plays a very important role in carrying loads, especially bending andtorsion. The shape can be optimized to maximize performance for a given loading condition. Simplecross-sectional geometries are not always optimal. For example, I-beams can carry bending loads moreefficiently when compared to a solid cross-section, like a solid square. By efficiency we mean for a givenloading condition the section uses as little material as possible.We define the shape factor in bending, „ B’ e due to stiffness effects as: S B e
engineering faculty and gives faculty development workshops on active learning. He is currently continuing the work of Project Catalyst, an NSF-funded initiative to help faculty re-envision their role in the learning process, and researching the use of inductive teaching methods to correct common student misconceptions in engineering. Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA 17837; telephone: 570-577-1781; e-mail: Harding, California Polytechnic State University Dr. Trevor S. Harding is Chair and Professor of Materials Engineering at California Polytechnic State University–San Luis Obispo where he teaches courses in
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weremultiple misconceptions for each student's response to each question. After reading through andmaking note of student misconceptions, similar misconceptions were grouped into categories.These categories were developed through emergent themes from student misconceptions asdisplayed on each Topical Module Assessment. For example, many student misconceptions ofcrystal structure included addition or deletion of atoms in the unit cell. Not all misconceptionsinvolved adding or removing the same atom, but because these were similar misconceptions,hinting at an emergent theme, they were grouped into one category referencing extra or missingatom(s). Each student conception was then assigned categories based on these emergent themes.This categorization
difficulties, however, here we briefly describe a preliminarypilot sample exercise to help students address a small subset of these difficulties. The exercise isintended to be completed by students in small groups of 3 or 4 in a “recitation” type format. Therecitation instructor(s) do not lecture, rather leave the students to complete the task and posequestions to individual groups when they have problems.The exercise focuses on student understanding of the potential energy of two metal atoms as afunction of separation. We chose this topic for several reasons. First, a basic (and we stressbasic) conceptual understanding of the major features of the potential is fundamental tounderstanding the nature of atomic bonds and this can be used throughout the
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AC 2010-1890: INNOVATIVE COLLABORATION TO PROVIDE HANDS-ONEDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS:INTEGRATING "HABITAT FOR HUMANITY" INTO A FIRST YEARCONSTRUCTION MATERIALS COURSEDavid Cottrell, University of North Carolina, Charlotte DR. DAVID S. COTTRELL is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1978 and retired in 2000 after more than 22 years of service with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Studies at Texas A&M University resulted in an MS Degree in Civil Engineering in 1987 and a PhD in 1995. He is a registered Professional Engineer with the Commonwealth
style of interactive group workhas been found to be effective in teaching students difficult physics topics1 , and the goal is todetermine whether such activities can produce similar benefits for introductory materials scienceclasses.AcknowledgementsThis work has been supported in part by the Center for Emergent Materials at the Ohio State Uni-versity, an NSF MRSEC (Award Number DMR-0820414). Page 15.1126.12References 1. Heller, P., Keith, R., and Anderson, S. (1992). “Teaching Problem solving through cooperative group- ing. Part 1: Group vs individual problem solving.” Am. J. Phys., 60: 627-36. 2. McDermott, L.C., Rosenquist, M.L
did you watch the video(s)? 1 (86%) 2 (0%) 3 (14%)2. Did you watch the video outside of class hours? Y (71%), N (29%)3. Did you have foundry experience before watching the videos? Y (100%)4. Was the video helpful in understanding the foundry process? Y (100%)Student comments included some on their impression of the video itself and its length: “shortenthe video”, “the video was a good length”, and “the video was great”. On the video audio: “jazzup the audio”, “narration needs to be much more upbeat”, and “have the dialogue scripted”. On Page 15.444.5the animation and motion: “watch the whole job in fast motion”, and “speed up the animation”.On
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT’06), 0-7695-2632-2106.33. Alfonseca, E., Carro, R. M., Artigosa, and Paredes, P., “The Impact of Learning Styles on Student Grouping forCollaborative Learning: A Case Study”, User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, Vol. 16, No. 3-4, September2006, pp. 377-401.34. Saeed, N., Yang, Y., and Sinnappan, S. “Emerging Web Technologies in Higher Education: A Case ofIncorporating Blogs, Podcasts and Social Bookmarks in a Web Programming Course based on Students' LearningStyles and Technology Preferences”, Educational Technology and Society, Issue 12, No. 4,pp. 98–109.35. Brown, E. and Pulske, Jo, “An Application of Teaching and Learning Styles: A Case Study
on their support of student learning.More importantly the techniques were found to be quite easy to adapt and required minimalpreparation before teaching, in fact the day-to-day teaching was fun! Gone were the days ofputting one self to sleep at the board and on top of all of this, they were so easy a “caveperson”could do it! Page 15.1390.12Bibliography1. Vygotsky, L. S. Thought and Language, Cambridge Massachusetts, The M.I.T., 19622. Von Glaserfield, E. Learning as a constructive activity. In C. Janvier (Ed.),Problems of representation in the teaching and learning of mathematics, Hillsdale New Jersey, 19873. James H. Fetzer Journal
Education, Vol. 82, No. 2, April1993.4 “A Multi-university, Interdisciplinary Senior Design Project in Engineering,” P. Mellodge and D. Folz, Proceedingsof the 2009 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, June 14-17, 2009, Austin, TX, American Society forEngineering Education.5 “Microwave Processing of Polymeric Coatings for Guitar Woods,” C. Hammond, C. Hill, C. Sprinkle, A. Sorensenand S. Vera, Journal of Undergraduate Materials Research, Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Vol. 4, April 2010. Page 15.99.10
/Documents/CP28-05.pdf5 Bylaws for the International Code Council, Inc., See ABET Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, See See See See See Used with permission by author Linda S. Schadler, PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY12 Used with permission by author N.J. Delatte, P.E., Ph.D., Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH13 Used with permission by author Laura L. Sullivan, Ph.D., Kettering University
knowledge learned in the classroom. Students can then be guided totransfer the specific insights from one assignment into the potential of benefits of compositematerials in other engineering applications. Page 15.655.12References[1] Y. Dong and J. El-Sayed, Mechanics, Process, and Design Simulation of Fiber- Reinforced Composite Materials – a New Course Development, ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Paper # AC 2007-1005, Honolulu, Hawaii (2007).[2] Boss, S., Krauss, J., Reinventing project-based learning: Your field guide to real-world projects in the digital age. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in