AC 2010-1331: THE HYREV PROPULSION SYSTEM: A B20 POWER-SPLITEXTENDED RANGE ELECTRIC VEHICLE FOR THE ECOCAR CHALLENGEVincent Sabatini, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Vincent Sabatini is a second year graduate Mechanical Engineering student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He graduated from Embry-Riddle with an B. S. in Mechanical Engineering, with a focus in Robotics and High Performance Vehicles. He is currently the Team Leader for ERAU's EcoCAR Team, the EcoEagles.Ryle Maxson, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Ryle Maxson is a second year graduate Mechanical Engineering student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He graduated from Embry-Riddle with an B. S. in Aerospace
Program Criteria for Manufacturing Engineering and Similarly Named Programs.” Washington, D.C.:ABET, Inc. [Available for download at] 2. Danielson, S., Kirkpatrick, A., & Ervin, E. (2011). “ASME Vision 2030: Helping to Inform Engineering Education.” In the Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, IEEE/ASEE, October 12 - 15, 2011, Rapid City, SD. OR ASME. Found at engineering-education. Accessed 4-9-2013. 3. Society of Manufacturing Engineers. (2011a). “Four Pillars of Manufacturing Knowledge.” Dearborn, MI: Society of Manufacturing Engineers. [Available for download at
percent ofwhom say they hope to start a business one day. It also reinforces the university’s public-servicemission, encouraging students to use their entrepreneurial skills and expertise to createsustainable new companies and nonprofit organizations that address pressing societal needs. Ofparticular interest is their initiative to offer experiential education and venture to encourageWomen' s Entrepreneurship Network which offers regular discussions and networking for womenenrolled in the minor in entrepreneurship to share knowledge and experiences and connect withsuccessful female entrepreneurs and business executives.Kauffman Entrepreneurial Year (KEY) program funded Syracuse University students to acceptstudents in to their multi-year
of the wind tunnel is 25m/s (Sub-Sonic Flow).• The flow quality allows for basic observation of fluid flow phenomena.• Lab experiments that aid aerodynamics or fluid mechanics courses are designed and developed. These labs may include fluid flow development, boundary layer visualization, laminar/ turbulent flow visualization, flow around a cylinder, sphere or a wing of infinite length, and etc.The design constraints are as follows:• The design fits in the existing lab space; the length is not to exceed 3 meters.• Cost to manufacture a prototype of the successful design is one-tenth in comparison to a commercially available device roughly priced $30,000.• Flow Quality Standards enforced in the working section: o
: Learning Anywhere, Anytime,’ Journal of Engineering Education, pp 131-146. (2.) Mulligan. B, Coll, B, and Corcoran, G, 2007, ‘A Lean Approach to Engineering Education Online,’ International Symposium for Engineering education, Dublin City University, Ireland. [Online]. Available: (3.) Weaver, W. , Anderson, C. , Naber, J. , Keith, J. , Worm, J., Beard, J. , Chen, B. , and Hackney, S., 2011, ‘An interdisciplinary program for education and outreach in hybrid & electric drive vehicle engineering at Michigan Technological University,’ 7th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, (4.) Watson, J.L., Bibel, G., Ebeling, K., Erjavec, J., Salehfar, H., and
Learning Program: A Pioneering Learning Environment for d1st Century Engineering Education", in Proceedings: Realizing the New Paradigm for Engineering Education, 1998. 3. Davis, F. "Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and User Acceptance of Information Technology," MIS Quarterly), 1989, pp. 323-340 4. Domagk, S., Hessel, S., & Niegemann, H. M. (2004). How do you get the information you need? Triangulation in usability testing: Two explorative studies. In S. Banks, P. Goodyear, V. Hodgson, C. Jones, V. Lally, D. McConnell & C. Steeples (Eds.), Networked Learning 2004. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference (pp. 749-750). Lancaster: Lancaster University. 5. Felder
, fatigue testing, S-N curve and the simplified S-N curve, with fatigue theory under single level of cyclic stress or loading. We assigned the homework to students through implementing failure theories in specific close-end problems. Students were required to extend these concepts in their open- ended design projects.The Part III: The design of mechanical elements included the following topics: Typical machine elements including: bolts, shaft and key systems, gearing theories, spur gear, and bearings. It was well known that the design of typical machine elements were not the simple application of the stress/ strain theory discussed in the mechanics of materials but rather the application of design procedures. The design procedures
, 1956., pp 10-24.[2]. L. W. Anderson, D.R. Krathwohl, “A Taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing”, AddisonWesley Longman, 2001, pp 27-37.[3]. S. Chapman, MATLAB Programming for Engineers, 5th edition, Cengage Learning, 2015.[4]. E. Wang, "Teaching freshmen design, creativity and programming with LEGOs and Labview," 31stAnnual Frontiers in Education Conference. Impact on Engineering and Science Education. ConferenceProceedings (Cat. No.01CH37193), Reno, NV, USA, 2001, pp. F3G-11, doi: 10.1109/FIE.2001.963943..[5]. E.A. DeBartolo, R. Robinson, A Freshman Engineering Curriculum Integrating Design andExperimentation, Vol-35, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 2007.[6]. M. Utayna, An Introductory Engineering Course for
$178.50 #8 Mirror Finish .250" Thick, 12" X 12"Robertson Glass N/A Tempered Glass 2 $86.62 Total $613.41Table 1. Detailed Project CostBibliography1. Bénard, H. “Les tourbillons cellulaires dans une nappe liquide”, Rev. Gen. Sciences Pure Appl. 11, 1261-1271,1309-1328, 19002. Rayleigh, L. “On convection currents in a horizontal layer of fluid when the higher temperature is on the underside.”, Phil. Mag. 32, 529-546, 1916.3. Chandrasekhar, S. “Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability”, Dover, 1981.4
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American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, 2005.8 Dettman, Matthew, Effective, Efficient, Direct Assessment of Programmatic Outcomes, Proceedings of the 2005American Society for Engineering Educators Annual Conference & Exposition, 2005.9 Hadim, Hamid, Kishore Pochiraju, Costas Chassapis, David Vaccari, Keith Sheppard, and George Korfiatis,Mechanical Engineering Program Assessment in the Schaefer School of Engineering at Stevens Institute ofTechnology, Proceedings of the 2005 American Society for Engineering Educators Annual Conference &Exposition, 2005.10 Verma, S., Matrix Based Approach to Assessment of an Educational Program along ABET Criteria, Proceedingsof the 2005 American Society for Engineering
Paper ID #20385Material and Processing Basics Through Reverse EngineeringProf. Somnath Chattopadhyay, University at Buffalo, SUNY Dr. Somnath Chattopadhyay teaches mechanics, materials, manufacturing and design at University at Buffalo He has authored a text on Pressure Vessel s and till recently was an Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology. His research interests are in the areas of fatigue and fracture of metals, carbon nanotubes, multi-scale material modeling and engineering education. He had a very successful industrial career with Westinghouse Electric where he directed and performed
, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 2011.[6] R. Taraban, E. E. Anderson, M. W. Hayes, and M. P. Sharma, "Developing On-Line Homework for Introductory Thermodynamics," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 94, pp. 339-342, 2005.[7] J. L. Davis and T. McDonald, "Online Homework: Does it help or hurt in the long run?," presented at the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, 2014.[8] S. Bonham, R. Beichner, and D. Deardorff, "Online homework: Does it make a difference?," The Physics Teacher, vol. 39, pp. 293-296, 2001.[9] Y. A. Çengel, A. J. Ghajar, and M. Kanoglu, Heat and mass transfer : fundamentals & applications, 2016.[10] McGraw-Hill Education Connect. Available: https
University of Illinois at Chicago, a publicuniversity in an urban setting, and it is taught as a design studio which is both project- and team-based. It is a required class for Mechanical, Civil, and Industrial engineering students and it isopen to other engineering majors as an elective. There are typically forty students per classsection, and in recent years four to six sections of the class are offered in each term, taught bytwo to four faculty members. The total enrollment has been growing and is close to 400 for thecurrent academic year. Despite being offered as a first-year course, ME 250’s enrollmenttypically includes students from all years. Students are placed in teams of four to complete twoor three projects, including the final project
, interfaces with a set of “virtual instruments” (part of asoftware package) and has extensive input/output functionality. By default, the ELVIS II+ comeswith a breakout board which contains a large general-purpose breadboard and jumper-wireaccess to all its instruments. Some of these instruments and their capabilities are: - Digital Multimeter - Fixed +5V, +15V and -15V power supplies - Positive (0 to +12V) and Negative (0 to -12V) variable power supplies - 2-channel, 100 MS/s Oscilloscope - 1-channel, 10 bit Function Generator (5MHz sine, 1MHz square & triangle) - 2-channel, 16-bit, 2MS/s Arbitrary Waveform Generators Figure 6: NI ELVIS II+ WorkstationIn addition to the Circuits-related
performance. Todetermine whether statistically significant differences in student performance exist, moresemesters of grades must be an analyzed for each homework policy.References[1] V. Jungic, D. Kent, and P. Menz, “On Online Assignments in a Calculus Class,” p. 15.[2] S. Bonham, R. Beichner, and D. Deardorff, “Online homework: Does it make a difference?,” Phys. Teach., vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 293–296, May 2001.[3] L. L. Parker and G. M. Loudon, “Case Study Using Online Homework in Undergraduate Organic Chemistry: Results and Student Attitudes,” J. Chem. Educ., vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 37– 44, Jan. 2013.
It was like an one-stop service for a new instructor so that s/he can save a lot of time finding the right people to ask and avoid mistakes, which eventually cost students dissatisfaction I found it extremely helpful! I had no experience on any of the topics we discussed about, except sexual harassment. Therefore, it was a very nice way to guide us briefly in so many areas in a such short amount of time Learning how to put content onto BlackboardThe followings are the written comments by instructors on how could the workshop be improved? Some hands-on exercise such as development of syllabus or assignment
. 285-288.5. J. Round and B. Lom, “In Situ Teaching: Fusing Labs & Lectures in Undergraduate Science Courses to Enhance Immersion in Scientific Research,” Journal of undergraduate neuroscience education, vol. 13, no. 3, 2015, pp. A206-A214.6. D. Hall, H. Hegab and J. Nelson, “Living WITH the Lab - a freshman curriculum to boost hands-on learning, student confidence and innovation,” Proc. Frontiers in Education Conference, 2008.7. J. W. Belcher, “Studio physics at MIT,” MIT Physics Ann., 2001, pp. 58-64.8. M. Weimer, Learner-centered teaching: five key changes to practice, 2nd edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2013.9. G. Subhash and S. Ridgeway, Mechanics of Materials Laboratory Course, Morgan & Claypool, 2018.
that each program must demonstrate that their graduates areachieving the stated PEOs, but since 2012 the evaluation of PEOs are no longer required,However, criterion 2 still requires that the PEO,s must be reviewed periodically, to ensure thatthey are still consistent with the institutional mission, and the program’s constituents’ needs. Inthe most recent review, with consultation with various constituencies of that included theIndustrial Advisory Board and students, minor modifications are being made to the PEOs. Therevised PEOs are presented below: The Mechanical Engineering Program prepares students to attain the following program educational objectives a few years after graduation:1. Have engineering or other careers in industry
Page 26.978.2 student centered teachingThe most commonly prevailing model in engineering education, being practiced from 1950’s, isthe large student in-class lecture delivery system. This norm particularly involves a lecturer’sdiscretion on how a class is organized along with how the student interactions in a class takeplace. The interactions here are defined by a debate, student to student discussion, student tolecturer discussion and so forth 3. Such interactions play an important role in quantifying &analyzing if the goal of improving a student’s knowledge is achieved. Over the past few years,current trends are being observed in stimulating various interaction patterns among students andlecturers in an educational setting
thesubject. By using a probabilistic uncertainty measurement with 58 degrees of freedom and aninety five percent confidence level, the uncertainty of the average can be obtained throughEquation 1 𝑷 = 𝒕𝒗,𝒑 𝒔𝒙 Equation 1where tv,p is the t-value with “v,” degrees of freedom, and “p,” percentage of confidence and s x isthe sample standard deviation using the sample size, “n.” Page 26.1526.5 4. Results Students involved in the course were tested specifically on their knowledge of entropy.This subject was chosen due to the abstractness of the subject. It is a
essentialcomponent of the student outcomes that must be assessed and evaluate and result be used as aninput for continuous improvement of engineering programs [1]. In most undergraduate engineeringcourses, students are assigned to research or design projects. These typically include the capstonedesign course(s) and some other upper division courses in the program. In large classes, studentsare either encouraged or required to complete projects in groups consisting of several teammembers.Formation of design teams and assigning grades to individual team member is a challenging taskfor the instructor. Some instructors have had students take personality tests to help place studentsinto balanced groups [2]. In one study the design formation methodologies were
their analysis results are also presented.Example 1: Compute the new velocity and acceleration of the aircraft after a change in powerlevel. During a test flight, the test pilot has set the engine power at 50,000 Newtons, whichcauses the 20,000 Kg aircraft to attend a cruise speed of 250 m/s. The engine throttles are thenset to a power level at 80,000 Newtons, and then the aircraft begins to accelerate. The differentialequation that determines the acceleration of the aircraft is dv T ? a * v, t + ? / 0.00005v 2 dt mT ? thrust level in Newtons (80,000 Newtons)m = mass in Kg (20,000 Kg)Write a MATLAB program to determine the new cruise speed after the change in power level ofthe engines by plotting the
Surface 70 60 Temperature (deg. C) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Time (s) Figure 3: Temperature distribution of acrylic cylinder with time.ExperimentThis heat transfer study was revisited by the same set of students the following semester in theirSystems and Measurement course. There students experimentally measured the cooling at thecenterline
. Miller, Inquiry-based activities to address criticalconcepts in chemical engineering, in 118th Annual Conference & Exposition. 2011: Vancouver, BC.4. M. J. Prince, M. A. Vigeant and K. E. K. Nottis, Assessment and repair of critical misconceptions inengineering heat transfer and thermodynamics, in 120th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 2013: Atlanta,Georgia.5. K. C. Midkiff, T. A. Litzinger and D. L. Evans. Development of engineering thermodynamic conceptinventory instruments. in 31st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. 2001. Reno, NV.6. S. Yeo and M. Zadnik, Introductory thermal concept evaluation: assessing students' understanding. ThePhysics Teacher, 2001. 39(November): p. 496 - 504.7. D. L
the Source of Learning and Development. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, U.S.A.: Prentice Hall. 3) 4) Hibbeler, R. C. (2010). Engineering Mechanics Dynamics, Twelfth Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, U.S.A.: Prentice Hall. 5) Bloom, B. S., & Krathwohl, D. R. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York, NY, U.S.A.: David McKay Co. Inc. Page 22.893.8Appendix 1: Dynamic Systems Example Laboratory Slider Crank Laboratory VEX Optical Shaft Encoder
enjoyed theMEA in some way. While most group projects are beneficial for the students they are almostnever very popular. To have some consistent feedback that says that students enjoy learning in thisway, even in a small majority, is a successful result.AcknowledgmentsFinancial support was provided by 1) National Science Foundation via Course, Curriculum, andLaboratory Improvement 071759: Collaborative Research: Improving Engineering Students’Learning Strategies Through Models and Modeling and 2) The Donald E. Bently Center forEngineering Innovation at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.References1 Bowman, K. J., Diefes-Dux H. A., & Zawojewski, J. S. (2008). Models and Modeling in Engineering Education:Designing
subject of on-goingefforts.Bibliographic Information1. McDonald, D., “Data Acquisition in a Vehicle Instrumentation Course,” 2010 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, American Society of Engineering Education.2. Zhang, Y., S. Cui, Y. Wang, and C. Akujuobi, “Taking Action: Enhancing Engineering Technology Laboratories with LabVIEW-Based Graphical Development Tools,” 2009 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, American Society of Engineering Education.3. Lohani, V., P. Delgoshaei, and C. Green, “Integrating LabVIEW and Real-Time Monitoring into Engineering Instruction,” 2009 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, American Society of Engineering Education.4. Delgoshaei, P., V. Lohani, and C. Green, “Introducing Dataflow Programming in a
and Compression," The Physics Teacher, pp. 54-55, 2002.[6] David Rosengrant, "Impulse-Momentum Diagrams," The Physics Teacher, pp. 36-39, 2011.[7] James E. Court, "Free-Body Diagrams Revisited – II," The Physics Teacher, pp. 490-495, 1999.[8] James E. Court, "Free-Body Diagrams Revisited — I," The Physics Teacher, pp. 427-433, 1999.[9] A. Collins, J. Brown, and S. Newman, "Cognitive Apprenticeship: Teaching the Crafts of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics," Hillsdale, NJ, 1987. Page 25.1464.9
: Knowledge,Comprehension, and Application (see Table 2). During the 1990's a new group of cognitivepsychologists, led by Lorin Anderson, updated the taxonomy and modified the form of thesethree categories to Remembering, Understanding, and Applying. Lower order cognition isadequate for memorization and for following simple procedures.Some types of learning and understanding require more than rote memorization of facts orsimply following directions. Cognitive activities such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation aremore complex, and open ended. There can be many “correct” solutions (as well as many wrongones). Whether or not a solution is “right” might depend on the specific context. Bloom referredto these functions as “higher order cognition.” In