educational programs throughresearch and educational activities through the year 2016. The National Science Foundation(NSF) is leading the way in initiating interdisciplinary learning methods and in particular theScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) areas2. Examples of the NSFprograms taking root in this area include the basic STEM learning strategies, the Scholarships inScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM), and the STEM -TalentExpansion Programs (STEP). State Departments of Education are also providing grants forSTEM initiatives. The Ohio Department of Education, for example, awarded several grantstowards this cause recently. A Masters in Arts in STEM has been developed by the University ofMassachusetts3
classroom. Learning and Leading With Technology 1996, 24, (2), 21-23.3. Bos, N., What do game designers know about scaffolding? Borrowing SimCity design principles for education. Ann Arbor 2001.4. D'Artista, B. R.; Hellweger, F. L., Urban hydrology in a computer game? Environmental Modeling and Software 2007.5. Bloom, B. S., Taxonomy of educational objectives, handbook I: the cognitive domain. David McKay Co. Inc.: New York, 1956. Page 13.1354.13
. This approach differs from other project-basedlearning units because the design and its specifications are students generate rather than teacheror curriculum proposed. This is similar to what teachers do (in collaboration with their client)over the summer. In this way, the design process that the teachers did throughout the summer,were translated into activities enacted with students during the academic year.Bibliography1. J. Douglas, E. Iversen, and C. Kalyandurg, "Engineering in the K-12 classroom: An analysis of current practices and guidelines for the future," American Society for Engineering Education, Washington, DC 2004.2. J. L. Kolodner, P. J. Camp, D. Crismond, B. Fasse, J. Gray, J. Holbrook, S. Puntambekar, and M. Ryan, "Problem
the product’s behavior during testing cannot shapeiterative design efforts if they go unnoticed. What students learn as they iteratively plan, buildand test their designs depends in part on whether their attention is focused or diffused. Helpingteachers to get students to notice critical and problematic features in their designs is a challengethat may be helped with the simple application of the 4-item diagnostic reasoning protocol usedin this study, though the efficacy of such actions will require future testing in laboratory andclassroom settings. Page 13.1259.9REFERENCESAxton, T. R., Doverspike, D., Park, S. R., & Barrett, G. V. (1997
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Page 14.726.10opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and donot necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.”
the “New” Wears Off in Teacher Training”, Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference, June 2008.[6] Wallace, K., “Engineering Design Method”, Fourth International Conference on the Education and Training of Engineering Designers, 1986.[7] Cross, N., Engineering design methods: strategies for product design, Wiley, New York 2000.[8] Stone, R., and Wood, K. Development of a Functional Basis for Design, Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 122 No. 4 pp 359-370, 2000.[10] Pahl, G., and Beitz, W., Engineering design: a systematic approach. Design Council, London 1984.[15] Hirtz, J., Stone, R., McAdams, D., Szykman, S., and Wood, K., “A Functional Basis For Engineering Design Reconciling and Evolving Previous Efforts
AC 2009-193: THE IMPACT OF INTRODUCING ROBOTICS IN MIDDLE- ANDHIGH-SCHOOL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS CLASSROOMSLinda Hirsch, New Jersey Institute of Technology LINDA S. HIRSCH is the Program Evaluator in the Center for Pre-College programs. She has a doctoral degree in educational psychology with a specialty in psychometrics and a Masters degree in statistics. She has been involved in all aspects of educational and psychological research for 15 years. Dr. Hirsch has extensive experience conducting longitudinal research studies and is proficient in database management, experimental design, instrument development, psychometrics and statistical programming.John Carpinelli, New Jersey Institute of
. Page 26.1670.8Appendix A: K-12 Outreach instructionsOutreach Activity: Robotics andControl using LEGO MINDSTORMSNXT Activity 1:Objective: Build and program a robot (wheeled car) to drive into a space and exit asquickly as possible without touching the wall.1. Build the basic configuration. (see attached instructions). Connect the motors of the wheels through a cable to the motor ports (A, B, or C)2. Decide which sensor(s) your robot will need to complete the task. A description of each sensor and its function is attached. Connect the sensor through a cable to the sensor ports (1, 2, 3, or 4).3. Get into the “NXT program” on the panel. a. Turn on the panel by pressing the orange button b. Scroll right until you get to
Students Underprepared in Math,” FYEE 2014, Session F2B.[2] S. A. Culpepper, C. Basile, C.A. Ferguson, J.A. Lanning, M.A. Perkins, “Understanding the TransitionBetween High School and College Mathematics and Science,” The Journal of Mathematics and Science:Collaborative Explorations 12 (2010): 157-67. Page 26.196.7
organizationsdescribed herein.Bibliography1. McGrath, E., “Efforts to Promote Engineering in K-12 Schools in New Jersey: A Case Study of Recent Professional Development, Capacity –Building, Awareness-Building and Policy Initiatives, National Academy of Engineering, 2007.2. Hotaling, L., McGrath, E., McKay, M., Cunningham, C., Lachappelle, C., Lowes, S., “Engineering Our Future NJ,” in Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI, June 24-27, 2007. Available: BUILD IT Project. Stevens Institute of Technology. (2007). [Online]. Available: PISA Project. Stevens Institute of Technology. (2007). [Online]. Available:
has been the pattern in U. S. education. The developers of theStandards propose that fewer topics be taught to a deeper conceptual level, so that studentsdevelop an understanding of the big ideas, which can then be applied to other areas. Oneemphasis of the science Standards is on teaching science as a process of inquiry, honoringstudents’ prior understanding of the natural world around them and building upon that byallowing students to investigate questions they themselves frame. When teachers and schooldistricts develop their science and math core curriculum around the Standards, a more coherentprogram of instruction emerges; equity for all students and excellence of instruction areachievable
3.44 3.13 3.71 Communications of significance Standard, Demo Chattanooga Trip – Different at 0.10 level U. S. Express, Lecture 3.59 3.33 3.82 of significance & Tour TTU – Different at 0.10 level Nanotechnology 4.06 3.87 4.24 of significance Lecture (Response Scale for #4
, 22 teachers from nineschools were introduced to the detailed 8-step design process through activities in water-treatment and assistive technology [4]. These 8-steps come from the MA curriculum frameworkand are “Identify the need or problem, Research the need or problem, Develop possiblesolutions, Select best solution(s), Construct a prototype, Test and Evaluate, Communicate thesolution, and Redesign,” as shown in Figure 1. Although the concept of the design process wassimilar, the content of the original TEMI workshop and the one for grade 3-5 teachers was quitedifferent.Overall the TEMI workshop is still an amalgamation of short activities, presentations, guestlectures by engineers, discussions and field trips. However it has been modified
evaluation for nonprofit organizations with very limitedresources. Retried January 20, 2006. Page 11.1020.113 Kirk, M., Wendt, S.; Williams, E., Elbert, C., Ermis, L., & Dillingham, J. (2004). Practical Approaches toEvaluation. Proceedings of 11th Annual International Distance Education Conference, January 20-23, 2004.
Brain.” Hudson Street Press. 4. Shaywitz, S. (2003). “Overcoming Dyslexia.” Vintage Books: New York.Appendix: Spectroscope LessonAdapted From: introduce the spectrum of electromagnetic waves that our sun emits by studying the spectrumof visible light, and by separating that spectrum into its component parts via a spectroscope.Materials: Black cardstock Cd’s TapeProcedure:1) First, lead a discussion about the electromagnetic spectrum: where do all of these waves comefrom? Do we get all of the waves that the sun shoots at us, or are some of them blocked? Can wesense all of them? (Some animals can ‘see’ infrared or ultraviolet—what
Mean deviation deviation deviationHow much did you learned during 8.89 1.27 8.92 1.23 8.88 1.29the workshop?How much fun was to participate in 9..52 0.81 9.36 1.11 9.56 0.71the workshop?How difficult was the workshop? 4.56 3.09 3.96 3.32 4.72 3.02How successful was your team´s 7.52 2.63 8.12 2.17 7.36 2.73final design?Did you enjoyed working in a team? 7.35
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potential to follow the samepathway as partnerships are developed regionally and nationally.AcknowledgmentsWe would like to acknowledge Benton and Parkway High Schools for providing the support andresources necessary to execute the Junior Cyber Discovery model. We would also like toacknowledge the master teachers who facilitated the pilot camp: Marvin Nelson from BentonHigh School and Dale Bozeman and Jeff Holcomb from Parkway High School. Page 25.867.10References[1] National Science Board. Preparing the Next Generation of STEM Innovators: Identifyingand Developing Our Nation’s Human Capital. 2010.[2] Sontgerath, Suzanne, S. Blaisdell, P. Wong, A. Swan, K. Ziemer. “Growing a STEMTeam: Review of an Innovative Program
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. Page 24.399.7AcknowledgmentsThe contents of this paper were developed upon work supported by a grant from the NationalScience Foundation (Grant CNS-1132609). However, these contents do not necessarily representthe policies and views of the National Science Foundation. Endorsement by the federalgovernment should not be assumed. The authors would also like to thank the teachers whoparticipated in the professional development program and the school administrators whofacilitated the implementation of the developed engineering-inspired educational activities.References 1. Brophy, S., et al., Advancing engineering education in P-12 classrooms. Journal of Engineering Education, 2008. 97(3): p. 369-387. 2. Tran, N.A. and M.J. Nathan, Pre
included. Each partnership’s description includes sample student product(s)and conveys how other partnerships may emulate the project.One proposal winner was chosen by a panel of reviewers at the middle school level andtwo at the high school level. The three winning submissions have been used to create aconference paper for this session. Page 24.227.3 MIDDLE SCHOOL WINNER Establishment of STEM Education in Nash Rocky Mount Public Schools Cynthia Carpenter, Rocky Mount Middle School, Rocky Mount, NC Susan D’Amico, The Engineering Place, North Carolina State
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Investigation Notebooks used after Investigation Present/Absent Scale: – Present, 0 – Absent Driver Codes: T – teacher, S – student, B – balanced VIa. PICTORIAL GRAPHIC CODING Instructions: Identify scale, provide a brief description, and thumbnail sketch (if possible) of any pictorial graphics presented or created in the lesson. ID: Scale Description Thumbnail Sketch Choose one: Teacher
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