. Page 15.291.10AcknowledgementsThis material was supported by a National Science Foundation grant no. 0935211. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those ofthe author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.Bibliography1. Rampersad, H.K., Integrated and simultaneous design for robotic assembly, Chichester, England: Wiley, 1994.2. Hsieh, S. (2005). "Automated Manufacturing System Integration Education: Current Status and Future Directions," Proceedings of the 2005 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Portland, OR. Page 15.291.11
of an Arduino-based modular structure and possible use of self-configuration. This paper includes the detailedsketch of the development efforts, engineering students’ reflections on the development project,design and delivery of the high school workshop including high school student feedback, andpossible future college level curricular designs for modular industrial robotics for industrial,mechanical, and manufacturing engineering programs. The paper is concluded with future workconcepts including possible kinematics and dynamics modeling of these industrial robotconfigurations through simulation tools such as DELMIA or MapleSIM, along with use ofmachine learning for self-configuration.BackgroundThe modular robot is a fairly new type
International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, wasfounded. This journal is exclusively devoted to publishing works on the impact of servicelearning in engineering education. One issue in particular, Special Issue: University EngineeringPrograms That Impact Communities: Critical Analyses and Reflection, focused on communityimpact. Schools such asThis increase in project based and service learning has led to a need for students engaged in theseprojects to understand and address stakeholders who do not have a technical background.Zoltowski and Oakes (Carla B. Zoltowski, 2014) discuss this need as well as the need to developand maintain relationships with community partners. Additionally, the difficulty ofunderstanding conflicting priorities of
reflected onto theobject in testing inside the wind tunnel with the help of a mirror placed in a 45° angle. As thesingle laser beam energy is distributed over a larger area, the light intensity is also distributednon-uniformly. This results in a variation in the intensity of the laser sheet in Gaussiandistribution. Therefore, the intensity is inversely proportional to the area of the laser sheetproduced. Figure 2: Particle Image VelocimetryThese techniques are modified using a new concept in this project to overcome the drawbacks,i.e. the lenses in the system shown in Figure 2 is replaced by an octagonal disc mounted withmirrors which creates laser sheets with uniform intensity throughout the area of the sheet. Thelaser
it is used with a monochromatic source, suchas a laser, to test optical components. The beamsplitter is a partially reflecting mirror thatseparates the light incident upon it into two beams of equal strength. After reflecting off themirrors, the two beams are recombined so that they both travel in the same direction when theyreach the screen. The condition of constructive and destructive interference depends on thedifference between the paths traveled by the two beams. Since each beam must travel thedistance from the beamsplitter to its respective mirror and back, the distance traveled by thebeam is 2L as shown in the Figure. If the path-length difference, 2L1-2L2, is equal to an integralnumber of wavelengths, m λ, where m is an integer
students to experience the ramification of materials processing decisions, i.e.,technological solutions on the triple bottom line through an educational format designed toappeal to the generation labeled as millennial.The decision to use a game methodology reflected, in part, a response to the current educationalconcerns around the millennial generation of students and their impact on higher education2. Thedifferences in learning styles of the millennial student are already having an impact on learningand teaching in higher education3-5. Given the technological context in which children are raisedin the U.S., the standard lecture and textbook homework assignments may not be the best methodfor teaching and communicating new ideas. It is our belief
/News/OnlineNewsRoom/NewsReleases/tabid/6596/articleid/1216/ohi o-epa-issues-2017-encouraging-environmental-excellence-awards.aspx ● Write a 3-4-page report including the following sections: o Summary of each article in your own words. o Reflection ▪ Your impressions, potential impact of this news / development. ▪ Potential application of the efforts highlighted in your articles to other industries or to society in general. o Consider the following scenario: You are a major stockholder in a company whose stock dropped after posting earnings of only $1.20 per share. In her quarterly report, the CEO acknowledged that earnings would have been $2.50
that allow students to understand realscenarios, or creating scenarios for practitioners to reflect upon their required application is very complicated;however using Lego based physical simulations increase the effectiveness 6. Creating these simulations allowsthe concepts of Lean to be thought in a “game” based scenario called Gamification7. The concept ofGamification is applied in order to use a set of games in a series of contexts to transmit knowledge moreeffectively to any type of audience, from kids to technical experts in specific areas. Here, the authors explore on the comparison of teaching effectiveness in Lean principles using physicalhands-on simulation and computer based simulation. Both the techniques used are based on Lean
Engineering Education, Vol. 19, pp. 747-753. 5. Ramos F, and Espinosa E, 2003, “A Self-learning Environment Based on the PBL Approach: An Application to the Learning Process in the Field of Robotics and Manufacturing Systems,” International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 19, pp. 754-758. 6. Smith TL, and Janna W, 2003, “Reflection on Scholarship of Integration as a Model for PBL in Undergraduate Engineering Education,” International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 19, pp. 730- 733. 7. Newman M, et al., 2003, “A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of PBL – Results of a Pilot Study,” American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, April 2003. 8. Dennis JK, 2003, “Problem
betranslated to 3 dimensional figure using inherent features. These are completely dimensionaldriven and use geometric relationships to reflect reality as close as possible based on the designintent 16.Students were given hands-on live tutorials on how to use SolidWorks® software tocreate and model the design of their intent. Figure 3 illustrates a sample 3D LEGO® part modelcreated by students. Page 26.269.5 Figure 3: 3D LEGO® Part Model Created in SolidWorks®Using uPrint® SE Plus 3D PrinteruPrint® SE Plus 3-D printer manufactured by Stratasys technologies was used to bring thestudent designed parts to life. This printer uses
reduced the modulesneeded to house components and allowed to package the entire system into just 2 different housings. Backhousing secured the Pixy camera, the battery, an Arduino Nano and the ambient light sensor while HUDhousing restrained the OLED and mirrors to reflect the message to the users eyeline. The latest design hadan adjustable HUD module that could move 1.5” vertically and 75◦ horizontally across the face of the wearer.The team was able to reduce the weight of the housings to less than 1 lb. Even with the components theoverall weight became less than similar products seen on the market [9].Electrical Design1. Arduino Nano: This is a lightweight microcontroller operating at 5 V and 19 mA. There are 22 digital pins and 8 analog pins
. During the seminar, the internship coordinator can clarify, if needed, thecourse deliverables and administrative evaluative procedures that lead to the internship grades. Page 23.337.4The seminar also provides the students with an opportunity both to reflect on the value of thecourse work that had prepared them for the internship and to propose any modifications to thecourses to improve their preparation.Employer evaluation is a major part of the students’ experience and resulting grade5. For that, asite visit is normally scheduled towards the end of the experience. Each visit generally lastsabout an hour, during which the internship coordinator
societal context.Others also emphasize the importance of ethical decision-making, group dynamics, goal setting,visioning, networking, delegation, motivation, conflict resolution and diversity. One programhas students prepare a leadership portfolio as a culmination of their leadership education andexperiences. Another has students keep an electronic journal (blog) of their reflections of eachclass activity, reading, speaker and discussions. Page 25.879.6 5 6One program (Lawrence
life of the ASEE Manufacturing Division, education in manufacturing engineering and manufacturing engineering technology has faced more-or-less continuous challenge. It has always been difficult to convey the excitement and fulfillment of a manufacturing engineering career to young students -- and to the choice as an undergraduate major. It has always been difficult to make the case for the value proposition of expensive laboratories with university administrators. It has always been difficult to forge and maintain meaningful and effective linkages between campus and industry. Over the years, these challenges have been framed to reflect the crucial focus of the time -- of a particular year. At several key points in the past
‘advancedmanufacturing’ in broad yet specific terms. It has long been known in the business communitythat establishing a ‘standard’ is essential to the growth of a technology and of the industries thatparticipate in that technology. The Four Pillars of Manufacturing Engineering defines thestandard for advanced manufacturing topics, and provides a body of knowledge concept withwhich all those engaged in advanced manufacturing education can align. The image of manufacturing needs updating to reflect the wealth of opportunitiesavailable, the critical role that domestic manufacturing plays in our economy, the skills needed,the ‘clean’ nature of modern advanced manufacturing operations, the significant benefits thatmanufacturing provides to society and the
maintain safe working environments. Social Responsibility d the principles, values, and standards that guide behavior in an organization. Sexual Harassment e business ethics model that includes values, norms, and expectationsthat reflect the concerns of multiple major stakeholders,including consumers, employees, shareholders, suppliers,competitors, and the community. f codified into law, incentives to reward organizations for takingaction to prevent misconduct.Select
Fall 2020 semester, were evaluated alone. There was no “stronglydisagree” in the 3rd Yr. MFG CRSE response and an increase in the “Agree” response. The modeand median in this group alone were 2 and 3 respectively. These findings may indicate that theCOVID-19 requirements do pose a concern for those trying to pursue academic requirements. Thispoint would have to be further investigated with a follow up study. Representative comments fromthis group also reflect the results of the compiled surveys (Table 6). Comments reflect thatrespondents recognize the importance of the protocol for safety, but it does affect their NJITMakerspace usage time. In addition, PPE such as the gloves presented a concern in practice. Thiswould need to be further
. Produces practical solutions based on meeting requirements of analyzed problem components. g1. Reports describe goals, methods and solutions at the level appropriate for the reader. Relevant technical literature is identified and used appropriately. g2. Presentations clearly describe goals, methods and solutions. g3. Responds to questions, comments and criticism in a clear and appropriate manner in oral interactions. h1a. Exhibits curiosity & initiative. h1b. Exhibits reflection. h2. Participates in discipline-relevant professional societies and organizations. i1. Demonstrates an understanding of the Code of Professional Engineers. i2. Recognizes importance of respect for diversity. j1. Identifies both potential benefits and adverse
. Parametric solid modelling and surface modelling are the basic CAD technologies. Solid modelling creates a model that has the filled volume. It closely represents a physical object by having data of physical properties such as mass, density, along with the geometric information. Surface modelling, on the other hand, generates the outlook of the objects as a surface model but doesn’t reflect the physical properties as in a solid model. Solid modelling is preferred over surface modelling in AM as it has simpler representation of geometric information and provides information that is useful to generate tool path. 4. 3D scanning technology enables reverse engineering of a physical part
Page 26.19.14Following safety rules were developed by the team as a part their project ending reflections: Wear gloves when handling resin: The resin is easily curable and can cure on any surface if exposed to a light source for a long enough time. Therefore, it is critical to wear safety gloves so the resin does get on the user’s body parts. Wear safety glasses: It is important to wear safety glasses around the 3D printer. When the enclosure is open, the resin could splash into the user’s eyes. The resin can cure to the eye and can cause permanent eye damage. Wash any part of you that come in contact with resin: Again the resin can cure to the skin, so if any part of the user’s body comes in
relations effort is needed to make this happen. • Consider alternative program options (5) Among the suggested programmatic changes are to change Manufacturing Engineering from an independent major to a minor or a subfield of Mechanical Engineering and to change the name to Production or Product Engineering.Although the ideas and suggestions collected in all three categories during the brainstormingsession form a very useful template for improvement in the field of manufacturing engineering,many of the ideas were not necessarily new or innovative. Many of the composite ideas are adirect reflection of the ideas that the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology(ABET) have been prescribing in their assessment
algorithmsproduces realistic hourly data, being easy to use, requiring only the latitude and the monthlyaverages, while displaying realistic day to day and hour to hour patterns. The synthetic data arecreated with certain statistical properties that reflect global average value. However, generateddata for a particular location will not exactly replicate the characteristics of the real solarradiation. But tests show that synthetic solar data produce virtually the same simulation results asreal data. HOMER synthetic wind data generator is little different to use than the solar data as itrequires four parameters, in order to generate wind statistics for this specific site. A user starts byspecifying system parameters and hourly electrical load, wind and solar
collaboration, communication, informed decision making, and design of investigationsperform higher in both educational as well as the workforce than peers who have not had a LBDexperience11. As a result, Koldner et al. advocates deliberate reflective practice of targeted skills,such as learning in the context of doing that includes monitoring one’s doing and learning andone’s experience of learning, coupled with frequent, timely, and interpretable feedback. (note:Deliberate, in this instance, means that the skills are practiced in a context that promoteslearning; reflective means that their practice is discussed and lessons drawn out from thatdiscussion12). Figure 2 below summarizes the Learning by Design model
expert problem-solving [16]. The proposed approach allows modeling physics to beintegrated into a typical introductory college mechanics course. A third study developed modelsof problem-solving to study children’s problem-solving process [17]. According to the study, theconception of modeling the problem-solving process could provide a unifying framework forthinking about problem-solving in children.In this research, we integrate eye-tracking and VR to collect data from participants during theproblem-solving process. The collected data is used to develop models that allow for quantifyingand understanding the behavior of problem solvers and how their performance is compared toexperts. Performance measures are then developed to reflect the problem
ofmodern data collection and modeling. The mix of participants was interesting and reflected theinterdisciplinary training needed to implement Smart Manufacturing techniques. Out of 15 thatresponded, 2 were in business operations, 4 were in engineering, 3 were in technicalmanagement, 2 were technicians, and 4 were in Information Technology. Their prior exposure toSmart Manufacturing also varied, as shown in Figure 4a.The training focused initially on Smart Manufacturing definitions and then used the FrEDexample to walk the participants through advanced data collection, data analysis, and simulationsto improve the process. All of the materials were simply demonstrated given the time constraints.The overviews and demonstrations appeared to resonate
-axisCNC machine through a grant awarded by DoD, and in the future we will continue enhancing ourlaboratorial tools and environment on multi-axis machining for aerospace parts such as blisks andturbine blades, and then integrate and evaluate these tools in the Manufacturing Engineeringcurriculum.AcknowledgementThe authors would like to acknowledge support from NASA (award number: 80NSSC20M0015).The blisks machining tasks was also partially supported by DoD (award number:W911NF1910464). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NASA and DoD.Reference1 . 2020 Facts and Figures U.S. Aerospace and Defense https://www.aia-aerospace.org/wp
workshops. While only two and three states were represented in the first andsecond workshops consecutively, 18 states were represented in the third workshop. Almostsimilar advertising efforts were made for all three workshops, with more outreach efforts madeto regional institutions for the first and second workshops than for the third workshop. Figure 2: On-ground AM-WATCH Studio Workshop Participants with Social Distancing and Use of Mask (Left). An on-ground AM-WATCH Studio Workshop Participant working on his 3D Pen exercise (Right).Despite the increase in diversity by state, the online workshop saw a noticeable decrease inapplicants from high schools compared to higher education institutions. This is reflected in
been developed in the public domain, which includeEXPRESS model, surface graph model, representational primitive model, TTRS model, UMLmodel, XML model, category theory model, GeoSpelling model, relationship model andontology-based model [3]. All these models must be implemented manually and are lack ofautomation.Researchers have been trying to translate the GD&T rules into the language that can berecognized by computer. If successful, the tolerancing process can be completed by computer [4].The researchers categorized the automation sophistication of the GD&T process into three levels.At the first level, GD&T primarily focuses on how to assemble the parts together; at the secondlevel, GD&T will automatically reflect design
skills needed for post-secondary coursework naturally reflect the demands of today’s information-based economy. So, those who master 21st-century skills like critical thinking, effective communicationand information literacy will be more likely to make a successful transition into universities, technicalschools and the workforce. Studies have found that up to 40 percent of students who enter U.S. collegesand technical schools need remedial coursework, which adds time and expense to their college education.Not surprisingly, these students are less likely to earn a degree or certificate than their better-preparedpeers, putting them at a significant disadvantage in the workforce.Solution: Solving real-world challengesTo build skills for success, we
helped toconfirm that they had learned from this lesson.Question 7: Using Teach Engineering was a good format for future lessons. Disagree (1-4) Neutral (5-6) Agree (7- 10) 2 6 40Analysis: Of the 48 responses received, 83% agreed that using Teach Engineering was a goodformat for future lessons.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the Research Experiences for Teachers Programunder National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1300779. Any opinions, findings, andconclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References: By The original uploader