were essentially viscously damped, with amaximum discrepancy between theory and experiment of 5% 6. The motion of that sphere isbeing used here as a convenient reference with which that of the golf ball can be compared.Table 2. Sample experimental data for two spheres Metal Metal Golf Golf Time(s) x(cm) Log(x) x(cm) Log(x) 0 1.94 0.662688 1.875 0.628609 25 1.645 0.49774 1.525 0.421994 50 1.4 0.336472 1.3 0.262364 75 1.3 0.262364 1.1 0.09531 100 1.15 0.139762 0.93 -0.07257 125 1.01 0.00995 0.775 -0.25489 150 0.905 -0.09982 0.675 -0.39304 175 0.875 -0.13353
? Mechatronics4 is a subject that joinselectrical engineering with mechanical engineering. Energy systems are mechatronics systems inthat they are part mechanical and part electrical and electronic. The students’ challenge was tooptimize an energy plan for the U. S. for the next 50 years. The class divided themselves intodifferent factions. Since genetic algorithms lend themselves to systems that have indefinitefactors, this was the category of algorithm that was chosen for this investigation. A population of different energy resources was compiled. For each faction, a spreadsheet wascreated which contained a detailed summary of the energy plan components. Each faction thencreated and applied a genetic algorithm to their starting plans. Genetic
Dimensionless Time, t/L Figure 2. Temperature as a Function of Time for Nine LocationsAnother way to present the solution is a 3-D plot of temperature as a function of location andtime as shown in Figure 3. Page 14.1044.4 Pres s En
and operations on sets are fundamental in discrete mathematics; Python has apowerful built in list type and set object that can easily be used to experiment with constructionof sets as well as operations on them. A list type in Python can be a heterogeneous collectionwhich can be modified. Often in a discrete mathematics course a set builder notation is used toconstruct a set. For example, the set of the first twenty even numbers using set builder notation isdenoted by S ? {x | x ? 2n;0 ∞ n ∞ 19} . In Python this set can easily be specified by S = [2*x for x in range(19)]The syntax is very intuitive and maps well to its counterpart in mathematics. Once a set a built, itis easy to index though its elements in a simple
minimize the time commitment to use such a system for his/her courses. Finally, thedesign of the system must be sufficiently flexible to be used in a wide range of courses,disciplines and institutions.Bibliography1. Polkowski, L., Tsumoto, S., Lin, T.Y., Rough Set Methods and Applications: New Developments in Knowledge Discovery in Information Systems, Physica-Verlag, New York, 2000.2. Lee, S.W., Lerschberg, L., A methodology and life cycle model for data mining and knowledge discovery in precision agriculture, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernatics, vol. 3, pp. 2882-2887, 1998.3. Ahmad, F., Zakaria, N.H., Osman,S.W.R., Transforming Information-Based Agricultural Portal to Knowledge- Based
university, including come-and-go tutoring sessions andthe more formal Supplemental Instruction program (both of which averaged 10 – 20 students perday total from all lower-level mathematics courses, including calculus).Homework/E-Mail: In the Fall of 2006 the Mathematics and Statistics Program at LouisianaTech University began piloting a web-based homework system in an effort to increase studentmastery of course content and increase individual student accountability on out-of-classassignments. They chose a program called WeBWorK14, developed in the mid-1990’s atUniversity of Rochester by Arnold Pizer and Michael Gage. Two of the primary goals of thisproject were: 1) to increase student mastery of course content, and 2) to increase individualstudent
an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks from 2002 to 2006 and he is currently serving as an Associate Editor of the Neural Networks journal. He has served as the General Chair of the S+SSPR 2008 Workshops, a satellite event of ICPR 2008.Cynthia Young, University of Central Florida Cynthia Young received her B.A. in Mathematics Education from the University of North Carolina, and her M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of Washington. She is currently a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Central Florida. She is the recipient of an Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award and is a Fellow of
instructors fell into the category of “highly Page 14.1225.13experienced instructors.” When the responses of all surveyed instructors were included (15responses), the same trends were observed but to a slightly lower degree. One unsolicited remarkfrom an instructor indicated, “The main difference I noted was that I was missing the studentswho made 10’s, 20’s or 30’s (percents) on the first test. After that first test, I did not really seemuch difference in the students’ work. Many of my students scored 50 or above on ALEKS anddid poorly in the course. I see no relationship between their ALEKS score and their performancein Precalculus.” This remark
Equations of regions 8. Classic examples of visualizations and Euler’s constant 9. ConclusionAll the operations described in the paper can be verified easily by using a graphing utility. Theword curve will be used to mean the graphs of piece-wise differentiable functions includingstraight lines and also finitely multi-valued functions.1. IntroductionIn engineering colleges during the 1950’s, a student had to become acquainted with all kinds ofvisual constructs that were needed to solve problems of design. Oscilloscopes displayed voltagetime signals; spectrum analyzers displayed signal Fourier components and curve tracersdisplayed diode and transistor characteristics. In addition, students contemplated such wonderfulmathematical
Learning. New York: Jossey-Bass Publishing.5. Prince, M., (2004). “Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research,” Journal of Engineering Education, 93(3), 223-231; Wankat, P., and Oreovicz, F., (2006). “A Push for Participation,” ASEE Prism, 15(5), 39.6. Williams, Bard. Educators' Podcast Guide. Eugene, Oregon: ISTE, 2007.7. Cohen, E.G. (1994). Restructuring the Classroom: Conditions for Productive Small Groups. Review of Educational Research, 64(1), 1-35.8. Smith, K. A., Sheppard, S. D., Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (2005). “Pedagogies of Engagement:Classroom-Based Practices,” Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), 87-100;.9. Laeser, M., Moskal, B. M., Knecht, R., & Lasich, D. (2003). Engineering Design: Examining
) the same value (common difference, d). Geometric is a sequence which goes from one term to the next by always multiplying (or dividing) the same value (common ratio, r). A way to use this in fashion would be when sizing patterns, going up one size, each time adding a certain amount to a certain part of the pattern. (S. C.)This student had a left, visual and tactile superlink, and it is easy to see her using the lefthemispheric strategy of linear, step-by-step thinking to determine her answer to the question.Finally, the responses to the journal assignments revealed information about the students’ effortsin the course that the professor otherwise would have never known. Many of the
AC 2009-1665: PREFRESHMAN STUDENTS GEARING UP WITH EARLY BIRDSabina Jeschke, University of Stuttgart After receiving her M.Sc. in Physics at the Berlin University of Technology in 1997, graduating with distinction, Sabina Jeschke worked as an assistant teacher at the department for mathematics and natural sciences and earned her doctorate in 2004. Holding a scholarship from the German National Academic Foundation, she spent several months of research at the NASA in Moffet Field, CA. In 2000 and 2001, S. Jeschke worked as an instructor at the GaTech (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta). Since 2005, Sabina Jeschke has been associate professor for Media in Mathematics and Natural
Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research, Journal of Engineering Education, July 2004. 8. Silberman, M., Active Learning: 101 Strategies to Teach Any Subject, Allyn & Bacon, 1996. 9. Polio, H.R., What Students Think About and Do in College Lecture Classes. Teaching-Learning Issues No. 53. Knoxville: Learning Research Center, University of Tennessee, 1984. 10. Srinivasan, M., Wilkes, M., Stevenson, F., Nguyen, T., and Slavin, S., Comparing Problem-Based Learning with Case-Based Learning: Effects of a Major Curricular Shift at Two Institutions, Academic Medicine, Vol. 82, No. 1, January 2007. Page
perform significantly better than random learners in computerapplication courses12 and other Science and Math-related courses, while random learners excel inFine Arts courses.13Table 1. Four Learning Style Types Identified by Gregorc Style Delineator. Sequential (S) Random (R) Concrete (C) Abstract (A) Concrete (C) Abstract (A)Concrete-Sequential Abstract-Sequential Concrete-Random Abstract-Random (CS) (AS) (CR) (AR)Motivational Orientations and Learning StrategiesIn addition to learning styles, students’ motivational orientations and learning strategies that theyuse also