/Ethnic Sensitive Engineering Activities and Career Guidance.” Just a single componentof the usual five-component topic format was used. This was the presentation of literaturefindings on possible types of classroom engineering activities with gender/minority sensitivityfor awareness of future courses and careers related to engineering disciplines. Such suggestedactivities included: 1) take apart (and maybe rebuild) items such as appliances, cell phones, andcomputers; 2) learn about the engineering design process in terms of how a component(s) of afamiliar system, such as a bicycle or running shoe, are engineered from concept tomanufacturing; 3) redesign common household objects to meet the needs of children, women/minorities, and the elderly; 4
emphasized emphasized emphasized3 = main goal of the activity2 = fairly well addressed Page 12.902.81 = slightly addressed0 = not addressed at allRepresentation of Female Role Models in ScienceOne of our findings during the analysis of the data was the absence of a balanced representationof females and males in the course's activities and speakers. We determined this by analyzing theactivities which Mr. Q. used in the classroom: videos, guest speakers, and the selection of topicsof the various activities and Mr. Q.’s awareness of gender issues.None of the selected videos included female
; Ultrasonic sensor; sound sensor - when you talk the robot moves.S2: Q4 - Sense heat Q5 - MotorsStudent 1’s (S1) response to question 5 received a high score for listing a majority of thecomponents needed from the LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotics kits to simulate a desert tortoise,while Student 2’s (S2) response to question 5 received a very low score. In both cases, S1 and S2make references to actions performed by a desert tortoise that cannot be simulated by thecomponents listed in question 5. The lack of a relationship between questions 4 and 5 couldindicate that these students are separating the natural sciences of the desert tortoise and thetechnology of the LEGO Mindstorms NXT robotics kits
diversity of engineering students and improving education for all engineering students. Two of Beth’s current projects are an NSF sponsored S-STEM grant and the project described in this paper.Mary Virnoche, Humboldt State University Mary Virnoche is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology at Humboldt State University. Mary collaborates with colleagues in STEM areas to increase interest and diversity in those fields. She is currently working with a team on an NSF S-STEM project. In recent past her action research focused on the Expanding Your Horizons conference designed to generate and retain girls' interest in science and engineering. Mary completed her doctoral work at
viasynchronous, two-way IP video.Based on the findings of the study in comparison of the two methodologies, it was found thatparticipants in both the traditional, face-to-face methodology and the synchronous, two-way IPvideo methodology were able to increase knowledge and hands-on skills from pretest to posttest.Additionally, the study found there to be no statistically significant difference in participants’knowledge or skill gains between the two educational methodologies.IntroductionThe 4-H program got its start in the early 1900’s in youth corn clubs. Over time, these corn clubsand other similar clubs became of interest to Cooperative Extension Service educators. Theeducators discovered teaching youth new and innovative techniques could help to
that textbooks published after 1990 (following the mathematics reform of thelate 1980’s and the release of the landmark1989 NCTM Principles and Standards) placed lessemphasis on early mastery of symbolic representation, as compared to older textbooks that werepublished before mathematics education reform took hold8, suggesting that some systemicimpact of the reform affects curriculum organization.Another curriculum analysis effort was conducted by Project 2061, funded by the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to help all Americans become literate inscience, mathematics, and technology1. Using the expertise of teachers, researchers, andscientists, Project 2061 developed a procedure for evaluating textbooks and assessments
ReviewEngineeringAmerica is the place where dreams happen, as evident by the creativity, discovery, andinnovation of the American workforce. These workforce attributes contribute to the UnitedStates being a leader in science and engineering fields. The U.S.’s leadership in these fields hasbeen held secure by the ample supply of a well-educated workforce3. However, for the pastseveral years, the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) has revealedthat America’s youth lag behind those of other nations such as Japan, England, Singapore, andChinese Taipei.4,5 In addition, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)revealed that 39% of the United States twelfth graders performed below the proficient level onthe 2007 math test, while
., Cardella, M., Turns, J., Mosborg, S., & Saleem, J. (2007). Engineering design processes: A comparison of students and expert practitioners. Journal of Engineering Education, 96(4), 359-379.5. Crismond, D. (2001). Learning and using science ideas when doing investigate-and-redesign tasks: A study of naive, novice, and expert designers doing constrainted and scaffolded design work. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38(7), 791-820.6. Crismond, D. (1997). Investigate-and-redesign tasks as a context for learning and doing science and technology: A study of naive, novice and expert high school and adult designers doing product comparisons and redesign tasks. Ed.D. Harvard University
preference for Arts and Science across the data with UAshowing the highest percentage enrolment compared to the state and national data (data fromU.S. Department of Education, Alabama Commission on Higher Education and The Universityof Alabama) [1], [7], [8].Table 1. Distribution of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Doctoral Granting Colleges as ofFall 2005 (Percentages unless otherwise noted) [1], [7], [8] College Enrolment/Total State of Alabama National UA University Enrolment (including UA) Engineering 5.8 11.3 9.2 A&S/Total
Science andEngineering (S/E) Career Interest Survey (CIS); a validated engineering career interest surveydesigned for middle school students5. Findings indicate that through participation in the“WebQuest” students became more interested in possible careers in engineering. This projectwas undertaken as part of an NSF Cyber Infrastructure Teams grant to explore new techniquesfor enhancing engineering education through cyber-supported product dissection that includesnine universities and 34 faculty members.Section 1: IntroductionProduct dissection has been used in a variety of ways to successfully engage engineeringstudents in their learning. Intellectual and physical activities such as dissection help to anchorknowledge and practice of engineering
] Rowell, G. H., Perhac, D. G., Hankins, J. A., Parker, B. C., Pettey, C. C., and Iriarte-Gross, J. M. 2003.Computer-related gender differences. Proceedings from SIGCSE’03, Reno, Nevada, February 19-23.[5] Backnak, R., Chappa, E. and De La Rosa, K. 2009. Exposing K-12 students to science and engineering.Proceedings from 39th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Antonio, Texas, October 18-21.[6] Cantrell, P. and Ewing-Taylor, J. 2009. Exploring STEM career options through collaborative highschool seminars. Journal of Engineering Education, 98(3): 295-303.[7] Heersink, D. and Moskal, B. 2010. Measuring high school students’ attitudes toward computing.Proceedings from SIGCSE’10, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.[8] Maxim, B. R. and Elenbogen, B. S
included with the letter. 2. When a signed consent form has been received from the student and his/her parent(s), a Participant ID will be assigned to the student. 3. Depending on the availability of computer labs, the students may have the opportunity to take the survey during class time. If so, only the representative from the University is present. No one from the high school is present in the classroom. All students are informed that participation is strictly optional. If a computer lab is not available, participants are asked to take the survey outside of regularly scheduled class time on any computer with internet access allowing for full privacy. 4. The ENGR 102 HS instructors do not know which of their
Boring I don't know men definitely not no 2 sometimes hard neither boring nor fun I'm not sure women I don't know not sure 3 neither hard nor easy sometimes fun I think I know I'm not sure Maybe yes a nybody ca n be an 4 easy always fun I definitely know engineer or s ci enti s t definitely yes 1 1.59% 1.59% 11.11
Paper ID #8747Place Based STEM: Leveraging Local Resources to Engage K-12 Teachers inTeaching Integrated STEM and for Addressing the Local STEM PipelineDr. Louis Nadelson, Boise State University Louis S. Nadelson is an associate professor in the College of Education at Boise State University, with a PhD in educational psychology from UNLV. His scholarly interests include all areas of STEM teaching and learning, inservice and preservice teacher professional development, program evaluation, multidis- ciplinary research, and conceptual change. Nadelson uses his over 20 years of high school and college math, science, and
supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1220305. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Page 24.1188.2Science Foundation.IntroductionWith the new Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) [1], elementary teachers are called forthe first time to teach engineering to their students. For the teachers themselves, as well as thoseworking to provide curriculum and professional development to elementary school teachers inengineering, this is both an opportunity and a challenge. Adoption of engineering curricula
classrooms across theelementary grades.Bibliography1. National Research Council. (2012). A framework for K-12 science education: Practices, crosscutting concepts, and core ideas. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press2. National Research Council (2006). Rising above the gathering storm: Energizing and employing America for a brighter economic future. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.3. National Research Council. (2009). Engineering in K–12 education: Understanding the status and improving the prospects. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.4. Roehrig, G. H., Moore, T. J., Wang, H.-H. and Park, M. S. (2012), Is Adding the E Enough? Investigating the Impact of K-12 Engineering Standards on the
education at allgrade levels in public schools. This model was adopted and recommended by the NationalCenter for Engineering and Technology Education as an appropriate model for describing K-12engineering activity. 10 The following section briefly reviews Hynes et al.’s model of K-12engineering design processes and reviews the available literature on what is known about howadolescents approach each stage of the design process.Step 1: Identify and define problems. Clients oftentimes identify problems for the engineerswhom they hire, describing their problems or needs with varying degrees of specificity while attimes leaving several aspects of the problem unstated. 17 Although adolescents “are capable ofidentifying a need or a problem in a given
. Thispaper has presented a pilot effort to increase the supply of mentors to existing Youth ServingOrganizations. The paper presented levels for mentor commitment and intensity. Furthermore, itdefined a progression we all experience when individuals begin something new and laid out thesimple steps it takes to go from being a basic STEM volunteer making a small, but importantimpact on a child to becoming a mentor that is highly committed to high intensity mentoring andmaking a deep and lasting impact on a child.References[1] D. Chubin, K. Donaldson, B. Olds, and L. Fleming, "Educating Generation Net—Can US Engineering Woo and Win the Competition for Talent?," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 97, pp. 245-257, 2008.[2] S. M. Takaghaj, C
Satisfaction Measures:question was missing). (m) Personal satisfaction from work (n) Satisfaction with quality of work unitSurvey respondents were asked “do you consider (o) Satisfaction with working conditionsyourself to be one or more of the following,” with (p) Employee empowermentthe following response categories offered: (q) Co-workers cooperation“Heterosexual or Straight,” “Gay, Lesbian, (r) Satisfaction with procedures (s) Overall job satisfactionBisexual, or Transgender,” or “Prefer not to say.”Respondents who answered “prefer not to say” were excluded from
achieving satisfactoryresults with traditionally under-represented minority students. National figures show that fewer and fewer African-Americans are receiving Ph.D.'s in the sciences. The high attrition rate of African Americans from the STEMpipeline has been identified as a greater barrier to increased representation than their attraction to non-quantitative Page 12.1198.2fields. Critical thinking skills and self-directed inquiry are two areas, that if enhanced at the entry level of scienceand engineering education, could possibly increase motivation for STEM careers for minority students when otherbarriers are addressed [3-8
inquiry and creativity, further correlating participation in these activities withchanges in creativity and interest in engineering.References 1 Intel Corporation (2011), Exposure to Engineering Doubles Teens’ Career Interest. December 6, 2011. http://newsroom.intel.com/community/intel_newsroom/blog/2011/12/06/exposure-to- engineering-doubles-teens-career-interest. 2 Bachman N., Bischoff, P.J., Gallagher, H., Labroo, S., and Schaumloffel, J.D. (2008). PR2EPS: Preparation, recruitment, retention and excellence in the physical sciences, including engineering, a report on the 2004, 2005, and 2006 science summer camps. Journal of STEM Education. vol. 9, pp. 30-39. 3 Enriquez, A. (2010). Improving the participation and