Paper ID #25266Graduate Engineering Peer Review Groups: Developing Communicators andCommunityKelly J. Cunningham, University of Virginia Kelly Cunningham is the director of the Graduate Writing Lab in the School of Engineering and Ap- plied Science at the University of Virginia. She holds a PhD in applied linguistics & technology and human-computer interaction (co-majors) from Iowa State University of Science & Technology and an MA in intercultural studies/TESOL. She has worked with ESL students since 2007 and in graduate com- munication support since 2014. Her research draws from qualitative methods, appraisal
.7 Because of the relativelylimited research on peer review of oral presentations as a way of giving graduate engineeringstudents the feedback they need to improve, this paper necessarily draws on some of theliterature on peer review of writing on undergraduate and graduate levels, in engineering andresearch in higher education, and extrapolates some findings to oral presentation peer review.The paper focuses on why peer review is useful, different methods of it, and several classroomexamples.RubricsEffective peer review is only as good as the criteria on which it is based and the instructionprovided. Yet, similar to the process of learning to do oral presentations, engineering graduatestudents often lack formal training in performing peer
story in the form of a journal paper. 4. Publishing in a large and productive research group: the human element of collaboration.Writing Studies Research First, writing studies research reveals that students learn to write in a social context 3,4. Theirsocial groups include relationships with advisors, research groups, peer writing groups, anddepartmental activities 5,6. Putting students in writing groups, where they give each otherfeedback, can substantially reduce the strain on both the student and the advisor. Second, aresearch paper is a specific genre of writing, so if we think students don’t know how to write inthis style when they start, we are right, because they have never been taught to write in this newgenre 7.Teaching
Paper ID #34637Visualizing Arguments to Scaffold Graduate Writing in EngineeringEducationDr. Kristen Moore, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Kristen R. Moore is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Education at University at Buffalo. Her research focuses primarily on technical communication and issues of equity, inclusion, and social justice. She is the author of Technical Communication After the Social Justice Turn: Building Coalitions for Action (2019), in addition to a range of articles. She has received a number of awards for her research, including the Joenk Award for the best
research-based works. Thisproblem is also a result of student confusion on who the audience is for their writing—scholarlywriting is not addressed to the instructor but to their professional peers in the discipline.14 Mostfaculty will encourage the use of passive voice to address these issues. This avoids the firstperson problem that students fall into, and helps create the proper academic tone.Citation and Attribution of Sources and Academic HonestyThe concept of research ethics and academic honesty in regard to written submissions bygraduate students is of significant importance to all graduate faculty members. Unfortunately,many graduate students do not know or fully understand the concept of academic honesty orproper attribution of sources
teacher? Page 25.1436.7Figure 2: What do you think you will learn about yourself from observing a peer teacher?For posttest opened questions the students had these comments: (17 students completed thesurvey)At the end of the semester, when asked, 80 % of the students said yes, they had asked afriend/colleague/peer to observe their presentation skills. When asked a second time “what doyou think you learned about yourself from being observed by a peer teacher?” students nowcommented on more specific details, such as certain teaching methods (i.e. opening the classwith a welcome greeting), “many things that go unnoticed”, “the other peer’s observation helpsassess my teaching ability”. “I learned that my reiterating what I write on
TransferabilityAbstractData show that underrepresented minority (URM) engineering students have lower rates ofcompletion and higher rates of attrition in their doctoral studies than their majority peers. Toaddress attrition and support students, we have developed a research-based intervention that wecall the Dissertation Institute (DI). As part of a five-year NSF-funded project, we havedeveloped and refined the DI as a one-week intensive writing and workshop experience for URMin the final phases of their engineering doctoral degrees. We have hosted two DIs to date (2017and 2018) and we are preparing for our third DI in 2019. The goal of the DI is to offer practicaland timely experiences for URM doctoral students to contribute to their degree success. At thesame time
with a variety of audiences. 2. To expose students to a diverse set of future career opportunities available to STEM PhD holders.With an immersive training experience in mind, the SciComm program integrated a variety ofknowledge-based learning activities about communication, practice with communicating, andpractical experience communicating with various audiences. Program participants also engagedwith peers, practitioners, and professionals throughout the program. The program curriculum included three primary components: a) bi-weekly seminarmeetings, b) communication challenges, and c) mentorship by University alumnus/a. The threecomponents were designed to integrate hands-on learning and practical application to helpstudents
explored in addition to testing the correlation between these measures. In terms ofexplanatory variables, it would be beneficial to expand the survey items being used to measureeach of the terms, or to find a consensus on what each item is specifically measuring (i.e., is itmeasuring self-efficacy or comfort with self-disclosure). There are other measures of socialsupport that could and should be explored outside of self-sufficiency, sense of belonging, and socialself-efficacy.Given the specific academic disciplines being targeted, it would be beneficial to measure the levelof social support one feels at one’s school and department by determining how the presence ofsocial support from one’s peers, teachers, administrators, and advisors influence
Neurophysiology from the Aerospace Medical Research Unit (AMRU) at McGill University and is part of the research support staff in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Centre for Intelligent Machines (CIM) at McGill ´Mr. F´elix Langevin Harnois, Ecole de Technologie Sup´erieure ´ Librarian at Ecole de technologie sup´erieure, an engineering school in Montreal, he works on developing information literacy skills for undergraduate and graduate doctoral students. He also works, in collabo- ration with 3 professors and a researcher, on the SARA service which uses peer-support to help graduate students who have to write a thesis, a journal article or who want to develop their scientific
they needed guidance to agree wherethey demonstrated some independence (3.5 at course start) and this increased to a greater overallindependence (4.1) by the end of the course. The students self-rated skills compiling theliterature, organizing it, and recognizing missing information did not change substantially fromcourse beginning to course end (4.0 to 4.2). While the course did not involve practice analyzingraw data, it did involve describing how the data analysis would be conducted. Pre and postcourse ratings in this area increased from 3.7 to 4.2. Experience writing research articles wasrated 3.7 in the beginning and 4.0 in the end although only two students in the class had actuallypublished a peer-reviewed research article. This rating
the initial program structure has allowed the Purdue BCMdistance MS program to reach a nearly 100% completion rate for the last two cohorts of students.A current shortcoming of the Capstone Writing Course is a failure to create adequate interest on Page 24.966.12the part of graduating students to pursue journal article revisions. As would be expected, thejournal paper submissions that result from the course are seldom adequate to meet peer reviewacceptance without at least some revision. After two years of combined daily activity to meetcareer demands and course requirements, students are happy to accept their diploma. Becausethese students
included writing code,designing software architecture, and teaching corporate education. His writing in industryincluded design documentation, test plans, proposals, standards documents, process documents,user documentation, and some business documentation. His audience for these documents wasgenerally his peers, and the documentation was intended to be informative, used for training andoccasionally for decision-making. He said that in his industry experience, “everyone assumesyou must already know how to write” because of being a university graduate. He also mentionedthat he modified his writing based on the audience, including their preferences for format, anddiscussed the issue of length and level of detail. In his experience, design documents
this topic or subject matter, considering the peer presentations and reflections? 2. Which part of the class do you find more thought-provoking, the teacher presentation or the student presentations? 3. Did the student presentations motivate you to participate and explore other related topics? 4. Does the Q&A based on your reflection induce you to participate in the presentation? (Question changed in F' 19 to "How and why does the Q&A based on your Reflection induce you to participate in the presentation?") 5. Please write your three most valuable takeaways from your peers' presentations. 6. Do you think breaking a class into two parts (professor's lectures and the peer presentations) helps you
Kranov (2009) argues, this type of writing center support produces anenvironment where “students learn through interaction with faculty and peers to becomemembers of their disciplinary communities” that “mimics the adult learning communities thatthey are most likely to encounter after finishing their degrees and beginning their professionallives, thus fostering life-long learning skills” (Kranov, 2009).Scientific Writing Learning CommunitiesThe creation of “scientific writing learning communities” has been another pedagogical modelthat has been shown to be highly popular in addressing doctoral level academic and professionalwriting within engineering. Researchers and practitioners have recently argued that currentprogram designs aimed at
American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Pedagogical Techniques to Promote Development of Graduate Engineering Students as Disciplinary WritersAbstractAs demands for research productivity increase, faculty, particularly untenured junior faculty,must efficiently expedite the development of their graduate students’ disciplinary writing skills.In response to this need, a semester-long graduate course was offered within the Department ofCivil and Environmental Engineering at the University of South Carolina for the first time in2012. The primary course outcome was for each student to prepare a manuscript ready, or nearready, for submission to a peer reviewed engineering journal at semester’s end. To facilitate
Observation Project assignment. This Alternate Assignment requires thestudent to attend a teaching and learning workshop or write a paper based on a pedagogicalarticle that they found in an engineering journal such as the Journal for Engineering Education.Because it is important for the student to practice giving a presentation to a group, the studentpresents to the class on the topic they selected for this assignment. This ensures that the non-teaching student has an opportunity to be observed and receive feedback from their peers in theclass. The instructor gives feedback as well in summary statements after the students arefinished.The three assignments, Peer Observation Project, Teaching Observation Project, and the
initiatives were launched at MIT. Onewas the Communication Lab, a departmental writing and technical communication center staffedby peer tutors (graduate students and postdoctoral researchers). Communication Labs have beenimplemented in four departments, including Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS).Another intervention was a graduate-level communication course, which the EECS Communica-tion Lab helped design and operate.The details of these two interventions are described in this section, followed by analysis and com-parison in Section 4. ASEE FIE Approach 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 Total References Course 0 2
doctoral programs would preparethem in different skills shown in Table 1. Results indicated that participants felt that doctoralgraduates would be prepared to some degree in all the skills listed in Error! Not a validbookmark self-reference.. Over 70% of participants felt that doctoral programs would preparethem well in designing experiments. Results indicated that over 60% of participants felt thatdoctoral programs would prepare them well in written communication, reviewing literature,writing peer-reviewed papers, writing reports, learning independently and workingindependently. At least 50% of participants indicated that solving problems, designingcomputational studies and giving presentations were skills in which they expected to be
research results. The final project is a substantive draft of a manuscriptsubmission or other major writing product. Students typically begin submitting drafts of theirfinal project by mid-term.As with Course 1, assignments are submitted via BlackBoard so that the class can view,comment, and discuss the work of their peers. Drafts are generated with critical thinking prompts(analogous to those illustrated in Table 2 for Course 1). A given assignment is intended to resultin only a very few pages of writing; assignments are designed to accumulate, leading ultimatelyto the final term project. The textbook currently used for Course 2 is “Writing Science: How toWrite Papers that Get Cited and Proposals that Get Funded” [18]. We have found that this
difficulties are not inclusive to them and may be shared by native speakers ofsimilar academic backgrounds. One of us mentioned how he restricted his communications withhis peers and faculty due to his internal belief of the existence of a linguistic barrier.Language Language was the second inquiry subject that we examined. We agreed that language hasmainly influenced us in three ways: (1) Interpersonal Communications, (2) Reading and (3)Writing. While reflecting on our experiences, we identified challenges that were common to allof us. Here we share these challenges and describe different ways we have overcome them.Besides, we provide suggestions to support others experiencing these challenges based on howwe wished these challenges were
participants indicated an expert skill level was needed in these areasand less than 5% rated these skills as non-essential.Results suggest that marketing products/processes, managing others, identifying customer needsand writing peer reviewed papers are some of the least important skills for entry-levelengineering Ph.D.s in industry. Less than 2% of participants felt that it was essential to have anexpert skill level in marketing. Over 20% of participants responded that marketingproducts/processes was not an essential skill for Ph.D.s in industry. Managing others,identifying customer needs and writing peer reviewed papers had over 10% of participantsindicating it was not an essential skill.Participants were solicited for additional essential skills to
practices and experiences in researchmethods. Unique to this distance-learning course is the incorporation of team-based activelearning activities in every lecture. In this active learning course, students learn quantitativeresearch methods by practicing the set of procedures in class. Students are expected toincorporate their research topics as examples throughout the class. Topics in research methodsinclude: defining research problems, conducting a literature review, qualitative and quantitativedata analysis, developing experimental designs, survey design, visual presentation of results,research ethics, and the process of writing a peer-reviewed journal article. The course culminatesin students’ research proposal.This paper discusses the lessons
, taken several classes with the ratee, listened to rateepresentations, read ratee writing, been involved with ratee lab research, and worked with theratee on any form of the professional project.An organization called Reliant Talent Management Solutions provided a platform for surveysurvey distribution. Raters provided scores for each ratee using the previously constructedBARS. In an open response section below each BARS, raters were asked to provide concreteexamples of the ratee behavior to justify their ratings. The Reliant software then generated areport for each of the ten students that compared self, supervisor (advisor), peer, and subordinateratings side by side. An example of the score comparison is presented in Figure 1.Figure 1. Example
developed andevaluated by the group through presentations to take place during the subsequent IndependentResearch module. To provide time for trainees to review the scientific literature over the winter Page 24.1087.7break prior to the deciding on a research topic, the Ethics module was moved to the beginning ofthe fall. The Y2 writing module syllabus was prepared by a team of trainees over the summer,based on their newly acquired knowledge from that year’s Teaching and Learning module.Year 2 (Fall)Deliverables and outcomes: Trainees will write a short technical document from outline to draft,evaluate their peers' technical writing and provide
, and criticallyreading the research literature relevant to their new project. Course 2 is for graduate studentswho are preparing to write or present their work in a professional venue. The second coursefocuses on writing, in the standards of the discipline, but with an explicit view of meeting criticalthinking standards. These courses were developed to address common faculty concerns abouttheir graduate students, e.g. poor writing skills; inability to comprehend and act on the literature;inability to develop independence of thought; etc.This paper summarizes course syllabi and typical assignments and approaches to assessingstudent work. Work has begun on the efficacy of these courses, addressing several key questionsconcerning skill
their specific needs. After considerableconsultation with industry human resource representatives, university professors, and theuniversity’s career counselors, a professional development program was formed to address threemain areas of interest: the improvement of core research abilities, the development of skillsrequired for transition from academia to industry, and the necessity of projecting a professionaldisposition in the workplace. The graduate students organized a yearlong series of workshops inwhich university and industry professionals addressed each of the three areas of interest. Theprogram was evaluated through a combination of peer and self-reviews, writing improvementrubrics, and industry representative criticisms. The results
advisor and topic is confirmed, schedule a Thesis Consult with Librarian Linette Koren, to be completed by 10/18.6 Tue 11- Workshop : Writing a model HW: You should have at least 50 sday Oct- Literature Review, Abstract, ten papers in your possession 11 Statement of Work, and by now. Submit bibliography Abstract. Proper Citations. list of these 10. Continue to PEER REVIEW of your first work on the Literature
ethicalresearch practices; and develop individual abilities including reading, writing, and tool use thatare critical to conducting research. This paper presents an overview of the pilot offering of the course as well as initialevaluation of the data collected to inform future improvements of the course. The belowevaluation questions were used to help guide the evaluation efforts: 1. In what ways the course has, or has not, met student expectations? 2. What are the challenges that students reported in taking the course and what are the strategies to resolve the challenges? 3. What are the challenges that instructors reported in teaching the course and what are the strategies to resolve the challenges?Course DesignThe
who worked as teaching assistants for a laboratory class discussedteaching skills and safety issues in laboratory classes. In the final course, The AcademicProfession, the academic job search process and writing actual job applications were explored.The samples of cover letter, curriculum vita, statement about teaching, and statement aboutresearch from the PFF coordinator helped us prepare our applications. Peer reviews wereperformed, with the students giving useful feedback to each other. Student members whoalready had finished their final defense and tried to find a position discussed their experiences.The offered forums with faculty and students offered very helpful discussions of pedagogicalethics, faculty roles, and responsibilities