, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, undergraduates and others within their research group – whether that means discussing who has authority to make decisions about purchasing materials, or what the “chain of command” is when there is a question about research procedures. Metrics: How will the team members know if they have succeeded? What are the metrics that can be assessed to determine if the team has reached its goal(s)? Consequences: what happens if a team member does not follow the groundrules or meet the expectations described in the team charter? What types of interventions or warnings are given, and under what circumstances is a member released from the team?Developing a team charter
those feelings are actually enacted in teaching. Page 22.757.3Teacher AutonomyAutonomy is directly related to motivation 10, 11. Autonomy is when a person‟s “actions arefreely chosen and experienced as emanating from oneself” 12. While research on autonomy ineducation originally focuses on students, more recent research has shown the importance ofteachers‟ sense of autonomy. Pelletier et al. 13 found that teachers‟ perceptions of constraints inthe teaching environment as well as of their students‟ self determination influenced the teachers‟self determination, which finally lead to whether or not the teachers supported their students‟autonomy
AC 2010-247: SCHOLARLY CREATIVE ENGINEERING DESIGN?Robert Fleisig, McMaster UniversityHarry Mahler, Ontario College of Art and Design Page 15.1052.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2010 Scholarly Creative Engineering DesignAbstractMcMaster University has initiated a new Master of Engineering Design degree inengineering practice aimed at educating tomorrow s leaders in engineering designGraduates of engineering schools are well versed in first-principles approaches totechnology application and must acquire new skills and competencies in innovation anddesign in order to become global leaders in their field. The leading thinkers in engineeringdesign must be
Paper ID #27132Impact of Research Experience Programs on National and International Un-dergraduate Engineering StudentsDr. Jacques C. Richard, Texas A&M University Dr. Richard got his Ph. D. at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1989 & a B. S. at Boston University, 1984. He was at NASA Glenn, 1989-1995, worked at Argonne National Lab, 1996-1997, taught at Chicago State University, 1997-2002. Dr. Richard is a Sr. Lecturer & Research Associate in Aerospace Engi- neering @ Texas A&M since 1/03. His research is focused on computational plasma modeling using spectral and lattice Boltzmann methods for studying
Technology (PCAST. ) “Transformation and opportunity: The future of the U.S. research enterprise”, Report to the President, 2012.[5] C. Wendler, B. Bridgeman, R. Markle, F. Cline, N. Bell, P. McAllister and J. Kent. Pathways Through Graduate School And Into Careers. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, 2012.[6] H. S. Barrows, Practice-Based Learning: Problem-Based Learning Applied To Medical Education. Springfield, IL: Southern Illinois University, 1994.[7] H. S. Barrows, How To Design A Problem-Based Curriculum For The Preclinical Years. New York, NY: Springer, 1985.[8] I. Choi, Y. C. Hong, H. Park, and Y. Lee, “Case-based learning for anesthesiology: Enhancing dynamic decision-making skills through
school after decision to go to school hearing the graduate presentation school (Yes) SLCC 54 11 37 6 21% (F only) SLCC 87 28 42 17 32% (S only) SLCC 14 4 6 4 28% only Chemical Engineering (F,S) SLCC and 163 64 51 48 39% UoU (F,S,J,Sr)Table 1: Categories of and number of students surveyed and the results for each categoryKey: (F
paper focuses on results achieved in developing leaders as evaluated through interviews with alumni. While the paper does discuss the classes created and implemented to build leadership abilities and attitudes in students, it does not emphasize the details of the courses, which can be found in the syllabi7.Description of Graduate Student PopulationGraduates from the master‟s degree programs in the School of Engineering at the University ofSt. Thomas are primarily working adults in the 30 to 50 year age group. Historically they havehad 10 years or more of industry experience before entering the program. However, this isdecreasing as more graduates of the bachelor engineering programs enter the graduate programs.Typically it takes students
fatigue butprimarily because the study team felt safe assuming that most graduate students have access to acamera through their smartphone or a digital camera and therefore also have experience takingphotographs. In lieu of a formal training, participants will be provided information on the goalsof the study, data collection process, goals of photovoice research, and ethical considerations forpartaking in a photovoice study via the study informed consent form, a photovoice fact sheet,and virtual instructions.Theoretical Frameworks Used in the StudyThree theoretical frameworks are leveraged in this work. The first is Ecological Systems Theory(EST). This framework helps to situates individuals within the context of their localenvironment(s), global
expectations. Engagement according toSmith et al.’s [11] model depends on the effectiveness of teams, as students work in learningcontexts that require high activity and problem-solving. In addition to these functional definitions of engagement, an assessment instrument hasalso been developed in order to standardize definitions and measurement of engagement in highereducation. The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) was developed in 2000 to assessundergraduate student engagement [21]. It consists of four themes with indicators that defineengagement: (1) academic challenge, with the indicators of higher-order learning, reflective &integrative learning, learning strategies, and quantitative reasoning; (2) learning with peers, withthe
individuals mostinvolved in mentoring undergraduate researchers, the invitation emails specifically requested thatthe survey be completed by the individual most involved in mentoring the undergraduate(s).We were surprised to find that, on both surveys, more than 70% of respondents indicated thatthey were faculty members and about 20% of respondents were post-docs or graduate students.The few respondents who selected “other” included a post-bachelor lab manager and otherresearch staff. Table 1 summarizes the respondents’ self-identified roles at the University. Table 1: Respondents by University Role Pre-Survey (n=47) Post-Survey (n=56) What is your role at the
promoting diversity in graduate engineering education, Proc. 2006 ASEE AnnualConference, Chicago, IL, June 2006.4. Eugene M. DeLoatch, Sherra Kerns, Lueny Morell, Carla Purdy, Paige Smith, Samuel L. Truesdale, and BarbaraWaugh, Articulating a multifaceted approach for promoting diversity in graduate engineering education, Proc. 2007ASEE Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI, June 2007.5. Phillip C. Wankat, Analysis of the first ten years of the, Journal of Engineering Education 88 (1), 1999, pp. 37-42.6. R.G. Batson, T.W. Merritt, and C.F. Williams, Barriers to increased engineering graduate enrollments:counterforces and their implementation, Journal of Engineering Education 82 (3), 1993, pp. 157-162.7. S. Baker, P. Tancred, and S. Whitesides, Gender and
, C.S., and Prevedouros, P.D. 2001. Transportation Engineering and Planning, Printice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.3. Haldar, A. and Mahadevan, S. 2000. “Probability, Reliability and Statistical Methods in Engineering Design”, John Wiley and Sons, New York.4. Kuebler R. and Smith, 1976. “Statistics”, John Wiley and Sons, New York.5. Lipsey, M.W. 1990. “Design Sensitivity: Statistical Power for Experimental Research”. Newbury park, CA, Sage. Page 22.1258.6 Fig. 1 No. of hints vs. Cost of the grade for Problem 1 120Cost of
Engineering.Jyothsna Kavuturu, Jyothsna K. S., Department of English, St.Joseph’s College, Bangalore, secured a gold medal for the high- est aggregate marks in the Post Graduate English Literature Course at St.Joseph’s College (autonomous). K. S. has been working for the Department of English, St.Joseph’s College for almost two years now, teaching both undergraduate and Postgraduate courses in English. K. S. has published papers in intramu- ral and extramural publications, and presented papers at several conventions, conferences, and seminars. Page 23.1122.1 c American Society for Engineering
large response rates (i.e. not skip logic based). Thisrestricts the number of responses used for analysis as well as the ability to test the surveyinstrument’s factor structure in its entirety. This means that there may be larger underlyingthemes that we cannot pull out or important themes present in these opt in items that will beoverlooked. References[1] S. Lipson, E. Lattie, & D. Eisenberg, “Increased rates of mental health service utilization by US college students: 10-year population-level trends (2007–2017),” Psychiatric Services, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 60-63, 2019.[2] S. Lipson & D. Eisenberg, “Mental health and academic attitudes and expectations in university
other professions. Assessment methodsfor the program will evolve in order to ensure that the highest standards are maintained in thisprogram while recognizing the program participants and their motivation, the stakeholder /employer and their assessment of the benefit derived from the program, and the overall academicsetting in which the program is offered.Bibliography1. Bloom, B. S. (ed), Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational; Goals, pp 201-207, Susan Fauer Company, Inc., Chicago, 1956.2. Bloom, B. S., The Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Handbook I, Cognitive Domain, David McKay Company, Inc., New York, 1956.3. Bloom, B. S., B. B. Masia, and D. R. Krathwohl, The Taxonomy of Educational
engineering concepts, is relatively scarce. Page 26.1608.4 Graduate students’ views on teaching are in part a result of their departmental culture,revolving around the perceived status of who teaches and who doesn’t. Even though Feldon etal.’s study on graduate student teaching presents “direct, performance-based evidence ofimprovement on specific research skills associated with teaching experiences that complementtraditional graduate research training”[16], teaching is still considered a separate role withoutpositive impacts on research or the faculty career. In many engineering departments, there is aperception that teaching is “grunt work
inthe workplace.As part of an NSF S-STEM grant, the University of Wisconsin - Platteville implemented a seriesof professional development opportunities to STEM Master Students on a variety of topics. Inasking students about topics they wanted, students reported a need for soft skills. Knowing thestudents desire to learn about soft skills and knowing that employers find soft skills essential, theteam wanted to determine how effective incorporating professional development opportunities,called “Scholar Spots,” to the scholarship program were at increasing the student’s ability in thetopic areas.The team decided to advance students’ learning about soft skills through a series of monthlywebinars, dubbed “Scholar Spots.” Each spot was required
academic supervisor23. Such programs exist in the United States, Sweden,Denmark and the United Kingdom (U.K.)21, 23-28. More literature is available on the programs inthe U.K., thus is the focus of this section. Universities in the U.K. have been partnering withindustry for approximately twenty years with support from U.K.’s Engineering and PhysicalSciences Research Council (the U.K.’s equivalent to the National Science Foundation). Inaddition to technical coursework, students take courses in strategic management, finance andhuman resource management. Students completing the program earn a research basedengineering doctorate 25.Students in the United Kingdom’s program transition through four roles: consultant, researcher,innovator and entrepreneur
modules engage visitors in learning to express their needs assertively,negotiate effectively when interests and positions may diverge, and manage conflict as it arisesin their environment(s). The Advanced Strategies rely on the mastery of the Essential Skills andunderstanding of Communication Elements. The Advanced Strategies modules and associatedskills are presented in Table 3. The following is a sample of text taken from the Introductionsection of the Advanced Strategy entitled, Negotiation: Negotiation is a discussion between two or more people that involves two main functions: identifying a common ground and reaching an explicit agreement regarding a matter of mutual concern. It’s an advanced strategy that relies on the
Technology (ETEC), with at least 50 sustainingenrollments of 200+ students in fall 2010 according to ASEE data. On the other hand, since the1980’s only about 14 institutions have created master’s degrees in ETEC. Some M.S. programshave evolved from Master of Science in Technology (M.S.T.) or Master of Technology (M.T.)versions. One fundamental question posed in the debate is whether ETEC curricula rise to thenecessary scientific rigor of traditional M.S. degrees. This paper asserts that the M.S. in ETECshould stand on equal footing with M.S. programs in any other field and particularly inengineering when viewed from the perspective of (i) the scientific level of graduate ETECcourses; (ii) the roles that ETEC graduates perform in the engineering
that hinder or support role identitydevelopment in graduate school. In addition, this framework for engineering graduate student identity development has thepotential to increase understanding of doctoral students’ experiences, particularly those ofhistorically marginalized graduate students, and how institutions may better support the identitydevelopment of all students. Furthering understanding of identity development in graduateschool supports the development of a more representative engineering workforce throughincreased understanding of the identity experiences of engineering doctoral students. Thus, thiswork may have implications for persistence and representation in graduate school and academia.References[1] S. L. Rodriguez, C
://www.sciencemag.org/careers/2013/05/myidp). Consider drafting a PowerPoint to inform an initial conversation with your advisor, committee, and/or mentoring team. Draft a bio for inclusion in the NRT website. Visit www.cases2020.org and identify one session each in break-out sessions I and II you are interested in moderating. Sign, date and submit the consent to participate form!Onboarding and Orientation Event Agenda 1. Introductions – 1-2 mins per person. Share as many details as you can/want academically/professionally (e.g., UG/Grad institution(s), UK Department, research interests, expected career path) and personally (e.g., where are you from, hobbies, etc.). 2. Brief description of/questions about the
training of new Ph.D.’s is toonarrow intellectually, too campus-centered, and too long” [3].Educational reform at the national level occurred with the advent of the National ScienceFoundation (NSF) university-led Engineering Research Centers (ERCs). ERCs and similar typesof programs typically offer different engineering Ph.D. student research experiences thantraditional basic research experiences, requiring more applied research projects, greaterinteraction with industry and government sponsors, and different student skill sets [10, 11]. Oneof the original goals of ERCs was “to improve engineering research so that U.S. engineers willbe better prepared to contribute to engineering practice” [6]. To accomplish this goal, ERCsincorporated a focus on
doliterature reviews when they need it. The instructor also invited a guest speaker attend the classvia distance to provides tips on how to present a technical paper in a conference or meeting. Page 26.1342.5Figure 2. The course structure including the units and major topicsStudents’ feedbackThe end-of-semester surveys completed by students indicate that they are overall satisfied withAnlys. of Res. in Ind. & Tech.’s textbook [5]; however, in most recent survey students gave alower rank to the textbook. In fact this issue was brought to in the classroom during the lastsemester (fall 2014) when the course was offered. In addition, the majority of
invaluable feedback and guidance. References[1] J. Hunt & D. Eisenberg, “Mental health problems and help-seeking behavior among college students,” Journal of Adolescent Health, 46(1), pp. 3-10, 2010.[2] J. McFarlan, et al., “The Condition of Education 2018,” NCES 2018-144. U.S. Department of Education. Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, 2018.[3] J. Hefner & D. Eisenberg, “Social support and mental health among college students,” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 79(4), pp. 491-499, 2009.[4] K. Hyun, B. Quinn, T. Madon, & S. Lustig, “Graduate student mental health: Needs assessment and utilization of counseling services
capstone course(s) focus on achieving a blend of these skillsapplied to the real-world sustainability issues. The final output of the capstone project, a projectreport will specifically highlight how the 3 Es were addressed and met. Upon appropriatereviews by the university faculty, the report is ready for submission to the sponsor forimplementation. The capstone projects are generally done in student teams of 3.Capstone Project FrameworkUniversity has a unique model for adult education. Regular courses are taught at the rate of onecourse at a time over a 4-week period. The program is accredited and approved by WesternAssociation of Schools and Colleges (WASC) for both onsite and online offerings. As eachprogram course string starts, a student
/latino_children_in_the_2010_census 2 Huband, F.L. (2006). “An International Flavor,” Editorial, PRISM magazine, ASEE, December. 3 Gibbons, M. T. (2011) “The Year in Numbers.” ASEE Profiles of Engineering and Engineering TechnologyColleges, 2011 Edition. 4 Frehill, L.M., DiFabio, N.M., & Hill, S.T. (2008). Confronting the "new" American dilemma --Underrepresented Minorities in Engineering: A data-based look at diversity. White Plains, NY: National ActionCouncil for Minorities in Engineering (NACME). 5 Tinto, V. (1994). Leaving college: Rethinking the causes and cures of student attrition (2nd ed.). Chicago:University of Chicago Press. 6 Noel, R. C., & Smith, S. E. (1996). Self-disclosure of college students to faculty: The influence of
advanced education or career advancement. Many Morgan State University (MSU) graduate students come from economically disadvantaged families and have very limited financial support for their full-time graduate study. Some of them solely count on the scholarships provided by the school or have to take out student loans. Supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) Scholarships for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM), NASA research grants and other Federal research grants, many MSU engineering graduate students have been involved in applied research projects with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Army Research Laboratory, and the local industry. These projects include but
were analyzed with respect to only the three primary majors in multivariateanalyses where undergraduate major was an independent variable. Page 12.722.6 2004-05 Academic Year 2005-06 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% % Respondents PhD M S Thesis M S SRP M S Coursework no answerFigure 4. Percentages of respondents per degree program for the 2004-05 and 2005-06 studies
Laboratories for several years on various glasses. His current research is focused on functionality in glass through fundamentals. He is a recipient of the Otto Schott Research international prize, Zachariasen international award for outstanding contribution to glass research, Doan award by his Department’s senior s for the most influential teacher, a Fulbright Fellowship for lecturing and research at Cambridge and Aberdeen in UK, and a Humboldt Fellowship for research in Germany. An editor of 8 books, and author of 2 U.S. patents and over 250 research articles, Jain is a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society.Steve Martin, Iowa State University Steve W. Martin earned his B.S. degree in Chemistry from