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Displaying results 31 - 46 of 46 in total
Conference Session
Project-Based and Experiential Learning in Manufacturing
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Woodruff, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Moe Rabea, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
chemicals at temperatures close to 900oC.References[1] Qiu, R., Shi, H., Zhang, K., Tu, Y., Iwamoto, C., & Satonaka, S. (2010). Interfacial characterizationof joint between mild steel and aluminum alloy welded by resistance spot welding. MaterialsCharacterization, 61(7), 684–688. doi:10.1016/j.matchar.2010.03.015[2] Chen, N., Wang, M., Wang, H.-P., Wan, Z., & Carlson, B. E. (2018). Microstructural and mechanicalevolution of Al/steel interface with Fe 2 Al 5 growth in resistance spot welding of aluminum to steel.Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 34, 424–434. doi:10.1016/j.jmapro.2018.06.024[3] Zhang, W., Sun, D., Han, L., & Liu, D. (2014). Interfacial microstructure and mechanical property ofresistance spot welded joint of high
Conference Session
Refining Manufacturing Education Practices
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christoph Johannes Sielmann P.Eng., University of British Columbia, Vancouver; Casey James Keulen, University of British Columbia, Vancouver; Abbas Hosseini, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
great as the campuses involved in this study are closely connected with manyoverlapping administrative services.Theme 5: A pure ICT solution is not best for supporting equity and encouraging engagement.Whereas multi-campus teaching is traditionally seen as an instructor in a teleconferencing-enabled classroom with a local cohort, teaching to both local and remote cohort(s), theparticipants interviewed for this study stressed that they have worked with a combination ofremote/distance teaching technologies such as Zoom alongside traditional teleconferencedclassroom solutions.The need for creative solutions is connected to Theme 6 and the desire to provide a high quality,positive experience for the students. One participant claimed, “… if you have
Conference Session
Manufacturing Workforce Development
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheng-Jen Hsieh, Texas A&M University; Marilyn Barger, FLATE (Florida Advanced Technological Education Center of Excellence); Suzy Gorospes Marzano, Society of Manufacturing Engineers; Juan Song, Alamo Colleges District
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
planning and product design.Based on this review, we developed our survey as follows: • The existing surveys primarily targeted CXOs. Our survey targeted plant technical managers. As the focus of our project is on Industry 4.0 tools and technologies, we anticipate that we can learn more about what is happening on the plant floor if we gather data where “the rubber meets the road.” • In surveying managers about the technologies they are using, we followed Frank et al’s conceptual framework, which provides a useful taxonomy of Industry 4.0 technologies. However, Frank et al.’s sample consisted of Brazilian companies in construction and machinery which may be more traditional and less high-tech than U.S
Conference Session
Refining Manufacturing Education Practices
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arif Sirinterlikci, Robert Morris University; Jameela Al-Jaroodi; Anthony Moretti, Robert Morris University
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
to an activity’s specific requirements). ● Updating the learning journal(s) (In many cases a simple proof of completion is enough. However, the instructor may grade some specific entries more closely, especially those explicitly requested by the instructor) ● Showing improvements in demonstrating and using certain skills. ● Teachers may also create and use additional tools as they see fit.Outcomes Assessment: Teachers need to evaluate the soft skills modules they use and assess theoutcomes achieved by introducing the modules in their classrooms. Some criteria to considerinclude: ● Success of delivery ● Students’ engagement ● Students’ grades (average scores, min, max, etc.) ● Solicited students’ feedback (polls
Conference Session
Design Experiences in Manufacturing Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alley C. Butler, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
appropriate textbook and the use of guest lecturers are discussed.Student survey data is presented, and conclusions are drawn about this course.Key words: Shipbuilding, Defense ManufacturingIntroductionThe building of military vehicles includes the building of tracked and wheeled vehicles, aircraftand ships. Ships are the largest, most expensive and arguably most complex of the three types ofmilitary vehicles. Shipbuilders include both public (government owned) and private shipyards.The U. S. private shipbuilding and repairing industry is comprised of establishments that areprimarily engaged in operating shipyards, which are fixed facilities with drydocks and fabricationequipment. Activities in the shipyards include ship construction, repair, and
Conference Session
Technology Integration in Manufacturing Curriculum
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Derek M Yip-Hoi, Western Washington University; David Gill P.E., Western Washington University
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
transition using equipment purchased in thelate 1990’s and early 2000’s, the equipment quickly showed that it was not up to the task. The lackof machine controller capability was evident in very slow motions due to low block processingspeeds of the controllers, long wait times for program uploads, insufficient machine memory forlarge program sizes, and very long wait times for on-machine program searches and editing. Thehardware also demonstrated a lack of capability with many short, jerky moves and frozen axismotions. To address these limitations, a new set of machines was recently purchased. A set ofsimilar size vertical spindle CNC mills was purchased. Each of these machines has a moderncontroller with capability for loading, editing, and running
Conference Session
Manufacturing Division (MFG) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eunseob Kim, Purdue University; Lucas Wiese, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Hector Will, Oakland City University; Alejandra J. Magana, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Martin Jun, Purdue University
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
relating the material to real-world use. Also, I would like to highlight TA (because I don't see a specific spot for him) because he has been an incredibly valuable resource for the lab portion of this class. He has been the most attentive and helpful TA I have ever had. He will always help you understand the material and has done a great job supporting the students.In addition, Students suggested to improve the course. The suggestion request sentence was“Make a suggestion(s) for improving the course.” All the responses were as follows. o The lab sessions can be extended. I really liked the content and the material during lab sessions. The only improvement could be having more time to practice with more lab sessions
Conference Session
Manufacturing Division (MFG) Poster Session
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ted J. Fiock, Purdue Programs; Jonathan Mohn; John Mack; Charilaos Mousoulis; Eunseob Kim, Purdue University; Lucas Wiese, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Martin Jun, Purdue University; Alejandra J. Magana, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Ali Shakouri
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
(IN-MaC).References[1] A. Murgai, “Transforming digital marketing with artificial intelligence,” Int. J. Latest Technol. Eng. Manag. Appl. Sci., vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 259–262, 2018.[2] S. Lund et al., “The future of work in America. People and places today and tomorrow.,” McKinsey Global Institute, 2019. [Online]. Available: America-Full-Report.pdf[3] M. Calzavara, D. Battini, D. Bogataj, F. Sgarbossa, and I. Zennaro, “Ageing workforce management in manufacturing systems: state of the art and future research agenda,” Int. J. Prod. Res., vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 729–747, 2020, doi: 10.1080/00207543.2019.1600759.[4] K. Song, G. Kim, H. Yun, B.-K
Conference Session
Redefining Manufacturing Education Practices
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Siqin Dong, Old Dominion University; Mileta Tomovic, Old Dominion University; Krishnanand Kaipa, Old Dominion University
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
environment of Industry 4.0.References[1] Grieves M. W., “Digital Twin: Manufacturing excellence through virtual factoryreplication.” White paper (2015)[2] Grieves, M., “Virtually intelligent product systems: Digital and physical twins,” inComplex Systems Engineering: Theory and Practice, S. Flumerfelt, et al., Editors. 2019,American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. p. 175-200.[3] Grives M., Vickers J. “Digital Twin: Mitigating, unpredictable, undesirable emergentbehavior in complex systems.” in Transdiciplinary Perspectives on Complex Systems, KhlenF. J. et al., Editors. 2017, Springer International Publishing.https
Conference Session
Technology Integration in Manufacturing Curriculum
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yue Zhang, Georgia Southern University; Haijun Gong; Lianjun Wu
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
design, test fixtures, and dataanalysis. The existing AM standards are covering only a few of these aspects. Students will havean opportunity to develop new SOP and standards. Upon completion of this module, studentsshould be able to (a) develop SOP of specimen and fixture design and data analysis, if there is nospecific standard available; (b) identify ASTM and/or ISO standard(s) which can be referencedto the developed procedure; (c) document the developed SOP and prepare for further evaluationand improvement for evolving it to be a standard. The pilot course is MFGE 5334/5334GAdditive Manufacturing of Lightweight Structures. It will be then introduced to other graduatelevel AM courses.The new graduate-level course:A new graduate level course
Conference Session
Advancements in Sustainable Manufacturing Practices
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hayder Zghair, Southern Arkansas University; Noah Wesley Bretz, Southern Arkansas University; Jeffrey Sumner, Southern Arkansas University
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
experimentalconditions in teaching and mentoring strategies. Acknowledging the limitations of specific levels ofselected factors, this paper not only suggests future research to explore additional levels and factors for amore refined understanding but is an apply avenue to demonstrate the real-world constrains to students.References[1] Immanuel Edinbarough, P. N. Rao, and K. Das, “Incorporating Sustainability throughout theManufacturing Engineering Technology Curriculum,” Papers on Engineering Education Repository(American Society for Engineering Education), Sep. 2020, doi:[2] H. Zghair and R. Nathan, “Implementing i4.0 Tech to Engineering Systems Lab for SmartManufacturing Learning.” ASEE PEER 2023.[3] B. Li, S. Jimmy
Conference Session
Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications in Manufacturing Education
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Amit Shashikant Jariwala, Georgia Institute of Technology; Hasanain Karim; Caroline Doughton Greiner
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
Engineering Design Applications," NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. E Appl. Sci., vol. 11, no. 16, p. 7570, Aug. 2021.[7] E. Welsh, D. Li, A. J. Hart, and J. Liu, "Scaling Hands-On Learning Principles in Manufacturing through Augmented Reality Disassembly and Inspection of a Consumer Product," in 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, 2021.[8] H.-K. Wu, S. W.-Y. Lee, H.-Y. Chang, and J.-C. Liang, "Current status, opportunities and challenges of augmented reality in education," Comput. Educ., vol. 62, pp. 41–49, Mar. 2013.[9] T. Lavric, E. Bricard, M. Preda, and T. Zaharia, "An AR Work Instructions Authoring Tool for Human-Operated Industrial Assembly Lines," in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial
Conference Session
Advancements in Sustainable Manufacturing Practices
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenny Dwight Harris, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Mahin Rajon Bhuyan, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; gordon qian, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Alaric Hyland, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Shouling He, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Brandon Seth Cuevas, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
forthe completion of this project are mentioned and gave a total sales figure of $834 USD. Table #2: Single Level Bill of MaterialsThe utilization of the heating cartridges in the design is so that the plastic sheet press can provideheat to the PLA in the mold so that it can soften. Figure #1: DERNORD Immersion Cartridge Heater with 240V & 500WTo convert rotational motion into linear motion, the usage of the linear actuators helps themachine press and apply the pressure of the plate into the mold for shaping. Figure #2: DC HOUSE 12 Inch 12" High Speed 14mm/s Linear Actuator MotorThe Arduino board will be programmed to control the movement of the linear actuators that
Conference Session
Advancements in Sustainable Manufacturing Practices
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Zhenhua Wu, Virginia State University; Pamela Leigh-Mack, Virginia State University
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
powermeasurements, and the NI 9211 can be integrated for thermocouples. The power and temperature,as well as the aforementioned force and vibration measurements, are desired for monitoring thefriction stir welding process.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by the NSF under Grant No.1818655 and Department of Engineering atVSU. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material arethose of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF and VSU. The hard workfrom the VSU senior project group on “Design of a Monitoring System for ManufacturingProcesses” in 2021-2022 is thankfully acknowledged.Reference[1] Devarshi Shah, Jin Wang, Q. Peter He, Austin Hancock, Anthony Skjellum, “IoT
Conference Session
Manufacturing Workforce Development
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Firas Akasheh, Tuskegee University; Stephen Baker; Mandoye Ndoye, Tuskegee University; David Shannon, Auburn University; josiah e blocus, Tuskegee University; Eugene Thompson
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
., Foreman, C., Alpay, E. (2020). 3D Printers in EngineeringEducation. In: Gravett, K., Yakovchuk, N., Kinchin, I. (eds) Enhancing Student-CentredTeaching in Higher Education. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.[7] F. Akasheh, M. Ndoye, D. Shannon, R. Pippins, E. Thompson, A. Carter, S. Baker, and B.Guiseppi. "Additive Manufacturing-Enabled Modular Drone Design Development byMultidisciplinary Engineering Student Team." In 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.2022, Paper ID #38111[8] Drone market outlook in 2023: industry growth trends, market stats and forecast. BusinessInsider.[9] Bronz, Murat, Ezra Tal, Federico Favalli
Conference Session
Advancements in Sustainable Manufacturing Practices
2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christopher Walker, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Romaim Hernandez; Chasisty Melo, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology ; Samuel Hernandez; Shouling He, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology; Hossein Rahemi, Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
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Manufacturing Division (MFG)
it for support, with a cutout for thebarrier. Additionally, several 3D-printed braces were used to support the drivetrain. Figure 6: Assembled Drivetrain To ensure that the robot would be able to withstand competition, simulation tool inSolidWorks was used to analyze the structural integrity of the drivetrain. The drivetrain platewas tested by simulating the robot crashing into a wall. The final robot weighed 16.5 pounds, soassuming it was moving its top speed of 7 ft/s and came to a full stop in half a second, it wouldexperience a force of 7.18 pounds. The force was applied to the front face of the plate, and therear face was fixed. This was done to generate the most extreme examples of stress