Paper ID #39962Board 119: WIP: Three Scaffolding Approaches to Foster a Tolerance forAmbiguity in an Undergraduate Engineering Statistics CourseDr. Kingsley A. Reeves Jr., University of South Florida Kingsley Reeves is an associate professor at the University of South Florida in the Industrial and Manage- ment Systems Engineering Department. His current research interests focus on applications of lean six sigma in SMEs and decision-making processes as wAna Carolina Leo, University of South FloridaDr. Jeremi S. London, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Dr. Jeremi London is an Associate Professor in the
Paper ID #39593Development of Lean Six Sigma Competencies through Guided LearningSequencesDr. Gibr´an Sayeg-S´anchez, Tecnologico de Monterrey (ITESM) Dr. Gibr´an Sayeg-S´anchez is professor – consultant in the Science Department in Tecnologico de Mon- terrey, Puebla campus. He studied a PhD in Financial Science in EGADE Business School (2016), a MSc in Industrial Engineering in Tecnologico de Monterrey (2011), and a BEng in Industrial and Systems En- gineering in Tecnologico de Monterrey (2006). Dr. Sayeg-S´anchez has more than 11 years of experience in teaching statistics, mathematics, and operations research; and more
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Distribution Center and as an Operation Manager. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Engineering Management from the Stevens Institute of Technology and a master´s degree in Quality Systems and Productivity from Tecnologico de Monterrey. ˜ Tecnologico de MonterreyJonathan Cuevas-Ortuno, Jonathan Cuevas-Ortu˜no is a full-time professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering at Tec- nol´ogico de Monterrey. He holds a Ph.D degree in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering from CIATEC (CONACYT Public Research Center) and a master´s degree in Quality Systems and Produc- tivity from Tecnol´ogico de Monterrey. Also, he is Industrial and Systems Engineering from Tecnol´ogico de Monterrey. Since August 2003, he has
2010. He is the director of the Sustainable Infrastructure Development, Smart Innovation and Resilient Engineering Research Lab at Morgan State UniversityNeda Bazyar Shourabi, Pennsylvania State University, Berks CampusAyodeji B. Wemida Ayodeji Wemida is a Masterˆa C™s student at Morgan State University. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering with a focus on cybersecurity in 2018. As part of his commitment to learning and excellence, he has served as a tutor both on aDr. Mulugeta T Dugda, Morgan State UniversityDr. Jumoke ’Kemi’ Ladeji-Osias, Morgan State University Dr. J. ’Kemi Ladeji-Osias is Professor in the School of Engineering at Morgan State University in Balti- more. She is a rotating
; • School name; • School district; • Grade(s) taught; • Subject(s) taught; • Number of students taught; • Need(s) for curricular improvements (needs); • Expectations from the program (expectations); • How will you disseminate what you’ve learned from this program; • What do you know about data analytics; Do you teach it now (knowledge); • Have you participated in a similar program; • Agree to participate in all activities; • Agree to participate in all program assessment surveys; and • Where did you learn about this program.In 2021, we received 20 applications and selected 10 participants. These applicants came from13 school districts and 19 schools throughout Arkansas, seen in Figure 1. Figure 1 shows
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common elements such as the use of sand timers to control the pace ofthe work, dice to introduce randomness, and specific roles for each student with simple rules onprinted mats on the table. Table 1 shows the elements of the three simulations, and the nature ofthe improvement rounds, and Figure 1 shows some of the physical elements handled in thesimulation.In the manufacturing simulation, four students create tails, wings, fuselage, and do finalassembly of a LEGO airplane. Their pace is controlled by sand timers to prevent a LEGO-building race. Two other students bring them the parts they need through an initially cumbersomesupply chain. Students overcome physical difficulties with 5-S, training, and standard work.They then redesign the
and clarify the required functions. In order to do so, functions must be identified, classified, and organized. Then, resources are allocated to functions and functions are prioritized for value improvement. 4. Creativity: Generate ideas on all the possible ways to accomplish the required functions. All ideas associated with each function are recorded for further review. Brainstorming techniques are utilized at this stage. 5. Evaluation: The large number of ideas generated in the previous stage are synthesized. Those have promise are selected for development into specific value improvements. Each feasible idea/improvement is discussed with the team. 6. Development: Here, ‘best’ alternative(s) for
important topic. Integrating thesemicro-doses into the engineering curriculum will not only create the sustainability entrepreneurmindset in students but also make the sustainable design truly sustainable in the future.Additionally, opportunities to collaborate with the colleges of business (with their infrastructurefor teaching entrepreneurship) should be explored to fully realize the potential for creatingsustainable products, services, and businesses in the near future.References[1] M. Lotfi, A. Yousefi, and S. Jafari, “The Effect of Emerging Green Market on Green Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development in Knowledge-Based Companies,” Sustainability, vol. 10, no. 7, Art. no. 7, Jul. 2018, doi: 10.3390/su10072308.[2] W. Wang and H. Chen
assessments used in the class. In a relatedon-going project, standardized test questions have been developed, and data is being collected toinvestigate whether improved student learning can be measured via other assessments.AcknowledgementsThis work has been in part supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2215133. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References1. Mejias S, Thompson N, Sedas RM, Rosin M, Soep E, Peppler K, Roche R, Wong J, Hurley M, Bell P, Bevan B (2021) The trouble with STEAM and why we use it anyway. Science Education. 105: 209-231.2. Perignat E, Katz
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