Paper ID #26276I Have a Ph.D.! Now What? A Program to Prepare Engineering Ph.D.’s andPostdoctoral Fellows for Diverse Career OptionsTeresa J. Didiano, University of Toronto Teresa Didiano is the Special Programs Coordinator at the Troost Institute for Leadership Education in Engineering at the University of Toronto. She develops and coordinates leadership programs for under- graduate students, graduate students, and engineering professionals. Teresa has an HBSc and MSc from the University of Toronto, and Life Skills Coaching Certification from George Brown College.Ms. Lydia Wilkinson, University of Toronto Lydia
the thinker improves the quality of hisor her thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing it. Critical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking. It presupposes assent torigorous standards of excellence and careful command of their use. It entails effectivecommunication and problem-solving abilities, as well as a commitment to overcome our nativeegocentrism and socio-centrism1.” To apply critical thinking in weekly discussions, students must learn to ‘identify itspurpose, question, information, conclusion(s), assumptions, implications, main concept(s), andpoint of view1.’ These may be termed as “the elements of thought2.” These tools may be appliedto course topics or
Paper ID #32258Minority Student Experiences in Engineering Graduate Programs:Socialization and Impact on Career TrajectoriesDr. Catherine T. Amelink, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Dr. Amelink is Associate Vice Provost for Learning Systems in the Office of the Provost at Virginia Tech. She is also an affiliate faculty member in the Departments of Engineering Education and Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Virginia Tech.Dr. Mayra S. Artiles , Arizona State University Mayra S. Artiles is an assistant professor in engineering at the Polytechnic School of the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
University of South Carolina, Watson worked in two different middle school classrooms as a NSF GK-12/Pi Fellow. While at the University of Tennessee, she participated in the co-op (industrial internship) program and was appointed a co-op ambassador to mentor undergraduate students pursuing industrial internships. She also has mentored undergraduate research assistants during her master’s and Ph.D. programs. Her primary research interests include preparing doctoral students for industry and academic careers and the rheology of ionic liquids and cellulose solutions.Dr. Jed S. Lyons, University of South Carolina Jed Lyons is a professor of mechanical engineering and the Faculty Director of the Center for Teaching
AC 2012-5257: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY MASTER’S OF SUSTAINABIL-ITY PROGRAMDr. Roobik Gharabagi, Saint Louis University Roobik Gharabagi is Associate Professor of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, teach- ing undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of semiconductor devices, analog and digital elec- tronics, and sustainability. Research interests are in the areas of small geometry semiconductor devices, device modeling and simulation, renewable energy, and undergraduate education.Dr. Huliyar S. Mallikarjuna, Saint Louis University H. S. Mallikarjuna is presently an the Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Parks College of Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Mo. He
, Watson worked in two different middle school classrooms as a NSF GK-12/Pi Fellow. While at the University of Tennessee, she participated in the co-op (industrial internship) program and was appointed a co-op ambassador to mentor undergraduate students pursuing industrial internships. She also has mentored undergraduate research assistants during her master’s and Ph.D. programs. Her primary research interests include preparing doctoral students for industry and academic careers and the rheology of ionic liquids and cellulose solutions.Dr. Jed S. Lyons, University of South Carolina Jed Lyons is a professor of mechanical engineering and the Faculty Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of South
AC 2012-5107: SENSORS AND STRUCTURES: OUTCOMES FROM APROJECT-BASED MULTI-DISCIPLINARY GRADUATE COURSEProf. Elizabeth Basha, University of the PacificProf. Luke S. Lee, University of the Pacific Page 25.1155.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 Sensors and Structures: Outcomes from a Project-Based MultiDisciplinary Graduate CourseAbstractThe goal of this paper is to assess the effectiveness of a project-based, multidisciplinary course ina small engineering program with BS and MS students. At engineering programs withoutdoctoral degrees, limited faculty resources and small
AC 2011-363: A SURVEY OF ESSENTIAL SKILLS FOR PH.D. ENGI-NEERS IN INDUSTRYJoy Watson, University of South CarolinaJed S. Lyons, University of South Carolina Jed Lyons is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of South Carolina. His passion is engaging K-12 students, undergraduates, graduate students and faculty in inquiry- and design-oriented learning activities. Page 22.115.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 A Survey of Essential Skills for Ph.D. Engineers in IndustryAbstractThe broad
funded by the National Science Foundation, ARDA, and the United States Department of Agriculture.Patrick S. Schnable, Iowa State University c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 An Interdisciplinary Graduate Course for Engineers, Plant Scientists, and Data Scientists in the Area of Predictive Plant PhenomicsAbstractThis paper describes the development and first offering of a new graduate course entitled“Fundamentals of Predictive Plant Phenomics,” which is part of a recently awarded NationalScience Foundation Graduate Research Traineeship (NRT) award to Iowa State University. Thefocus of this particular NRT award is to train engineering
. Her interests in scholarship of teaching include cross- curricular innovation.Dr. Raju S. Dandu, Kansas State University - Polytechnic Campus Raju Dandu is the Director of Bulk Solids Innovation Center and Professor of Mechanical Engineering Technology of the School of Integrated Studies of Kansas State University Polytechnic. As the Direc- tor, he manages the industry-university research, education, training, and full-scale testing activities of the storage and pneumatic conveying of bulk solids such as sugar, starch, minerals, chemicals, pigments, fillers, plastic resin, and recycled plastics. His professional interests in engineering are product design and development, CE Certification, 16-bit medical imaging
AC 2008-378: AN EVALUATION OF INDIAN INTERNATIONAL GRADUATESTUDENTS’ EXPECTATIONS AND EXPERIENCESRajesh Bachu, University of Bridgeport Rajesh G. Bachu is Graduate Assistant in Electrical Engineering at the University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT. He is pursuing his Masters of science, Electrical Engineering at the University of Bridgeport, CT.Deepak S. Deepawale, University of Bridgeport Deepak S. Deepawale is Graduate Assistant in Electrical Engineering at the University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT. He is pursuing his Masters of science, Electrical Engineering at the University of Bridgeport, CT.Buket Barkana, University of Bridgeport Buket D. Barkana is a Visiting Assistant
AC 2011-147: CORRELATION BETWEEN ”ETHICAL ISSUES” AND ”GRADE”PERFORMANCE IN A GRADUATE CLASSRobert M. Brooks, Temple University Dr. Robert M. Brooks is an associate professor in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Temple University. He is a registered professional engineer in PA and a fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers. His research interests are Civil Engineering Materials, Transportation Engineering, and Engineering Education.Naji Khoury, Temple UniversityJyothsna K S, Department of English, St.Joseph’s College, Bangalore Secured a gold Medal for the highest aggregate marks in the Post Graduate English Literature Course at St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous). Working for the
Paper ID #26898Revising the Dissertation Institute: Contextual Factors Relevant to Transfer-abilityMr. Juan M. Cruz, Virginia Tech Juan M. Cruz is an assistant professor of Electronic Engineering at Universidad Javeriana in Colombia and a Ph.D. candidate of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. He has a B.S. in Electronic Engineering and a Masters in Education from Universidad Javeriana in Colombia, His research interests include using system thinking to understand how instructional change occurs, faculty development process, and faculty and students motivation.Ms. Mayra S. Artiles , Virginia Tech Mayra S. Artiles is
underrepresented groups in engineering, effectiveness of active learning strategies, and engineering in PK-12 education.Alin Wakefield, University of California, Davis Alin Wakefield serves as the Research and Graduate Studies Development Coordinator in the College of Engineering at UC Davis.Dr. Jean S. VanderGheynst, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth Jean VanderGheynst is Dean of the College of Engineering and Professor of Bioengineering at the Uni- versity of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, and Adjunct Professor of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at the University of California, Davis. Prior to joining UMass Dartmouth, she was Executive Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies in the College of Engineering and
Paper ID #26450Creating a Successful Pathway to Graduate Studies: The Student IntegratedIntern Research Experience (SIIRE)Dr. Carol S. Gattis, University of Arkansas Dr. Carol Gattis is the Associate Dean Emeritus of the Honors College and an adjunct Associate Pro- fessor of Industrial Engineering at the University of Arkansas. Her academic research focuses on STEM education, developing programs for the recruitment, retention and graduation of a diverse population of students. Carol also serves as a consultant specializing in new program development and grants. She earned her bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. degrees in
AC 2012-4472: ENHANCING THE GRADUATE EXPERIENCE: A CON-FERENCE FOR GRADUATE STUDENT PUT ON BY GRADUATE STU-DENTSMs. Krystal S. Corbett, Louisiana Tech UniversityProf. Galen E. Turner III, Louisiana Tech UniversityDr. Heath Tims, Louisiana Tech UniversityMr. Narate Taerat, Louisiana Tech University College of Engineering and ScienceMs. Nichamon Naksinehaboon, Louisiana Tech University College of Engineering and ScienceMs. Oneka Tiwanna Cummings, Louisiana Tech University Oneka Tiwanna Cummings received her B.S. in chemistry and M.S. in mathematics from Louisiana Tech University, where she is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in computational analysis and modeling. Her re- search efforts involve computation studies of aqueous
teaching for ENGE 1024, is an ENGE Ambassador, is actively involved in the Graduate Engineering Education Consortium of Students (GEECS), and is serving as the secretary for the VT ASEE Student Chapter for the 2011-2012 school year. Her current research interests focus on graduate teaching assistant (GTA) motivation to teach and GTA teacher identity development in first-year engineering courses.Mrs. Jeremi S. London, Purdue University, West Lafayette Jeremi London is a graduate student at Purdue University. She is pursuing a M.S. in industrial engineering and a Ph.D. in engineering education.Ms. Ida B. Ngambeki, Purdue University, West Lafayette Ida Ngambeki is a doctoral candidate at the School of Engineering Education
University Lanny Griffin received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Davis in Materials Scienceand Engineering. He also has a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. Currently, he is a Professor and Chair of Biomedical Engineering at California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. He is also on the Mechanical Engineering faculty of the US Military Academy at West Point as an Army Reserve Officer. Dr. Griffin’s research interests are in bone mechanics and biomaterials and has been the Principal Investigator of several projects from the Army, DOD, and NIH.Dr. Robert S Crockett, California Polytechnic State University
education experiences, global learning, and preparation of graduate students for future careers.Ms. Sara E Branch, Purdue University, West Lafayette Sara E. Branch is a graduate student in the Department of Psychological Sciences. She studies motivation in the context of academic and career choices.Mrs. Jeremi S London, Purdue University, West LafayetteMr. Benjamin Ahn, Purdue University, West LafayetteDr. Monica Farmer Cox, Purdue University, West Lafayette Monica F. Cox, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering Education and is the Inaugu- ral Director of the College of Engineering’s Leadership Minor at Purdue University. She also serves as the Executive Director of the International Institute for
Paper ID #7340Reliability of the Global Real-time Assessment Tool for Teaching Enhance-ment (G-RATE)Ms. Nikitha Sambamurthy, Purdue University, West LafayetteMrs. Jeremi S London, Purdue University, West Lafayette Jeremi S. London is a graduate student at Purdue University. She is pursing a Ph.D. in Engineering Edu- cation. In 2008, she earned a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from Purdue, and a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering from Purdue in 2013. Her research interests include: the use of cyber- learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education; assessing the impact
has worked with graduate recruitment and admissions for more than 10 years. One of her key roles is to support students as they learn about and apply for graduate study. She has traveled internationally and presented to students on three continents on preparing for graduate school.Dr. Phillip S. Dunston, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering) Phillip S. Dunston is a Professor in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, where he also holds a joint appointment in the Division of Construction Engineering and Management. He obtained his doctorate from North Carolina State University and served on the Civil and Environmental Engineering faculty at the
together on shared problems that involve plant biology, data sciences, and engineering. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 Paper ID #20006Patrick S. Schnable, Iowa State UniversityDr. Jill Wittrock, University of Northern Iowa Jill Wittrock is the Assistant Director at the Center for Social and Behavioral Research and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Northern Iowa.Mary E. Losch, University of Northern Iowa Mary Losch is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Center for Social and Behavioral Research at the University of Northern
a student member of American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).Mrs. Jeremi S. London, Purdue University, West Lafayette Jeremi London is a graduate student at Purdue University. She is pursuing a M.S. in industrial engineering and a Ph.D. in engineering education.Mr. Benjamin Ahn, Purdue University, West Lafayette Benjamin Ahn is a Ph.D. student in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University. His research interests relate to higher education reform, graduate teaching assistants’ roles in engineering classes, undergraduate engineering syllabus and curriculum development, and professional engineering practices in universities and industries. Ahn’s research has been strongly motivated by
engineering doctoral students for careers in academia and industry and the development of engineering education assessment tools. She is a NSF Faculty Early Career (CAREER) award winner and is a recipient of a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).Jeremi S. London, Purdue University, West Lafayette Jeremi was the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) student working on the NSF EEP Re- search Project during the 2007-2008 academic year. Jeremi interned at the headquarters of Anheuser- Busch Companies, beginning in their Research Pilot Brewery during the summer of 2004, returning as an Analyst to their Corporate Quality Assurance Department in 2005, and working as a Product Sup- ply
University, Greensboro. Liles is a Licensed Professional Counselor and National Certified Coun- selor. Liles’ is also Associate Director for Educational Assessment for the NCA&T Engineering Research Center Education and Outreach program, and she is co-principal investigator for research on the NSF Con- tent Mentoring of Middle Grade Math and Science Teachers research study. Her teaching interests include assessment and appraisal, instrument construction, education research methodology, and research ethics.Courtney LambethPrashant N. Kumta, University of PittsburghHarvey S. Borovetz, University of PittsburghSarah K. Pixley, Univ. of Cincinnati Coll. of Med.Partha Roy, University of Pittsburgh Dr. Roy is an Associate Professor
education and diversity director of the NSF sponsored ASSIST Nanosystems Engineering Research Center. Dr. Ozturk’s research interests center around innovations in engineering education, nano-materials/processes and flexible energy harvesting technologies. In the ASSIST center, he is leading a research group working on thermoelectric energy harvesting for self-powered body wearable sensors for health and environmen- tal monitoring. He was named a fellow of IEEE for his contributions in Si and SiGe Epitaxy and their applications in advanced MOS field effect transistors.Dr. Renata S. Engel P.E., Pennsylvania State University, University Park Renata Engel is Associate Dean for Academic Programs in the College of Engineering
be seen in Table1. Each KSA is followed by a K for knowledge, S for skill (or ability), or an A for attitude.Bolded KSAs represent KSAs that are applicable to multiple organizational goals; these appearon the table more than once.Assessing and designing coursework was not included in the table because the KSAs needed toachieve that goal will not be developed in the orientation, but rather throughout the core courseswithin the department. An additional goal of involvement and inclusion into the larger researchcommunity, both within the department and the community as a whole, was included from theconstant emphasis in the interviews.Many of the KSAs in Table 1 were modeled from what current students stated that they wishedthey had known when
Doctoral students as course instructors: Three engineering teaching assistants’ socialization experiencesAbstractThe purpose of this study was to explore and understand the types of socialization experiencesthat result from engineering graduate teaching assistants‟ (TAs) roles as course instructors.Socialization refers to an individual‟s process of becoming a part of a group. In the context ofdoctoral education, socialization can be a complex area to study, largely because there are manyroles and groups for which graduate students can be socialized.Using situated learning, more specifically the communities of practice literature, as thetheoretical framework, this study looked at how three doctoral engineering TAs, with experienceas
probably looked at everything as its own project of how do I manage this? How do I get it done? What‟s the timeline? What are the critical tasks? – Ethan I also learned the lesson that you have to value peoples‟ life experiences beyond just what their degree, or what their … credentialed criteria might be. – Emma I‟ve also learned some of the flags for what, when interviewing for people where you kind of go … I should probably look into that a little more or should ask more about it or, beginning to understand where that line is on people who volunteer too much information and, when have they really… okay, this is beginning to show a personality issue that‟s going to be beyond where I want to