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Displaying results 121 - 143 of 143 in total
Conference Session
The Big Picture in Engineering Education
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephanie Quiles-Ramos, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Donna M. Riley, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Atsushi Akera, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
opportunities for both revelation and reflection. Here we consider therole of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) within ABET, both in thepresent and historically, and examine how we came to inhabit our particular governancepractices within our present organizational structure. Governance refers to the decision-makingprocesses and procedures of an organization, formal and informal, official and unofficial. We areinterested in how power is mediated among stakeholders in these processes, who is given voice,and what is revealed about the values and self-understanding of the profession throughout.We employ organizational theory and historical analysis to trace the changes in governancestructures in ABET and in the wider engineering
Conference Session
The Big Picture in Engineering Education
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dina Verdín, Purdue University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
is … about how their students are now looking at engineering and science… some of it is reflection …This method of evaluation can serve as a sort of post-test of how the teacher’s research experienceimpacted his/her teaching and the students’ engagement in the material. This is not to say REUsand RETs are models for how Broader Impacts could be measured as they also come with flaws.That is, Principal Investigators need multiple forms of evidence to suggest that REUs lead tostudents enrolling in graduate studies. Additionally, assessing the impact an RET and/or REU hadon its participants would require the Principal Investigator to embed this as a research question inthe overall project scope.Panel of Reviewers’ Knowledge of Broader
Conference Session
Professional Development and Lifelong Learning
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Greg Rulifson P.E., Colorado School of Mines; Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Mechanical 5.12 Trevor M MPU Civil 5.52 Tucker M LPU Civil 5.48 Wynne F LPU Architectural 5.88In these semi-structured interview, students were asked questions about their college courses,significant events, thoughts on social responsibility, and how these are related to their views oftheir future profession as engineers. These questions had the general goal of eliciting thestudents’ reflections on their time in college overall and their intentions for a future in theengineering profession. One question in particular, Question 4, that was located somewhat
Conference Session
Sustainability and Social Responsibility
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jessica Mary Smith, Colorado School of Mines; Greg Rulifson P.E., Colorado School of Mines; Courtney Paige Stanton; Carrie J. McClelland P.E., Colorado School of Mines; Emily Sarver; Linda A. Battalora, Colorado School of Mines; Stephanie Claussen, Colorado School of Mines; Susan K. Peterson, Marietta College; Nicole M. Smith, Colorado School of Mines; Rennie B. Kaunda , Colorado School of Mines
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
part of thisprofession. Without many experiences in classes or through co-curricular activities that showhow personal and professional experiences can be integrated, students are likely tocompartmentalize those senses of social responsibility. Those who do have significantopportunities to consider how their personal goals positively impact their work will go throughan evaluative and reflective process, visualized below, to take stock of how they can live theirpersonal social responsibility goals through their profession. Thus, Canney and Bielefeldt argue,the ​professional connectedness​ realm of social responsibility development requires engineers toconsider the opportunity costs and benefits of their decisions. For example, working to
Conference Session
Seeking Resilience and Learning to Thrive Through Engineering Education
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claudio Cesar Silva de Freitas, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Zachary James Beyer, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Hassan Ali Al Yagoub, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Jennifer Deboer, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
integrated elements of social justice and CP through differentavenues as part of our goal to establish a DLS. First, we promoted a sense of equity starting fromthe recruitment process until the final presentation. This sense of equity was reflected in ourapproach to reaching out to each student individually without demonstrating privileges to aspecific group of students. We also created a learning environment where tutors and studentscould talk to each other easily throughout the course. This open line of communication seemedto have a strong relationship to the sense of community and collaboration within the classroom.Second, students were able to take decisions in some assignments. Decisions regarding creatingteams, agreeing on due dates, scoping
Conference Session
Research on Diversification & Inclusion
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Lachney, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Dean Nieusma, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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K-12 & Pre-College Engineering, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society, New Engineering Educators, Student, Women in Engineering
approach reflects a foundationalmisalignment in educational philosophies resulting in what might provocatively be characterizedas “bait-and-switch.” The bait-and-switch characterization reflects a mismatch between theengagement logics embedded in most K-12 engineering education and the exclusionary logicsunderlying most university engineering education. While we acknowledge from the start thatuniversity engineering programs are increasingly emphasizing student engagement, the rapidexpansion of K-12 engineering programs has outpaced reforms in higher education aroundengagement, thereby magnifying the problems associated with engineering bait-and-switchexplored in this paper.In popular vernacular, bait-and-switch is often associated with fraud or
Conference Session
Communicating Across Cultural and Epistemological Boundaries
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cindy Rottmann, University of Toronto; Doug Reeve P.Eng., University of Toronto; Robin Sacks, University of Toronto; Mike Klassen, University of Toronto
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
three key features: a specializedknowledge base, self-regulation, and a commitment to public service— [1-3] elements that havebeen historically codified into a set of ethical guidelines [1, 4, 5]. While these guidelines—Professional Codes of Ethics—may help engineers appreciate what not to do [4, 5], they areinsufficiently specific to guide novice engineers through ethically ambiguous situations. As early20th century artefacts, they also tend to reproduce structural inequities embedded in the history ofthe profession, and thus fail to reflect the experiences of historically underrepresented groups ofengineers [6-14]. The Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board’s (CEAB) pairing of ethics andequity [15] demands that we look beyond the codes to
Conference Session
'Diversity' and Inclusion? Pedagogy, Experiences, Language and Performative Action
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Cole Hatfield Joslyn, University of Texas at El Paso; Meagan R. Kendall, University of Texas at El Paso
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
the possibilities that surround me, and along with them…beauty.Circling a new role, now not who I am but what I do, yet more than that.A minister, literally, to be a servant, one who serves, reflecting my values unveiled and embraced.Circling fluidly between identities and roles grounded in who I am, a leader, a husband, a father, a teacher, a student, still…a servant.My eyes gazing outward, not on a goal nor an identity, external or internal, but anchored to a purpose found within myself yet beyond myself, to live for others, to serve humanity, particularly the “least of these.”Crashing into labels and stereotypes, Slowly circling, while negotiating the
Conference Session
Minoritization Processes and Critical Responses
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kelly J. Cross, University of Nevada, Reno; Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University; Rocio C. Chavela Guerra, American Society for Engineering Education
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
important to its members because it has helpedthem fully integrate their multiple identities into their work. The group supports members’identity development, which enhanced their ability to be supportive of LGBTQ+ students.The current study has a few limitations that can be addressed in future work. First, the currentpaper only reports a fraction of the emergent themes. Second, the VCP members interviewed forthe project were self-selected and may not be reflective of STEM faculty not participating in theVCP. In addition, the linguistic and conceptual analysis is not presented here as the interpretationis ongoing and will be deepened in future rounds of analysis. Finally, due to research stafflimitations iterator reliability has not been performed
Conference Session
Flexible Engineering Curricula
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Marissa H. Forbes, University of Colorado, Boulder; Angela R. Bielefeldt, University of Colorado, Boulder; Jacquelyn F. Sullivan, University of Colorado, Boulder; Dua Chaker, University of Colorado, Boulder
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
sciences (2) majors that were started before the 2000-2001 academic year (Table 1).The environmental design degree was housed in the College of Architecture and Planning. Eightof the programs were accredited by ABET’s EAC; one was Computing Association Commission(CAC)-accredited; 12 were non-accredited.The admissions criteria for majors in the CEAS differed from those in the College of Arts andSciences. These differences were reflected in the average high school GPA of the first-year students who matriculated into various majors, which ranged from a high of 3.90 in Aerospace Engineering to a low of 3.28 in Geography (based on the fall 2008 class). Table 1. The 21 studied undergraduate degree programs
Conference Session
Communication Across the Divisions I: Communication in Engineering Disciplines
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Conrad, Portland State University; William A. Kitch, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Timothy James Pfeiffer P.E., Foundation Engineering, Inc.; Tori Rhoulac Smith, Howard University; John V. Tocco J.D., Lawrence Technological University
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Civil Engineering, Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Evaluation of Effectiveness. Engineering practitioners rate a sample of student papers using a simple 1 to 5 scale from “not effective” to “effective” - or, as translated by one practitioner, from “horrible” to “hire this person!” They are given basic information about the task and asked to evaluate based on what they know to be effective writing in workplace practice. Scores for pre- and post-intervention papers are compared statistically with Mann-Whitney U or Wilcoxon Matched Pairs tests. 4. Perceptions of Usefulness. Students are asked to complete a short survey about their perceptions of their learning and the materials’ usefulness, or – if instructors prefer – to write open-ended reflections on their learning. The survey
Conference Session
Design and Making
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jewell Amanda Brey, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Danianne Mizzy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Richard Goldberg, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
finished their projects (see figures 2a and 2b). Participants were asked to reflect back tobefore the project began to rate their confidence on skills on a Likert scale, and then considertheir confidence at the conclusion of the project. In the future, a survey will be given to studentsat the first build session, and the same survey upon completion to measure competencies.A statistical analysis of the survey results was performed. For each category considered, the datawas first tested for normality. For normally distributed data sets, a paired t-test was used. For thedata that was not normal, the Wilcoxon R-S test was used to test for significance. A p-value lessthan 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Figure 2a: First part of survey
Conference Session
Engineering Communication II: Curricular Practices, Integrations, and Collaborations
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kali Lynn Morgan, Georgia Institute of Technology; Cristi L. Bell-Huff, Georgia Institute of Technology; Janece Shaffer, StoryReady LLC; Joseph M. LeDoux, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
, several ofour middle years major-required courses, and a new third-year course designed for students whoexpect to graduate within the next year [29]. The first-year course introduces students toprinciples of reflection as a building block of SDL, in addition to design thinking, and thebiomedical engineering (BME) field. In the middle years’ courses, students engage in signaturelearning experiences that foster their entrepreneurial mindset and encourage them to integratewhat they are learning with some of their prior extra- and co-curricular experiences. In their thirdyear, students complete a new, major-required course entitled The Art of Telling Your Story thatacts as a type of capstone experience in this vertically integrated curriculum.The
Conference Session
Identity, Culture, and Socialization
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Atsushi Akera, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Soheil Fatehiboroujeni, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Sarah Appelhans, University at Albany-SUNY; Alan Cheville, Bucknell University; Jennifer Karlin, Minnesota State University, Mankato; Donna M. Riley, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Thomas A. De Pree, Bucknell University; Rafael Julián Burgos-Mirabal, University of Massachusetts- Amherst
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
differentiatedhigher education market. The prevalence of these rankings in the public mind have promptedmany universities to strengthen their enrollment management strategies in order to expandenrollments, maintain better balance across enrollment swings, and to manage their discountrates (amounts offered through financial aid) to keep their institutions solvent—a pressure that islikely only to intensify due to the fiscal impacts of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Manyinstitutions report that the downside of national rankings is that they do not accurately reflect thequality of education offered by their institution, and therefore do not make for an efficientmarket. Indeed, our data point to specific gaming behaviors, often tuned to the algorithmsemployed by
Conference Session
Improving Presentation Skills Through Summer Research and Ambassador Programs
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joanna K. Garner, Old Dominion University; Michael Alley, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Christine Haas, Engineering Ambassadors Network; Suzanne Sontgerath, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Avi Kaplan, Temple University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
. For many, the ambassador rolebegins during a large, multi-institution workshop. Post-event surveys reveal high levels ofability, confidence, and preparedness to create and deliver outreach presentations. Post-workshopinterviews reveal that the training offers a platform for role identity development. Theambassador role aligns career-related motivations, resonance with messages contained in theNational Academy of Engineering’s Changing the Conversation report, beliefs about the missionof the EAN, and plans for fulfilling the Network’s mission. After the initial training, students’role identities reflect an integration of their undergraduate engineering student role with the newrole of ambassador, with the intermediary role of an effective
Conference Session
Targeted Harassment in Engineering Education: What It Looks Like, Why Now, and What Is at Stake
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alice L Pawley, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Erin A. Cech, University of Michigan; Donna M Riley, Purdue University-Main Campus, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Stephanie Farrell, Rowan University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
actually do the engineering work, basically costing companies twice as much as it should.In this zero-sum game, any recognition that engineering work is sociotechnical in nature or anywhiff of preparing engineers for the professional expectations of the 21st century workplace istantamount to technical disaster, as if professional skills are some kind of kryptonite erasingtechnical skillsets. Diverse engineers are presumed incapable and pitted against “real engineers.”Yet ABET’s new requirements for diverse teaming reflect the reality that if our students don’tget basic training in power relations across categories like race, gender, class, ability, sexualorientation, gender identity, nationality, immigrant status, and veteran status, they
Conference Session
Identity, Culture, and Socialization
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Benjamin Goldschneider, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University; Nicole P. Pitterson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University; Jennifer M. Case, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
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Tagged Divisions
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
asked to reflect on their choice ofuniversity and major, as well as their experiences with courses and assessment. Furthermore,participants were asked to speak about various aspects of their social experience thus far in theiruniversity career, including the disciplinary makeup of their friend group and their participationin disciplinary professional societies and other extracurricular activities. Interviews lastedapproximately one hour each. The recordings were sent to a professional transcription serviceand were checked once more by the research team to ensure the accuracy of the transcript.AnalysisThe process for this analysis began with familiarization with each of the individual participant’sinterview transcript. Each was read first for
Conference Session
Communicating Across Cultural and Epistemological Boundaries
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gordon D. Hoople, University of San Diego; Joel Alejandro Mejia, University of San Diego; Diana A. Chen, University of San Diego; Susan M. Lord, University of San Diego
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
turn can be used to identify asolution. Engineering educators tend to treat “society” as a distinctly separate silo fromengineering itself. This is not to say that society isn’t discussed within the engineeringclassroom, but it is often framed as a linear progression -- something is engineered, then it hasan impact on society. This is reflected in the 2016-2017 ABET outcome H: “the broad educationnecessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic,environmental, and societal context.” The very language of this statement indicates societalcontext is seen as relevant, but distinctly separate, from engineering solutions.Similarly, students’ lived experiences are typically contained in a separate silo. Students
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 2
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maggie Swartz, Colorado School of Mines; Jon A. Leydens, Colorado School of Mines; Jacquelene D. Walter, Colorado School of Mines; Kathryn Johnson, Colorado School of Mines
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
Conference Session
Technical Courses and Liberal Education
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kenneth W. Van Treuren, Baylor University; William M. Jordan, Baylor University; Cynthia C. Fry, Baylor University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
iGens or not. The observations of the authors thus farsuggest that many STEM university students reflect the iGen trends and are no different.Helping iGen Prepare for the Workplace and LifeAs students enter the university, there is an implied requirement to help students mature fromwhere they are to where they need to be upon graduation. Van Treuren and Jordan addressed therole of the university in the formation of student maturity [18]. The university is a communitywhere personal development occurs. A function of the university is embodied in the phrase “inloco parentis.” Legally, it means “in place of a parent” and refers to the obligation of a person ororganization to take on some of the functions and responsibilities of a parent. At any
Conference Session
The Big Picture in Engineering Education
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen Secules, University of Maryland, College Park
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
-12 educationresearch, neither McDermott nor Kohn have been cited in the Journal of Engineering Education.So engineering education seemingly missed the conversation and the opportunity to reflect onthe value of competition in its pedagogy and culture. Thus exploring the element of engineeringculture as competitive is more challenging to do in a historical review. Competition is somethingmany in engineering education would acknowledge, in many meanings of the word, yet fewwould feel the need to question, problematize, or even document it. Indeed, it seems few have: Ihave not found incisive historical ethnographic accounts of the development of competition orcompetitiveness in educational or professional settings to the same extent as other
Conference Session
Research on Diversification, Inclusion, and Empathy II
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joanna K. Garner, Old Dominion University; Michael Alley, Pennsylvania State University - University Park; Christine Haas, Engineering Ambassadors Network; Avi Kaplan, Temple University
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society
student participants. Our researchquestions were threefold: (1) How do components of individuals’ role identities align to inform the motivation tobecome an engineering ambassador? (2) How does the training crystallize students’ role identities as professionals andambassadors for the field of engineering? (3) Which features of the workshop emerge as the most powerful experiences fortriggering the formulation of an engineering ambassador role identity?MethodParticipants. A diverse sub-set of participants was selected, reflecting differences in gender(n=3 male, n=3 female); ethnicity (Hispanic/Latino = 1, African American = 1, Caucasian = 4)school type (large northeastern state universities = 3, mid-size eastern state
Conference Session
Liberal Education/Engineering & Society Division Technical Session 6
2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mitch Cieminski, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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Liberal Education/Engineering & Society