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Displaying results 331 - 360 of 362 in total
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 4
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cem Karacal, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville; Hasan Sevim, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
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better than satisfactory ratings, respectively. Having limited number of offcampus bus services at SIUE was reflected on the survey as poor. The program coordinator atSIUE brought the issue to the attention of student affairs office to remedy the situation. The localmunicipality now offers improved services, especially on Sundays. Table I - Service component survey results1-not important, 2-important, 3-very important, 1-not satisfied, 2-satisfied, 3-very satisfied Rank Aspect Importance Satisfaction 1 Friendliness and helpfulness of the program coordinator at ITU 2.88 1.63 2 Friendliness and helpfulness of the program
Conference Session
They need more than technical skills!
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Feifei Zhong, Southwest Jiaotong University; Gene Hou, Old Dominion University
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name. As indicated byLeydens, 20% to 40% of the work hours are spent in writing for engineers in the first few yearsin their career, which increases to 50% to 70% when they are promoted to middle managementpositions and over 70% and even to 95% when in senior management positions. This reflects thefact that technical writing is a skill set providing a life-long career benefit7. Thus, technicalwriting should be included in the curriculum throughout the whole higher education system. Onthe other hand, numbers of Chinese students are growing to study abroad, especially going toEnglish speaking countries such as US and UK. According to the news8, the number ofinternational students in US reached over one million in 2016. Among all international
Conference Session
Technical Capacity Bldg for Developing Countries & Service Learning
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lauri Burke, Colorado School of Mines; Barbara Moskal, Colorado School of Mines
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4.9 3.5 0.9 1.3 Master’s Candidate 12.1 6.7 2.3 2.7 2.3 0.9 1.8 Freshmen Undergraduate 7.0 2.5 1.3 3.8 1.0 2.5 0.1Table 2. Average hours per week per groupNote: Efforts of the scholarship recipient during the Fall 2007 semester is given in average hoursper week per student. The Total Average column reflects the average hours worked each week,by degree program, for scholarship recipients working on both of the project teams. The other Page 13.523.12columns represent the average of the semester total hours for each
Conference Session
International Engineering Education I
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
M.P. Sharma, University of Wyoming
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by 43% in Taiwan.To be sure, the drop could simply reflect a reduction in the number of students who want to pursue graduate work inthe United States. Indeed, Payne says the volume also dropped by 37% in India, where the exam procedures werenot changed. But several university graduate deans believe that the more rigorous security might have scared offstudents less confident of their academic abilities. If so, that drop in applications may have come disproportionatelyfrom the lower end of the spectrum.”Concluding SummaryThis paper discusses data and observations from published literature and a case study involvinginterviews and discussions to find an insight into the cause of the phenomena of declininggraduate student applications and
Conference Session
Global Engineering in an Interconnected World
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kurt Rosentrater, USDA-ARS; Radha Balamuralikrishna, Northern Illinois University
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manyopportunities to decrease our dependence on nonrenewable resources. Bio-based industries arepoised to contribute substantially to the supply of energy, transportation fuels, industrialchemicals, and manufactured products in coming years. These trends are reflected in manyfederal initiatives within both the Department of Energy ( and the Department ofAgriculture ( Prominent topics currently include ethanol, biodiesel, novelprocessing technologies, including enzymatic and microbial conversions, gasification ofbiomass, lignocellulose (e.g., corn stover, switchgrass, and woody crop) production,transportation, storage, and processing technologies, and even hydrogen production frombiomass. Some of these topics will be discussed more
Conference Session
Global Competency and What Makes a Successful Engineer
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy Healy, Georgia Institute of Technology; Lynn Charles Rathbun, National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, Cornell University
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) Avg. It allowed me to identify/perceive the world context of technology 4.7 It allowed me to see how technology can help improve the lives of under- 4.6 served populations It allowed me to put my research in the context of the global arena 4.1 It allowed me to have discussions with the foreign participants about 4.8 It opened upand technology mysociety understanding of technology and the impact on society 4.6 It has influenced my future in terms of my career choices 4.1 Reflection questions post experience (1+ years since iWSG) Avg. I believe that my iWSG experience
Conference Session
Study Abroad, International Exchange Programs, and Student Engagements
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Wilhelm Alex Friess, Rochester Institute of Technology, Dubai; Ivan E. Esparragoza, Pennsylvania State University, Brandywine; Dylan Connole
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throughout thetime abroad, significant cross cultural communication skills need to be acquired and theirapplication stimulated. Introducing specific pre-departure workshops and briefings toenhance cross cultural communication skills (in addition to the traditional country specificorientation) will stimulate curiosity about the similarities and differences between thecultures, and provide tools to interact and reflect on the interaction in a confident andconstructive way. In addition to this pre-departure preparation, and in the context of theformative evaluation of the effectiveness of these components, some specific (and non-courserelated) tasks can be introduced and scheduled throughout the time abroad, for exampleinitiating and executing
Conference Session
Innovative Learning, Comparative Learning Analysis, and Lessons Learned
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Edmundo Tovar, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; Mercedes de la Cámara, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; Javier Saenz, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; Manuel Castro, Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia
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Educational Resources (OER) is further increasing the wealth of up-to-date, relevant and well-presented course material available. However, just as important ashaving first class content, is that the learning activities designed for students using thiscontent are likely to help students learn optimally. To help academics who are contemplatingusing Open Courseware material, guidelines are needed to help them reflect on how best toget their students to learn. The goal is to move away from a focus on teaching, that is, whatthe lecturer told the students, to a focus on activities that would help students learn. The taskof university teachers is to create the conditions where students are most likely to learn. Thispaper presents the results of an
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sushil Acharya, Robert Morris University; Lisa A. Nutt, Robert Morris University; Tony Lee Kerzmann, Robert Morris University
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procedure has been established. At times deadlines have not followed but both the CGE and RMU Abroad-AC have been flexible in supporting FLEAPs and requesting all to follow the deadlines in their next offering. CGE has also taken responsibility to communicate all FLEAP deadlines and matters of importance to school administrators and faculty members so that deadlines are not missed. ● Creating Forms: Keeping in mind that a substantial amount of work goes into a FLEAP, RMU Abroad-AC decided to reduce overall work by removing redundancy. The council reviewed existing forms and developed new ones that better reflected the FLEAP procedure. Many meetings deliberated what was required
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 9
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Steven H. Billis, New York Institute of Technology; Nada Marie Anid, New York Institute of Technology; Marta A Panero, New York Institute of Technology
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complete the course will be more comfortablewith ambiguity (i.e. less rigid in their thinking) and have a greater “capacity for empathy”. Page 24.644.12The ETCS 105 team projects in the areas of robotics, website creation etc., that the studentsengage in, are intended not only to introduce them to various aspects of a technical career but aremeant to foster “behavioral flexibility”, and “respect for others” as well.That this goal was accomplished was reflected in the post test that was administered during thelast week of class. The mean scores in each of the categories of global and interculturalcompetence increased to: • “tolerance for
Conference Session
Global Competency and What Makes a Successful Engineer
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert J. Gustafson, Ohio State University; Miriam Regina Simon, Ohio State University
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. 107-22, 2006.[3] G. M. Warnick, P. P. Magleby and B. E. Nelson, "Developing a Pervasive, College-wide Approach to Integrating Achievement of Global Competence into the Curriculum," American Society for Engineering Education AC 2012-4834, San Antonio, TX, 2012.[4] S. Klein-Gardner and A. Walker, "Defining Global Competence for Engineering Students," American Society for Engineering Education AC 2011-1072, VanCouver, BC, CA, 2011.[5] I. T. B. Clarke, N. D. Wright and R. M. McMillen, "Student Intercultural Proficiency from Study Abroad Programs," Jornal of Marketing Edcuation, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 173-81, 2009.[6] T. Williams, "The Reflective Method of Intercultural Competency: A Multidimensional, Qualitative Approach
Conference Session
International Initiatives, Partnerships,Teaching Strategies, and Collaborative Networks
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joao Paiva, Politecnico de Viseu
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solving problems within their field of study; 3. have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study)to inform judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues; 4. can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist andnonspecialist audiences; 5. have developed those learning skills that are necessary for them to continue toundertake further study with a high degree of autonomy.” In 2005 the EU Commission introduced the EQF-LLL / European QualificationsFramework for Lifelong Learning, to provide a common reference to facilitate therecognition and the transferability of qualifications, based mainly on knowledge, skills and
Conference Session
Faculty and Program Developments, Exchanges, and Partnerships
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carl F. Zorowski, North Carolina State University
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Design Courses: Implications for Formative Assessment”; 2006-1180, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, 200613. Gerlick R., Davis D., Trevisian M., Washington State Univ., Beyerlin S., Mac Cormack J., Univ. of Idaho; Harrison O., Tuskegee Univ.; “Assessment Structure and Methodology for Design Processes and Products in Engineering Capstone Courses”; 2008-1950, American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference, 200814. Davis D., Trevisian M., Gerlick R., Washington State Univ.; Beyerlein S., Mac Cormack J., Univ. of Idaho; Harrison O., Tuskegee Univ.; Howe S., Smith College: “Assessing Design and Reflective Practices in Capstone Engineering Design Courses”; 2009-663, American Society of
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 4
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jane M. Fraser, Colorado State University, Pueblo; Alejandro Teran, Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM); Hoa Thi Pham, International University - Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City
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, Harman reported the existence of 368 higher education institutions providingfor over 1.5 million students and in 2013, Nguyen et al .report 419 institutions enrolling 2.2million students, reflecting the large growth in higher education occurring in Vietnam.11The country is undergoing a social and economic planned transformation, and like China, isforging its own path in the development and application of a “socialist-oriented marketmechanism.” The higher education system is under a major structural and policy reform, moving Page 24.972.12Vietnam from a Soviet model of higher education towards a western-styled system. The reformis being planned in the
Conference Session
Introducing New Methodologies and the Incoming Students to Engineering Programs
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Flora S Tsai, Singapore University of Technology and Design; Kyle H Wong, Singapore American School
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submitted at least oneassignment, 2,417 took the final exam. 1303 earned the regular certificate (acompletion rate of 2.1%). Of the 145 students submitting a final project, 107earned the programming (i.e. 'with distinction') version of the certificate.There was a note the Coursera certificate, which stated that the online offering ofthis class does not reflect the entire curriculum offered to students enrolled at theUniversity. This statement does not affirm that this student was enrolled as astudent at the University in any way. It does not confer a grade, credit, or degree,and it does not verify the identity of the student.As Coursera courses are self-enrolling and often require no prerequisites, it couldbe possible that students are not matched
Conference Session
International Division Poster Session
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Khalilullah Mayar, Kabul Polytechnic University, Kabul -Afghanistan
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from the participants should be succinct, and the designteam should analyze the feedback without reflecting their own bias (Delp et al., 1977). Selectingparticipants for the Delphi method is considered one of the crucial steps in designing the researchas the output mainly will be based on the opinions of the selected experts. Skulmoski et al.(2008) recommended four criteria for the selection of the experts: 1) their knowledge andexperience with the research topic, 2) they voluntarily agree to participate, 3) they have adequatetime to participate, and 4) they have proper communication skills. Based on these criteria, theparticipants for this research were selected from four different groups of people who wereinvolved in the engineering
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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whenplaced within the context that considers the professor’s specific objectives, the complexity ofthe subject matter, the physical setting of the classroom, and the capabilities of the learners.The challenge is to choose a suitable method at the appropriate time. Understanding the prosand cons of the lecture method is a helpful starting point.Lectures have a number of characteristics that does make them, for the right subject matter,desirable in the classroom (14) .It does, to a great extent, depend on the abilities andexperience of the lecturer. An able and committed lecturer can accomplish the following: 1. Relate the material proficiently and effectively, in a manner that reflects lecturer’s personal conviction and grasp of the subject
Conference Session
International Engineering Education I - Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Odete Lopes, Politecnico de Viseu; Joao Vinhas, Politecnico de Viseu; Joao Paiva, Politecnico de Viseu
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acquisition systemand a computer, allows the registration of position, velocity and acceleration. Data can beworked in distinct ways highlighting a set of concepts and measurable values. Using differentsuspended masses there are a lot of possibilities to explore.Figure1. Kinematics experiment.Along the semester all of the groups worked on all of the experiments. At the end, eachstudent had to make a public presentation about one of the experiments. Each one was totallyfree to choose how to do it. This is an important issue because, on the one hand, studentshave to reflect about the concepts involved, the results obtained and conclusions drawn. Onthe other hand, they can develop skills related to analysis, synthesis and communication suchas, the
Conference Session
International Initiatives, Partnerships, Teaching Strategies & Collaborative Networks (IUCEE, IFEES, LACCEI.... )
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ivan Esparragoza, Pennsylvania State University; Maria M. Larrondo Petrie, Florida Atlantic University
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, minimizing accents, and individually reviewing for theTOEFL. This allows the LAC faculty to advance their research while mastering the Englishlanguage to pass the TOEFL and GRE. After passing the TOEFL and GRE, the LAC faculty canapply for graduate admissions. If they choose to start their engineering graduate studies at FAU,they are awarded an FAU-LACCEI Scholarship that reduces their tuition to in-state residentlevel (a reduction of $16,000 a year in out-of-state tuition costs, which is reflected also in theamount required to be documented in bank letters for the issuance of the visa). They have beenbetter able to compete for research- and teaching-assistantships. The FAU-LACCEI Scholarshipis open to any LAC graduate student, not just LAC faculty
Conference Session
Nontraditional Teaching Approaches
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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whenplaced within the context that considers the professor’s specific objectives, the complexity ofthe subject matter, the physical setting of the classroom, and the capabilities of the learners.The challenge is to choose a suitable method at the appropriate time. Understanding the prosand cons of the lecture method is a helpful starting point.Lectures have a number of characteristics that does make them, for the right subject matter,desirable in the classroom (14) .It does, to a great extent, depend on the abilities andexperience of the lecturer. An able and committed lecturer can accomplish the following: 1. Relate the material proficiently and effectively, in a manner that reflects lecturer’s personal conviction and grasp of the subject
Conference Session
Technical Session
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jorge Porcel, Missouri University of Science & Technology
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, theinability to speak a foreign language doesn’t prevent someone from being accepted into orrising through the ranks of the U.S. Foreign Service or the military” [14]. If L2 proficiency isnot required for promotion where it is critically needed –the U.S. Foreign Service and themilitary– it is understandable that the perception of lack of importance is widespread in theU.S. what in turn explains the shortage in such qualification among the general population. Interestingly, there is some ideological pressure to comply with the idea that theknowledge of an L2 is somewhat valuable or, more plausible, that denying the value of L2 competence reflects negatively on the respondent. That explains why 50% of Eddy’s [10] sample disagreed or strongly
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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subject matter,desirable in the classroom (14) .It does, to a great extent, depend on the abilities andexperience of the lecturer. An able and committed lecturer can accomplish the following: 1. Relate the material proficiently and effectively, in a manner that reflects lecturer’s personal conviction and grasp of the subject matter; 2. Provide students with a thoughtful, scholarly role model to emulate; 3. Supplement the subject matter with current developments not yet published, or interject lecturer’s own views derived from his/her own experience whenever applicable; 4. Organize material in ways to meet the particular needs of a given audience; 5. Efficiently deliver large amounts of information when the need
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 7
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Geoff Wright, Brigham Young University; Steven L Shumway, Brigham Young University
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that these models changedover the five weeks of instructions. After the five weeks of instruction, the models were moresophisticated and complex, reflecting deeper thinking and understanding of engineering and technology.In 2014, the definitions of engineering and technology, and the examples of the latter showed expansionon the students’ views. These results are consistent with prior findings. Shumway et al. (2011) showedthat over the five weeks of instruction students developed more sophisticated and deeper understanding ofengineering and technology.While how the students actually explained the concepts of engineering and technology may not reflecttheir full understanding, it is possible to infer that the mental models that emerged from
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 3
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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time. Understanding the pros and cons of the lecture method is a helpful startingpoint.Lectures have a number of characteristics that does make them, for the right subject matter,desirable in the classroom (14) .It does, to a great extent, depend on the abilities and experience ofthe lecturer. An able and committed lecturer can accomplish the following: 1. Relate the material proficiently and effectively, in a manner that reflects lecturer’s personal conviction and grasp of the subject matter; 2. Provide students with a thoughtful, scholarly role model to emulate; 3. Supplement the subject matter with current developments not yet published, or interject lecturer’s own views derived from his/her own experience whenever
Conference Session
Case Studies & Engineering Education Around the Globe
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Waddah Akili, Iowa State University
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method atthe appropriate time. Understanding the pros and cons of the lecture method is a helpful startingpoint.Lectures have a number of characteristics that does make them, for the right subject matter,desirable in the classroom. (14) It does, to a great extent, depend on the abilities and experience ofthe lecturer. An able and committed lecturer can accomplish the following: 1. Relate the material proficiently and effectively, in a manner that reflects lecturer’s personal conviction and grasp of the subject matter; 2. Provide students with a thoughtful, scholarly role model to emulate; 3. Supplement the subject matter with current developments not yet published, or interject lecturer’s own views derived from his/her own
Conference Session
Technical Capacity Bldg for Developing Countries & Service Learning
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Vinay Kumar Domal, University of Western AustraliaUWA; James Trevelyan, University of Western Australia
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orPakistan.On reflection, the reason for this gap in the research literature might be explained by therelatively small number of people with appropriate research skills and tools and, at the sametime, enough first-hand experience to understand the language and concepts of engineeringpractice. The question “What do engineers do?” seems obvious with hindsight. Even thoughone of the authors had most of the required skills and 20 years of first-hand experience indifferent fields of engineering, the question did not seem important. It was the apparentcontradictions in South Asia (mentioned above) that resulted in a serious search forexplanations from 2003 onwards.There are several comparative studies of engineering in different countries. The
Conference Session
INT. Engineering Education: Developments, Innovations, Partnerships, and Implementations
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James L. Barnes, James Madison University; Michael J. Dyrenfurth, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Susan Kubic Barnes, James Madison University
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theory, while technology results in discoveries which lead to theories.Purpose Vincent, Bogatyreva, Bogatyreva, Bowyer, and Pahl6 suggest that there has not been anygeneral framework or method for searching the biological literature functional analogies forbiomimetics. Most biomimetic solutions have focused on a single product, without applicationcomplex global problems. For example, Qualcomm commercialized a display technology basedon the reflective properties of certain morpho butterflies, using interferometric modulation toreflect light to control the desired color for pixilation display. The Swiss Federal Institute ofTechnology has incorporated the biomimetic characteristics of self-diagnosis and self-repair intheir adaptive
Conference Session
Study Abroad, International Exchange Programs, and Student Engagements
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James L. Barnes, James Madison University; Michael J. Dyrenfurth, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Kathryne Newton, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Susan Kubic Barnes, James Madison University
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the participants developed cross culturalunderstanding and weltanschauung (global perspective), and how the principal investigatorsrevised their plan based on the feedback obtained during the project’s activities (Table 3). Page 25.940.11 The process evaluation is reflected in the logic model by the relationships of how theImplementation Plan was executed through formal agreements, protocols, curricula, value-addedexperiences identified in the institution component of the logic model.Product (Outcome) The product evaluation focused on program results, connecting outcomes with the othermeasurements taken in the earlier areas of
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 1
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ang Liu, University of Southern California; Stephen Y. Lu, University of Southern California; Gisele Ragusa, University of Southern California
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discussions, because the instructor was better informed of students' learning needs.  The instructor devoted attentions to those content slides that most students feel "more painful" during content lectures. The instructor also reviewed students’ entries on the Discussion Board to prepare for what questions to ask and what problems to exercise for these painful slides/concepts.2) The in-class discussion materials, which were posted on the learning management system 24 hours before the weekly lecture time, included further explanations of difficult contents, reflections of important concepts, problem solving examples, and interactive questions/answers.3) The entire 2-hour class time was devoted to the in-class discussion
Conference Session
Develop Course / Materials / Topics for a Global Engineering Education / International Poster Session
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ashley Ater Kranov, Washington State University
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. With thisin mind, it becomes clear that disciplinary content mastery can not and should not be divorcedfrom mastery of the discipline’s rhetoric. Thus, “interactive socialization” is crucial in helpinggraduate assistants construct the agency that is important for them to become innovativeresearchers and more “reflective, confident and self-directed” as adult learners.68, 69So, while students and faculty of science and engineering with differing native languages havethe ability to converse in highly constrained mathematical and technical languages, they alsoneed to have the ability to describe their inspirations and intuitions, as well as explainconnections they might have to other experiences in their unique pasts. When the participants insuch