. Page 24.1264.10 30/5/13. Available from: http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/environment-in-crisis-we-are- past-the-point-of-no-return-523192.html Accessed: 12/3/2014. 4. Collins, M., An S., Cai, W., Ganachaud, A., Guilyardi, E., Jin, F., Jochum, M., Lengaigne, M., Power, S., Timmermann, A., Vecchi, G. & Wittenberg A. (2010) ‘The impact of global warming on the tropical Pacific Ocean and El Niño’. Nature Geoscience . 3. pp. 391-3975. Nordhaus, W.D. (2010). ‘Economic aspects of global warming in a post-Copenhagen environment’. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States. June 2010. 107. 226. pp 11721– 11726 . Available from: http://www.pnas.org/content/107/26/11721
, participants spent morethan 100 minutes on the playground design task, much longer than the 17 minutes allotted to thepre-service teachers in the episode analyzed for this study. Therefore, here we consider just thefirst 19-minute subset of the data from Atman et al.’s (2007) study. In their first 19 minutes withthe playground design problem, the expert engineers spent a substantial amount of time ongenerating ideas and analyzing their feasibility. They also transitioned often to the activity ofinformation gathering, and spent as much time gathering facts and data as they did generatingideas or defining the problem. In fact, most of their instances of information gathering appear tostem from or lead to problem definition efforts. The expert engineers
-mail: dkueker@vivayic.comPam Newberry, Project Lead the Way The Director of Strategic Curriculum Initiatives for Project Lead The Way, Inc. Prior to joining Project Lead The Way, Inc., in July 2002, she served as the Associate Director for the International Technology Education Association?s Technology for All Americans Project for five years. She taught technology education and mathematics for 10 years. During that time, she was an Albert Einstein Fellow in 1996 and received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching in 1994. Address: 177 Stone Meadow Lane, Wytheville, VA 24382 Telephone: (276) 228-6502 E-mail: pampltw@embarqmail.com
study, we are defining “informal engineering programs” as activities, resources, andevents that occur outside of a school setting, which children can engage in alone or with others,on their own time outside of school. Such programs may be self-regulated, assisted by a parent,or led by an informal educator (e.g., a camp counselor).The Informal Pathways to Engineering StudyTo answer our research questions, we created a longitudinal study following 60 middle schoolstudents in two states. 10 of these students are not traditionally schooled. 8 students are currentlyhomeschooled by their parent(s) and 2 students attend virtual public schools and have instructorswho are not their parents. (We defined homeschool students as students who do not attend
communication as their 1particular mode of autopoietic reproduction” (p. 3) As leading systems theorists Capra andLuisi[9] described: [Because] communications recur in multiple feedback loops, they produce a shared system of beliefs, explanations, and values – a common context of meaning – that is continually sustained by further communications (p. 308).Applying this theory to systems of higher learning, we argue that the social life (or “culture(s)”)of engineering colleges and departments is maintained by a network of communications fromwhich messages or stories emerge that reflect this “common context of meaning”. What, then,are these
State University Kyungsuk Park is a researcher in College of Education at Kyungpook National University in S. Korea. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. in technology education from the Ohio State University.Ms. Shaobo Huang, Utah State University - Engineering Education Page 25.691.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012 High School Student Engineering Design Thinking and PerformanceAbstractOur vision is to improve the STEM learning and teaching environment for high school studentsthrough their understanding of engineering design. Engineering employs principles ofmathematics and
the co-created design and thedesigners’ implicit mental models.13,14,15,16,17,18 In the design communities of practice, mentalmodel(s) lead to mathematical, narrative, and graphical model(s), which lead to the final product– the design and its physical embodiment. In 2005, the Design Council19 conducted a large-scalestudy of the design process in eleven different companies and created a general description of theprocess. Furthermore, the design process was demonstrated by IDEO, a design and innovationconsulting firm, for the ABC news show Nightline in a story that aired on July 13, 1999. Thedesign process shown in the IDEO story, called The Deep Dive20, represents best practices indesign and is used to elicit participants’ mental models
Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, & Institute of Medicine, Rising above the gathering storm: Energizing and employing America for a brighter economic future. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2006.8. National Research Council. National science education standards. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1996.9. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Science for all Americans, New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.10. Russell, S. H., & Hancock, M. P., Evaluation of the research experiences for teachers (ret) program: 2001-2006 (SRI Project P13392). Menlo Park, CA: SRI International, 2007, July.11. Averett, S
ve nc el an kn s- ve ov ol va d
. (2002). Discourse That Promotes Conceptual Understanding. In Chambers, D. L., ed. PuttingResearch into Practice in the Elementary Grades: Readings from Journals of the National Council of Teachers ofMathematics. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.23. Kennedy, L., S. Tipps, and A. Johnson. (2004). Guiding Children’s Learning of Mathematics. Belmont, CA:Thomson/Wadsworth Learning.24. Kilpatrick, J., J. Swafford, and B. Findell, eds. (2001). Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics.Washington, DC: National Academy Press.25. Lawson, A. E., M.R. Abraham, and J. W. Renner. (1989). A Theory of Instruction: Using the Learning Cycle to
%20Core%20-%20Jenny-Yong-Marty_y2.pdf[18] Denson C. D., Avery Z. (2007). Retrieved October 1, 2007, from African American High School Students Perceptions of Engineering and Technology Education. http://ncete.org/flash/research/African_American_High_School_Student's_Perceptions.pdf[19] Blashki K., Jia N. D., Prompramote S. (2007). ‘The future is old’: immersive learning with generation Y engineering students. European Journal of Engineering Education, 32(4), p. 409-420.[20] Barnett M. (2005). Engaging Inner City Students in Learning through Designing Remote Operated Vehicles. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 14(1), p. 87-100.[21] Gifford L. K., Eckenrode H. M., Rogers L. C. (2004). A Partnership Incorporating Labs into
underrepresented students. Although special consideration is given toapplications from these three recruitment pools, specific applicant attributes and experiences arealso considered. The E3 RET application solicits personal information on the following: 1)teaching experience (including years of experience, subjects/courses taught - STEM subjectrequired) and Texas teaching certification(s); 2) education level (degree(s) and major discipline);3) past participation in other professional development programs, 4) past research experience, ifany; and 5) engineering knowledge base (e.g., personal awareness of types ofengineering/engineers, examples of engineering solutions that affect daily lives). Theapplication essay requests additional information such as
11.3% of theengineering undergraduate degrees. These same race/ethnic groups are projected to make up Page 11.369.4 333.9% of the U.S. population graduating from high school in 2014. Engineering degreesawarded to women have followed a similar trajectory-growth through the 1990’s with apercentage peak in 2000 at 20.6% of the total. In 2003, women represented 20.1% of thebaccalaureates awarded in engineering (Society of Women Engineers). According to Science (Culotta 1993), a publication of the American Association for theAdvancement of Science
. Page 26.814.11AcknowledgementsThis study was supported by the INSPIRE Institute for Pre-College Engineering at PurdueUniversity.References[1] Cech, Erin A. 2013. "The Self-Expressive Edge of Occupational Sex Segregation." American Journal of Sociology 119(3):747-89[2] Ceci, S. J. & Williams, W.M. (2011). Understanding Current Causes of Women's Underrepresentation in Science.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108, doi:10.1073/pnas.1103900108 .[3] Meece, J. L., Glienke, B. B., & Burg, S. (2006). Gender and motivation. Journal of School Psychology, 44, 351−373[4] Auster, C. J., & Mansbach, C. S. (2012). The gender marketing of toys: An analysis of color and type of toy on the
engineering design-based, integrated approach to STEM instructionand assessment. The Review of the LiteratureFor more than a decade, the United States has been shifting K-12 curriculum to a focus onscience, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Over time, the argument for STEMeducation has grown stronger, in hopes of establishing a citizenry that is literate in all fourSTEM areas regardless of one’s occupation. However, until recently, many STEM educationalprograms tended to focus on the “S” and “M” of the acronym, with slight mention of technologyand largely ignoring engineering. Nevertheless, the future of engineering instruction in K-12learning settings is brightening as many educational standards and
todocument the effects of how this, and similar programs, impacts teaching practices.References1. Industry Initiatives for Science and Math Education (2013). http://iisme.org/2. Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2011). Professional Development: A 21st Century Skills Implementation Guide. http://www.p21.org/storage/documents/p21-stateimp_professional_development.pdf3. Next Generation Science Standards (2013). http://www.nextgenscience.org/sites/ngss/files/Appendix%20I%20- %20Engineering%20Design%20in%20NGSS%20-%20FINAL_V2.pdf4. Bowen, B. (2013). Teachers in Industry: Measuring the Impact of a K-12 Teacher Internship Program. Annual Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education, Atlanta, GA.5. Silverstein, S
byan unaffiliated engineer and an unaffiliated K-12 educator for accuracy of engineering, scienceand mathematical content, pedagogy, grade-level appropriateness and accessibility to teachers.The K-12 educator also reviews the author-provided standards alignments. More specifically,teacher reviewers assess whether 1) the educational standards are at the appropriatecomprehension or knowledge level for the targeted grade range, 2) student actions are clear andlikely to yield the standard’s objective, and 3) the provided assessment tools serve to adequatelyassess the standard(s). If accepted-for-publication lessons and activities are found lacking inNGSS and/or CCMS alignments, a TeachEngineering editor makes appropriate alignmentsbefore
, C. D., and Cary, M. S. (2009), The Impact of an Engineering Design Curriculum on Science Reasoning in an Urban Setting. J Sci Educ Technol (2009) 18:209–223 doi: 10.1007/s10956-009- 9144-83. Apple. (2010), Challenge Based Learning A Classroom Guide. Available at Page 26.1217.12 https://www.apple.com/education/docs/CBL_Classroom_Guide_Jan_2011.pdf Accessed on 01/09/15. 114. Educause. (2012), 7 Things You Should Know About Challenge-Based Learning. Available at https://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf
, PA.: Learning Services. 6. Ernst, V. E., Clark, A. C. (2006). Supporting technological literacy through the integration of engineering, mathematic, scientific, and technological concepts. Published proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL, Session 370. 7. Idowu, P., Brinton, G., Hartman, H., Neuhard, S., Abraham, R., & Boyer, E. (2006). Information visualization applied in presenting some fundamental power system topics. Published proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Chicago, IL, Session 1335. 8. Lantz, C. (2000). Visual Readability in Instructional
standards-based engineering lessons and hands-on activities for use in science, engineering and math classrooms, http://www.teachengineering.org7. eGFI, Dream up the Future, http://www.egfi-k12.org8. ProQuest K12, Standards based learning activity collection, http://www.proquestk12.com/curr/ standards_based_activities.shtml9. Illuminations, Resources for Teaching Math, http://illuminations.nctm.org10. NSF GK-12 Graduate STEM Fellows in K-12 Education, http://www.gk12.org/resources/stem-activities-and- resources-for-k-12-teachers-and-students/11. Teachers Inspiring the next generation of scientists, California Academy of Sciences, http:// www.calacademy.org/teachers/resources/12. A. Zhang, F. Zia, I. Heng, and S. Berri, “Utilizing Project
well. Boylan3 provides data from theAmerican College Test (ACT) high school profile that shows the percentage of students planningto major in engineering has decreased from 8.6% in 1992 to 5.3% in 2003 which magnifiesconcerns given the rising need for engineers and the aging of the current engineering workforce.Furthermore, findings from a 2010 study by the National Research Council’s Committee onExamination of the U.S. Air Force’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics(STEM) Workforce Needs in the Future and Its Strategy to Meet Those Needs indicate that “as aconsequence of inadequate educational opportunities in elementary and high school, careers inscience and engineering (S&E) become beyond the reach of students who might
and Secondary Education, Massachusetts Curriculum Framework Site, 12 November 2008, available from http://www.doe.mass.edu/frameworks/current.html25. NAE, Engineering in K-12 Education: Understanding the Status and Improving the Prospects, National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2009.26. National Alliance for Pre-Engineering Programs, Project Lead the Way, Available online at www.pltw.org.27. Yasar, S., Baker, D., Robinson-Kurpius, S., Krause, S., and Roberts, C., “Development of a Survey to Assess Page 15.206.10 K-12 Teachers' Perceptions of Engineers and Familiarity with Teaching Design, Engineering
overall experience for participants. Also, asmentioned, a second survey will be distributed in May 2011 to all RET participants, discussedbelow.Conclusions and Broader ImpactsThe 2010 summer RET program yielded a successful array of teaching kits and modules linkedto related Standards of Learning for the cohort of fifteen teachers. The post-program surveyconfirmed that participant exposure to research, ability to develop relevant teaching modules,and overall experience of the program was positive and successful. The RET participants willconduct their new teaching lesson(s) across the 2010-11 academic year. In order to achievebroader impacts beyond individual classrooms, the teachers are also encouraged to present totheir fellow teachers at a
and Mathematics: Upping the Numbers, R. J. Burke and M. C. Mattis, Eds., ed Northhampton: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2007, pp. 3-27.5. R. P. Ondracek and D. Leslie-Pelecky, "Science Works: A university-based science outreach group," in ASEE Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., 1999.6. W. S. Swail and L. W. Perna, "Pre-College Outreach Program," in Increasing Access to College: Extending Possibilities, W. G. Tierney and L. S. Hagedorn, Eds., ed Albany: State University of New York, 2002, pp. 15-29.7. L. D. English, et al., "Middle school students' perceptions of engineering," in STEM in Education Conference, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Qld., 2011.8. A. T. Jeffers, et al
of practice. Information and events thatare pertinent to the broader NC State K12 STEM community is also being shared via an emaillistserv that was created and is currently maintained by the MISO Project Coordinator.Over the course of the summer and fall, nine NCSU K-12 STEM outreach programs officiallybecame “pilot project partners.” They signed a Memo of Understanding, committing to piloting Page 25.1414.3either the teacher or student survey. They were: • New Literacies Collaborative Teacher Leader Institute • Kenan Fellows Program for Leadership and Curriculum Development • Imhotep Academy • Sustained STEM Support (S – cubed