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Displaying results 601 - 630 of 693 in total
Conference Session
Broadening Participation of Minority Students in and with K-12 Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Katherine C. Chen, California Polytechnic State University; Lizabeth T. Schlemer, California Polytechnic State University; Heather Scott Smith, California Polytechnic State University; Teana Fredeen, California Polytechnic State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering, Minorities in Engineering
considered. Future assessments shouldinclude how effective the program is in recruiting students to Cal Poly and what other possiblelong term impacts there may be. Page 22.658.14References1 Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future K.C. Chen, D. Belter, T. Fredeen, S. Magnusson, and Heather Smith, “Inspiring a diverse population of highschool students to choose engineering as a career path,” ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, June 2009.3 Changing the Conversation: Messages for Improving Public Understanding of Engineering
Conference Session
Thinking Outside the Box! Innovative Curriculum Exchange for K12 Engineering
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nancy Healy, Georgia Institute of Technology; Joyce Palmer Allen, National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
mayinclude: Why do you think it is? Do you think this substance is a solid or a liquid? How do youknow? What makes a solid a solid? What makes a solid a solid at the atomic level? Before youleave this part of demo tell them that the container contains iron filings and ask if they think theiron filings are magnetic. Page 22.671.3Next have student(s) place a magnet on top of container #1, turn container over, and then set thecontainer in the upright position. Ask students what happens to the iron filings. Follow-up 2questions may include: Why are the
Conference Session
Mentoring & Outreach for Girls & Minorities
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Keith Holbert, Arizona State University; Lisa Grable, North Carolina State University; Patricia Dixon, Florida State University; Sharon Schulze, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
teacher recommendation(s). The ERC plans to offer approximately 100Young Scholars positions over the five years. Based on the high populations of minorities in theERC partner schools, it is expected that a diverse group of Young Scholars will be attracted tothe program.Mentored by graduate and REU researchers, each Young Scholar completes a research projectand is encouraged to submit the project to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fairvia local and state competitions. This program is intended to help capable young people developan interest and seek college careers in fields related to renewable energy systems throughmentored immersion in a laboratory setting. The Young Scholars may participate in up to twopaid, five-week summer
Conference Session
Exemplary Outreach Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Craig Gunn, Michigan State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
, 29 March 2002.6. Brainard, J., “Make Engineering a Liberal Art With Social Relevance, Report Suggests,” The Chronicle of HigherEducation,, December 14, 2007.BibliographyBordogna,1. et al, “Manufacturing and Engineers’ Education", Issues in Science and Technology, 7, no.1 (fall1990): 20(3).Booth, W., "Curriculum Sparks Debate at MIT", Science, 236, (1987): 1515(2).Filho, M., "Humanist Education for the Lives of Today’ Engineers", IEEE Communications, 30, no.11 (1992): 72 (3).Florman, S., "Learning Liberally", Prism, 3, no.3 (1 993):18(5).Kirkely, 1.L., "Our Industry Could Lead a Liberal Arts Renaissance", Datamation, 29, no.3 (1993): 29.Kranzberg, M., "Educating the Whole Engineer
Conference Session
Middle School Engineering Programs, Curriculum, and Evaluation
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Johnny Thieken, Arizona State University; Tirupalavanam G. Ganesh, Arizona State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
become a reality it is necessary to identify: 1) how students are thinking about Page 22.204.2engineering and 2) how their beliefs change over time. Since much of the previous research hasfocused on secondary levels, it is time that we take what has been learned and begin to determineat which stage(s) in the students’ development conceptions and beliefs are being generated. Forexample, if we know that female and minority students are shying away from engineering whenthey come out of high school because of lack of understanding about the profession, then it isvital to determine at what point they formulate these beliefs and implement
Conference Session
Assessment of K-12 Engineering Programs & Issues
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Fleur Gooden, Virginia Tech; Maura Borrego, Virginia Tech; Whitney Edmister, Virginia Tech; Tremayne Waller, Cornell University; Bevlee Watford, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
summercamps and the Pre-College Initiative.The Imagination summer camp is a week-long day camp for rising 7th and 8th grade students. Asa day camp, Imagination gets most of its participants from the surrounding counties.Imagination summer camp, originally called the Academic Enrichment Camp, was first offeredin the early 1980’s. During the camp the students participate in several hands-on activities thatrun by volunteering engineering professors and expose the students to engineering concepts.Most of the underrepresented minorities that attend the camp come from the Roanoke City andMartinsville school systems. To accommodate the increasing number of applicants, the camp isrun twice each summer on consecutive weeks for a maximum of 45 students each
Conference Session
K-12 Professional Development II
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeremy V Ernst, Virginia Tech; Aaron C. Clark, North Carolina State University; Vincent William DeLuca, North Carolina State University; Laura Bottomley, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. Department of Education. (February, 2006). 7 Actions that Improve School District Performance. Washington, DC: The Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement.2. Loucks-Horsley, S. (1995). Professional Development and the Learner-Centered School. Theory Into Practice, 34(4), 265-271.3. Todnem, G.R., & Warner, M.P. (1994). The QUILT program assesses teacher and student change: demonstrating the benefits of staff development. Journal of Staff Development, 15(4), 66-67.4. Garet, M.S., Porter, A.C., Desimone, L., Birman, B.F., & Yoon, K.S. (2001). What makes professional development effective: Results from a national sample of teachers. American Educational Research Journal, 38(4): 915-945.5. National Board for Professional
Conference Session
Research Initiatives
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lynn Albers, North Carolina State University; Elizabeth A Parry, North Carolina State University; Laura Bottomley, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Administered Family STEM Nights. Paper presented atthe 118th Annual Conference and Exposition of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE 2011),Vancouver, British Columbia. K-12 and Pre- College Engineering DivisionAlbers, L., Clark, S., Parry, E., & Smith, R. (2010). The Impact of Active Learning through Cooperation onScience Fair Projects on Elementary School Students. Paper presented at the 117th Annual Conference andExposition of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE 2010), Louisville, Kentucky. MinorityDivisionCunningham, Christine M. Engineering Is Elementary. The Museum Of Science Boston, 2013. Web. 2013
Conference Session Design
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Mangold, University of California, Berkeley; Stefanie Robinson, University of California, Berkeley
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Technology Teacher, 64(5), 23-268. Gattie, D.K. & Wicklein, R.C. (2007). Curricular value and instructional needs for infusing engineering designinto K-12 technology education. Journal of Technology Education, 19(1), 6-18. Page 23.1196.139. Dym, C.L, Agogino, A.M, Eris, O., Frey, D.D., and Leifer, L.J. (2005). Engineering design thinking, teaching,and learning. Journal of Engineering Education 94(I), 103-120.10. Dorst, K. (2007). Creating design expertise. [Keynote] Proc. ConnectED Int. Conf. Design Education11. Tate, D., Chandler, J., Fontenot, A.D., and Talkmitt, S. (2009). Matching pedagogical intent with engineeringdesign
Conference Session
Outreach to K-12 Females
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jani M Pallis, Cislunar Aerospace, Inc.; Jill L McNitt-Gray, University of Southern California
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
tunnel for either atour or for actual usage. With the exception of 2012’s program, the wind tunnel’s testsection was large enough to place a cycle with an athlete into the tunnel. The girls wereallowed to stand inside the tunnel as well as observe a variety of flow visualization andaudio (they could hear when the drag was reduced) techniques used to determineaerodynamic drag.The athlete stationed in the wind tunnel on a cycle tested a baseline (unmodified helmet)and each student team’s modified helmet. In 2012, a wind tunnel with a smaller testsection was used. Each helmet was tested on a Styrofoam wig head holder. Figure 2 a) Tuft Test and b) Modified HelmetsBiomechanics - Motion Capture and Analysis (Lecture, Hands-on
Conference Session
K-12 Teacher Professional Development
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Keith A. Schimmel, North Carolina A&T State University; Muktha Jost, North Carolina A&T State University; Tyrette Sherlone Carter, North Carolina A&T State University; Shawn Raquel Watlington, North Carolina A&T State University; Terrie Ruth McManus, Ragsdale High School, Guilford County Schools; Solomon Bililign, North Carolina A&T State University; Terry White Worrell, Guilford County Schools; Yuh-Lang Lin, North Carolina A&T State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
AC 2012-5279: MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER PROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENTDr. Keith A. Schimmel, North Carolina A&T State University Keith Schimmel is an Associate Professor of chemical engineering, Chair of the Energy and Environmen- tal Systems Department, and Deputy Director of the NOAA ISET Cooperative Science Center.Dr. Muktha Jost, North Carolina A&T State University Muktha Jost is Associate Professor and Coordinator of the online graduate program in Instructional Tech- nology. She has served as a teacher educator for 14 years.Dr. Tyrette Sherlone Carter, North Carolina A&T State University Tyrette S. Carter’s research interests include how to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics
Conference Session
Women in K-12 Engineeering & Outreach Programs
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Shannon Ciston, University of New Haven; Ellen Worsdall, Northwestern University; Jessica Swenson, Northwestern University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
more of*; what activity should have less time allotted*. (*Asked only during summer 2009session.) These were analyzed to reflect on the objectives of the program, and to providefeedback for modifying future programs. In 2008 post-program surveys were collected from 14of the 16 girls. In 2009 surveys were collected from all 24 of the girls who participated.In the fall of 2009, graduate and undergraduate student participants were contacted to determinetheir motivation for participating in the program, and to determine the impacts of the program ontheir career goals, etc. Student were first asked about their involvement with STEP (whatyear(s), what roles) and educational program (what major(s), what year in program). Studentswere asked to rate
Conference Session
Addressing the NGSS, Part 1 of 3: Supporting K-8 Science Teachers in Engineering Pedagogy and Engineering-Science Connections
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary McCormick, Tufts University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
performance expectations. We highlight these moments to show evidence ofthe group’s framing, with particular attention to how their reasoning and actions within stableframes reflect NGSS practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts.Phase 1: Defining and delimiting the problemIn the days previous to this excerpt, Ms. M’s class had read If You Lived in Colonial Times aspart of an integrated Social Studies and English Language Arts unit. Excited by her students’interest in the historical context, Ms. M decided to do an IEL activity, posing the question to herstudents, As engineers, what could we design that would make their lives easier? Three boys inMs. M.’s class, Colin, Jonah and Brayden, immediately began designing and building a
Conference Session
Examining Problem-based Learning
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel Z. Meyer, Illinois Institute of Technology; James Kedvesh; Joy Kubarek-Sandor, John G. Shedd Aquarium; Cheryl L. Heitzman, Illinois Institute of Technology; Sima Ala Faik, Illinois Institute of Technology; Yaozhen Pan, Illinois Institute of Technology
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Level 0 on the Herron Scale. This further supportsour categories: those activities could not be labeled with an inquiry category because theywere bad inquiry activities. While all of the activities were underrepresented at Level 0,the underrepresentation of the Protocol, Design Challenge, Taxonomy and Modelingstructures were statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Of those four,Protocol, Taxonomy and Modeling were all overrepresented at Level 1. The Design Page 25.359.201 The very small number of 3’s should not be seen negatively. Three’s require even the question to comefrom the student, while our analysis is of planned
Conference Session
Assessment and Evaluation of K-12 Engineering Programs
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Julie Ann Rursch, Iowa State University; Douglas W. Jacobson, Iowa State University; Andy Luse, Iowa State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
college students supporting their remote setup for a CDC that this paperevaluates.The authors use content analysis to find themes in the students’ inquiry-based learning as theydesign and configure their competition network. Using these coded themes, the authors examinehow the student conversations and questions change over time from the beginning of setup to theend of the configuration period. These coded themes are them examined in the context ofBloom’s taxonomy to see if the students are moving through the cognitive learning process withthis program.Bloom proposed a taxonomy of educational learning objectives which was based on a set ofconferences in the early 1950’s.8 The taxonomy is composed of a classification of variousobjectives which can
Conference Session
Secondary (6-12) Outreach
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christine Schnittka, Auburn University; Michael A Evans, Virginia Tech ; Tiffany Drape, Virginia Tech; Samantha Gwai Lan Won, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Conference Session
Mentoring & Outreach for Girls & Minorities
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andres Goza, Rice University; David Garland, Rice University; Brent Houchens, Rice University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
concepts.Methods of Data CollectionTo track the DREAM program’s effectiveness at imparting physics knowledge in the mentees,inventories were systematically administered at Austin High School, Chavez High School, andKIPP Houston High School.These inventories were intended to span the field of topics that occurred in the design projects ofboth the spring 2009 and fall 2009 semesters, to measure long-term retention. The inventorieswere broken into two parts. The first page was designed as an Intuition Inventory (I.I.). TheI.I.’s from spring 2009 and fall 2009 are nearly identical, as shown in the Appendix. Theseserved to gauge the mentees’ physics intuition without computation or algebraic representation.The primary topic covered on the I.I. was the
Conference Session
K-12 Engineering Resources: Best Practices in Curriculum Design, Part 2 of 2
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristin M Brevik, The University of North Dakota; Bradley Bowen, North Dakota State University; Frank M. Bowman, University of North Dakota; Kristi Jean, North Dakota State College of Science
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
engineers intheir community, career expositions, friends or family members, class trips, guest speakers ormedia.[5,7,8] Unfortunately, current methods of educating K-12 students about engineering andengineering careers have shown little impact, with the percentage of U.S. bachelor’s degreesawarded in engineering remaining constant around 4.5% over the past decade, down from anaverage of 7.1% during the 1980’s.[9] While it may appear beneficial to bring an engineer intothe classroom to spend time with the students and talk about their profession, many students areoften left with only a slight understanding of the guest engineer’s career and fail to seethemselves in the same role as that engineer.[10] More effective methods of generating
Conference Session Design
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amber Kendall, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach; Merredith D Portsmore, Tufts University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Conference Session
Outreach Along the K-12 Pathways to Engineering
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kelly Doyle P.E., University of Nevada, Reno; Lelli Van Den Einde, University of California, San Diego; Catherine W. French, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Heidi A Tremayne P.E., Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center; Sean P Brophy, Purdue University, West Lafayette
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Conference Session
Research to Practice: STRAND 2- Engineering Across the Curriculum: Integration with the Arts, Social Studies, Science, and the Common Core
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jay B. Brockman, University of Notre Dame; Douglas C. Hall, University of Notre Dame; Sean Patrick Martin, University of Notre Dame's DeBartolo Performing Arts Center; L. Arielle Phillips, University of Notre Dame
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
-urges-steam-to-drive-the-nations-workforce/7. Osterwalder, S. et. al. Value proposition design. Wiley, 2014.8. SketchUp. http://www.sketchup.com9. Sousa, D. A., & Pilecki, T. (2013). From STEM to STEAM: Using brain-compatible strategies to integrate the arts. Corwin Press.10. STE[+a]M Connnect. Page 26.1713.16
Conference Session
K-12 Engineering and Pre-College Outreach Poster Session
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Abhijit Nagchaudhuri, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore; Madhumi Mitra, University of Maryland-Eastern Shore
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
, J.L., Seignort, H., and Goldman, E., (1997) “ Encouraging Engineering Students to Become Teachers”, Proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference,June 1997.[19] Sanders, M., Lohani, V., Loganathan, G.V.,,and Magliaro, S., (2004) “Engineering Education: Bridges and Opportunities for Technology Education and Engineering at Virginia Tech”, Annual Conference of the ITEA, Albuquerque, NM, March 2004.[20] Baum, Dave, Definitive Guide to Lego-Mindstorms, APRESS, 2000.[21] Asimov, I., I, Robot (Runaround), Gnome Press, 1950[22] Doppelt, Y., (2005) “Assessment of Project-Based Learning in a MECHATRONICS context”, Journal of Technology Education, Vol. 16, No. 2, Spring 2005.[23] Nagchaudhuri, A., and
Conference Session
Assessment of K-12 Engineering Programs and Issues
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jessica Matson, Tennessee Technological University; Kristine Craven, Tennessee Technological University; Sally Pardue, Tennessee Technological University; Corinne Darvennes, Tennessee Technological University; Alison Wachs, Tennessee Technological University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
-0.0140 T-Value -1.84 -1.91 -2.07 P-Value 0.069 0.059 0.041 Activity No. 0.089 0.086 T-Value 1.78 1.74 P-Value 0.078 0.086 Group Category -0.081 T-Value -1.53 P-Value 0.128 S 0.556 0.550 0.544 0.540 R-Sq 7.03 10.03 12.80
Conference Session
Enhancing K-12 Mathematics Education with Engineering
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Laura Bottomley, North Carolina State University; Elizabeth Parry, North Carolina State University; Karen Hollebrands, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
Middle School Parents 0.3 0.2 High School Parents 0.1 0 se r Fr e ep r Fa r S er R ing nd Te ild he he
Conference Session
Engineering in the Elementary School
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Manisha Shrestha, George Mason University; Kelly Morris, MPES; Rajesh Ganesan, George Mason University; Donna Sterling, George Mason University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
students in science and mathematics. The NSF GK-12 program offers a uniqueopportunity to address this need.National Science Foundation (NSF) has established a GK-12 program that provides fellowshipsand education pedagogy to graduate students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, andMathematics) fields. The fellows serve as a resource to teachers, and help to increase students’interest in STEM. The plan is for the partnership between the fellow and teacher remains activefor 1 to 2 year/s. NSF has granted funds to SUNRISE project at GMU to initiate partnershipswith unsatisfactory-performing schools in 3 school divisions in the Washington Metropolitanarea. Eight schools are participating in the SUNRISE project; seven elementary schools and
Conference Session
Enhancing K12 Mathematics Education with Engineering
2008 Annual Conference & Exposition
Wendy Huang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Barbara Brizuela, Tufts University; Peter Wong, Tufts University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
(Eds.), The algebracolloquium. (Vol. 2, p. 53-67). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.2. Pelavin, S., & Kane, M. (1998). Minority participation in higher education. Washington DC: U.S. Department ofEducation.3. Pearson, Greg (2004), Technically Speaking: Why all Americans Need to Know More about Technology,Washington DC: National Academy Press.4. CORD (1999). Teaching mathematics contextually. Retrieved April 10, 2007 from CORD (1999). Teaching science contextually. Retrieved April 10, 2007 from Crawford, M.L. (2001). Teaching contextually: Research, rationale, and techniques for improving
Conference Session
Robot Mania in Precollegiate Engineering Education
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alisa Gilmore, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Bing Chen, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Neal Grandgenett, University of Nebraska, Omaha
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. 9. Loucks, S.F., et al. (2003). Designing professional development for teachers of science and mathematics. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. 10. Richardson, V. (1994). Teacher change and the staff development process. New York: Teachers’ College Press. 11. Adams, K., Brower, S., Hill, D., Marshall, I. (2000). The components of effective mathematics and science middle school: Standards, teaching practices, and professional development. A Texas State study indexed within the ERIC document service, ED 449032. 12. Greenwald, N.L. (2000). Learning from problems. Science Teacher, v67 n4 p28-32. Apr 2000. 13. Heer, R.L., Traylor, T.T., Fiez, T.S. (2003). Enhancing
Conference Session
Women in K-12 Engineering
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Laura Bottomley, North Carolina State University; Katherine Titus-Becker, North Carolina State University; Heather Smolensky-Lewis, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
. Sorby, Sheryl A. “A Course in Spatial Visualization and its Impact on the Retention of Female EngineeringStudents,” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, vol. 7, Issue 2, p.50. 2001.9. Daempfle, P., (2003) “An Analysis of the High Attrition Rates Among First Year College Science, Math, andEngineering Majors,” Journal of College Student Retention, Vol. 5(1), p.37-52.10. Hurtado, S., Carter, D. & Spuler, A. (1996). “Latino student transition to college Assessing difficulties andfactors in successful college adjustment,” Research in Higher Education, Vol 37, p. 135-157.11. Felder, R.M., et al., (1995). “A Longitudinal Study of Engineering Student Performance and Retention. III.Gender Differences in Student Performance and
Conference Session
Approaches to K -12 Engineering
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Pelletier, Northern Essex Community College; Wayne Kibbe, Northern Essex Community College; Paul Chanley, Northern Essex Community College
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
subject):Math General Physics Physical Tech. Engineering Science Science Education11 4 2 2 4 0Grade levels taughtGrade level(s) 5th 6th 6,7,8 7,8 8th 9,10 9,10,11 9,10,11,12# of teachers 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1The Number of College-Level STEM Courses Taken by FellowsThe following chart indicates the number of college-level courses taken by each STEMFellow in math, science, technology, and engineering. Seven out of the elevenparticipants had never taken an engineering course. However, nine out of the eleven hadtaken some technology courses
Conference Session
Elementary School Engineering Education
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
M. David Burghardt, Hofstra University; Krowles Christine, Plainview School Distict
Tagged Divisions
K-12 & Pre-College Engineering
other fields of study (p 48)” and from Standard 9, “the engineeringdesign process involves defining a problem, generating ideas, selecting a solution, testing thesolution(s), making the item, evaluating it, and presenting results (p102)”.Results—Affective GoalsThe affective goals, developing increased math confidence and fondness, were assessed with thesame pre-survey that was given at the commencement of the unit. The survey began with eightstatements, as shown in Table 3. Table 3 Fondness/Confidence Assessment Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree 1. I am good at Math