compatible with Microsoft SQL Server2005’s data types and has integration with Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 using its ServerExplorer. T-SQL procedures are reported to be supported in a future version.When comparing memory footprints when deployed, we found significant differences betweenSQL CE and Vista DB. To understand how much additional memory footprint was added by the Page 14.123.4EDBMSs, we also compared file sizes to what would be required if traditional sequential file I/Owere used. For our research, we created databases with a single table then populated the tablewith four different numbers of records. For sequential file I/O, we used data
. Figure 1. Percentage of Network Outage after Katrina’s Landfall1Response to the Affected AreaFrom across the U. S. volunteers traveled to affected areas such as Waveland and Bay St. Louis,Mississippi and recognized the numerous critical needs such as communication services. Asvolunteers arrived in the Waveland and Bay St. Louis area, they began setting up camps in anyopen area such as ballparks, campgrounds or parking lots. Volunteers assisted with debris cleanup, repairs, social services and soup kitchens. These volunteers needed to contact their familiesand host organizations. Residents needed to contact FEMA for assistance with their losses.FEMA requested that residents contact the agency through their website by completing an online
web testing and development, as was shown in Figure 1, or anexternal client can be used to probe both the Windows and Linux web servers, as was also shownin the figure.In addition to functionality, the speed of the portable hard drive was also tested. USB 2.0 isn't asfast as an internal hard drive connection such as ATA, and this interface is the most obviousbottleneck in an externally booted system. USB 2.0 is rated at 60 MB/s, while the Serial ATAdrives common in new desktop computers can reach at least 150 MB/s, depending on whichversion of SATA is being used. While it seems that this speed difference should severely affectsystem performance, the only time that testers noted a difference was during boot time, probablydue to caching. To
airline database as well as the handheld device built around a 16-bit Motorolamicrocontroller (MC68HC12). RFID is a growing technology that could be used to reducenumber of mishandling luggage which was reported by the Department of Transportation to beover 1.1 million between January to June 20092 .Introduction:There are many Automatic Identification and Data Collection (AIDC) technologies that havebeen used throughout the years 1930s and 1940s. The most pervasive ones are barcode, magneticstripe, and Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID). Many experiments have been conductedwhen the barcode was first introduced in the 1940’s. The first patent of the barcode was in 1949by Bernard Silver and Norman Joseph Woodland 8. The first major application
provides students with functionality beyondthat which is available through the JDBC API. Persistence frameworks can make datapersistence less error prone than JDBC alone, but it is time consuming and can add additionalcomplexity and frustration. However, in many situations a persistence framework may be worththe additional effort.Bibliography1. Riccardi, G. Principles of Database Systems with Internet and Java Applications, Addison Wesley, 2001.2. Fussel, M. Foundations of O-R Mapping: Conlcusion, 2000, available Jan. 16, 2007 at: Armstrong, E., J. Ball, S. Bodoff, Et al., Dec. 5, 2005, available Jan. 16, 2007 at:
experience. Finally, we will continueto expand the integrated curriculum and laboratory, such as setting up a student-operatedNetwork Operations Center (NOC) for the campus or even the local region and adding wirelesscellular communications to the laboratory.Bibliography1. Ma, j & Nickerson, J. (2006). Hands-on, simulated, and remote laboratories: A Comparative Literature Review.ACM Computing Surveys.38(3). 1-24.2. ABET. 2008 Criteria for accrediting engineering programs. Retrieved Jan. 14, 2008. from Etkina, E. & Murthy, S. (2006). Design labs: Students' expectations and reality. Physics Education ResearchConference. American Institute of Physics.97-101
the code-output connection, have the student(s) suggest and make a change to the code with a prediction of how it will change the output. 7. Have the student re-run the code to determine whether their predicted change in the output is observed. 8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for other aspects of the code to aid the student in developing a model of the structure and behavior of a loop within the model of computer programming that they are developing in their mind.Once the students have developed a gestalt understanding of the loop structure, it ispossible to move on an explanation of the loop structure using identification techniquesdeveloped by Peterson.The result of the techniques outlined above is that the students are
toward multi-core and parallel processingarchitectures, tomorrow’s computer scientists must be educated on the tools and methodologiesfor parallel computing. As educators, teaching parallel hardware and software today is vital togiving our students the tools they need to build tomorrow’s hardware and software. It is crucialthat parallel and distributed computing topics be integrated into computer science curricula.References:[1] Lin, Calvin and Lawrence Snyder, “Principles of Parallel Programming”. Pearson Publishing Company, 2008.[2] Moore, G.,” Cramming more Components onto Integrated Circuits”. Electronics 38, 8, 1995.[3] Brin, S., and L. Page, “The Anaotomy of a Large Scale Hypertexual Web Search Engine”. Technical Report, Stanford
to debug, seek and find information they need, andthe ability to understand and reverse-engineer poorly written documentation. The students’feedback and their final project presentation indicate that they have pride in their projectaccomplishments and have gained confidence in their engineering abilities.References:[1] ABET,, retrieved January 10, 2009.[2] Tichon, M., Seat, S., “Team toolbox: Activities and suggestions for facilitation project teams”, Frontiers in Engineering Education Conference, 2004, 34th Annual, session.[3] IEEE Computer Society/ACM Computing Curriculum - Computer Engineering, , Retrieved on January 15, 2009.[4] IEEE Computer Society,
of varying media into highly technological solutions.Nathan Bingham, Purdue University Nathan S. Bingham is a Web Application Programmer with Purdue University’s Continuing Education and Conferences Division. He is currently leading a redesign of the division three websites and online registration system with a focus on improving accessibility, web standards compliance, and usability. Nathan recently graduated with Honors from Purdue’s Computer Graphics Technology program, specializing in Interactive Multimedia Development.Meiqi Ren, Purdue University Meiqi Ren is a Graduate student in the Department of Computer Graphics Technology at Purdue. She is also a Research Assistant for Purdue's
from it. There is no doubt that it is a great idea toteach a data mining course in computer science curriculum. As you can tell, students taking adata mining course need to have background in quite a few areas to be successful. Not everystudent taking this course may have the background required in all these areas. The question ishow can an instructor remedy the challenge of teaching a group of students with widely-rangingbackgrounds, and at what level should this course be taught. Furthermore, the issue of groupwork arises, specifically as to whether data mining course projects should be accomplishedindividually or as teams.Studies show that many universities are teaching data mining course(s) within their computersscience curriculum. Each
Foundation.Bibliography1. UN Atlas of the Oceans (2007). Human settlements on the coast, accessed August 24, 2007, available at MmMzc9aW5mbw~~2. Hinrichsen, D. (1998). Coastal Waters of the World: Trends, Threats, and Strategies. Washington D.C.: Island Press.3. Alabama Gulf Coast & Convention & Visitors Bureau (2007). CVB statistics, accessed August 24, 2007, available at HTU Infoplease (2007). Coastline of the United States, accessed August 24, 2007, available at Gibb, F., & Buchanan, S. (2006). A framework for business continuity management
see the emergence of anational curriculum for high performance computing and cyberinfrastructure, and the applicationof these technologies to solve practical problems. We are grateful to be able to be a part of thiseffort. Page 14.443.11References1. Zweben, S. (2007), 3ed, pp. 7-22.2. Hecker, D. Occupational employment projections to 2014. Monthly Labor Review Online, 128.3. Bentley, L. (2007) The Future of IT Education is Here. Purdue University Department of Computer and Infomation Technology Report.4. Sloan, J. (2004) High Performance Linux Clusters with OSCAR, Rocks
, Proceedings of 2005 ASEE AnnualConference, Session 2658, June 15-17, 2005, Portland Oregon.7. Krug, S., Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, NewRider Press, Indianapolis, IN, 2000.8. Marcus, A., The emotion connection, Interactions, November-December, 2003, 28-34.9. McCracken, D. and Wolfe, R., User-Centered Website Development: A Human-Computer Interaction Approach, Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2004.10. Menezes, P., Barreto, J.C. and Dias, J., Face tracking based on Haar-like features and Page 11.919.12eigenfaces, 5th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Lisbon, Portugal,July 5-7, 2004.11. Open
forinstructors to imagine all the variations of how a word or phrase can be written. In the code,the list of alternatives becomes long, hindering readability. And still some correct answersare marked wrong. Either the instructor needs to examine each answer individually, or (s)heneeds to wait until students complain. There is no easy way out.When answers are longer than a single word, the difficulties compound. Many of myclasses involve programming. My students had problems with Moodle, which treatsembedded blanks as significant. For example, a blank after a parenthesis in an expressioncan cause the system to give zero credit for the answer. Moreover, several specialcharacters, including “” are discarded by the system1 before answers are graded.Worse
12.490.2Rather than researching new cryptographic algorithms, our students focus on evaluatingcryptographic implementations in the context of particular enterprise security goal(s). Inthese evaluations, our students draw on existing standards and standard organizationssuch as the Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules (FIPS-140) [2] and theNational Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST). A look at sample learning goalsfor our laboratory module’s will help illustrate this.Sample Module GoalsAt the end of this class, students will be able to:1. Apply cryptographic services to: a. Conceal information within a file (encryption). b. Verify a file’s integrity c. Authenticate a file’s origin2. Provide evidence of non
. Reynolds, C. “ An Undergraduate Information Assurance Curriculum.” Proceedings of the 2003 IEEEWorkshop on Information Assurance, 2003.5. McTighe, J., G. Wiggins. Understanding by Design. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,Alexandria, Virginia, 1998.6. Anwar, S. and P. Ford. “Use of a Case Study Approach to Teach Engineering Technology Students.”International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education, 38 (1), January 2001, pp 1-10. Page 12.226.10
management.18. To pass the CompTIA Security+ exam (85% minimum)III. Course ContentThis course is an introduction to Network and Information Security. There are many terms andconcepts that the student must master. Weekly exams will cover content from that week’schapter(s), lab material, and on-line supplemental material. The final exam is a comprehensiveexam and will be taken in a testing center. The passing score for the final exam is 85% and theexam fee is $250. Table 2 shows the weekly coverage of the course topics along with thedistribution of the Security+ certification objectives. Table 2. Network Security Fundamentals Master SyllabusWeek Topics/Chapter Certification
, American Society for EngineeringEducation, Annual Conference, Engineering Libraries Division, Poster Paper Session.4. Osorio, N. L. (2005). What Every Engineer Should Know about Engineering Education, Proceedings of the 2005Illinois/Indiana Sectional Conference, American Society for Engineering Education, D1-1. [Available online] Jesiek, B. K., Newswander, L. K., and Borrego, M. (2009). Engineering Education Research: Discipline,Community, or Field? Journal of Engineering Education, Vol 98 no 1 p. 39-52.6. Whitin, K. and Sheppard, S. (2004). Taking Stock: An Analysis of the Publishing Record as Represented by theJournal of Engineering Education, Journals of Engineering
February 2009 from JIST Publishing, (2008), “The 25 Best-Paying Jobs for Introverts”, retrieved February 2009 from John, O. P. and Srivastava, S. (March 1999), “The Big-Five trait taxonomy: History, measurement, and theoretical perspectives” In L. Pervin and O.P. John (Eds.), Handbook of personality: Theory and research (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford6. Bromberg, P. A., (December 10, 2006), “Jungian type test for programmers”, retrieved September 2008 from McCaulley, M.H. and Martin, C.R., (1995), “Career
Specialized in 2010,” IT Pro Published by the IEEE Computer Society,November/December 2004.[5] Zhang, L., Shao, S., Zeng, X., Cai, X., “Development of Remote Learn System on Mobile Internet,”Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 10-14, 2002. Shanghai, China.[6] Ramirez, J., Segura, J.C., Gorriz, J.M., Benitez, C., Rubio, A., “GAIALAB: A Weblab Project for DigitalCommunications Distributed Learning,” ICASSP, 2006.[7] Sypin, E., Syvopliasov, A. A., “Statement of the Problem on Laboratory Work through Internet,” 4th SiberianRussian Workshop and Tutorials EDM’2003, Section III, 1-4 July, Erlagol.[8] Zhao, X., Zhong, Y., Matsumoto, M., “A Real-Time Interactive Shared System for Distance Learning,” Multi-Media
Understand and utilize Knoppix Cheat Codes Boot Knoppix into RAM Define KDE graphical Environment Define and use the Linux Console.Orientation Boot Knoppix List locations from where Knoppix may be downloaded Utilize KDE Menu System Use Kinfo to ascertain system resourcesAdvanced List major features of the Knoppix Interface.Orientation Identify your Ethernet Configuration(s). Use TCP/IP utilities to identify your network connections. Use basic TCP/IP utilities to footprint an organizationGetting Help Use the Linux Man pages to obtain help
isolated. This paper begins with programming language comparison anddelves into network centric computing, issues in enterprise development, and leveraging the Page 15.842.2power of java in enterprise.Programming Language ComparisonThere is a plethora of programming languages and new ones are being created on a constantbasis for a number of applications. In order to provide some general guidelines for someone whowishes to decide which popular object oriented language(s) to learn and make a judiciousselection for a certain application the following table is presented to help make evaluation andcomparison depending upon the application
peer reviews. The reviewers will then upload their reviews to the system.The paper review process will remind reviewers about their tasks, and use the notificationsystem to notify all of them about any other related issues. When all reviews are collectedtrack chair(s) and conference chair will make a decision about papers being accepted orrejected for conference. Respective authors will receive a formal notification email aboutthe final decision. The authors of the accepted papers need to submit the final cameraready copy of the paper.Use Case DiagramThe use case model in general helps identifying the system in terms of functionality andrequirements. It defines the proposed functionality, helps in achieving the goals of thesystem and contains
architectures. DelMar Information Technologies also sells several software products and services, including corporate training classes.Richard Mislan, Purdue University, West Lafayette Richard is an assistant professor specializing in the area of Cyber Forensics. Richard 's areas of research include Small-Scale Digital Device Forensics, Unusual Sources of Digital Evidence, and the Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Improving Efficiency in Cyber Forensics. He is also a faculty member with the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS). Formerly of Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan, Richard has taught graduate and
projects are often reviewed online, in trade publications, oracademic venues. OSS may include less documentation and require more expertise to install andmaintain, although again the larger, more popular projects recognize these challenges and workto address them. Page 13.952.2Team projects have a long history in education, with an extensive literature2,3,4 which this paperdoes not attempt to summarize. However, team activities (and supporting tools) can be classifiedaccording to their broad objective(s): 1. Cohesion. Teams need to develop and maintain cohesion - a sense of community, trust, and shared purpose. Tools can only indirectly
2006-1831: SECURITY EDUCATIONTim Lin, California State Polytechnic University-PomonaSaeed Monemi, California State Polytechnic University-Pomona Page 11.1109.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2006 Security EducationAbstract:Network security and computer security are usually hot topics whenever any intrusion incidentscause system crash and loss of work time in big corporations. In engineering colleges howeversecurity is usually a topic with least or incompatible attention.The author has taught many upper division classes in college and also graduate course(s) and hasbeen trying to imbue and enhance the courses with the security
actions or operations of producing something. The attributes of abusiness process can be either descriptive or quantitative. Businesses usually use one or more ofthese attribute(s) or metrics to represent the performance of the process (i.e. cycle time,inventory turns, and ratios of various sorts). Requirements for process improvement arestatements supporting the need to change the actions within the process to improve its overallperformance. This is a form of general requirements analysis. While some believe there is noway to generally analyze an enterprise others have examines some techniques to do so(Kowalkowski and McElyea).This paper will provide a step-by-step approach to examine and assess current business processesusing a context based
Mile Connecting Smartphones to the Service Cloud." 2009 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing. Bangalore, India., 2009. 80-87.9. Zualkernan, I, S Nikkhah and M Al-Sabah. "A Lightweight Distributed Implementation of IMS LD on Google's Andriod." The 9th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT2009). Riga, Latvia, 2009. 59-63. Page 15.180.13
14.1033.5possible.Industry TrendsThe information technology industry is consistently changing with the advent andcommercialization of new technologies. While this change is constantly ongoing, the mid 2000’swere a period of significant change that directly impacted the networking and infrastructure area.Many of the specialized skills that once differentiated our students in the marketplace havebecome commoditized. In the 1990’s, for example, IP subnetting knowledge was adifferentiating factor in the student marketplace; today it is background knowledge. Thiscommoditization of knowledge is ever ongoing, resulting in today’s hot skills (such as IPtelephony) becoming tomorrow’s background knowledge.As cutting edge technologies have become more mainstream, the manner