c American Society for Engineering Education, 2018 Misconception Clarification in Online Graduate CoursesAbstract“Muddy Points” (MP) is a commonly used instructional reflection tool used to collect feedbackabout student learning issues and points of confusion. This feedback can be leveraged to enhancestudent learning and further optimize an instructor’s course delivery. If used appropriately, thismethod can help students monitor their construction of knowledge and contribute to their self-regulation of learning. This then leads to deeper conceptual learning and improved achievementof their learning goals.In a face-to-face classroom setting, Muddy Points are typically collected at the end of a classsession. Feedback or response
Profile (DCP) to createdata management plans for research projects. A DCP is a tool designed to cover all areas ofRDM and to allow data management specialists to work with researchers to develop specific datamanagement plans. The class used the Data Curation Profiles Toolkit from Purdue[22-25] todevelop a DCP for their subsequent use. The class developed DCP was then used by the studentsas part of the Final Project (Table 2) to interview faculty members to obtain the information forthe subsequent “project DMP.” Course assignments and objectives are shown in Table 2. The student work can bedivided into four categories: 1) Individual assignments reinforcing topics from the class, 2)Student’s reflection on guest speakers focused on
Paper ID #23904’I Came in Thinking There Was One Right Practice’: Exploring How to HelpGraduate Students Learn to Read Academic ResearchWendy Roldan, University of Washington Wendy is a first-year PhD student in Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Wash- ington.Dr. Jennifer A. Turns, University of Washington Jennifer Turns is a Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the Univer- sity of Washington. She is interested in all aspects of engineering education, including how to support engineering students in reflecting on experience, how to help engineering educators make
training model is to impart the following competency themes:interdisciplinary mindsets; community engagement; understanding self as a leader; professionalidentity; and STEM scholar leader. First cohort of graduate students was recruited in summer 2016.After students completed the training model, the assessment and reflective student posts indicatedthat students indeed do develop most of the competencies. Based on our preliminary experience,specific scenarios for community collaboration as well as challenge projects should be explored tofurther promote competencies in graduate education.KeywordsGraduate Education, Training Models, Competencies, Leadership, Community, Engagement 1IntroductionRapid
discussed whether or not he considered himself a facilitator of studentdevelopment. First he said, “My role is a facilitator” but then said, “Facilitator feels wrong”.Upon reflection, the advisor decides that with some competencies such as oral and writtencommunication his role was to provide feedback saying, “My goal is to give them feedbackwhenever I can” and provided examples of student presentation and writing feedback. But thenwhen it came to the competency of leadership he said, “That’s where I feel I am a facilitator tosort of remind them about opportunities.” The distinction between facilitator and feedbackprovider was made by the advisor not the interviewer.Throughout the interview, the advisor spoke about different ways in which he tried
. Unfortunately, manyaspects professionalism elude quantitative measurement—consider cooperation withmanagement or maintaining ethical standards. Consequently, objective measures can be quiterestricted in scope. In contrast, subjective ratings allow raters to consider a broad range ofreference points before making their assessment. This requires, however, a careful considerationto sources of rater error that contaminate subjective ratings. After considering both approaches,we determined subjective measures were most fitting and carefully considered the sources ofrater-error detailed below.Sources of Rater ErrorIf rater measurements were perfect, the scores provided by each rater would reflect only theratee’s degree of competence. In reality, ratings are
connections between teaching skills and leadershipskills in the course based on our reflection and feedback from the first version. Our programevaluation uses two surveys: the STEM GTA-Teaching Self-Efficacy Scale 5 and a modifiedversion of Alpay and Walsh’s skill-perception inventory. 6In this paper, we will describe our collaborative design process, strategic partnerships withvarious engineering departments, and enhancements of the integrative approach. Additionally, wewill discuss students’ perceptions of how well the program enhanced their teaching andleadership skills and how much they viewed teaching opportunities as a source of transferableleadership skills.Program OverviewOur program takes an integrative approach in two ways: 1) incorporating
SEM610B Figure 3. Student Teaching Evaluation on Capstone Courses – Student-Learning and TeachingCapstone project implementation is the ultimate stage for students to develop and demonstratethe competencies described in the PLOs, and they provide this feedback at the end of theprogram. This feedback is also important because they do this evaluation right after the capstonecourses. This feedback is shown in Table 1. PLOs directly reflect the full curriculum and thecapstone projects in particular. Overall the student population feedback on the capstone coursesin particular and the PLOs, is very positive demonstrating the value of the framework and itsoutcome in the capstone projects. Table 1 – Student Evaluation on Achieving PLO
years p-value 0.442necessarily translated to a higher GPA. The Data Science program comprises a diverse set ofcourses some of which include mastery of soft skills such as project presentation and storytelling.Many students who had longer gap years were indeed seasoned professionals in their respectivefields and thus had the opportunity to master such skills. Therefore, they performed very well oncourses that assessed these skills, which improved their overall GPA.Data ClusteringWe applied fuzzy c-means (FCM) [2] clustering to identify “similar” groups of students based onincoming GPA, level of math competency, and their success in the program as reflected by theirprogram GPA. The purpose of
and attitudes thatmight not be otherwise documented in company records.As this was an exploratory study, our recruitment practices reflect a sample of convenience. Werelied on contacts of our team members. An initial introduction email was sent to contacts atseveral government and industry employers via email, who then further shared our recruitmentemail with others at their workplaces.Individuals who agreed to participate were interviewed via videoconferencing or in person at atime and location convenient to them. One researcher conducted all six interviews. Interviews alllasted approximately 30 minutes each. Participants were compensated $50 for their time. Theinterviews were audio recorded and later transcribed. To protect their identities
. Innovation 16. Argument construction 17. Intellectual risk Domain B: Personal B1: Personal qualities 18. Enthusiasm Effectiveness 19. Perseverance 20. Integrity Definition: The personal 21. Self-confidence qualities and approach to 22. Self-reflection be an effective researcher. 23. Responsibility B2: Self-management 24. Preparation and
: 1) breakingmisconceptions of creativity, 2) understanding the link between research and creativity, and 3) theimpact on research activities. These are discussed below.Students were specifically asked how learning about the creative process impacted theirunderstanding of research. For this question, the theme of breaking misconceptions of creativityemerged in some student responses. As one student noted, he or she previously did not see researchas being related to creativity. The student’s statement reflects the frequent misconception ofcreativity as being related to art, rather than to engineering or the sciences. This student alsorecognizes that being creative in research involves a systematic process, rather than a freewheelingactivity
, underprepared students). As many of theseprograms look to go online to help them grow, it is important to encourage deeper learning,engagement and community for ALL learners, not just those in physical classrooms. While theresearch suggests that similar learning outcomes can be achieved in both traditional face-to-faceclasses and online courses [4] [5], online courses require more of a proactive approach to helpthem reach levles of engagment and learning that more naturally take place in the on-groundsetting.Danaher proposes that there are seven constructs by which an online engineering course can beassessed for quality. They are information, interface, support, engagment, collaboration,reflection and autonomy [6]. The DFO approach brings these
material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1154146. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.Bibliography1. Rossetti, Manuel, Kim LaScola Needy, Ed Clausen, Carol Gattis, and Micah Hale. "Enrichment Activities in Support of a Student Integrated Intern Research Experience." American Society of Engineering Education (2014): 1-7. Web. 1 Aug. 2017.” American Society of Engineering Education (2014): 1-7. Web. 1 Aug. 2017.2. Rossetti, Manuel, Kim LaScola Needy, Ed Clausen, Carol Gattis, and Micah Hale. "On the Development of a Student Integrated