Energy is extensive, and changes in kinetic and potential energy are negligible, ∆E = ∆U = ∆U s + ∆U f + ∆U w + ∆U B (2)where subscripts, s = test sample f = fuse wire
operating at29 m/s. The results for the pressure coefficient distribution around half of the cylinder are shownin Fig. 3. 1.5 0.5 Pressure Coefficient, Cp -0.5 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Measured Inviscid -1.5 FlowLab -2.5 -3.5 Angle on Cylinder from
for enforcement in 2012. The snowmobile design and performance was publishedin a technical paper which was presented by the faculty advisor and one of the students at aprofessional society conference.5 Further, because the use of ethanol as a fuel is important tofarmers, this applied research was supported by a grant from the Michigan Corn Growers 300 B ra k e S p e c ific E m is s io n s (g /K W -h r) 250 200 150 100
the firstreservoir. A pump with a characteristic curve (increase in head versus the flow rate) W s= 403.33 − 0.127 ⋅ Q + 0.004362 ⋅ Q 2 − 0.00003911⋅ Q 3 for 0 < Q < 150 gpm (7)where Ws is in ft-lbf/lbm when Q is in gpm, is in the system. The system consists of 2000 ft ofschedule 40 nominal 3-inch commercial steel pipe. Minor losses total K = 1000 and C = 0. Findthe flow rate the pump will produce in the system.Solution:The unified approach solution is provided in Figure 3. Much of the contents of the figure arespecifying the system boundary conditions, the physical properties, the friction factorrepresentation, and the units. As with the other examples, the solution is accomplished in thesolve block. Prior to the solve
assist with this goal, students were encouraged, early in the term, to discover reallife examples of mechanisms with an aim to promote curiosity and foster interest in learning.Throughout the term, a design project was introduced which required students not only to applyfundamentals of kinematics and dynamics, but also to exercise skills in teamwork, collaborativelearning and communication. A student survey was conducted at the end of the course and theefficacy of the approach was assessed.IntroductionThe University of British Columbia‟s Okanagan campus was established in 2005 in Kelowna,British Columbia. The School of Engineering offers three undergraduate programs: CivilEngineering, Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. In 2010
engaging the enemy tank, the chassis C, translates relative to the ground at aconstant speed v ( v OC vcˆ1 ) and turns with a time varying spin rate 1 with respect to theground, the turret T, turns with a time varying spin rate 2 with respect to the chassis, and thebarrel B, depresses with a time varying spin rate 3 with respect to the turret. Let point S be along a line drawn from OT in the tˆ3 direction at the intersection of thechassis and turret (fixed in C and T), such that r S / OC s1 cˆ1 s2 cˆ 2 s3 cˆ3 . Let point Q be along aline drawn from OB in the bˆ direction at the rotation point of the barrel (fixed in T and B) such 1that r P / S q1 tˆ1 q2 tˆ 2 q3 tˆ 3 . Let the tank round
with this list that it comes from their memory: T, P, v, u, h, and s. The listcan expand with additional properties, but this is often a sufficient list for many problems. Theinstructor then asks students to evaluate each property to see if it is known or unknown. Maybethe property is clearly given in the problem statement, or it may be determinable from theinformation given in the problem statement. Students are encouraged to find two properties thatare either known or determinable. Again, students appear lost when T and P aren’t thedeterminable properties. In some problems, T and v may be the determinable properties, thenthis leads to a sequence of steps to determine how to evaluate other properties such as P, given Tand v. In many cases
Career Guidance Short- & Long-Term Goals Parent & Family STUDENT-SPECIFIC BELIEFS Encouragement of activities Activity Choice & Expectations for Student s Opportunities to learn various Engagement Achievement skills Performance Specific Socialization Goals Reinforcement Patterns Perceptions of: Other Communications of Beliefs -- Student s Abilities -- Value of Various Skills -- Student s interest
research in physics education. Ohio: ICPE Books, 1-10.26. de Berg, K.C. (1995). Student understanding of the volume, mass, and pressure of air within a sealed syringe in different states of compression. Journal of Research in Science Teaching 32(8), 871-884.27. Kesidou, S. and Duit, R. (1993). Students’ conceptions of the second law of thermodynamics – an interpretive study. J. Res. Sci. Teach., 30(1), 85-106.28. Roberts, I. F. and Watts, D. S., (1976). The teaching of thermodynamics at preuniversity level. Phys. Educ., 11, 277-284.29. Kaper, W. H. and Goedhart, M. J., (2002b). Forms of energy, an intermediary language on the road to thermodynamics? Part II. Int. J. Sci. Educ., 24, 119-137.30. Kaper, W. H. and Goedhart, M. J., (2002a
Engineering from National Tsing-Hua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan, her PhD degree in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and MS degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California. She is a member of American Society of Engineering Education, American Society of Mechanical Engineering and American Educational Research Association.Dr. Gregory Mason P.E., Seattle University Gregory S. Mason was born and raised in Spokane Washington. He received the B.S.M.E. degree from Gonzaga University in 1983, the M.S.M.E. degree in manufacturing automation from Georgia Institute of Technology in 1984 and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering, specializing in multi-rate digital controls, from the
Propulsion. The MechanicalEngineering Department is committed to prepare students in these options, to work efficientlyfor various industries and government.The basic criteria of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) for theengineering program’s outcome and assessment requires that graduates must havedemonstrated abilities (ABET Criteria 3, a-k1), in mathematics, science, engineering, design,data analysis, teamwork, ethics, communications, and life-long learning. In addition to ABET3(a-k) requirements, the Mechanical Engineering program at AAMU was designed to meetthe additional requirements of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, criteria (l-s),which require that graduating students must have knowledge about
Page 24.839.8 Swassing. Educational Leadership, p. 381-382.2. Butterfield, R. (1997), Benefit Without Cost in a Mechanics Laboratory. Journal of Engineering Education, 86: 315–320. doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.1997.tb00304.x.3. Bloom, B. S., & Krathwohl, D. R. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York, NY, U.S.A., David McKay Co. Inc.4. J Güémez et al (2009) Toys in physics lectures and demonstrations—a brief review Phys. Educ. 44 535. Featonby, D. (2005) Toys and Physics. Phys. Educ. 40 537.6. Wagner, G (2009) A Circular Motion Activity with Hot Wheels® Rev-Ups Phys. Teach. 47, 11.7. Wang, E. L., LaCombe, J., & Rogers, C. (2004). Using LEGO® Bricks to Conduct Engineering
mesmerizing fountain display. He has seen the fabulous Bellagio Fountains, and enjoys the interesting fountain in the McNamara Terminal of the Detroit Metropolitan Airport. He wants something that will be appropriate for his wilderness resort. After learning of your vast new knowledge of fluid mechanics, he has asked you to design a fountain. As a member of the National Fluid Power Association, Uncle Mort requires that one or more of the nozzles is controlled by a hydraulic system which will allow the nozzle(s) to move the water jet(s) in some sort of pattern. The water jet(s) from the movable nozzle(s) must be high enough pressure to allow for a sufficient water height. He wants this fountain to be an attraction for his customers
⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠0 = m& (hi − he ) or hi = he Page 25.228.7 • • • ∑T Qj + m(si − se) ) + σ cvdScv = dt j j• • •m(si − s e ) + σ cv = 0 or s e = si + σ cv • mWe have noticed that many students write the equation for the first law of
rb C t s O A x Fig. 1 The involute curve of a circle of radius rbBecause the string is inextensible, the length of the circular arch AB subintended by angle t isequal to length BC of the string: BC ? rb © t (1)Moreover, the center of curvature around point C of the involute is located right at the tangentpoint B between the string and the base circle, and
assembles the simulator which serves as a hands-on experience unit formultidiscipline students enrolled in the HEV technology courses. The virtual HEV simulator notonly enhances the HEV training and education, but also increases students’ interest in the greenmovement of transportation.AcknowledgmentThis work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant number DUE-0501546.References1. Hirose, K., Abe, S., Killmann, G. “Overview of current and future hybrid technology,” Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) paper 2002-33-0016, 2002.2. Ronning, J. and Grant, G. “Global hybrid electric vehicle markets and missions,” SAE paper 1999-01-2946, 1999.3.
supportwas provided by the Role of Reflection in SoTL Faculty Learning Community program throughthe Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis Center for Teaching and Learning.References[1] A. R. Carberry, M. Siniawski, S. A. Atwood, and H. A. Diefes-Dux, “Best Practices for Using Standards-based Grading in Engineering Courses,” presented at the 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, New Orleans, LA, USA, Jun. 26-29, 2016.[2] S. L. Post, “Standards-Based Grading in a Thermodynamics Course,” Int. J. Eng. Pedagogy, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 173–181, Jan. 2017.[3] L. Nilson, Specifications Grading: Restoring Rigor, Motivating Students, and Saving Faculty Time. Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2014.[4] J. J. Polczynski and L. E. Shirland
projects were well balanced. On average, the studentsshared that the biological concepts were a bit more difficult than the mechanical engineeringconcepts (65% v/s 62.5%). Standardized pre-/post-summer experience surveys were also usedto assess the impact of the course modifications on the participants’ scientific self-efficacy andimpression of research (Survey of Undergraduate Research Experiences, SURE) [18]. Theresults from the SURE survey at the end of the Summer 2018 show that out of the 21comparative learning gains, the EGGN 122 freshmen and sophomore were higher than thenational average in 11 and lower than the average in 5 gains. In response to the survey results,the last semester of the program involved improving the students’ preparation
asked on the platform. The platform does not have a good interface for the display ofdrawings or mathematical formulae, which are important in upper-division engineering courses.To work around this, this author began to exploit the image upload feature of Kahoot! to upload asingle image containing all drawings, necessary formula, and the multiple choice answerselections [20]. The students then simply choose the shape/color corresponding to ABCD in theKahoot! app. An example of such an image is demonstrated in fig. 2. It can be seen that thegeneric purple kahoot! background that was demonstrated in fig. 1 has been replaced by an imagecontaining the question. This example deals with the strain rate tensor, S, that had been recentlyintroduced in
(3)Equation (3) is solved numerically. Also, since Equation (3) is cubic, it has three roots, and thephysics of the problem need to be discussed to find the acceptable root.3. The data given in Table 1 needs to be regressed to develop a relationship between thecoefficient of thermal expansion and temperature. Questions include choosing the optimumdegree of polynomial for the regression model by plotting S r /(n − [m + 1]) vs. m, where Sr = the sum of the square of the residuals, n = the number of data points, and m = order of the polynomial.The order of polynomial for which S r /(n − [m + 1]) is minimum or does not change appreciablyis the optimum order of the polynomial.4. Regression models obtained using default Excel
properly assembled parts and gives 6degrees-of-freedom. If you are not interested in solid modeling, you can also download a CADmodel from industrial robot manufacturer‟s website such as ADEPT, FANUC, KUKA, DESO,etc. Generally, manufacturers provide CAD model for commonly used softwares. Choose arobot model with detailed documentation.For example, a PUMA560 (not exact shape) was created using Solidworks as shown below. Page 22.1006.3 Figure 1 Simplified PUMA560 CAD modelHere are few things to note in this step:(1) When model the link 1 (base of the robot), make sure that the origin of the coordinate system for modeling
26.470.5rate of rotation. Figure 3 depicts this situation.21 X G S 𝜔𝑡 r θ O
areas such as space and human body. A challenge facing TEGs is their low efficiencydue to obtaining their energy from low energy sources such as waste heat and a low figure ofmerit (ZT) that enable conversion of heat into electricity1. , where T is the absolutetemperature, s is Seebeck coefficient, is electrical conductivity, and k is thermal conductivity.In power generation, the Seebeck effect enables the direct conversion between heat and electricenergy streams. Heating one end of the unit cell while holding the other end cooler induceselectromotive force within the material and may be harnessed for electrical power2. In Figure 1,two dissimilar semiconductors A and B are connected electrically in series but thermally inparallel with
aspirations for growing the mechatronics curriculum. Afterreceiving student feedback from this course and improve the curriculum based on that feedback,we would like to develop a mechatronics course series that allow students to receive amechatronics minor to add concentration to their education before graduation. The course seriesmay address advanced mechatronics course topics such as embedded programming, processautomation, and wireless networks.Bibliography[1] M. K. Habib, "Mechatronics engineering the evolution, the needs and the challenges," IECON 2006-32nd Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics, pp. 4510-4515, 2006.[2] S. M. K. a. S. A. Y. Das, "Work in progress-the outgrowth of mechatronics curriculum development efforts: an
local industry-driven and applicable (that would require excellent connections with local industry)Creativity Include principles of research as a 1-2 credit subject (not only capstone research project), possibly following the applied sciences format and experience in undergrad research. Special course(s) on innovations and inventions.Communication skills Team work and individual presentations of reports and papers (publishing the capstone/special projects in a typical format for engineering papers)Business and
graphs for fin efficiencies, transient temperature distribution charts for heattransfer in slabs, cylinders, or spheres (Heisler Charts), and radiation shape (view) factor charts.In the early 1970’s calculators replaced slide rules as the basic computational tool for solvingengineering problems. A few years later programmable calculators were available. Modulescontaining basic solutions to heat transfer problems were developed for these calculators.Authors included sections in their textbooks to introduce students to numerical techniques forsolving heat transfer problems.The computer application software for solving engineering problems has also changed. Prior tothe introduction of personal computers (PCs) in the early 1980’s, complex computer
AC 2009-815: USE OF THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILL BUILDER (KSB)FORMAT IN A SENIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORYCharles Forsberg, Hofstra University Charles H. Forsberg is an Associate Professor of Engineering at Hofstra University, where he teaches courses in computer programming and the thermal/fluids area of mechanical engineering. He received a B. S. in Mechanical Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (now Polytechnic Institute of NYU), and an M. S. in Mechanical Engineering and Ph. D. from Columbia University. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer in New York State. Page
all kinematic and dynamic parameters for an assumed constant angularvelocity of the input crank of a one-cylinder, or multi-cylinder inline, vee, opposed, or W engineconfiguration. The program provided a realistic animation of the motion and the students couldreadily appreciate the connection between the input torque at the crank and the output motion ofthe slider. The force, moment, and torque balance configurations are also calculated for anyselected engine configuration based on the chosen crankshaft phase angles, number of cylinders,and vee angle(s), as shown in Figure 4-b. Figure 4: Kinematic and dynamic analysis of the slider-crank mechanismA side-objective is to introduce the use of MathCAD as a powerful software tool
you to design a fountain. As a member of the National Fluid Power Association, he requires that one or more of the nozzles is controlled by a hydraulic system which will allow the nozzle(s) to move the water jet(s) in some sort of pattern. The water jet(s) from the movable nozzle(s) must be high enough pressure to allow for a sufficient water height. He wants this fountain to be an attraction for his customers. You will need to consider a water delivery system, filter(s), a piping system, hydraulic system, and other components for this fountain. Preliminary Reply Investigation: some (not all) considerations during the first week: What major components are needed for a fountain and
] Parker, J. M., and Canfield, S. L., 2013, "Work-in-progress: using hardware-basedprogramming experiences to enhance student learning in a senior feedback controls lecturecourse," ASEE Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.[3] Parker, J. M., Canfield, S. L., and Ghafoor, S. K., 2014, "Using hardware-basedprogramming experiences to enhance student learning in a junior-level systems modelingcourse," ASEE Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN.[4] Candelas, F., Garcia, G. J., Puente, S., Pomares, J., Jara, C. A., Pérez, J., Mira, D., andTorres, F., 2015, "Experiences on using Arduino for laboratory experiments of automatic controland robotics," IFAC-PapersOnLine, 48(29), pp. 105-110.[5] Grover, R., Krishnan, S., Shoup, T., and Khanbaghi, M., 2014, "A