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Displaying results 31 - 60 of 525 in total
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 5
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cheryl Matherly, The University of Tulsa; Sarah R. Phillips, Rice University ; Cody A. Chapman, University of Tulsa
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. student in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at the University of Tulsa. Page 26.1544.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2015 The Impact of International Research Experiences on Undergraduate Learning1.0 IntroductionThis paper compares the learning outcomes for students participating in domestic andinternational research experiences. This question is important given that science andengineering (S&E) research is increasingly collaborative and international in scope withresearch teams comprised of faculty and student researchers in multiple
Conference Session
Collaborative & New Efforts in Engineering Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Joao Vinhas, Politecnico de Viseu; Joao Paiva, Politecnico de Viseu
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shown in the following table as afunction of time. Page 11.667.7Table 1. Particle experimental values of position versus time for Example 1. Time t (s) Position s (m) 0 2 1 5 2 9 3 5 4 -1Students are supposed to calculate the scalar displacement between the instants t = 1 s and t= 4 s. Students who try to solve this very
Conference Session
International Experience, Effective Instruction, and Student Exchange Programs
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary Braun Riggins, Virginia Tech; Vinod K. Lohani, Virginia Tech
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(IFDP)in 2005 to train faculty to internationalize university‟s curricula. Second author represented theCollege of Engineering on the first cohort of IFDP which included 13 faculty from variouscolleges and co-authored cohort‟s report that included various recommendations tointernationalize curricula [1]. Second author initiated various activities, beginning in 2005,targeted at internationalizing the freshman engineering program (also called General Engineering(GE)). A major grant under the Department-Level Reform (DLR) program of the NationalScience Foundation facilitated implementation of various international activities into freshmanengineering program, particularly into a first semester engineering course “EngineeringExploration EngE1024” [2
Conference Session
International CIase Studies: Collabs, Exchanges & Interactions
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Sergio Felicelli, Mississippi State University; John Berry, Mississippi State University; Rafael Cuesta, CIDAUT, Spain; Rogelio Luck, Mississippi State University; Ratessiea Lett, Mississippi State University
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, v 4, 1988, p 194-2045. Runyoro J, Boutorabi S, Campbell J., AFS Transactions, v 100, 1992, p 225-2346. Cuesta R, Delgado A, Maroto J, Mozo D, Proc. World Foundry Congress 2006, 4-7 June, Harrogate, UK, paper n. 867. Berry J, Luck R, Felicelli S, Liquid Metal Damage Before and After Pouring – Some Recent Observations, Seminar on High Quality Castings, 27-Mar-2007, Valladolid, Spain8. Poola S, Felicelli S, Legget S, Berry JT, A re-examination of factors affecting porosity gradients in unidirectionally solidified samples, to be presented at 112th Metalcasting Congress, Atlanta, GA, 17-20 May 20089. Felicelli S D, Heinrich J C, Poirier D R: Numerical model for dendritic solidification of binary alloys, Numer
Conference Session
They need more than technical skills!
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jorge Rodriguez P.E., Western Michigan University; Ivan E. Esparragoza, Pennsylvania State University, Media; Jared Roberto Ocampo, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC)
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collaborative multinational design Project (CMDP) with a perception of value above 70% of the maximum possible score for such construct, therefore the Null Hypotheses is: o 𝜇𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝐶𝑀𝐷𝑃 ≤ 70% The maximum scores are based on the number of statements included in the particular construct, therefore, the interest construct has a maximum total of 49 points (i.e., 7 statements with a maximum score of 7 for each), and the value construct has a maximum score of 35 points. Because of the existence of reverse statements, the actual score for each construct was calculated based on the following expressions: S 6  S11  S14  S17  8  S 22   S 26  S 29 Interest
Conference Session
Faculty and Program Developments, Exchanges, and Partnerships
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sowmya Narayanan, VIT University; Muniratnam Adithan, VIT University, Vellore; Robert C. Creese, West Virginia University
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itself to the21st Century Learning Skills. The Academic Staff College encourages innovation and creativityamong its faculty and supports the introduction of new pedagogical methods and new learningapproaches in delivering instruction. It has positioned itself as a forerunner to bring about theparadigm shift from “teaching to learning.” New initiatives with particular reference to WIPRO‟s Project 1, an academia industrypartnership between WIPRO, a global IT and Engineering Enterprise and VIT University hasproduced a metamorphosis in the teaching learning process at the University. Individual learninghas been replaced with collaborative and group learning; lectures have been complemented withrole play, simulation, word games and group
Conference Session
International Case Studies, Collaborations and Interactions
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Roli Varma, University of New Mexico
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challenges do managers/administrators face in placing Asian Indian scientistsand engineers in decision-making roles within their organizations? Other aspects of the study arereported in the book titled Harbingers of Global Change: India’s Techno-Immigrants in theUnited States, scheduled for printing at the end of March, 2006.15Asian Indians were selected for the study for two primary reasons. First, they are increasinglypresent in the science and engineering (S&E) workforce of the United States. In 1999, out of 1.5 Page 11.317.2million foreign-born S&E degree-holders in the United States, 14% were from India, followedby 10% from China, and 5
Conference Session
Engineering Education & Capacity Building in Developing Countries
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ali Mehrabian, University of Central Florida; Walter Buchanan, Texas A&M University; Alireza Rahrooh, University of Central Florida
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, plot the unit step response of thesystem for any point selected on the root locus, and turn on/off the grid. The system must berepresented by the transfer function in the following form:Y(s) ams m + am-1 sm -1 ... + a1s + a0s—— = ————————————U(s) bnsn + bn-1s n-1 + ... + b1s + b0s:The options in Design module allow the user to select any desired value for the gain, time andfrequency parameters of the system to see how the closed—loop poles will be affected.The time-domain design parameters that can be changed are rise time, delay time, time constant,settling time, maximum overshoot, peak time, damping factor, natural undamped frequency, anddamped frequency. The frequency-domain design parameters that are included in the programand can be
Conference Session
Case Studies and Engineering Education Around the Globe
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Rafiqul Islam, Northwestern State University
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and prevention.Simultaneously, business and industry are increasingly seeking graduates withappropriate background and training in this emerging and lucrative field of biomedicalengineering and technology. The United States Labor Department supports this area ofconcentration by forecasting a job growth of 31.4 percent through 2010, double the ratefor all other jobs combined. The aging U. S. population as well as the increase demandfor improved medical devices and systems, are contributing to this increase in demand.Women will be motivated so that the stagnant or even decreasing 20 percent level ofenrollment in engineering and technology fields nationwide may be lifted byunderstanding that the careers in this area are exciting, rewarding
Conference Session
International Division Poster Session
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alireza Rahrooh, Daytona State College; Walter W. Buchanan P.E., Texas A&M University; Robert De la Coromoto Koeneke, Daytona State College
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Page 23.825.6To study the stability, transient and steady state responses, sampling time of 0.5 msec is used.The motor/gear transfer function, Gm(s) and the sensor transfer function H(s) are obtainedthrough an experiment: Gm(s) = 20/s(s+4), H(s) = 0.6Z-transformation of Gm(s) and D/A yields the following discrete transfer function for the system 27.44 10-7(z + 0.9992) G(z) = (z-1)(z-0.9923)Case 1 (no controller).The system is tested without a controller. The transient response is satisfactory compared to thetheoretical calculation, the rising portion of the actual and expected responses
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 8
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cheryl Matherly, The University of Tulsa; Gisele Ragusa, University of Southern California; Sarah R. Phillips, Rice University & University of Hawaii - Manoa; Cody Alan Chapman, University of Tulsa
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SCI is a ten-week domestic research program in which sophomore and juniorstudents complete quantum-related research internships with faculty at an urban university.This study is timely given that science and engineering (S&E) research is an increasinglyinternational effort. In its 2015 Science Indicators, the most recent year available, the NationalScience Board noted that 33% of science and engineering papers published in the U.S. in 2013were internationally coauthored; at the same time international citations among papers by U.S.authors increased from 43% to 53% between 1996 – 2012 [1]. This shows the increasingimportance of international research and collaborations for science & engineering researchers inthe U.S. Furthermore, in
Conference Session
Global Engineering in an Interconnected World
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kurt Rosentrater, USDA-ARS; Radha Balamuralikrishna, Northern Illinois University
Tagged Divisions
. Some of these include engineering and design,production and operations, research and development, quality management and improvement,information technology, marketing and sales, management, human resources, and evenworkplace safety and health. Thus, bio-based industries are very germane to engineering andtechnology disciplines. Bio-based operations require skill sets similar to traditionalmanufacturing settings, but also have a need for additional knowledge in biological sciences,which can vary according to the specific product(s) produced at a given facility (i.e., energy,fuels, chemical, or products). For example, equipment, processes, and unit operations must bedesigned; these systems must be optimized, modeled, and simulated; and
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 8
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Pradeep Kashinath Waychal, NMIMS University; Ashok Ranade, EE Collaborative
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the whole program - tend to fail 5, 8.Charney and Libecap 9 assessed impact of entrepreneurship education and found that theeducation produces self-sufficient and innovative enterprising individuals.Simpeh10 examines various entrepreneurship theories including psychological entrepreneurshiptheories. The psychological theories highlight personal characteristics that defineentrepreneurship. Simpeh has included “traits theory” and “need for achievement theory” in thepaper 10. The “trait theory” hypothesizes that an individual has inborn qualities or potentials thatnaturally make him an entrepreneur. The issue with the trait model is that, there is no consistentevidence of unique entrepreneurial characteristics 11. Simpeh also quotes McClelland‟s
Conference Session
Global Engineering Education: Cross-cultural Awareness and Social Impacts
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Suzanne W. Scott, The Petroleum Institute
Tagged Divisions
cultures but it gets students thinking about the accuracy ofperceptions of their own culture and how they would advise someone coming into their culture.Finally, while this module is largely about differences, the ultimate goal is that students identifythe sameness of the human condition that binds all cultures. This realization is ultimately thebond that creates the most meaningful relationships – professional or otherwise. The paperrepresents the onset of a research initiative with the author‟s university. It presents a completedIntroduction and Part I.Introduction: The Globalization of Engineering EducationThe American Society for Engineering Education has stressed “(w)ith more companiesexpanding into new areas of the world, the need for
Conference Session
International Engineering Education Poster Session
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
George E. Hassoun, Notre Dame University - Louaize, Lebanon
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right approach(es), technique(s), and Correctness, or uses the wrong approach(es), wrong an/or uses the wrong approach(es), approach(es), technique(s), and method(s), and thoroughly answers all Rigor, and technique(s), and method(s) and/or the technique(s), and method(s), and/or the method(s), and/or answers most required parts or questions of the focus Completeness presented solution
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gholam Ali Shaykhian, Florida Institute of Technology; Jinan Ziade, Westcliff University; Mohd Abdelgadir Khairi, Najran University
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creatively and effectively. Leaders alsoneed to constantly develop skills and intellectual tools to understand soft skills or people skillsand build relationships internally [48]. Results of Gitsham et al.’s [28] survey of CEOs and other executives focus on how softskills and hard skills are beneficial for leaders at all levels of the organization. Specifically,acquisition of interpersonal skills may provide added benefits of knowing and understanding ofhow to interact with people with different cultures and apply the skills to improve organizationalperformance. Soft skills are a set of interpersonal and social skills, whereas hard skills includethe technical or administrative procedures in which the results are quantifiable and measurable[43
Conference Session
Innovative Learning, Comparative Learning Analysis, and Lessons Learned
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jan Helge Bohn, Virginia Tech; Manfred J. Hampe, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Tagged Divisions
year Page 25.896.7attending intense Swedish-as-a-second-language training in Stockholm. This would be non-curricular and the tuition fee would be nominal. Additional Swedish language training could betaken at KTH during the Fall semester as part of the VT  KTH dual degree curriculum (i.e.,free elective for the KTH BSME degree and a technical elective for the VT BSME degree).Curricular Redesign at TUDThe above example illustrates a slow conformance to the Bologna process. The mechanicalengineering program at TUD, however, approached the same situation very differently12: By thelate 1990’s, the TUD mechanical engineering faculty had come to the
Conference Session
Int. Engineering Education: Developments, Innovations, and Implementations
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sebastian M. Pfotenhauer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Joshua Jacobs, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Julio A. Pertuze, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Daniel T. Roos P.E., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dava J. Newman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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. Pertuze is a PhD student at MIT’s Engineering Systems Division (ESD). Page 22.1129.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Orienting engineering education towards innovation, entrepreneurism, and industry partnerships The case of the MIT-Portugal ProgramAbstractEngineering education has always served as a close nexus between academia and industry, andas a strong determinant of a country‟s innovative and economic performance. As manydeveloped countries are struggling with the loss of low-cost manufacturing to global competitors
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 3
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
John Austin Schneider, Rowan University; Scott Duplicate Streiner, Rowan University
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perspectives and cross-cultural skills such as the InterculturalDevelopment Inventory (IDI) [8], Miville Guzman Universality Diversity Scale (MGUD-S) [9],and the Engineering Global Preparedness Index (EGPI) [10]. The global perspectives ofengineering students in this study was measured via the Global Perspective Inventory (GPI) [11].This instrument was used because it closely aligns with global perspective constructs the studyaims to measure. The GPI is also a validated instrument and widely used for a basis forcomparison against non-engineers. Additionally, a number of studies have used the GPI toexamine the impact of study abroad experiences with consistent results and strong statisticalreliability and validity [11, 12, 13]. Given the expansion of
Conference Session
Case Studies & Engineering Education Around the Globe
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Karim Altaii, James Madison University; Hennia cavallini, University of Costa Rica
Tagged Divisions
Reading Assignment Laboratory/ Recitation/Miscellaneous Module I Energy Issues and Concepts S: Serway 6th Ed. H: Hinrichs 4th Ed. 1 July 9 Course introduction; Energy H/ 1/29, 87/92 Meet in the Heat Transfer issues and concepts Lab 2 July 10 Conservation of energy; S/ 580-595; 605-607 Temperature; Ideal gas model H/ 33/57 3 July 11 Heat transfer by conduction, S/ 623/631 Lab 1 (UCR
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 5
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jiabin Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Yaxin Huang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Chen Bing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Zhinan Zhang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
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: NAFSA, or/STEM_Students_Go_Abroad_for_Research_and_Internships. [Accessed Feb.3, 2019].[8] V. L. Svetlana, E. S. Rachel, C. S. Scott, “Identifying factors that enhance undergraduate engineering students’ global preparedness,” in 2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA, USA, June 14-17, 2015, pp. 1-18.[9] Z. Zhuo, T. Yang, “Research on the cultivation mechanism of innovative and entrepreneurial talents in top US polytechnic universities: take the engineering education at Worcester Polytechnic Institute for example,” Mod. Educ. Manage., vol. ED-4, pp. 109-113, Apr. 2016.[10] A. Bernard, S. Robyn, “Guiding
Conference Session
Opportunities and Challenges in Developing International Engineering Research
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Zenaida Otero Gephardt, Rowan University; Gisela Coto Quintana, SINAES; Maria M. Larrondo Petrie, Florida Atlantic University; Oscar Harasic, Organization of American States; Ivan Esparragoza, Pennsylvania State University
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resulting from the explosion of the global economy in more recentyears. The need to educate engineers that are technically strong and can face the challenges of aglobal economy is a common theme in engineering education.8 Engineers and technologypractitioners create and disseminate the knowledge required to fuel the engine of the globalknowledge economy. Engineering education has an important role to play in sustainablyreducing poverty and enhancing the world´s economies. The resulting enhancement in thequality of life serves to promote stability and peace throughout the world3. Latin America andthe Caribbean have lagged compared to other parts of the world such as Asia and India in the
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 7
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Larry J. Shuman, University of Pittsburgh; Renee M. Clark, University of Pittsburgh; Scott Duplicate Streiner, University of Pittsburgh; Mary E. Besterfield-Sacre, University of Pittsburgh
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programs best provide students from diverse backgrounds with a variety ofinternational experiences to maximize their global preparedness? These are questions we haveset about to answer as part of a large, multi-university study5.Specifically, in this NSF funded study of the effectiveness of various forms of internationalexperiences, we have used a nationally recognized and normed instrument to survey both firstyear and senior engineering students initially at four partner institutions, and more recently at anadditional dozen engineering programs throughout the U. S. In doing this, questions arose thatwe needed to address if we were going to better understand the impact of the various forms ofinternational educational experiences available to
Conference Session
International Engineering Education I - Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Frempong, State University of New York
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servicing South Africa,Reunion, Mauritius, India and Malaysia. Telkom SouthAfrica later engineered an agreement with 36 Africantelecommunication operators to build the South AtlanticTelecommunications cable (SAT-3) and West AfricaSubmarine Cable (WASC) providing service along westernAfrica from South Africa to Spain and Portugal. About 40telecommunication operators around the world signed aconstruction and maintenance agreement for the combinedSAT-3/WASC/SAFE cable. In 2002, Tyco SubmarineSystems Limited (TSSL) completed the 13,800 –kilometerSAFE cable in June 2002, which has a capacity of about130 Gb/s and 6.3 million simultaneous phone calls.In 2002, France’s Alcatel Submarine Systems completedthe 14,350-Kilometers SAT-3/WASC segment with
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Sanjay Tewari, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Peng Zhang, Missouri State University; Yuan Zhuang, Missouri State University
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Paper ID #33535Achieving Domestic Internationalization and Global Competence ThroughOn-Campus Activities and Globally Responsive EducationDr. Sanjay Tewari, Missouri University of Science and Technology Dr. Tewari is an Assistant Teaching Professor of Civil Engineering at the Missouri University of Science & Technology ( Missouri S&T), Rolla, MO. His primary responsibility is associated with the Cooperative Engineering Program of Missouri State University and Missouri S&T. Before joining Missouri S&T, he worked as Assistant Professor at Louisiana Tech University. He earned his Bachelor of Engineering (Civil
Conference Session
Collaborative & New Efforts in Engineering Education
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Melany Ciampi; Claudio Brito, Council of Researches in Education and Sciences
Tagged Divisions
Claudio da Rocha Brito, Melany M. Ciampi, Hilda dos S. Alves COPEC – Council of Researches in Education and SciencesAbstractThe real challenge for all the Engineering Schools lately is to form the professional to act in thenew work market. Nevertheless many Institutions have been searching hard for the best way todo so. Some of them have promoted new kind of curriculum more flexible and more adequate tothe new student. One question remains: How to prepare the engineer for professional life? Forsome it is the internship that will provide the student the taste of what is to be an engineer. InCivil Engineer, the best way is also the internship at the building site if the choice of the studentis to make constructions. For Civil
Conference Session
International Case Studies:Collaborations, Exchanges & Interactions
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Silliman, University of Notre Dame
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to work in Benin, religious/spiritual motivations, or other motivations? 9 Thinking back on when you applied for this program, how would you characterize your primary objective(s) for becoming involved? (e.g., you wanted to determine your own interest in pursuing a research career, you wanted to determine your own interest in a future career in development, you wanted to expand your life experience to include living in a developing country, or other objectives . . .). 10 Do you believe that your objective(s) was(were) met? (Mote that this does NOT necessarily mean that you obtained the experience you anticipated. For example, if your objective was to determine your own interest in
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 1
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Phillip Albert Sanger, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Julia Ziyatdinova, Kazan National Research Technological University; Jacek Kropiwnicki, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland; Phuc Van Nguyen, Purdue University
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existing, industry sponsored, multi-disciplinary capstone teamproject that is required of all students.In order to assess whether this approach can increase awareness in global cultures, the MGUDS-S formwhich assesses cross cultural diversity was used to assess cultural awareness and sensitivity. Ultimatelythis form is being used to evaluate whether the international senior capstone project approach can impacta change in cross cultural diversity. This study explores the existing differences in the populations thatinvolved in existing on-going multinational projects—projects with students from Germany and Poland.Furthermore this study also attempts to evaluate the response to this survey tool from a population ofexperienced business and technical
Conference Session
Opportunities and Challenges in Developing International Engineering Research
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Josef Rojter, Victoria University of Technology
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, found that a third of the studentschose engineering due to the influence of a role model who often was a parent or very closerelative.Perceptions of the Engineering ProfessionSocial and employer perceptions of the engineering profession as an occupational group willundoubtedly affect students’ choice in their course of study. There have been a number ofstudies of the engineering profession and its discourse. The public perception of theengineering profession has long been problematic. Surveys conducted, in the United States,by the National Academy of Engineering13 showed that the engineering profession in the1980’s lacked identity, and that many people could not distinguish between engineers,technicians and scientists. These public attitudes
Conference Session
International Division Technical Session 3
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gholam Ali Shaykhian, Florida Institute of Technology; Jinan Ziade; Mohd A. Khairi, Najran University
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collectivistic cultures? A purposive sampling was used to recruit the qualitative participants who met minimumcriteria. Seventeen participants met the criteria (lived experiences of international assignment(s)in MENA) and provided the answers to the interview questions. The study includes a sub-question that give depth and detail in relation to the phenomenological research question. Thepurpose of the qualitative research question (RQ) and sub-research questions (SRQ) was togather participants lived experiences of American global expansion. An open-ended interviewquestions developed from the research questions. SRQ 1: How do business leaders and decision makers working outside the United Statesdescribe the experience of changes in