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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 57 in total
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - WIPS 3: Identity & Belonging
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Libby Flanagan, Clemson University; Madison Pollock, Clemson University ; Elizabeth Anne Stephan, Clemson University; Karen A. High, Clemson University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
. After each lesson and after thelesson series, students completed a written reflection on what they had learned, totaling to fivereflections over the semester. Their responses will be explored with a thematic qualitativeanalysis to answer the research questions above. The lessons continue to be adapted to thiscontext and are being taught to all sections of the course this semester. A rollout to all incomingfirst-year engineering students is planned for the Fall of 2023, so this analysis is ongoing, and allconclusions drawn so far are from Fall of 2022 and are denoted as a WIP.Definition of EmpathyDuring a pilot study in the Fall of 2022, 59 first-year students in the honors sections of“Introduction to Engineering” at a large R1 university
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 1: Evolving First Year Programs
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kaylla Cantilina, Tufts University; Ethan E. Danahy, Tufts University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
: Exploring Engineering Students’ Changing Perception of Racism in Automation during a First-Year Computation CourseAbstractThis Complete Evidence-based Practice paper describes first-year engineering students’perceptions, and specifically their shifts in those perspectives, towards the role of automation anddata science in society as well as the racial implications of how those human-made systems areimplemented and deployed. As part of a larger curricular change being made to a first-yearengineering course in computation, this paper specifically examines two reflection assignmentswhere students wrote, at different points in the semester (week 2 and week 12), regarding theirpersonal questions and understandings related
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division GIFTS: Great Ideas For Teaching Students
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dori Harcharik, Western Washington University; Jill Davishahl, Western Washington University
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creating inclusive and equitable learning environments through the development and implementation of strategies geared towards increasing student sense of belonging. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 GIFTS: Sharing Stories and Building Belonging in a First Year Engineering CourseAbstractThis Great Ideas for Teaching, and Talking with, Students (GIFTS) paper presents a method forfostering a sense of belonging in students through a story sharing assignment in a first-yearengineering course. The authors present how story sharing is integrated into an introductoryengineering course and provides a reflection of the experience on the successes, challenges, andimpact on student
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division GIFTS: Great Ideas For Teaching Students
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lee Kemp Rynearson, Campbell University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
in general – whichsome students described as illustrative of the potential worth and impact of a single engineer.The breadth of approaches, observations, and principles relating to beauty and eleganceillustrated by this limited sample is desirable, as the point of the class is not to converge on adefinition of beauty but rather for each student to find examples, methods, and possibly widerprinciples that are meaningful to them. An individual student’s findings could potentially informor expand their appreciation for what engineering can be and accomplish, offer them places tointegrate engineering with their existing identities or interests, or influence career planning.After class, students are assigned to write reflections based on prompts
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division GIFTS: Great Ideas For Teaching Students
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa K. Murray, Western New England University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
/users. Student groupscollaborated and communicated to the whole group about their motivations and perspectives fortheir design choices. The students then reflected on the possible value of their designs. Studentsthen wrote reflections that described the societal benefits of creating inclusive designs. Theirreflection pieces included thoughts on unconscious bias, challenging/disrupting beliefs, norms,habits and expectations that highlights problems behind oppressive worldviews, and socialinsight/imagination of what life is like for others considering social circumstances such as culturalidentity, privilege, and positionality. A self-reflection rubric is used to assess student self-reflectionsubmissions.Overall, this module enables educators to
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 11: Projects
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Randy Hugh Brooks, Texas A&M University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
using the Engineering Design Process (EDP)within the context of the accomplishments and mindset of Da Vinci. The course exploredengineering mechanics and design topics concurrent with applying physics topics in anengineering laboratory. A qualitative analysis was performed using a new reflective tool,PhotoVoice. The purpose of the assessment was to better understand the impact of the course onthe student vision, the operation of the course relative to what they have encountered in theireducational careers, and student-perceived learning outcomes. Analysis of student reflectionsrevealed themes of “Changed Perspectives,” “Engagement in the Classroom,” and“Brainstorming Benefits” when describing the impact of the course on their career visions
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 5: Supporting Success 2
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sahar Mari, Northwestern University in Qatar; Sara AlBanna, SLB; Nayef Alyafei, Texas A&M University at Qatar
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
dedication to student suc- cess, her innovative approach to program design, and her collaborative spirit, Sahar Mari is a true asset to the field of student support services.Ms. Sara AlBanna, SLB Sara AlBanna is a recent graduate from Texas A&M University at Qatar with a degree in petroleum engi- neering. She currently works as an field engineer at SLB. As a dedicated engineer, she is passionate about creating positive change in the industry. Her diverse undergraduate research projects, ranging from the impacts of migration on education to the development of multilateral wells, reflect her interests in multi- disciplinary pursuits. AlBanna is a multifaceted individual, identifying as an author, artist, and petroleum
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 6: Mentors & Teams
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ingrid Paredes, New York University Tandon School of Engineering; Kaz Burns; Jack Bringardner, New York University Tandon School of Engineering; Rui Li, New York University Tandon School of Engineering; Ameya Palav; Elena Rose Hume; Victoria Bill, New York University Tandon School of Engineering; Chris Woods, NYU
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
workshop series provides teaching assistants with the ability to recognize andconfront bias among individuals and within teams, helps them develop an understanding ofpower, privilege, and oppression, and equips them with the tools to employ their knowledgeprofessionally. The workshops feature individual reflection activities and small groupdiscussions, culminating in a community-wide discussion on lessons learned and actionableitems to build an inclusive community within our first-year program.To understand the value of this training for the undergraduate teaching assistants, a survey wasconducted of participants before and after participation in the workshops. The survey aims tocapture the practicality of the training and the teaching assistants
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Best Of FPD
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jill Davishahl, Western Washington University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
learning,perseverance, reflection, commitment [5] [25]. Despite the challenges, it is important forengineering programs (and faculty) to commit to doing this work as it is an essential componentof educating future engineers.Internal Motivation & Course Development ProcessWestern Washington University (WWU) is a public institution with approximately 15,000 full-time undergraduate students. The Engineering and Design Department (ENGD) at WWU hasfour undergraduate-only programs: Electrical & Computer Engineering (EECE), IndustrialDesign (ID), Manufacturing Engineering (MFGE), and Polymer Materials Engineering (PME).Students interested in majoring in engineering at WWU must formally apply to a program aftercompleting a series of prerequisite
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 4: Design Thinking & Entrepreneurship
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gordon Stewart, Roger Williams University; Maija A. Benitz, Roger Williams University; Lillian Clark Jeznach, Roger Williams University; Charles R. Thomas, Roger Williams University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
documents your design selection process, explains your manufacturing process, and describes the testing and iteration steps you took. 3. Final Design and See Appendix ReportA template is provided to the students for the final report, which requires students to documentthe different steps of the EDP. Students use the previous milestones and comments from theinstructors to complete their final document. Additionally, students are required to include alltheir team meeting minutes as well as personal reflections about the project and theircontributions. Bonus points are awarded for the top three performing teams during the tower-platform stability testing. The requirements of the final report can
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 1: Course Design
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matilde Luz Sánchez-Peña, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Jennifer L Zirnheld, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Kevin M. Burke; Julia Latorre; Carl F. Lund, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Andrew Olewnik, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
. His research includes undergraduate engineering education with focus on engineering design, problem-based learning, co-curricular involvement and its impact on professional formation, and the role of reflection practices in supporting engineering undergraduates as they transition from student to professional. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Using the CAP model to Equitably Redesign a First-Year Engineering SeminarIntroductionThe student body in higher education keeps changing, making it critical to pay attention to newgenerations' challenges toward achieving their academic goals [1]. Generation Z students are the core ofthe current student population at colleges and
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - GIFTS
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey W. Fergus P.E., Auburn University; Jessica Bowers, Auburn University - Samuel Ginn College of Engineering
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
out that not all the student outcomes are technical and that non-technical skills are required to be a successful engineer. This is followed by a discussion of thecareer-ready competencies identified by the National Association of Colleges and Employers(NACE) which are listed in Table 1 [10]. After review of the outcomes and competencies,students are asked to reflect on the competencies in which they are most confident at this stage oftheir education and then participate in an exercise to assess the competencies needed whendeveloping a new product.The Poll Everywhere platform was used to crowdsource responses to the question, “Which of thefollowing competencies have you developed during your first year at the university or based onyour
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - WIPS 4: Projects
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Rizk, Duke University; William Ross Denton; Roxana Haas
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
these areas, creating a challenging environment particularly forunderrepresented engineering students. To combat this issue, a video and activities weredeveloped to emphasize teamwork and inclusion. The video was created by two students whohad taken the course in the previous year. It presented background information, mindful teachingabout inclusion, some discussion of the students’ personal experiences in the course, and anintroduction to the activities. The three activities that were developed were (1) a communicationgame, which allowed students to practice clear and respectful communication, (2) a teamworkand collaboration game, which aimed to show that each member of a team had somethingvaluable to contribute, and (3) a reflection and
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 6: Equity, Inclusion, and Access
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ingrid Joylyn Paredes, New York University ; Rui Li, New York University; Sooah Kwak, New York University ; Chris Woods, New York University; Dominic Roy Krusniak, New York University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
understanding of power, privilege, andoppression, and equip them with the tools to employ their knowledge as engineers throughdiscussions of inclusive design. Co-created and co-facilitated by faculty, teaching assistants, anddiversity, equity, and inclusion experts at the institution, the workshops feature short lectures bythe facilitators, individual reflection activities, and small group discussions, culminating in acommunity-wide discussion on lessons learned and actionable items to build an inclusivecommunity within our program. We seek to build our teaching assistants’ sense of agency in theclassroom by cultivating a positive self-concept, developing their understanding of sociopoliticalenvironments, and providing resources for action.To
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - WIPS 3: Identity & Belonging
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Evelyn Walters, Temple University; Cory Budischak, Temple University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
and thus effective teamwork?InterventionWe have adopted several modules of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Tools for Teamwork:Asset Mapping and Team Processing Handbook [11] to introduce students to important teamconcepts. Prior to forming groups and as part of the Handbook, students are asked to reflect ontheir identities, strengths, communication and conflict styles. As part of this, they complete aseries of self-assessments [12] and generate an asset map where they give thought to how theirlife experiences, not only educational experiences, will benefit a team. For an example of whatan asset map looks like, see examples in [4], [13]. Further, students read several articleshighlighting diversity and engineering and write a short
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 4: Design Thinking & Entrepreneurship
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Crismond, City University of New York, City College
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
learning, and changes in the module’s design over thethree semesters, with rationales behind those decisions. Prominent among the instructionalstrategies was the use of various formative assessment approaches to adjust instruction whileproviding evidence of student progress in using design practices and engineering concepts in aninformed way. Tasks included: Triad Sorting, proposing and applying Design Rules-of-Thumb,Small Group Discussions, Interviews, using Contrasting Cases and reflecting on design practiceusing an Informed Design Rubric. These approaches were used in a context where human-centered designing and “design with us, not for us” was emphasized. Design thinking was introduced and elaborated upon in a variety of ways
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 9: Identity & Belonging 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Diego Reyes, Arizona State University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
for him that throughout his definition and defining engineering, we never see him falterin his belief that he may not be able to live up to what he sees an engineer as. In fact, as hedescribes engineering as full of those with “intelligent minds,” we see that he counts himselfamong those with the potential to join them. Demonstrating that on a subconscious level, hecounts himself among those that fit the mold, and because of that, we see an immense boost tobelonging and confidence that he can become an engineer. This is directly contrasted with howour female participant Chad feels about the mold. When prompted to reflect on what she wouldchange in engineering to make herself feel like she was more welcome in engineering, this washer response
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 2: Program Design
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sukeerti Shandliya, University of Cincinnati; Gibin Raju, University of Cincinnati; So Yoon Yoon, University of Cincinnati; Cedrick Kwuimy, University of Cincinnati
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
., psychic assumptions reassessment of values and self- 4 Recognition that one’s discontent and the process of reflection transformation are shared and that others have negotiated a similar change 5 Exploration of options for new roles, relationships, and actions 6 Planning of a course of action Affirming & Connecting, i.e., shifted 7 Acquisition of knowledge and skills for perspective that allows one to cope implementing one’s plan with those situations more easily in 8 Provisional trying new roles the future 9 Building competence and self-confidence in new roles
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 6: Mentors & Teams
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew B. James, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Tahsin Mahmud Chowdhury, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Juan David Ortega-Alvarez, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University / Universidad EAFIT; Jennifer Lyn Benning, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Natalie C.T. Van Tyne, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Jenny L Lo, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
participated in the aforementionedsummer program are granted a degree of autonomy in how they approach teamwork in theircourses and chose to implement the equitable teaming tools from the Summer 2022 workshop tovarious degrees in their classes in the Fall 2022 semester. The full list of available teaming toolsincluded: 1) pre-readings related to the importance of diversity on teams, 2) individual assetmaps encouraging students to explore how their own backgrounds could be valuable and appliedin the course, 3) team asset charts designed to facilitate a breakdown of work for teamassignments in a way that draws upon the diverse backgrounds of all team members, and 4) teamprocessing documents guiding students through reflective questions regarding their
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 7: Retention & Success
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Navid Yaghoubisharif, Oregon State University; Shane A. Brown P.E., Oregon State University; Natasha Mallette P.E., Oregon State University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
-evaluation, andactive involvement in learning processes contribute to student's academic experiences andoutcomes. Each construct has been carefully chosen and defined to capture the multifacetednature of student engagement in first-year engineering courses. Building on the theoreticalframeworks we discussed earlier, it's important to note how each construct within our instrumentis aligned with specific dimensions of student engagement in first-year engineering courses.Constructive EngagementCourse Knowledge, reflecting the dimension of constructive engagement, is grounded in theconstructive aspect of Chi's ICAP theory [10]. Michelene Chi's ICAP framework categorizesstudent cognitive engagement into four distinct levels based on their interaction
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - WIPS 2: Advising & Mentoring
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kelyn Rola, Southern Methodist University; Caitlin Anderson, Southern Methodist University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
transfer status, both out of the school ofengineering and out of SW-PWI. The rosters also included students’ term grade point average(GPA) and term hours completed for Fall 2022, which were used as measures of academicoutcomes. Term hours completed refer to the credit hours that students passed and completed ina semester, and do not reflect students’ initial credit hour enrollment. We selected both GPA andterm hours completed as measurement metrics because SW-PWI uses these variables to measurestudent persistence and to predict students’ retention and graduation.Second, we requested and received access to a retention dashboard at SW-PWI. This dashboardcontains historical retention data both within the school of engineering and at the institution
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 11: Projects
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Fethiye Ozis, Carnegie Mellon University; Kelly Salyards P.E., Bucknell University; David A. Saftner, University of Minnesota Duluth; Tanya Kunberger, Florida Gulf Coast University
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
notstraightforward.In this study, the authors surveyed faculty teaching introductory courses in engineering toexplore the range of projects already developed, the basic details of the projects, and topicsaddressed in each. The online survey was utilized to collect faculty members’ teachingapproaches, preparation, activities, and materials needed, as well as self-reflection. Data analysiscategorized first-year engineering projects (N=32) by the project outcomes, themes, extentwithin the course coverage, grading system, institutions’ educational model, and the projects’inclusivity of other power/holistic skills. There were common features among the first-yearintroductory engineering courses including the engineering design process, teamwork, andprofessional
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - WIPS 2: Advising & Mentoring
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Trahan, University of California, San Diego; Jessica Baldis, University of California, San Diego; Jasmine L. Sadler, University of California, San Diego; Darren J Lipomi
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
can be done through a course that focuses on teaching the conceptsand skills, or it can be embedded within the engineering classroom experience. For example, areview of growth mindset approaches identified effective interventions including courses andother learning experiences like workshops, discussions, reflective writing, online tutorials, andcourse-embedded tutors [10]. Metacognitive strategies are also commonly taught outside theclassroom through campus teaching and learning centers. There is an emerging focus onmetacognition and self-regulated learning embedded within STEM classrooms [14], [15], [16].Proactive identification and advising of studentsProactive advising, built on the concept of intrusive advising [17], [18], involves
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division WIPS 3: Courses and Curricula
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mahdi Agheli, Worcester Polytechnic Insitute; Greg Lewin, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Markus Nemitz
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
term, offer a continuous evaluative framework, crucial formonitoring student progress and adapting teaching strategies to meet evolving educational needs.In Fall 2021, the CATME assessment process was implemented in a third-year course on RobotManipulation (RBE 3001). The study’s sample consisted of 75 RBE students from the course,offering a representative cross-section of the RBE program’s demographic and skill diversity.This sample size and composition provide a robust basis for understanding the programming skillvariance within the cohort. The context in which these surveys were administered—during theinitial phase of the course—ensures that the data reflects the students’ current competencies andchallenges. RBE 3001 traditionally expects
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 9: Identity & Belonging 1
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anna Newsome Holcomb, Georgia Institute of Technology; Jacqueline Rohde, Georgia Institute of Technology; Lakshmi Raju
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
can help.’”The article referenced is a collection of excerpts from the book “Peer-to-Peer Leadership:Transforming Student Culture” by Aaron Thompson, Greg Metz, and Joseph B. Cuseo. Contentsections summarized include Why Peer Leadership Matters in the 21st Century, The Importanceof Social Capital, The Power of Peer Leadership, and Positive Outcomes Associated with PeerLeadership. In the content referenced as the most impactful reading of the practicum, leadershipis undeniably linked to peer mentorship, yet the connection was missed in PL reflection. As thePeer Leader Practicum further develops, activities and discussions should reinforce theimportance of leadership development within the practice of peer mentorship.Peer Leaders Self-Identify
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 5: Identity & Belonging
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph McCusker, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Matilde Luz Sanchez-Pena, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
first-year engineering experienceto incoming students in general, and particularly those that have additional challenges for asuccessful transition to college, many of whom have underrepresented or marginalized identities.During the first two years of these improvements, which started in Fall 2022, the maininstructional additions have consisted of (1) inclusion of opportunities for students’ self-reflection, (2) inclusion of training in metacognition, and (3) specific modifications to courseassessments.Literature review on first-year innovationsIn what follows, we present a review of some successful research-based initiatives that havesucceeded in supporting students’ achievement and retention through the first years inengineering.A pilot
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 8: Peers as Mentors & Instructors
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jill Davishahl, Western Washington University; Audrey Boklage, University of Texas at Austin
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
lasted between twenty minutes and an hour long and wereconducted in-person. The questions explored how the students found out about the SEL position,why they decided to apply, and questions about their experiences, including what they thoughtwas going well and what they would like to change. Interviews were designed and conducted inaccordance with internal review board policies and researchers ensured the confidentiality of theparticipants. The interviews were recorded and transcribed.The journal entries were designed to gather insight on the mentor experience over the course ofthe academic year. Mentors were asked to summarize the work they completed and reflect ontheir experience of being a mentor. Questions were open-ended and prompted the
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 5: Identity & Belonging
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Danielle Francine Usinski, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Jessica E. S. Swenson, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York; Emma Treadway, Trinity University; Alyndra Mary Plagge, Trinity University; Shea E. Lape
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
and asked to reflect on theirexperiences in classes and involvement in engineering related activities. These interviews tend tobe about an hour to two hours long, depending on how much the student enjoys reflecting. Someof the interview questions were geared towards engineering identity. Some were geared towardsaffect, global affect, and affective pathways [13], [14], [15], [16], [17]. Most of the otherquestions surrounded the information the student provided in the survey, confirming that all ofthe boxes they checked match how they truly feel about their attitudes, demographics, andoutside identities. We examined evidence from the participants’ first and second post-semesterinterviews with facts from the preliminary survey as contextual
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division Technical Session 6: Equity, Inclusion, and Access
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sonia Travaglini, Stanford University; Aya Mouallem, Stanford University; Sheri D. Sheppard, Stanford University
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addressintrinsic bias, including methods during application decisions such as using partiallyde-identified application materials used in admissions decisions.PositionalityThis work is presented from the positionality of the researchers at Stanford University,examining outreach programs situated in the United States and in Lebanon, from the authorperspectives of the program designers and staff. The authors have a focus on supporting accessand equity in engineering, and approach this from a practical perspective of finding practices thatcan be integrated into current educational outreach efforts. As a result, we briefly reflect on ourpersonal experiences in relation to the topics we address in this work in this brief positionalitystatement [16]. Aya
Conference Session
First-Year Programs Division (FYP) - Technical Session 8: Skill Building
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sarah Huizar, Center for Research in Engineering and Technology Education (CREATE); Diane Elisa Golding, University of Texas at El Paso; Victor Manuel Garcia Jr.
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First-Year Programs Division (FYP)
comment shows an example of an aspect of financial literacy that our undergraduate students may need help to improve their personal finance and money management skills. • When students were asked about cash flow and net worth from a business perspective for Learning Module 2, students were able to identify strategies that could result in greater income in a particular scenario. For example, a student proposed a low interest loan to improve the security system of the business after merchandise was stolen. Another student reflected that it was better to look for lower cost options or to rent another studio for the business instead of lowering the quality of the product being sold. Another