, J. L. and M. A. Verleger (2013). The Flipped Classroom: A Survey of the Research. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, ASEE. 3. Lage, M. J., G. J. Platt, et al. (2000). "Inverting the Classroom: A Gateway to Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment." Journal of Economic Education 31(1): 30-43. 4. Hamdan, N., P. McKnight, et al. (2013). A Review of Flipped Learning, Flipped Learning Network. 5. Swartz, B., S. B. Velegol, et al. (2013). Three Approaches to Flipping CE Courses: Faculty Perspectives and Suggestions. ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, ASEE. 6. Rockland, R., L. Hirsch, et al. (2013). Learning Outside the Classroom - Flipping an Undergraduate Circuits Analysis
Press.3. Moran, J. 2002. Interdisciplinarity, New York: Routledge4. Rhoten, D., and Pfirman, S. 2007. Women in interdisciplinary science: Exploring preferences and consequences. Research Policy, 36(1), 56-75.5. Geiger, R., and Sa, C. 2005. Beyond technology transfer: new state policies to harness university research for economic development, Minerva, 43(1), 1-21.6. Lattuca, L., Vogt, L., and Fath, K. 2004. Does interdisciplinarity promote learning? Theoretical support and researchable questions. Review of Higher Education, 28(1), 23-48.7. Borrego, M., and Newswander L. 2008. Characteristics of successful cross-disciplinary engineering education collaborations. Journal of Engineering Education, 97(2), 123-134.8. Qualters, D., Sheahan
integration ofengineering applications into the Pre-calculus and Calculus curriculum. When possible, a newmathematics concept is introduced in the context of an engineering application. The similarapplications are assigned as additional homework problems. For example when introducing theconcept of the derivative, the following problem was introduced. The velocity of a vehicle starting from rest at position x=0 is shown in the figure below: velocity 25 20 15 10 Velocity (ft/s) 5 0 -5 0 10
Mathworks software, which will allow ourundergraduate students to learn state-of-the art Model-Based Design (MBD) techniques. Thesuccessful completion of this project will significantly modify two existing undergraduatelaboratory courses in dynamics and control.References[1] FANUC Robotics America online support [http://www.fanucrobotics.com/file-repository/DataSheets/Robots/LR-Mate-200iC-Series-&-R-30iA-Mate-Controller.pdf][2] H. Asada and J. J. E. Slotine: Robot Analysis and Control, Wiley-Interscience (1986)[3] J. Y. S. Luh, and C. S. Lin, "Automatic Generation of Dynamic Equations for MechanicalManipulators", 1981 Joint Automatic Control Conference, Charlottesville, VA (1981
same as a lecture-only course. The hybrid approach can also be adapted inother lecture-only courses.References 1. Berry, C, Boutell, M, Chenoweth, S. and Fisher, D., “MERI: Multidisciplinary educational robotics initiative,” Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, Austin, TX, June 2009. 2. Edinbarough, I., Martinez, J., “Web-based control for mechatronics laboratory experiments,” Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, Austin, TX, June 2009. 3. McGrath, E., Lowes, S., Lin, P. and Sayres, J., “Analysis of middle- and high-school students’ learning of science, mathematics and engineering concepts through Lego underwater robotics design challenge,” Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, Austin, TX, June 2009. 4
AC 2011-1108: A DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS EXPERIMENT FOR THEFLUID MECHANICS CLASSROOMCharles Forsberg, Hofstra University Charles H. Forsberg is an Associate Professor of Engineering at Hofstra University, where he primarily teaches courses in the thermal/fluids area. He received a B. S. in Mechanical Engineering from Polytech- nic Institute of Brooklyn and an M. S. in Mechanical Engineering and Ph. D. from Columbia University. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer in New York State. Page 22.37.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 A Dimensional Analysis
-produce the worldduring WWII. Innovation put us on the moon and fueled the computer and internet boom of the1990’s. Studies going back as far as 1959 have identified engineering creativity as a vitalcontributor to industry competitiveness and the national welfare. 1 A preponderance of literaturepublished in the past five years points to a lack of soft skills, including creative innovation, asfactors in declining global competitiveness. 2,3,4,5 At the root of this problem is a deeplyentrenched educational paradigm that does not encourage creative thinkers.This innovation was possible because there were people that not only understood engineeringprinciples; they also knew how to apply them in ways that satisfied a human need. Theseengineers were
Julian, and Chika Eke.Thanks to Dr. Joseph Hoffbeck, Dr. Ken Lulay, and Dr. Tammy VanDerGrift for thoughtfulinsights and discussion about this work.The survey methods described in this paper were reviewed and approved as exempt by the Univer-sity of Portland IRB committee.References1 W B Stouffer, Jeffrey S Russell, and Michael G Oliva. Making The Strange Familiar : Creativity and the Future of Engineering Education. In American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, number Torrance 1963, page Session #1615, 2004.2 Kazem Kazerounian and Stephany Foley. Barriers to Creativity in Engineering Education: A Study of Instructors and Students Perceptions. Journal of Mechanical Design, 129(7):761, July
62.6 Percentage of degrees awarded to women 57.4 57 60 50 40 Non-S&E Engineering 30 Mechanical Engineering 20.1 21.2 16.8
2006-578: COLLABORATION OF FRESHMAN WITH SENIORS IN A CAPSTONEDESIGN COURSEWilliam Janna, University of Memphis William S. Janna joined the faculty of The University of Memphis in 1987 as Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He served as Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research in the Herff College of Engineering. His research interests include boundary layer methods of solution for various engineering problems, and modeling the melting of ice objects of various shapes. He is the author of three textbooks, a member of ASEE and of ASME. He teaches continuing education courses in the area of piping systems and in heat exchanger design and selection, for ASME. Dr
impactsummative assessment later in the course1. Competency integrated standards of achievementprovide guidelines for improvement including strengths and weaknesses of the course, contentchanges, methods of content delivery, and assessment8.Competency is defined as having the ability to do a set task(s) focusing on the application ofknowledge and not only on the acquisition of knowledge or skills8,9. Using competency basedstandards, the strengths and weakness of a course could be effectively determined8. One methodis to define a competency based curriculum, where students have to achieve a minimum level ofknowledge in their studies to graduate. These competencies provide a set of guidelines for studentsto move closer to their educational goals. These
University provided great feedback as well.References[1] T. Goldfinch, A. L. Carew, and T. J. McCarthy, “Improving learning in engineeringmechanics: The significance of understanding causes of poor performance,” in Proceedings ofthe 2008 AAEE Conference, 2008.[2] R. Myose, S. Raza, K. Hoffman, and A. Ghoddoussi, “Correlating Engineering StaticsStudent Performance with Scores of a Test over Pre-requisite Material Involving ProblemSolving,” in Proceedings of the 2014 Midwest Section Conference of the American Society forEngineering Education, 2014.[3] A. Dollar and P. Steif, “Learning Modules for Statics,” Int. J. Eng. Educ., 2006.[4] A. Dollar and P. Steif, “A New Approach to Teaching and Learning Statics,” inProceedings of the 2003
( ) ( )so that the closed-loop system has a settling time of 2seconds, a damping ratio of 0.7 and no steady state error so that the closed-loop system has a settling time of 1to a step input. second, a damped natural frequency of 5 r/s and no steady state error to a step input. Page 23.828.9 Table 5. Problem Groups by Topic Number of Problems Problem score
during class. Students who were participating in the “Game” foundthat the classes were directly relevant and helpful to their studies. This difference of experiencewas reflected in student comments at the end of the course, with feedback divided betweenstudents who thought the instructor “disorganised” versus those who ranked the lectures asextremely valuable. Evidently, only the students who kept up with the topics being covered Page 24.152.8found the lectures helpful.Level 1The first level in each of the seven “missions” was intended to make the students read thetextbook chapter(s) relevant to the mission. The Level was entirely completed
. ( ) { } m& = ρV& = 62.4 lbm ft 3 (58 gal min ) 1 ft 3 7.48 gal = 484 lbm min ⎧ ft ⎫ ⎧g⎫ ⎪ ⎪ 32 . 2 ⎪ W& = m& w = m& ⎨ ⎬( z1 − z2 ) = (484 lbm min )⎨ s 2 ⎪(0 − 58) ft ⎩ gc ⎭ ft ⋅ lbm ⎬ ⎪ 32.2 ⎪ ⎪⎩ lbf ⋅ s 2 ⎪⎭ W& = (− 28,072 ft ⋅ lbf min ){1hp ⋅ min 33,000 ft ⋅ lbf } = −0.85hpSavery’s sales demonstrator pump
Project ResultsThe overall quality of the students‟ design projects was more than satisfactory. Students showedsignificant innovation and built a wide variety of designs, ranging from parabolic dishes, aconverted projection television utilizing the television‟s large Fresnel lens, a parabolic troughcomplete with rotisserie, and several simpler ovens built from various materials, includingcardboard boxes, mini-refrigerators, streetlights, toolboxes, and various other scavenged items.A wide variety of insulation materials were utilized, including shredded newspaper, carpeting,plastic bottles, Styrofoam, commercial spray foams, commercial fiberglass insulation, andscavenged clothes and blankets. In addition to the basic egg, many students made more
224 69 79% 285 Civil 404 46 54% 752 Mechanical 166 6 19% 878Note: may include the term in reference or related term ‘sustain’ which is used generally, maynot therefore focus on sustainability educationFigure 5 Fraction of ASEE AC papers with sustainability in the titleDiscussion: LessonsIn looking for ways to expand sustainability incorporation in more mechanical engineeringprograms, the following areas for potential lessons have been pulled from this data. • The mechanical engineering front runner(s) • Lower division courses in civil and
in the United States. By mid-March, most universities and colleges in theUnited States stopped face-to-face instructions. On March 12, 2020, The University of Texas at SanAntonio (UTSA) suspended face-to-face instructions until further notice. The spring break wasextended for one week to allow the faculty to prepare for online instruction. The instructors weregiven the choice of offering live online lectures or recording their lectures and making themavailable to students. For live online lectures, instructors were asked to record their lectures andmake them available to students to account for cases in which students lost internet connectivity orcould not attend the session(s) due to uncontrollable factors. The College of
design is grounded in technical knowledge applied to problem solving,contemporary engineering design expands design to reflect the importance of human connectionsthrough clear communication, strong problem solving strategies, and dynamic leadership.Communication Processes and Group ProductivitySince the early 1970’s, research studies of effective group characteristics have consistentlydemonstrated strong links between the levels of group communication and group performance.1,2, 3, 4, 5 Tschan’s 1995 study reported that “groups engaged in high-quality ‘cycles’ ofcommunication, including interactions that involved orienting the group to the task, planninghow the work would be done, and evaluating the outcomes outperformed other groups
years, and all the knowledge would be summarized and brought together in thesenior year, during a capstone experience. The essence of engineering is to design and buildsystems. Voland, in his book “Engineering by Design” describes engineering as “An innovativeand methodical application of scientific knowledge and technology to produce a device, systemor process, which is intended to satisfy human need(s)”. If one subscribes to the abovedefinition, then every engineer has to be somewhat knowledgeable of manufacturing methods, ofdrafting (drawing) standards and programming techniques. We are proposing that these topics becovered in freshmen/sophomore level courses.Manufacturing Methods CourseManufacturing in the US has been continuously shrinking
carefully selected problem(s)might be an effective way to demonstrate such enhancements. The main goal here is to establish assessment practices which impact the overall program,and the students. The second goal would then be identification of most positive or valuableexperiences, if any, during students’ Thermodynamics I and Thermodynamics II semesters.Looking at previous Thermodynamics I experiences, could help stimulate enhancement in futureThermodynamics I sections. Observing present Thermodynamics II activities, might lead toidentification of activities, if any, which can help improve any of students’ knowledge gaps andassociated performance, whether they love thermo-fluids, are typically great students, or are onthe opposite ends of
: Prentice-Hall, 1984.[7] D. Kolb and R. Fry, Toward an applied theory of experiential learning. MIT Alfred P. SloanSchool of Management, 1974.[8] S. Kirstukas, “Development and evaluation of a computer program to assess student CADmodels,” in Proceedings of the ASEE 123rd Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA,USA, June 26-28, 2016.[9] D. Elrod and M. Stewart, “Assessing Student Work in Engineering Graphics and VisualizationCourse,” in Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, USA,June 20-23, 2004.[10] E. Wiebe, T. Branoff and N. Hartman, “Dynamic Modeling with Constraint-Based CAD inIntroductory Engineering Graphics,” in Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition,Nashville, TN, USA, June
, “ Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 93, Issue 4,October, pp.313-320.[2] Ackerman, P.L., Kanfer, R. and Beier, M.E., 2013, "Trait Complex, CognitiveAbility, and Domain Knowledge Predictors of Baccalaureate Success, STEM Persistence,and Gender Differences." Journal of Educational Psychology, 105, no. 3 (2013) 911-927.http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0032338[3] Seymour, E. and Hewitt, N.M., 1997, Talking About Leaving: Why UndergraduatesLeave the Sciences, Boulder, CO, Westview Press.[4] Suresh, R., 2006, “The Relationship Between Barrier Courses and Persistence inEngineering,” Journal of College Student retention, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 215-239.[5] Jiang, X. and Freeman, S., 2011, “An Analysis of the Effect of Cognitive Factors onStudents’ Attritions in
: meaning and perspective in the research process. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.(6) Muhr, T. (2004). User’s Manual for ATLAS.ti 5.0. Berlin: ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development.(7) Anderson, Lorin W., David R. Krathwohl, and Benjamin Samuel Bloom. A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives. Allyn & Bacon, 2001.(8) Montfort, D., Brown, S., and Pollock, D. (2009). An investigation of students understanding in related sophomore to graduate-level engineering mechanics courses. Journal of Engineering Education, 98(2), 111-129.(9) Davis, S., Brown, S., Dixon, M., and Borden, R. (2013). Embedded knowledge in transportation engineering
department’s role inpreparing physics teachers: The Colorado learning assistant model." American Journal ofPhysics 78.11 (2010): 1218-1224. 2 Reckinger, S. M, Reckinger, S. J., “An Interactive Programming Course Model for MechanicalEngineering Students”, Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education AnnualConference, Indianapolis, IN, June 15-18, 2014. URL:http://www.asee.org
AC 2007-476: USING A MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY COURSEFOR ASSESSMENTKenneth Van Treuren, Baylor University Ken Van Treuren is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Baylor University. He received his B. S. in Aeronautical Engineering from the USAF Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado and his M. S. in Engineering from Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. After serving as USAF pilot in KC-135 and KC-10 aircraft, he completed his DPhil in Engineering Sciences at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom and returned to the USAF Academy to teach heat transfer and propulsion systems. At Baylor University, he teaches courses in laboratory techniques, fluid
an input to the table, such as temperature, the properties are less certain than the 5or 6 digits. When a modest uncertainty of 0.2% for temperature is assumed, the properties arecertain to at most 3 to 4 digits, but not more. The same can be shown for steam.Uncertainty of Steam PropertiesIn the superheated steam tables, property data (v, u, h and s) is often given in pressure “blocks.”Students find the correct pressure block, then the line for the appropriate temperature to look upthe other properties. Although two other intensive properties can be used to fix the state, the Page 23.746.8most common are pressure and temperature; hence
. This activity will also naturallyserve as a strong advertisement for the success of the partnership between project hosts and theinstitutions providing the student.References[1] Prados, J., “Engineering Education in the United States: Past, Present, and Future,” Proceedings, InternationalConference on Engineering Education, ICEE-1998.[2] Lang, J., Cruse, S., McVey, F., and McMaster, J. “Industry Expectations of New Engineers: A Survey to AssistCurriculum Developers,” Journal of Engineering Education, Jan 1999, pp 43-51.[3] Seely, B. “The Other Re-Engineering of Engineering Education, 1900-1965,” Journal of EngineeringEducation, July 1999, pp 285-294.[4] Magee, C. “Needs and Possibilities for Engineering Education: On Industrial/Academic
(b) a video clip that demonstrated the operation of the drive. The students reallyenjoyed the video clip demonstration. (a) Actual Parts (b) Operation Video Figure 1. Actual Parts and Operation Video of a Harmonic DriveLaboratory ProjectsThe hands-on laboratory sessions consisted of two different types: weekly lab projects andcourse projects. There were ten weekly laboratory projects that consisted of two portions. Thefirst portion covered the description of the project including objective(s), required parts and partdescriptions, a wiring diagram, a sample program, and step-by-step tutorial instructions attachedin appendices. The second portion required the student to apply the knowledge
both of these problems (i.e., numerical methods in two-dimensional heat conduction and transient heat conduction through semi-infinite mediums) have traditionally been challenging for students and an objective of the FE learning modules is to provide an alternative insight for students that will ideally make these topics easier to understand. The problems for each learning module are summarized in Figs. 1 and 2. The steady-state problem (Fig. 1) was adopted from an exercise at the end of Chapter 4 (“Two-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction”) of Incropera et al.’s textbook6, while the transient, semi-infinite medium problem (Fig. 2) was adopted from an exercise at the end of Chapter 4 (“Transient Heat Conduction