team project
topic of student success andretention at the undergraduate level, and it has been found that in addition to prior demonstrationof academic success (e.g., high school GPA, SAT scores, and other academic achievements), amain factor in determining student success at the college level was student motivation.9In an effort to enhance student motivation, some engineering schools have made changes to theirprogram’s digital and physical infrastructure to keep up with the rapidly evolving technologiesand learning styles of the modern engineering student. For example, New Mexico StateUniversity (NMSU) has implemented a new first year program at their institution, with a focuson PBL, flipped classroom instruction, and peer mentoring.10 Programs such as
-time coding,freehand drawing on a digital tablet, classroom, studio, or office desk (Guo, 2014). The videoscreated for this course are instead set in the labs where students will work on experiments andprojects. First-year and computer-aided design courses have used videos for a variety of topicsincluding: technical writing, software, programming, drawing, modeling, communication,problem solving, and teamwork (Fraley, 2015; Shah, 2013; Shreve, 2011). However, the videosused in these courses prepare students to complete assignments and take exams. On the contrary,the NI ELVIS and CAD video viewed before the lab prepare students to complete hands-onexercises in the lab and for their project. This makes the visual learning aspect of the videos
design project.Pedagogical PracticesMany best practices of engineering education have been implemented into this design project.The mutual learning methodologies of cooperative-based learning and collaborative-basedlearning are utilized throughout the experience since students work with each other in teams andwith other teaching assistants. This is enveloped by instructional team approach to the classroomenvironment, whereby each class of 36 students has an assigned instructional team of oneinstructor, one Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA), and three Undergraduate TeachingAssistants (UTA). Thus, these mutual learning models are supported by peer teaching andmentoring from GTAs and UTAs, as well. Additionally, the course gives students