that fosters community.The process started with Author 1 and Author 2’s continuous virtual conversations over textmessages, emails, and video conferencing platforms such as Zoom. After several exchanges,both of them decided on the topics and came up with some prompts pertaining to the topic ofinterest, IWoC’s transition experiences building on the transition theory [6]. Also, all the authorsmet on Zoom collectively twice. Author 1 and author 2 discussed the findings and theirnarratives multiple times. We made sure to maintain the trustworthiness of our research bycapturing the thorough narratives of each researcher. We also ensured the member check-inprocess.The overarching prompt for this autoethnographic exploration includes, “How do you
. Beckman et al., “Combining Graduate Studies, Research And International Experiences In Sustainability,” presented at the 2006 Annual Conference & Exposition, Jun. 2006, p. 11.331.1-11.331.11. [Online]. Available:[5] R. Gharabagi, H. S. Mallikarjuna, and D. E. Webb, “An Interdisciplinary Master’s of Sustainability Program,” presented at the 2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Jun. 2012, p. 25.172.1-25.172.9. [Online]. Available:[6] B. Striebig and S. Norwood, “Partnerships For Sustainable Development And International Education,” presented at the 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition, Jun. 2009, p. 14.943.1- 14.943.20. [Online]. Available:[7] S. J. Burian and P. Romero
abroad for students’ personal, academic, and career goals. 3. Responsible parties shall communicate the importance of understanding the social, historical, political, economic, linguistic, cultural, and environmental context(s) for each program and location. Student Learning Objectives 1. Responsible parties shall evaluate student competencies and place students in language and other courses at their level. Responsible parties shall prepare participants to navigate the cultural transition and to engage in culturally relevant, ethical, and reciprocally beneficial activities in relation to the local context. 2. Responsible parties should encourage students to consider the social, cultural
the major engineering curricula and there is some anecdotal support to grow more.As the demand for more engineers and more EC courses grows, cloning and scaling well-prepared and relevant EC courses are ways to meet the impending demand.This paper provides guidance for EC teaching priorities, learning activities, and industry-informed projects. Whether an engineering program opts to build a stand-alone course or embedengineering-focused communication content and skills in an existing course, instructors andprogram directors are well positioned to shift EC pedagogy, practice, and assessment towardcontent that matches future work styles, career trajectories, and agile work teams.References[1] V. A. Kulkarni, A. K. Bewoor, P. Malathi, and B. S
rig [16]. The application uses a mobile device’s built-in camera to show the inner workings of the various mechanisms within the Sandvik machine. It allows users to see the various different components of the machine, their locations and a description of the function/s of each component [16]. • Mining Evacuation Training Simulator (METS): provides a simulated VR training environment (enabled through the use of Vive VR devices) in which to practice proper evacuation procedures and build communication skills for use during adverse underground conditions [17]. The software initiates an emergency within the mine at the start of the procedure. Cooperation through communication is then needed
, a series of meetings werearranged, including a detailed presentation of our course objectives during the preparatory visit.Subsequent virtual meetings were held to discuss logistics and the future vision for ourcollaboration, which includes the establishment of an annual "Abu Dhabi Global EngineeringSummit." To secure financial support, the author submitted an application for funding through the"Advantage Abu Dhabi Application Form," [5] which was evaluated and approved by the AbuDhabi Convention and Exhibition Bureau, a part of the Abu Dhabi Department of Culture andTourism.This preparatory trip also facilitated encounters with industry leaders, including the CEO & HeadDubai Campus & Director of S P Jain School of Global Management
engineering students identify as influences on their decisions of where to study abroad?Theoretical FrameworkMazzarol and Soutar [8] designed their push-pull model of study abroad choice to characterizewhy students make the decisions they do when it comes to enrolling abroad as an internationalstudent. The pull factors make a destination attractive to a student, which is influenced by thehost country, sending country, and the student themself [8]. The initial definition of thisframework came from a survey of over 2,000 international students in the 1990’s to learn howdifferent factors were weighed in their decisions to enroll abroad. They examined each step ofthe process; from deciding to study overseas, to personal and financial costs, to
able to: • Apply the design thinking process to identify a specific problem and develop a creative and/or innovative solution to address this problem. (Design Thinking) • Function effectively on a team. (Teamwork) • Demonstrate a knowledge of the country(ies) and culture(s) of their team members. (Global Competency)Students worked in one of three different types of teams: • IVE teams included two students from a US institution (either Bucknell or Clemson) and two from An-Najah. • US non-IVE teams included four students from Clemson University. • Palestinian non-IVE teams included four to five students from An-Najah.The reasoning for having these three different types of teams included that (a) there
mean by it and how arewe preparing our students for it?,” 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings,Jun. 2017.[4] B. J. Ranger and A. Mantzavinou, “Design thinking in development engineering education: Acase study on creating prosthetic and assistive technologies for the developing world,”Development Engineering, vol. 3, pp. 166–174, 2018.[5] D. Nieusma, “Alternative design scholarship: Working Toward Appropriate Design,” DesignIssues, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 13–24, 2004.[6] B.K. Jesiek, N.T. Buswell, and Q. Zhu, “Global Engineering Competency: Assessment Toolsand Training Strategies,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Paper ID 21663, 2018.[7] D. Stone and S. Heen, Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving
these outcomes is described in more detailbelow.Attachment Leading to EmploymentOne of the main goals of completing an industrial attachment is that the student gains workplaceexperience and can obtain employment upon completion of their education. Most students docomplete an attachment: we found that 11 out of the 21 current students had already completed ashort attachment. Meanwhile, 14 of the students had plans for where they will be working forduring their upcoming long attachment. Of these students, about half found their attachmentsthrough personal connections while the other half received help from Tumaini staff, asexemplified by this student: When I am here in school, our teacher provide[s] for us where we are going for
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., University Park, PA, 2022.[4] retrieved from [Accessed 8 February 2024].[5] IIE open doors / U.S. Study Abroad, abroad/ [accessed Feb. 7, 2024].[6] IIE Open Doors / U.S. Study Abroad of-study/[accessed Feb. 7, 2024].[7] IIE open doors / Fields of Study, study/ [accessed Feb. 7, 2024].[8] K. E. Mitchell, S. Al Levin, and J. D. Krumboltz, “Planned happenstance: Constructing unexpected career opportunities,” Journal of Counseling & Development, vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 115–124, Apr. 1999. doi:10.1002/j.1556-6676.1999.tb02431.x[9] K. J. Lokkesmoe, K. P
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– 2) X10. Evidence of membership in pedagogical / scientific committee(s), (councils) within HEIs relevant to engineering education? (Not relevant/Non-existing - 0, Relevant – 1, Highly relevant – 2) X13. Evidence of pedagogical experience at other higher education institutions (in the applicant’s country or abroad), if any, within the last 5 years relevant? (Not relevant/Non-existing – 0, Relevant – 1, Highly relevant – 2) X14. Evidence of internship experience at industrial companies, research institutes, other organizations within the last 5 years relevant as engineering educator? (Not relevant/Non-existing – 0, Relevant – 1, Highly relevant – 2) X15. Evidence of applicant’s membership(s) in
renewable energyeducation in particular and all other initiatives, in general, must ensure employment/self-employment tothe students upon successful completion.(h) It should preferably be provided in local languages for better acceptance and efficacy (good qualityteaching–learning resources materials should also be available in local languages at affordable prices).”The Burundi ContextBurundi is located in East Africa at a latitude of 3°S (below the equator). As an economy, Burundi hasseen steady growth over the last five years and is starting to attract significant foreign investment. It hasa plentiful supply of rainfall and solar irradiance which makes it ideal for hydroelectric and solar energysystems. However, at present, only 11% of the
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instructors. Minneapolis: Center for Advanced Research onLanguage Acquisition, University of Minnesota, 2005.[11] B. T. Streitwieser and G. J. Light, “Student conceptions of international experience in studyabroad contexts,” in Higher Education, 75(3), 2018, pp. 471-487.[12] B. Mu, S. Berka, L. Erickson, I. Pérez-Ibáñez, “Individual experiences that affectstudents’ development of intercultural competence in study abroad,” in InternationalJournal of Intercultural Relations, 2022, 89, pp. 30-41.[13] M. Chédru and M. Ostapchuk, “The effect of study abroad and personality on culturalintelligence: A deeper understanding using the expanded model of cultural intelligence,” inInternational Journal of Intercultural Relations, 92, 2023, pp. 1-18.[14] M
answer morepertinent questions regarding life as a student at our university.Academic, Social Support: Academic and social support starts as soon as students arrive oncampus for the mandatory three day New Student Orientation. During orientation (see figure 8),students are introduced to offices on campus that support their successful transition to theAmerican Educational System, for example, the Registrar’s Office, Tutoring Center, HealthCenter, Counseling Center, Student Financial Services, etc. The CGE is staffed by experiencedprofessionals in the field of international education who serve as Designated School Officials inthe Department of Homeland Security (DHS)’s Student and Exchange Visitor InformationSystem (SEVIS), the immigration
exceptional career development opportunities as well.Reference:1: Perreault, G. and Dimitrova, D., “Demystifying the Fulbright Scholarly Experience”,Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, Vol. 77 (4), pp. 429-434, July 2022.2: Exchange Alumni. “Connect Empower Inspire”. Retrieved from Carrie, G. and Lang, C., “Are Fulbright Applicants Idealists or Opportunists?” EasternEconomic Journal, Vol. 42, pp. 288 – 301, 2016.4: Al-Dahir, S. “From the Bayous to the Sand Dunes: One Faculty Member’s Year Abroad as aFulbright Scholar”, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Vol. 76 (1), Article 17,2012.5: Lee, J. “A Fulbright Scholar’s report on textiles and apparel education in Myanmar.”,Fashion and