experience ‚" Present a Unifying Engineering Profession Model ‚" Integrate industry speakers into the lectures ‚" Encourage multiple ways of learning - Case Studies - Group Discussions - “Hands-On Contests” - Reflection - Papers - Oral PresentationsCulminating Experience: Team Microturbine Development ProposalAll the course lectures, speakers, exercises, readings, and homework areselected and tailored to prepare the students for their final project. In thisproject, a fictitious company’s board of directors tasks the student teamsto
-freedom free and forced vibrations. In addition, theremote control of real instruments through the Internet was integrated into the vibrationlaboratory experience.Keywords: Virtual Learning Environment; Simulations; Web-based laboratory; Online LearningEnvironmentIntroductionFive categories of learning style models have been recommended in the educational literature1,2,3:sensing/intuitive, visual/verbal, inductive/deductive, active/reflective and sequential/global. Mosttextbooks and classroom teaching are intuitive, verbal, deductive, reflective and sequential, butthis environment does not meet the needs of the second-tier students who are sensing, visual,inductive, active and global learners. Engineering educators have been reshaping the
- fourthsof the programs surveyed utilized some sort of commercial software for solving equations and amajority of the respondents indicated that they required extensive use of the application insubsequent courses. Therefore, it appears that the commercial software applications had moreutility in problem solving.Genik and Somerton1 describe their work in a senior level capstone course in thermalengineering. "Among the topics covered were power system analysis, refrigeration systems,psychrometrics, combustion, heat exchangers, and numerical conduction. Though the list oftopics may seem to be a hodgepodge, it is somewhat reflective of the eclectic nature ofengineering." To combat the perception of this "hodgepodge" of subjects they designed a set
Education. 21:5, 491-508.12. Edwards, H. (1993). Mistakes and Other Classroom Techniques: An Application of Social Learning Theory. Journal of Excellence in College Teaching. 4, 49-60.13. Goodwin, S. (1997). The Effects of Error Detection Instruction on Developmental Algebra Students. Dissertation. West Virginia University.14. Socha, D., Razmov, V., and Davis, E. (2003). Teaching Reflective Skills in an Engineering Course. Proceedings of he 2003 American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition.15. Lorenzet, S., Salas, E. and Tannenbaurm, S. (2005). Benefiting from Mistakes: The Impact of Guided Errors on Learning, Performance and Self-Efficacy. Human Resource Development Quarterly. 16:3, 301
various lines change as sliding bars are moved. • This reflects changes in cells which calculate humidity ratio • The cells are color coded to correlate to the color of the associated line on the psychrometric chart • For each of these lines, the independent property is dry bulb temperature (Tdb), and the dependent property is humidity ratio, ω.o Lower part: provides an initially blank range where the cadets construct their own psychrometric chart, based on the prevailing atmospheric pressure. Figure 3 provides a view of the lower portion of the worksheet after completion. When completed, this portion of the worksheet is used in conjunction with
disadvantages of applying the three problem-solvingapproaches: experimental, theoretical, and computational. Experimental approaches can be tooexpensive or require too much lead time, and in some cases the use of experiments is not alloweddue to legal or political reasons8. Theoretical approaches may oversimplify problems byapplying invalid approximations and assumptions to make it analytically solvable. Likewise,computational approaches may inherently contain simplifications that may not reflect reality.Furthermore, computational approaches can often provide solutions that theoretical approachescannot feasibly solve, but the risk of a poor computational setup will result in poor answers. Forthis reason, software users must recognize these limitations
progress of students andmaking continuous improvements to the modules. Highlights of this data along with a summaryof the incremental changes to the modules will be presented.Introduction Reflection on the educational landscape in the US has become an increasingly commonsubject of political and household discussion as economic constraints call into question the valueand return on investment provided by higher education. While scrutinizing higher educationwhich has been central to the cultural and technological advancement of civilization solely on amonetary basis might seem irreverent or myopic, the vigorous ongoing debate on education hasundeniably spurred action and innovation. The creation of new educational technologies inresponse to
design projects, 93.6% of the students felt that the compressor project was suitable forfirst-year students and the same number felt that the walker project was suitable for first-yearstudents. The student comments reflect their enjoyment of hands-on design projects, and howmuch educational benefit they derive from them: “It was a fun, but challenging project.” “The project was challenging and time consuming but was not overly difficult.” “Fun” “It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot.” Page 22.1603.7 “Good project to get freshmen working hands on early on so they can understand problems with designs you
developing pedagogy that encourages students in reflective learning and personal self reflection in engineering classes in addition to her passion for engineering ethics and conceptual learning.Dr. Alison R. Kennicutt, York College of Pennsylvania Alison is an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at York College of Pennsylvania. She received her B.S. in Civil Engineering and her M. Eng. and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. Her research interests are in drinking water treatment of emerging contaminants and the production of disinfection byproducts. At York College, Alison loves to use hands- on exploration, both in the field and the lab, to trigger curiosity and get
oftheir own demonstration of an EM. The ABET assessment reflects student learning and the EMassessment reflects student behaviors.The ABET and EM assessments are used to address three research questions. First, are studentsmeeting ABET Student Outcome 7? Second, does the self-directed project appeal to students andresult in demonstration of student curiosity? Third, what other dimensions of an EM aredemonstrated during the self-directed project?Measurement Systems Course OrganizationThe course under consideration, EME 3653 – Measurement Systems, was created as a third-year(i.e., junior-level) required course for students enrolled in the LTU BSME program.Measurement Systems was developed with two prerequisites (Differential Equations and Circuits
studentssketch during design, even when they are taught to do so.Robertson et al.[14] studied the impact of CAD use on creativity as self-reported by 200professionals and identified four relevant phenomena. The first is an increased ability tocommunicate concepts and create shared visual understanding via the CAD model. Theremaining phenomena are less positive: circumscribed (or limited) thinking; premature solutionfixation, and bounded ideation. The Robertson work included a small focus group of recentgraduates leading them to reflect on CAD usage in education vs. in industry. Along with thepositive benefits of CAD skills (e.g. improved communication, ability to use current tools);negative effects included an unrealistic belief in the accuracy of CAD
enable understanding of the effects of individual types of forces. Figure 3. Diagram of an atomic force 2.2 Physics of AFM Imaging and Force microscope system that uses the Spectroscopy ‘optical lever’ approach to detect cantilever deflection. A laser is used to The concept and physics upon which AFM is reflect light off of the back of the based is relatively simple. Essentially, a tiny cantilever that is in contact with the probe in the form of a microscale cantilever beam surface. (typically 100-200 um long, 20-30 um wide, and1-3 um thick), with a sharp tip (radius < 10 nm) located at its distal end, is used to
Variable Argument 2 Argument 1 Fluid Argument 1 Underscore Name Argument 2 NameFigure 1. Scheme for Naming Property FunctionsThe functions were constructed to reflect and reinforce how property information is provided intraditional property tables. Functions are provided for the saturation pressure based ontemperature and for the saturation temperature based on pressure. Saturated liquid and saturatedvapor functions are provided for specific volume (v), specific internal energy (u), specificenthalpy (h), and specific entropy (s) based on either temperature or pressure. Functions for v, u,h, and s of saturated
engineering educators to develop teaching models andactivities to promote using problem decomposition and recomposition in engineering educationon the basis that professional engineers use more decomposition/recomposition that studentscurrently do.AcknowledgementsThis material is based partially upon work supported by Utah State University during Dr Song’sPhD candidature. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of that institution. Partof this material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No.EEC- 1463873. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the
Q insulation=3,623 kJwhich is a rather large number compared to the other heat sources considered above. Uponfurther reflection, one should realize that even when the refrigerator is unused, as long as it isplugged in, it will consume electricity (i.e., compressor will run) throughout the day and night,and imperfect insulation is, largely, to blame.Others: All other heat source contributions may be lumped into an arbitrary constant without theneed for in-depth analysis. For simplicity, it is assumed zero.Putting everything together, rounding up to the nearest integer, the actual COP is Q c Q food +Q opening+Qinsulation+Qothers 898+10+3623 4531 COP actual
Paper ID #23465Faculty Perceptions of the Teaching and Learning Experience in Fundamen-tal Mechanical Engineering CoursesMs. Michelle Soledad, Virginia Tech, Ateneo de Davao University Michelle Soledad is a PhD candidate in the Department of Engineering Education at Virginia Tech. Her research interests include faculty development and data-informed reflective practice. Ms. Soledad has degrees in Electrical Engineering (BS, ME) from the Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU) in Davao City, Philippines, where she continues to be a faculty member of the Electrical Engineering Department. She also served as Department Chair and was
, homework, reports, and practical applications onthe job. By calling them practice sessions and tying them in with lectures, homework, andmultiple weeks of overarching topics based on a scenario, we have tried to make the sessions feellike less of a class and more of a “practice for after you graduate” atmosphere which stresses thatthe skills and experience will be useful later and reflective of what engineers do after graduation.A set of learning goals, split into 9 subcategories, was set up for all four courses anddistributed/grouped over the courses so it would match with the course content covered andtechnical skills learned to date. The MEP-1 course takes place in the first semester of thesophomore year and Statics is a pre-requisite or co
technologythat uses highly concentrated solar radiation as a source of process heat at temperatures in excessof 900 °C. The major components of the solar furnace are a heliostat, louvers, concentrator,reactor table, and associated controls and instrumentation. The heliostat, which holds 36 m2 ofsolar mirrors, is located in front of the main building. It rotates on two axes to track the sun,reflecting sunlight into the building which houses the remaining furnace components. Note thatthe glass door, shown extended in Fig. 1, is lifted out of the path of the reflected beam duringfurnace operation. The louvers, an assembly of rotatable panels comparable to venetian blinds,regulate the furnace power level by attenuating some of the light reflected from the
more if briefactivities are introduced into lectures. Felder3 makes broad recommendations on howengineering teaching can be improved. Felder and Silverman4 argue that though students allhave different learning styles, and a small number of techniques can meet the needs of moststudents. They recommend using material that emphasizes practical problem solving andfundamental understanding. They also discuss the importance of reflective learning (along withactive learning). The author’s initial vision was to bring a can crusher to class and let thestudents answer some questions about mechanical advantage, thus extending familiar contentfrom their Statics course (drawing free-body diagrams, balancing forces and moments) to an ideathat was brand new
of performance indicators isthat, collectively, they span all competencies suggested by either the SO or any relevantdefinitions in the Criteria.The second observation applies to programs in transition from the former (pre-2019) SO a-k tothe current SO 1-7. ABET/EAC revised the SO’s and definitions in the new Criteria with intent,so simply “mapping” existing SO a-k performance indicators to the new SO 1-7 may not yieldthe best result. Indeed, it is a valuable exercise for the SO committee to “start fresh” and deviseperformance indicators that specifically integrate the new language of the Criteria, because thisactivity will compel the committee to collectively reflect on the implications of the SO and itsattendant implied competencies.The
these puzzles has had demonstrated success in student learning yet twochallenges remain. The first challenge is to develop robust puzzles that revealmisconceptions. The second is to find enough colleagues to critically assess thework. The project recently received additional NSF funding (DUE-0618861) and* This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.DUE-0618861. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. Page 12.37.3† The student confessed this long after the
especially important in an engineer'seducation where time is critical and the direct reflection of the importance of elements in theeducational system must be clearly understood by the student. Page 24.682.3The required courses of the typical engineer offer little room for flexibility. By the junior andsenior years, students are fairly programmed into set schedules. Engineers, then, must beprovided with something that will give them the skills to produce the text needed to survive inthe real world and do it in a manner that requires the least amount of superfluous effort.Supplying large numbers of writing courses will not improve the situation
. Then, in broader consideration of WI programs, we consider questions of control andauthority that are latent in any WAC collaboration.Table 1 provides a sampling of the structure of engineering communication programs across thecountry. Not shown in Table 1 is the typical freshman English course, which all students take.Also not reflected are the nuances on technical communication courses and writing intensivecourses that engineering students take.EC 2000 and the Development of WI and General Skills Programs. Although we areprimarily interested in communication instruction, it is important to remember that ABET’sevaluation criteria have come to embrace a number of non-technical skills since EC2000 wasintroduced. Siller’s description of Colorado
in traditionallearning environments are not always effective in the new settings9. To facilitate self-regulatedlearning in students, the assessment therefore has to be formative and promote continuedimprovement in student performance in addition to assisting students to reflect on their ownlearning during the assessment exercises.Research suggests that there is a connection between motivation and SRL. Students must havemotivation to use the SRL strategies and regulate their learning efforts. The instructional strategyin a recent study by Shih et al.10addressed three motivational components from Pintrich’s11model for promoting use of SRL. Shih et al. delivered these motivational strategies to studentsthrough lecture that consisted of
complex engineering problems.Apart from the core components highlighted above, there is also considerable ongoingexperimentation within the PMFC with other pedagogy-driven instructional elements. Theseinclude: Using the Index of Learning Styles (ILS)4-6 to categorize learning style preferences and tailor information delivery. The ILS is a relatively simple measure of how students prefer to receive information. The survey divides learning style preferences into four domains with opposing descriptors, visual-verbal, active-reflective, sensory-intuitive, and sequential-global. Using these domains, it has been established that students tend to prefer visual, active, and sensory modes, despite the fact
calculations in order to get computation timedown to a reasonable level. From the experiments the wave number was determined to be1 = 3.8 which is 43% higher than in the simulations. However, the simulations reflect thegeneral roll cell patterns observed in the experiments. The students have learned through thisprocess that it sometimes can be difficult to get good agreement between experimental andsimulated results.AssessmentThere were ten students enrolled in the ME 433 Heat Transfer course. Two projects were givenwith five students in each project. Each student had to write an individual project report at thetime of the completion of the project. The project contributed to ten percent of the final grade inthe course. One of the projects has been
mechanical engineering offers, how the courses interrelate and how the material they’llbe learning will be reflected in future jobs. This paper will examine the workings of auser-driven, multi-modal program that attacks these issues in a combination of ways.3 Brief history and motivationYear after year the first author has heard similar questions. Questions such as “What coursesshould I take?” “I’m interested in becoming an automotive engineer - what electives wouldbe most relevant?” “The syllabus for ME 104 lists orbital mechanics. Why should I careabout this?” “What sort of jobs are there for someone who minors in vibrations?”These examples are typical of students who’ve already, for one reason or another, haveentered the mechanical engineering
. Page 11.479.9VI. AcknowledgementSome of the work presented herein was partially funded by the NSF Engineering EducationDivision Grant EEC-0314875 entitled “Multi-Semester Interwoven Project for Teaching BasicCore STEM Material Critical for Solving Dynamic Systems Problems”. Any opinions, findings,and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and donot necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation The authors are gratefulfor the support obtained from NSF to further engineering education.VI Bibliography1 Higley,K.A., Marianno,C.M., “Making Engineering Education Fun”, Journal of Engineering Education, Vol 90, No. 1, pp105-107, January 20012 Knight,C.V., McDonald,G.H
through the use of commercial finite element method(FEM) software and 3D printers have become common tools to reverse engineer and developlighter products in the industry. Reverse engineering is a process in which the starting point ofa new design starts with an existing design [1]. These tools were incorporated into a designcourse in a Mechanical Engineering program to design and validate a lighter version of abracket.3D Laser scanners are used to obtain the geometry of existing parts determining the position ofa scanned area by sensing the reflection of a laser on a surface taking into account the period ofreturn of the light ray and the angle of impact [2]. The points obtained during the scanningprocess are used to form surfaces that can be
to be increasingly skilled at adaptation, analyzingcomplex systems, collaboration, and management. Duderstadt’s “Engineering for a ChangingWorld” argues that American engineers need to be able to add more value than their internationalcompetition who earn lower wages; to remain competitive, American engineers should be morebroadly-educated, innovative, entrepreneurial, and prepared for global challenges [7].Recognizing the difficulties in attracting young people—especially women and members ofunderrepresented minority groups—the NAE Committee on Public Understanding of EngineeringMessages developed a positioning statement for the profession focusing on creativity and helpingpeople; naturally, ME curriculum will need to change to reflect