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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 200 in total
Conference Session
Systems Engineering Education and K-12
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Charles S. Wasson, Wasson Strategics, LLC
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
AC 2012-3389: SYSTEM ENGINEERING COMPETENCY: THE MISSINGCOURSE IN ENGINEERING EDUCATIONMr. Charles S. Wasson, Wasson Strategics, LLC Charles Wasson is an engineering textbook author, instructor, and consultant for Wasson Strategics, LLC, a professional training and consulting services firm specializing in systems engineering, technical project management, organizational development, and team development. In 2006, Wasson authored a new sys- tems engineering text entitled System Analysis, Design, and Development: Concepts, Principles, and Practices as part of the John Wiley & Sons’ System Engineering and Management series. The text re- ceived the Engineering Sciences Book of the Year Award from the International
Conference Session
Improving course effectiveness
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan L. Murray, Missouri University of Science & Technology; Julie Phelps, Missouri S&T, Educational Technology
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
management, and engineering education. Prior to her academic position, she spent seven years working in industry including two years at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.Mrs. Julie Phelps, Missouri S&T, Educational Technology Julie Phelps has a B.S. in Education from The University of Missouri, Columbia and a M.A. in Informa- tion & Learning Technology from The University of Colorado - Denver. She has 17 years of teaching experience and has facilitated professional development for K-12 teachers for 10 years. Since 2010, she has been applying her experiences with teaching, technology, and professional development into higher education as an instructional designer. At Missouri S&T, she assists faculty in course
Conference Session
Assessment and Accreditation in Engineering Management
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David S. Cochran, Southern Methodist University and Meijo University; Makoto Kawada, Meijo University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
AC 2012-4481: EDUCATION APPROACH IN JAPAN FOR MANAGEMENTAND ENGINEERING OF SYSTEMSProf. David S. Cochran, Southern Methodist University and Meijo University David Cochran is a professor of industrial and systems engineering management. He is Founder and Prin- cipal of System Design, LLC, Visiting Professor with the School of Business, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan and faculty of systems engineering, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. Cochran devel- oped the Manufacturing System Design Decomposition (MSDD) to determine the underlying design of the Toyota Production System (and ”lean”) from a systems engineering viewpoint and was Founder and Director of the Production System Design Laboratory in the
Conference Session
Engineering Management Applications
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
S. Jimmy Gandhi, Stevens Institute of Technology; Alex Gorod, Visiting Fellow, University of Adelaide
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
AC 2012-4001: THE IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING SYSTEMICRISK IN ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT EDUCATIONDr. S. Jimmy Gandhi, Stevens Institute of Technology S. Jimmy Gandhi is a faculty member in The School of Systems and Enterprises (SSE) at Stevens Institute of Technology, as well as at Baruch College, which is part of the City University of New York (CUNY). His research interests are in the field of risk management, engineering education and globalization. He got a Ph.D. in engineering management from Stevens Institute of Technology, a master’s in engineering management from California State University, Northridge, and a bachelor’s degree in engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology. He is currently co
Conference Session
Improving IE Course Content
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yosef S. Allam, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach; Scott Sink, Ohio State University; Joseph M. Cerrato, Ohio State University; John A. Merrill, Ohio State University
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
AC 2012-5146: A METRIC-BASED, HANDS-ON QUALITY AND PRODUC-TIVITY IMPROVEMENT SIMULATION INVOLVING LEAN AND SIGMACONCEPTS FOR FIRST-YEAR ENGINEERING LAB STUDENTSDr. Yosef S. Allam, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach Yosef Allam is an Assistant Professor in the Freshman Engineering Department at Embry-Riddle Aero- nautical University. He graduated from the Ohio State University with B.S. and M.S. degrees in industrial and systems engineering and a Ph.D. in engineering education. Allam’s interests are in spatial visualiza- tion, the use of learning management systems for large-sample educational research studies, curriculum development, and fulfilling the needs of an integrated, multi-disciplinary first
Conference Session
Pedagogical Advancements in Engineering Management
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
S. Jimmy Gandhi, Stevens Institute of Technology; Brian Sauser, Stevens Institute of Technology; Brian E. White, Complexity Are Us - Systems Engineering Strategies; Alex Gorod, Visiting Fellow, University of Adelaide; Vernon Ireland, University of Adelaide
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
AC 2012-4002: APPLICATION OF CASE STUDIES TO ENGINEERINGMANAGEMENT AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING EDUCATIONDr. S. Jimmy Gandhi, Stevens Institute of Technology S. Jimmy Gandhi is a faculty member in the School of Systems and Enterprises (SSE) at Stevens In- stitute of Technology and also at Baruch College, which is a part of the City University of New York (CUNY) system. His research interests are in the field of risk management, engineering education, and globalization. He got a Ph.D. in engineering management from Stevens Institute of Technology, a mas- ter’s in engineering management from California State University, Northridge, and a bachelor’s degree in engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology. He is
Conference Session
IED Technical Session: Preparing Courses for the Future
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Andre Hamilton, Mississippi State University ; Raed Jaradat, Mississippi State University; Parker Jones, Mississippi State University; Emily S. Wall , Mississippi State University; Vidanelage Lakshika Dayarathna, Mississippi State University; Debisree Ray, Mississippi State University ; Ginnie Shih En Hsu
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
Management, Reliability for System of Systems, and Systems Simulation. He is a topic leader in systems thinking, including systems theory and complex systems, for the Society for Engineering and Management Systems (SEMS). Prior to joining the doctoral program at ODU, he worked as a systems analyst and operations officer for five years. He is a past proceedings chair of the American Society for Engineering Management and is currently a member of the Academy of Management and Institute of Industrial Engineers. He holds a BS in Business, an MA in Operations Management, and PhD in Engineering Management from Old Dominion University.Mr. Parker Jones, Mississippi State University BS Industrial EngineeringEmily S. Wall
Conference Session
Innovative IE Curricula
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Masud Salimian, Morgan State University; Yaseen Mahmud, Morgan State University; Avis L. Ransom, Morgan State University School of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
become more competitive in the internationalmarket resulting in the obvious domestic benefits. Another is the impact on the environment.Even a small increase in overall efficiency of U.S. commercial and industrial buildings wouldreduce the U.S.’s carbon footprint significantly.Currently, the U.S. workforce is not adequately trained in the area of energy efficiency. TheDepartment of Energy recognizes this fact and is attempting to remedy this with programs suchas the Energy Efficient Buildings Hub and the continued support and recent expansion ofIndustrial Assessment Centers 2. However at the present time, those providing "energyefficiency" services are typically either too technical in their approach such as researchers andprofessors; or possess
Conference Session
IE Program Design I
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Leslie Potter, Iowa State University; K. Jo Min, Iowa State University; Frank Peters, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
(namely students and industrial partner participants) are alsoidentified. In this paper, we highlight the impact of improvement efforts on outcome items (h)and (c), and begin discussions about results for outcome item (j).Over the past seven semesters, the assessment schedule within the capstone design course haspurposely repeated several outcomes. This schedule is seen in Table 1. Semester Outcome Items Assessed F'03 c, e, f, g S'04 c, e, f, g F'04 d, g, h, p S'05 h, i, j F'05 c, h, i, j S'06 f, i, j, n F'06 c, g, h, i, jTable 1. Outcome assessment schedule in capstone design course.Rubric data is gathered each semester for the assigned outcomes within
Conference Session
IE and Manufacturing
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rashpal Ahluwalia, West Virginia University; Atul Phadke, West Virginia University; Gary Winn, West Virginia University; Reagan Curtis, West Virginia University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0525484. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and donot necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.learning and designs with more than one possible correct outcome depending on designconstraints; and because students could compete against their peers using the same designconsiderations.In 2009, the West Virginia University Engineers of Tomorrow research team reviewed regionalliterature on STEM career opportunities for Appalachian students, and noted, "It has long beensaid that high tech industries with higher paying jobs would improve the lives of residents of theAppalachian region. Careers in the sciences
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Technical Session
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew A Carr USN, U.S. Naval Academy
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
pressure, velocity, orelevation at one of the points, provided that the correct unit conversions are applied.Bernoulli Example. Given cold water flowing through an arbitrary shape where z1 = 100 ft, z2 =50 ft, p1 = 30 lbf/in2, V1 = 25 ft/s, V2 = 1ft/s, and  = 62.4 lbf/ft3. Since water is essentiallyincompressible in this range, then the unknown pressure p2 can be determined by rewritingBernoulli’s equation using algebra as follows:  V 2  V22  p2  p1   ( z1  z2 )    1   2g Note that each term has basic dimensions of force per area (length2) and the rules
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Weihang Zhu, University of Houston; Julia Yoo, Lamar University; James C. Curry, Lamar University; Brian Craig P.E., Lamar University; Hsing-wei Chu P.E., Lamar University; Jiang Zhou, Lamar University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
Awarding S-STEM Scholarships to Current StudentsAbstractLamar University in Beaumont, Texas was awarded an NSF S-STEM grant “Industrial andMechanical Engineering Scholars with Scholarships, Career Mentoring, Outreach andAdvisement, Professional Societies and Engineering Learning Community (SCOPE) S-STEMProgram” in 2015. Unlike most scholarship programs that target incoming students, thisscholarship targets enrolled students who have demonstrated successful progress towards aMechanical Engineering or Industrial Engineering degree by having minimum grades of B inCalculus I, Calculus II and Physics I and an overall GPA of at least 3.0. The SCOPE programrequires scholarship recipients to be an active member of the
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Lisa Bosman, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Aasakiran Madamanchi, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Scott R. Bartholomew, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Vetria L. Byrd, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
SCMcurriculum [10], and is proven to be very effective and popular across all levels of programsincluding undergraduate, graduate, and executive education [11]. Developed by MIT′s SloanSchool of Management in the 80s, the Beer Game was originally created to teach students systemsconcepts and systems thinking [12]. However, as the content area of SCM continues to expand, sodo the Beer Game learning extensions which now span demonstrating the bullwhip effect, risk-pooling, and technology integration, to name a few [13]. In response, student participants get thechance to actively learn about the benefit of supply chain awareness and communication, theimportance of supply chain collaborative strategic decision making, and the benefit of working asa team to
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Philip Appiah-Kubi, University of Dayton
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
, exam content, and alsothe results of the formative assessment. If an educator perceives a course to be very difficult, s/hemay allow students to use cheat-sheet. However, these factors are all subjective, and depend onthe educator. It is therefore, not surprising that no consensus exists among educators on the mosteffective type of exams1.From students’ perspective, open-book-open-notes exam is preferred to closed book exams2 dueto decreased test anxiety1 that comes with the former. Most students believe that take-homeexam, cheat-sheets, and open-book-open-notes exams help to increase exam scores and decreasetest anxiety1. Some students also complain that take home exams are time consuming, due to thenature of exam questions. Take home exams
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Terri M. Lynch-Caris, Kettering University; Karl D. Majeske, Oakland University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
jobs become computer based, workers willspend greater amounts of time on a computer. It is important that the Industrial Engineeringcurriculum stays current on such demographic changes and update individual coursesaccordingly. This paper demonstrates how relatively simple and low cost studies can beintroduced into a traditional ergonomics class and benefit the students.References1. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2005). Computer and Internet use at work in 2003. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics.2. Reuters 2008 Epstein, R., Colford, S., Epstein, E., Loye, B. Walsh, M. (2012). The effects of feedback on computer
Conference Session
Best Practices in IE Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew Elam, Texas A&M University, Commerce; E. Delbert Horton, Texas A&M University, Commerce; Sukwon Kim, Texas A&M University, Commerce; Bob Wilkins, Texas A&M University, Commerce
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
, engineering economy, discretemathematics, and probability and statistics. Using the brief description that Industrial Engineersimprove processes, students were taught to think of equations as models for processes. Theindependent variable(s) is (are) the input(s) to the process and the dependent variable(s) is (are)the output(s) from the process.Systems of linear equations, matrices, and truth tables from discrete mathematics were taught tohelp prepare students for the computer programming courses and the linear algebra course taughtby the Mathematics department. Both of these courses were prerequisites for the first operationsresearch course taught in the Industrial Engineering degree program. It was emphasized thatlinear programming was mathematical
Conference Session
Concluding Thoughts in Engineering Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Harry Petersen, Minnesota State University, Mankato; William Peterson, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
of the internet and supporting programs, many institutions of higher learning areexamining the possibility of offering at least some classes over the internet. Whilecorrespondence courses by mail have been offered for many decades, the immediate responseand information bandwidth of the internet offer the possibility of real-time remote interaction,electronic homework and exams, and instant streaming video and audio not available by mail.With proper support, web-based instruction computer programs such as Desire2Learn (D2L) 1, acommercial classroom management system (similar to Blackboard, etc.), allows remote studentsto password-access materials on their own schedule while requiring online discussions atspecified times, at the instructor‟s
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ergin Erdem, Robert Morris University; Sangho Shim, Robert Morris University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
Technology.References1. E. Barnes, Lecture Notes on Computational Methods, Georgia Institute of Technol- ogy.2. A. Caprara, M. Fischetti and P. Toth, A heuristic method for the set covering problem, Operations Research 47 (1999) 730–743.3. A. Caprara, M. Fischetti and P. Toth, Algorithms for the set covering problem, Annals of Operations Research 98 (2000) 353–371.4. S. Chopra, E. Erdem, E. Kim and S. Shim, Column generation approach to the convex recoloring problem on a tree, Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Ap- plications (MOPTA, Bethlehem, PA, USA, August 2016), Volume 213 of the series Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, pp 39-53, 2017.5. S. Chopra, B. Filipecki, K. Lee, M. Ryu, S. Shim and M. Van Vyve, The convex
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Christian Enmanuel Lopez, Lafayette College; Omar Ashour, Pennsylvania State University; James Devin Cunningham; Conrad Tucker, Carnegie Mellon University; Paul C. Lynch, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
twogroups were statistically comparable (i.e., support groups’ homogeneity), demographics,preparation level, personality types, and VR and gaming experience levels were collected at thestart of the course (see Figure 2 and Table 1). Figure 2. Experimental protocol usedTable 1. The instruments used in this study Instrument Description Event Time Demographics Collects demographic information such as age, gender, and race. It At the beginning of also collects information about the student preparation level (GPA the semester in the and the prerequisite course(s) grade(s)), semester standing
Conference Session
IE Applications and Systems
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Samuel Guccione, Eastern Illinois University; Thomas McDonald, Eastern Illinois University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
AC 2010-894: A META STUDY OF DISCRETE EVENT MODELING ANDSIMULATION (DES) USED BY HEALTHCARE INDUSTRIESSamuel Guccione, Eastern Illinois UniversityThomas McDonald, Eastern Illinois University Page 15.52.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2010 A Meta Study of Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation (DES) Used by Healthcare IndustriesIntroductionDiscrete event modeling and simulation (DES) is a popular tool in widely varying fields foridentifying and answering questions about the effects of changes on processes. Themanufacturing and business sectors have been using DES since the early 1980’s. Because ofissues related to economic and social
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Tech Session 2, IE-ing the Classroom
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nadiye O. Erdil, University of New Haven
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Economy, Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering
class, did not have any work experience.These numbers are important to show why it is essential to design the class with a focus onpractical applications, and structure the assignments with this focus, which we will discuss inmore detail below. Table 1 Learning Outcomes Covered by Each Assignment/Activity Targeted Learning Assignment/Activity Description Outcome(s) Case studies, quantitative problems, conceptual short Homework
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ebisa Wollega, Colorado State University - Pueblo; Vitor Ambrosio Winckler, Colorado State University - Pueblo
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
scenario indicates that data would not be a wise choice forthe OPC course design and review process.The reason why the professor is looking for a particular website here is that a job may beadvertised across multiple websites at a time. Aggregating the data may exaggerate the ratings ofthe topics. For example, company X may post a job description that contains ProductionScheduling on all the five websites. Summing up the topic across all the websites would give anequivalent rating of frequency five while the topic should have received a rating equivalent tofrequency one.The professor may also need to explore more topics that s/he has not yet provided a rating for.For example, the professor needs time allocation recommendations for the
Conference Session
IED Technical Session: Preparing Courses for the Future
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Omar Ashour, Pennsylvania State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
. These tests offer threetrials based on the student’s performance. If the student passes the test with a grade of B (80%)or more on a trial, s/he does not have to take the next trial. Each new trial involves new questionsthat have similar difficulty levels to the previous trial. Therefore, if the student retake a trial,his/her grade will be reduced in the successive trials. The student will not receive a grade untilhe/she successfully solves the trial or exhaust all the trials. In other mastery applications,resubmission would involve an assignment or evaluation instrument that is slightly harder thanthe previous one; therefore, students who resubmit do not receive a reduced grade. The completedetail of the grade breakdown is explained in the
Conference Session
IE Technical Session II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jo Min, Iowa State University; Wenbo Shi, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
discussion. In each phase, student teamswere required to analyze 3 or 4 questions, and make strategic as well as tactical decisions:For example, (i) How does the company allocate the production quantities to different plants while optimizing the profit of the whole company? (ii) At what tariff and exchange rate levels should the board of managers decide to shut down the off-shore plant in China? (iii) From both economic and environmental perspectives, which transportation mode(s) should be utilized? In what quantity? In the context of these technical contents, we present how the outcome items (d), (j), and Page 22.1003.4(m
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David Elizandro, Tennessee Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
of Controlleractivities. The cycle begins with a JobsInitiative that includes a quantitativearticulation of Employment Metrics thatidentifies a segment of the region with jobcreation potential. The downward arrowfrom Jobs Initiative(s) represents targetsfor Program Area Objectives and Metrics.Projects activities and correspondingMetrics are represented by the downwardarrow from Program Area(s) toProjects(s). The return arrow to Program Figure 6: Integrated Strategic Planning ActivitiesArea(s) represents actual changes in Project Metrics; the return arrow to Jobs Initiative(s)represents actual changes in Program Area Metrics.IV-a. Program Area(s)Program Area specifications include:  System Components: Program Area resources
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Specking, University of Arkansas; Patricia E Kirkwood, University of Arkansas; Lihua Yang, University of Arkansas
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
of the longitudinal study. Once validated, the appropriate survey willbe administrated to students at least 4 times throughout their undergraduate career toanalyze engineering perception and how it changes over time.Reference1. Besterfield-Sacre, M. E., Atman, C. J., & Shuman, L. J. ([1996]). Pittsburgh freshman engineering attitudes survey University of Pittsburg.2. Davis, D. C., Trevisan, M., Brown, S., French, B., Davis, H., LeBeau, J. & Brooks, S. Pittsburgh freshman engineering attitudes survey (PFEAS). Retrieved from Abou-Jaoude, G., & Najjar, M. (2011). Perception of Lebanese middle school students about engineering. Paper presented at the 2011 IEEE Global
Conference Session
Industrial Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Justine M. Chasmar, Clemson University; Brian J. Melloy, Clemson University; Lisa Benson, Clemson University
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
. Thepresentation should focus less on note taking strategies and more on ways to transforminformation, with supplemental readings attached. The addition of the “supplement” part of theStudy Cycle appeared to be extremely valuable as students self-reported use of campusresources, peers, TA’s, and professors as a result of this section and could use more time.References1. Freedman, M. The passage through college. J. Soc. Issues 12, 13–28 (1956).2. Schreiner, L. A. & Pattengale, J. Visible Solutions for Invisible Students: Helping Sophomores Succeed. (2000).3. Tobolowsky, B. F. & Cox, B. E. Shedding light on sophomores: an exploration of the second college year. (2007).4. Hunter, M. S. et al. Helping sophomores succeed
Conference Session
IED Technical Session: Preparing Courses for the Future
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gokhan Egilmez, University of New Haven; Ridvan Gedik, University of New Haven
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
various contextsfrom training to education. While the use of games varies substantially depending on thepurpose(s) and benefit(s) of the game provider and gamer, recent a recent literature surveyindicates that majority of attention has been paid on the affordance of the games in other wordsdeveloping and evaluating prototypes, while focus was comparably less on the actual use andeffectiveness of games [1]. Regardless of the effectiveness and generalizability of educationalgames, more and more serious games are integrated into engineering curricula as computer-based,manual, and virtual reality-type; and a scientific consensus is established on the fact that gamesand interactive simulations are more dominant for cognitive gain outcomes [5]; [1
Conference Session
Capstone Design Projects and Courses
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tim L. Brower, University of Colorado, Boulder
Tagged Divisions
Engineering Management, Industrial Engineering, Systems Engineering
-world client into the course. A computer-basedsimulator has been used to provide a learning environment for critical competencies aimed ataccelerating the student‟s learning in systems engineering concepts.5 The introduction of systemsengineering into pre-college education6 was shown to give students a broad perspective withwhich to interact with the world. Systems engineering was used with students as young as fiveyears old to emphasize the kind of interactive and interdependent group learning that fostersgrowth in social skills, giving children the opportunity to think and act critically in society.A systems engineering approach applied in a laboratory setting using an active learning strategycalled Activities, Project, and Problem-Based
Conference Session
Lean and Green
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sharon Johnson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
andseparate assembly lines for the two types of clocks produced (called blue and black). In contrast, Page 15.1262.3 Indicates g in Transfer of p Information ip Sh Indicates e Transfer of s ou Materials eh