] Lave, J. and E. Wenger (1991). Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation.Cambridge, Cambridge UP.[2] Jamieson, M. V., & Shaw, J. M. (2020). Teaching engineering innovation, design, andleadership through a community of practice. Education for Chemical Engineers, 31, 54-61.[3] Newswander, L. K., & Borrego, M. (2009). Using journal clubs to cultivate a community ofpractice at the graduate level. European Journal of Engineering Education, 34(6), 561-571.[4] Donath, L., Spray, R., Thompson, N. S., Alford, E. M., Craig, N., & Matthews, M. A. (2005).Characterizing discourse among undergraduate researchers in an inquiry‐based community ofpractice. Journal of Engineering Education, 94(4), 403-417.[5] Smith, S. U., Hayes, S
feedback,” and that “a diverse groupwill correct things you don't recognize”. The continued exposure to multiple perspectives helpedstudents view their work in a new way. One student shared, “it makes me think [about] mycommunication in a more critical way, as different people have different points of view to theinformation being presented.” Students noted that the group had helped them develop audienceawareness as they were “better able to anticipate how others may perceive what” they presentand helped them to “think of a way to present more clearly to people in different backgrounds.”4.1.2 growing as communicators Students frequently noted that the PRG helped them become “more effectivecommunicator[s].” This ranged from general
outset of the summer, students’ were asked on the pre-experience survey to indicate thereason(s) they had chosen to apply to this summer research program. Students’ responses, indescending frequency, were as follows: 91%: it will enhance my resume 88%: to gain practical experience for a future career 79%: it was a paid position 75%: to develop a mentoring relationship with a faculty member 72%: it sounded interesting 71%: to help prepare me for graduate school 37%: a faculty/staff member approached me about the opportunityPractical, career-oriented goals topped students’ lists of reasons for participating in the summer
of institutions each having common FYEPs. Having acommon FYEP means that, all engineering students take the same introductory engineeringcourse(s). Common FYEPs were chosen because they are not discipline specific which providescontinuity across institutions and because they tend to focus on common topics such asteamwork, communication, graphing, problem solving, etc.For this analysis, we draw on five semi-structured interviews, each from a different institution, toprovide a broad picture of GTAs’ views on teaching competence. While this is a small sample,we believe that the interviews chosen are a strong representation of the experiences of GTAs andtherefore our qualitative analysis yields rich, meaningful and impactful results. Before
engineering education. The study will continue to assess the use of text,discussion, and class activities that occur concurrently while the GTAs are being observed inteaching. The instructor will continue to collect data on The Graduate Teaching AssistantSeminar in future semesters to make comparisons; and provide well-grounded understandingof the experience and perspective of the GTA participants22.Bibliography 1. Bandura, A., (1977) Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84, pp. 191-215. 2. Prentice-Dunn, S., Pitts, G.S. (2001) “The Use of Videotape Feedback in the Training of Instructors”, in Prieto, L.R., Meyers, S.A. (Eds.) The Teaching Assistant Handbook: How to prepare TAs for
shortcomings, the Effective Army Writing program (hereafter, EffectiveWriting Program or EWP) instruction was distilled from much experience to improve the qualityof written communication. The program has guided tens of thousands of practitioners to improvetheir writing effectiveness. Previous experience with the program lends confidence that, exceptfor correspondence formats, much of the program content can satisfy needs for the distance MSdegree program. The framework and substantial parts of the instruction in the distance MSprogram is drawn from relevant parts of the EWP as could be publicly accessed in the publicdomain from the U. S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) website in June2011. These topics are delivered during the brief
, research has suggested a 30 kilometers or greatertidal fence along a dam or bridge more is required to achieve economic viability. For tidalturbines, velocities are dependent on the blade design and typically require velocities of 1m/s orgreater to generate effective electrical power. 3,4 Another tidal energy obstacle is the high initial project cost. For large scale projects, thecosts are usually $10 million USD or greater. Based on published data from the Bay of Fundy(located in Eastport, Maine) turbine project it is possible to calculate the simple payback for thisproject: $ 21,000,000 = $(0.215) (1,200 Homes) (10932 kW*Hr) (12 Hrs) ( X )Yrs kW*Hr
styles, and academic integrity.To build an effective supervisory relationship, first a workshop on Life as a graduate student isoffered. Students hear from senior graduate students on the challenges, opportunities, andsupport throughout grad studies. Additional topics of discussion include: 1) how to keep a happyand healthy life style, 2) where to get help? and 3) what are the opportunities for leadership orscholarship? The discussions are conducted in round table groups to provide an open format.The second workshop focuses on the supervisory relationship. This workshop is designed toteach students on their responsibilities as graduate students, and to give them a toolkit to build asuccessful relationship with their supervisor(s)/academic
Page 26.1685.6collaboration on paper search and selection very easy and transparent. An example of a well-organized submission on Zotero is given in Figure 1. The final product was a summary reviewreport along with annotated bibliography.Specific tasks for the instructor in our implementation included: 1. Defining a general research-like topic which will contain iSLR as part of it 2. Defining teams 3. Setting up collaborative tools (Zotero) 4. Selection and distribution of initial paper(s) 5. Engaging engineering area librarian 6. Following weekly program of tasks and deliverables (i.e. our protocol) 7. Weekly meetings with students 8. Assessment of final reports based on rubricIn
15 cr/30 ECTS Politècnica de Cataluña Figure 2. Program Credit Allocation ModelWe envision program mobility to be largely determined by language capability. This means thatwe will structure mobility to maximize preparatory study of the Spanish or English language(whichever is the second language) so that when students actually go for their semester (s)abroad in their second language that they will have already studied that language for at least twosemesters. The semester program model as depicted in Table 1 presents a typical study programenvisioned for Purdue University student entrants. DIT entrants would study semester 1 at DITfollowed by Semesters 2
Baxter Magolda’s prior interview protocol11. Interviewquestions were asked to introduce different topics, such as role of learners, role ofadvisors/professors, etc. The advantage of this protocol was that it provided a scope of topicwithout framing the response. Sample questions are shown as follows: -Now, think about yourself as a learner in the classroom, in a research group, or in a project team. What role do you play, what method do you use, to make learning more effective for you? -As you think about your instructors, professors, advisor(s), what role do you think they have played that made you learn effectively?Data AnalysisAll sixteen interviews were transcribed. After the transcription, transcripts were revised where
AC 2012-2972: APPLICATION OF INTERRUPTED CASE METHOD FORTEACHING ETHICS TO GRADUATE STUDENTS IN TRANSPORTATIONENGINEERINGDr. Robert M. Brooks, Temple University Robert Brooks is an Associate Professor of civil engineering at Temple University. He is a Fellow of ASCE. His research interests are engineering education, civil engineering materials, and transportation engineering.Jyothsna K. S., Jyothsna K. S., Department of English, St.Joseph’s College, Bangalore, secured a gold medal for the high- est aggregate marks in the Post Graduate English Literature Course at St.Joseph’s College (autonomous). K. S. has been working for the Department of English, St.Joseph’s College for almost two years now, teaching both
Professional Nursing, 75(3), 132-139.8. Bull, K. S., Kimball, S. L., & Stansberry, S. (1998). Developing interaction in computer-mediated learning.Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), ED417902. Retrieved December 31, 2010 fromhttp://eric.ed.gov/PDFS/ED417902.pdf9. Mabrito, M. (2006). A study of synchronous versus asynchronous collaboration in an online business writingclass. The American Journal of Distance Education, 20(2), 93–107.10. Gumport, P.J. (1993). Graduate education and organized research in the United States. In Cark, B.R. (Ed.) TheResearch Foundations of Graduate Education: Germany, Britain, France, United States, Japan. (pp. 225-260).Berkeley, CA: University of California Press11. Gumport, P.J. (1993). Graduate education and
hisor her research abilities. For example, while a student in Category 1’s reliance on authority andconcrete rules might be less sophisticated than a more self-directed, self-assured approachevident in Category 3, learning from experts in the field and developing a familiarity withfoundational knowledge and skills in engineering is a key step in being able to progress as anindependent engineering researcher. Though students’ responses at a particular point in time maybe best represented by one category, it is possible and likely that students’ level of researchprocess sophistication will change over time as a result of their experiences.Though our process for classifying graduate engineering students’ research processsophistication was an
and Oreowicz11 that engineeringgraduates, in particular Ph.D.’s, need to know how to teach for both academic and industrialcareers, and that ideally education in pedagogy occurs during graduate school. The paper goeson to point out that taking a pedagogy course and serving a teaching internship during graduateschool closely parallels the procedures used to prepare graduate students to do research. Wankatand Oreowicz12 observe that engineering students have proven to be very reluctant to takecourses from the College of Education. Students in engineering do not subscribe in significantnumbers. Perception is that content as not relevant to engineering instruction and instruction isdone in manner outside the comfort zone of engineering students
all the codinginstances.Table 1: Three examples of stories with their codes and IRR Post Story Coder L Coder G Coder S IRR # 1 My name is Gale. I'm a postdoc studying natural resource management, coping mechanism under 78.6% and I have ADHD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. coping represented/women I've seen therapists off and on since age 19, and never thought I needed mechanism/behaviora coping meds. But once I started grad school, all my normal coping mechanisms
increased when students have easyaccess to the learning management system.While our literature review provided us with general guidance on developing online courses, wefound no studies discussing online courses for Ph.D. students. We were particularly interested inPh.D. level courses that require reading, analysis, discussion, and writing with feedback.We hoped to answer three questions ourselves: (1) Given the Ph.D.’s students’ high levels ofmotivation, what kind of environment would foster their engagement in online courses? (2)How can an institution best support faculty members for designing, developing, and deliveringthis kind of course? (3) What are the students’ experiences in these courses?Developing Online Courses for the Graduate
talent at the crossroads,” National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine, Washington DC, 20115. W.B. Harvey, “American council on education (ace), minorities in higher education twenty- first annual status report (2003-2004),” American Council on Education, 1-100, 20056. P. Gurin, E.L. Dey, E.L. Hurtado, Gurin, P., “Diversity and higher education: Theory and impact on educational outcomes,” Harvard Educational Review, 72, 330-366, 20027. P. Gurin, B.R.A. Nagda, G.E., “The benefits of diversity in education for democratic citizenship,” Journal of Social Issues, 60(1), 17-34, 20048. A.L. Antonio, M.J. Chang, K. Hakuta, D.A. Kenny, S. Levin, & J.F. Milem, J. F. “Effects of racial
for academics up for promotion. Many professors passalong papers they have been asked to review to their graduate students to give them practice inan activity that will become common in their professional careers.Peer review of oral presentations may be most prevalent in graduate TA training courses forstudents who are not native speakers of English. Van Ginkel et al.’s study of 52 publicationscovering the topic of oral presentations and peer assessment in higher education over a 20-yearperiod included none specifically on the graduate level in engineering.6 It thus appears that thepedagogy has not been widely disseminated to graduate-level engineering courses; work at theUniversidad de Málaga in Spain is a notable exception in the literature
preparedness and self-efficacy. In ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. American Society for Engineering Education, 2012. [4] S Marikunte, F Harackiewicz, J Nicklow, and L Chevalier. Benefits and challenges of training teaching assistants. In ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. American Society for Engineering Education, 2006. [5] RJ Gustafson. Determining impact of a course on teaching in engineering. In ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. American Society for Engineering Education, 2011. [6] S Montgomery. A hands-on course on teaching engineering. In ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings. American Society for Engineering
: 5 4 3 2 1 STR. AGREE AGREE DISAGREE S. DISAGREE UNDECIDED Picture Smart - Visual Intelligence √ Word Smart - Linguistic Intelligence √ Number Smart - Mathematical
we share some of the quotes we heard from the students: “I am still very cognizant of my accent. I always fear that I make grammatical mistakes as I talk. Like very often I make the mistake of using a plural verb for a singular noun. It’s hard. It doesn’t come naturally to me. I know it might be a small mistake, but I have that in my mind all the time. When I talk, I constantly remind myself to check my verbs - did I use that little ‘s’ at the end of the verb or not?. I fear what if I don’t get it correct during the presentations. Are reviewers going to doubt my capabilities? I am more confident in front of my advisor or others who believe I know my work and I am good at it. But when it comes
. Page 14.991.53. Isadore T. Davis, Eugene M. DeLoatch, Sherra Kerns, Lueny Morell, Carla Purdy, Paige Smith, andSamuel L. Truesdale, Best practices for promoting diversity in graduate engineering education, Proc. 2006ASEE Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, June 2006.4. Eugene M. DeLoatch, Sherra Kerns, Lueny Morell, Carla Purdy, Paige Smith, Samuel L. Truesdale, andBarbara Waugh, Articulating a multifaceted approach for promoting diversity in graduate engineeringeducation, Proc. 2007 ASEE Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI, June 2007.5. E. Deloatch, S. Kerns, L. Morell, C. Purdy, P. Smith, and S. L. Truesdale, Implementing a multi-facetedapproach for promoting diversity in graduate engineering education, Proc. 2008 ASEE Annual Conference,Pittsburgh
. Following thisexperience, the students displayed their informal education products at a campus-wide science day event,Science Expeditions. Following that experience, the students packed up their informal education product sand transported them to the Museum of Science & Industry (MSI) in Chicago for a chance to interact witha more diverse crowd than the one offered at UW-Madison. This was the first time the course askedstudents to display their informal education product s in two venues.The course instructors demonstrate the teaching-as-research approach to instruction by collecting andanalyzing student feedback throughout the course. Through this analysis, we are able to show that byemphasizing an understanding of the audience, the iterative
under the moniker “Future Faculty Series” wasoriginally created by student chapter members and has been offered by the student chapter sincemid 1990’s. Recently the CoE instituted a program of their own, called Academic Careers inEngineering and Sciences (ACES) with very similar objectives and structure. The describedobjective of ACES is to prepare senior graduate students for careers at research-orienteduniversities and institutes. The student chapter found that ACES directly mirrored three of the Page 11.1429.2four Future Faculty Series sessions offered by ASEE. The student chapter was even approachedby the Dean of Graduate Students and asked
relevant to that participant’scontext. Interpreting the Case through the CoCP reveals an analysis of each participant’scase(s) through the lens of the CMoC. All components of the model were not necessarilyrepresented in each case.AdamSituating the CaseBorn into a family of academics, Adam initially had no desire to obtain a Ph.D. He earned amaster of science in electrical engineering directly after completing a bachelor’s degree. ThenAdam worked for four companies because he was laid-off from three. While unemployed, Adamreflected on his past and planned for his future. Adam realized he had not engaged inmeaningful work when he was employed; he wanted that opportunity. He said industry taskswere procedural; everything could be looked up in a
instructors to enhance the quality of language and literacy socialization in their midst and toaccommodate and support newcomers—from all language backgrounds—within these discoursecommunities more satisfactorily and seamlessly as well (pp. 186-187)”. Indeed, the implicationsof these findings for changes in support programs, institutional policies, and pedagogicalpractices can offer the field a more thorough perspective into the intricate and dynamic nature ofacademic discourse socialization and how institutions of higher education can better serveinternational graduate students.References[1] C.P. Casanave, Writing Games: Multicultural Case Studies of Academic Literacy Practices in Higher Education, Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2002.[2] S.A. Myers, S
the most effective ways to ensure student success1-4. The University of Washington’sCenter for Workforce Development (CWD), formerly Women in Science and Engineering(WiSE), developed a mentoring program for STEM female graduate students interested infaculty careers in the 1990’s. Subsequently, the mentoring program has evolved to reach out tounderrepresented minorities interested in faculty careers and to all graduate students interested incareers in the field of nanotechnology. Students are matched with a faculty or industry mentor,based on their needs and interests. The program focuses on both the psychosocial andinstrumental career development needs of graduate students. During the 2005-2006 academicyear, the mentoring program served a