Jenna L. Gorlewicz received her B.S. in mechanical engineering from Southern Illinois University Ed- wardsville in 2008, before pursuing her PhD in mechanical engineering at Vanderbilt University, where she worked in the Medical and Electromechanical DesignDr. Sridhar S. Condoor, Saint Louis University Professor with a demonstrated history of working in the design innovation and technology entrepreneur- ship areas. Skilled in Innovation Management, Applied Research & Product Design, Entrepreneurship, and Training Next Generation Innovators and Entrepreneurs. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023The HapConnect: Teaching about Haptics and Inclusive Design with Modular
tothe vital nature of the Statics course itself to education for future engineers, it was beneficial toprepare a systematic review, providing an objective summary of the current research landscapeof Statics interventions.Categorization of Course InterventionThe intervention categories we considered fall under a set of three intervention frameworks:Harackiewicz and Prinski (2018)’s motivational interventions, Donker et al. (2014)’s learningstrategy interventions, and Borrego et al. (2013)’s practice and/or research-based instructionalstrategy (PRBIS) interventions.Harackiewicz and Prinski (2018) revised and evaluated psychology-driven interventionspresented two decades before its publication. It condensed the research landscape up until
theyare more capable of performing a task. In this vein, constructive feedback plays a crucial role indeveloping strong self-efficacy beliefs. The fourth source of self-efficacy beliefs is emotionalarousal. Emotional arousal, that happens during challenging situations, can also help peopleinform themselves of their expectations of self-efficacy. High levels of emotional arousal canhamper an individual’s performance by increasing anxiety and stress.3. Research Question(s)This type of research, called sequential explanatory mixed-methods research, is practical in itsapproach. The research questions play a crucial role in guiding and shaping the entire process,including choosing the research design, determining the sample size, and selecting
educational technology to plan, prepare, and deliver robotics lessons tofifth graders at a local school. The meeting times for the two courses were scheduled to overlapfor 75 minutes a week, allowing the engineering and education students to work collaborativelyduring multiple class sessions. Each team comprised one or two engineering student(s), onepreservice teacher, and one or two fifth grader(s). The teams engaged in the followingcollaborative activities over the course of the semester: ● Training phase. The first two collaborative sessions involved engineering students and preservice teachers meeting in a classroom on campus and partnering in teams to: ○ train with the Hummingbird BitTM hardware (e.g. sensors, servo motors) and
Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA standard. Recentwork [1] developed accessibility standards for textually describing images, figures, graphs,animations, and other visual elements for a series of interactive web native mechanicalengineering textbooks [22]-[23]. These new standards include: (i) alt text that balances precisionwith conciseness; (ii) structuring alt text to initially capture key information, then incrementallyadding in finer details; (iii) well-defined procedures for describing specific, yet common visualelements (e.g., phase diagrams, phase transformation plots, T-s and p-v diagrams, andtime-response plots); and (iv) alt text for animated visual elements that fully describe all dynamicprocesses and intermediate movements. Conveying
change (reverse scored) 32. I like to work on problems that have clear solutions (reverse scored) 33. I prefer tasks that are well-defined (reverse scored) 34. I tend not to do something when I am unsure of the outcome (reverse scored)Aim and SignificanceThis research demonstrates the implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Statics andDynamics courses within the Mechanical Engineering program, typically taught during freshmanand junior years, respectively. The primary purpose of this endeavor is to address the challengesencountered by students in their initial year of engineering studies. Condoor, S., et al. [8],highlighted the difficulties students encounter when embarking on the Statics course, often the firstengineering
) levels to ensure that every student seeking anengineering degree is afforded the necessary support systems to complete degree requirements.Future WorkFuture work of this study includes associating the impact of grades with the socioeconomic factorsidentified by Bandura which include racial gaps, school sector, school environment, and familyconditions. A survey was created and administered in the Fall of 2022 with a cohort of studentsenrolled in a Rigid Dynamics course. Specifically, students were asked about the non-academicfactors that affect their academic performance such as family responsibilities, employment, andfinancial issues. The data is under review, and more will be collected in the Spring 2023.REFERENCES[1] Abdi, H. M., Bageri, S
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in 2006. Matthew received his doctorate from Clemson University in 2011 in Mechanical Engineering, focused primarily on automotive contDr. Sean Tolman P.E., Utah Valley University Sean S. Tolman is an Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Program at Utah Valley University in Orem, UT. He earned his BSME degree at Brigham Young University in 2002 and a MSME degree from the University of Utah in 2008 before returning toAmanda C Bordelon, Utah Valley University Amanda Bordelon, PhD, P.E. joined Utah Valley University’s faculty in the new Civil Engineering program in August 2018. She has all of her degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering emphasized in
tosynthesize knowledge across multiple domains, modes of inquiry, historical periods, andperspectives, as well as the ability to identify linkages between existing knowledge and newinformation. Individuals who engage in integrative thinking are able to transfer knowledgewithin and beyond their current contexts. We collected two things to assess the above objectivesbroadly for the University: 1. Student scores on the element(s) of the assignment aligned with integrative thinking (scored using the rubric developed in collaboration with faculty teaching integrative thinking courses provided in Appendix A). 2. Students’ perceptions of their own integrative thinking skills collected via a survey administered by OPA later in the
utilized to tackle thisever-growing issue due to its ability learn and classify complex data. AI can be described as twomain subfields: machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL). ML leverages labeled data tobuild models for predicting labels on unlabeled data. DL relies on extensive unlabeled datasets touncover underlying patterns within the dataset. On the other hand, knowledge-based modelingand simulation (M&S) techniques utilize known models to generate data for the analysis of newand existing designs. M&S works well for simple systems but becomes increasingly difficult formore complex systems. The difficulty comes from the uncertainties associated with each addedvariable being modeled. To bridge the gap between AI and M&S, the
, reflectionassignments could be updated to urge students to reflect more on how the service learning andinterdisciplinary components affected their overall performance in the project and the requisitecontent knowledge that came from the project.Future studies can examine students’ motivations regarding interdisciplinary projects and howthey relate to teamwork effectiveness. Future work can also examine the effects of theinterdisciplinary project on the students’ teamwork effectiveness skills over the course of severalsemesters.AcknowledgmentThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants#1821658 and #1908743. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s
/s and moves it through the front nozzle. If there is 1 kg/s of air brought in and the air moves at a rate of 10 m/s of air brought in and the air moves at a rate of 10 m/s through the nozzle, how much energy is required to through the nozzle, how much energy is required to run run the fan? It can be assumed that you are holding the the fan? It can be assumed that you are holding the dryer horizontally, and atmospheric pressure occurs dryer horizontally, and atmospheric pressure occurs throughout. throughout. 4. If you wanted to increase the speed of the air exiting 5. If you wanted to increase the speed of the air exiting the hair dryer, how would you change the
their perspectives on the project.“I feel like it’s valuable because it really gets you to work with those who you think you’d neverwork with. Although, working with an education student has shown me ways that an engineerlike myself would have never done. I think working with such different people is good because itshows how these two different professions can work together even though they know little tonothing about each other’s majors.”Acknowledgment This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrants #1821658 and #1908743. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science
textbooks?” LIBER Q. vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 1–19, 2019.[2] R. S. Jhangiani, and S. Jhangiani, “Investigating the perceptions, use, and impact of open textbooks: A survey of post-secondary students in British Columbia,” Int. Rev. Res. Open Distrib. Learn. vol. 18, no. 4, Jun. 2017.[3] H. Delgado, M. Delgado, and J. Hilton III, “On the efficacy of open educational resources: Parametric and nonparametric analyses of a university calculus class,” Int. Rev. Res. Open Distrib. Learn. vol. 20, no. 1, Feb. 2019.[4] C. Cooney, “What impacts do oer have on students? Students share their experiences with a
. In the upcoming study, one of two prompts (anequation or a worked example relating to centroids and their calculation) will be provided infuture think aloud interviews to determine which prompt improves student problem solvingsuccess.AcknowledgementsSupport for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation under Award No.2301341. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. Research work was conducted under institutional IRB protocols, IRB#1965654.References1. ABET, “Criteria for Accrediting Engineering Programs, 2020 – 2021 | ABET,” ABET, 2021.
by the initial interview protocol. Future work on this study will involve analysis of theexit interview to capture the full experience of the participants and assess the impact of the year-long research experience.References[1] J. Gentile, K. Brenner, and A. Stephens, Eds., Undergraduate Research Experiences for STEM Students: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2017. doi: 10.17226/24622.[2] A. L. Zydney, J. S. Bennett, A. Shahid, and K. W. Bauer, “Impact of Undergraduate Research Experience in Engineering,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 151–157, 2002, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2002.tb00687.x.[3] Z. Ahmad and N. J. Al-Thani, “Undergraduate Research Experience Models: A
for bringing deep and complex insights into fields - but relies onthe capacity for reflexivity and connection of their reflection on experience to a field’s existing knowledgebase [22]. It is not, nor is it meant to be immediately generalizable - acknowledging and leveraging itsgrounding in one’s own experience to garner unique insights.Facilitated, sometimes called collaborative, autoethnography is a version of autoethnography in which theprocess is supported by someone with either/both expertise in ethnographic research or research in thefield in question [14], [15]. In facilitated autoethnography, the outside researchers (usually calledfacilitators) and participant(s) (participant-researchers) interact to aid in the elicitation of
depend on the flow type. The current problem is transient, incompressible, laminar, and isothermal flow whose physics is governed by Eq. (1) and (2). Also the fluid properties (density and viscosity), initial conditions (the initial velocity field of a fluid domain), and boundary conditions need to be prescribed. The boundary conditions used for the current problem are given in Fig. 4. The velocity of 2.8 × 10−4 m/s at the inlet and zero velocity at the cylinder surface were assigned. The slip condition was used at the top and bottom of the domain and zero stress was assigned to the outflow. Figure 4: Boundary conditions• Step 4. Discretize the governing equations to obtain solutions. In FEM, the governing
, withone phase finished by one group and handed off to another group for continuation. Students thenprepare a brief written proposal, and a memorandum of understanding (MOU) is signed by boththe faculty advisor(s) and student(s). A second one-credit course is taken in the spring semester of the junior year when studentsdo a deeper dive into the relevant literature, develop a detailed plan for executing the projectduring their senior year, and prepare a poster on their project that is presented at a symposium.Two faculty members co-taught this course, with the symposium poster and written proposalcounting for 50 percent of their grade. This grade is given by the faculty advisor(s) who havesigned the MOU with students. In the senior year
with students to better understand how the seminar influenced theirperceptions and what other activities or experiences also contribute to those changes as well.References[1] S. Condoor, "Importance of teaching the history of technology," IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, vol. 1, pp. T2G7-T2G-10, 2004.[2] K. C. D'Alessandro, M. K. Swenty and W. N. Collins, "Integrating History into Engineering Curriculum," American Society for Engineering Education - Southeast Section, pp. 1-7, 2014.[3] N. Dabbagh and D. A. Menascé, "Student perceptions of engineering entrepreneurship: An exploratory study," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 95, no. 2, pp. 153-164, 2006.[4] M. Davis, "Defining “Engineer:" How To Do It and Why It Matters
3. Students submit first two assignments 3rd year (Individual) (ME) semester) as part of a design team and submit 4. Revision of Design Proposal last two assignments as individuals (Individual) 4. Seven senior ME mentors help cri que dra s and mark submissions*Assignment with heaviest
the end, she changes her system to match what theproblem is suggesting, without going back and adjusting her understanding of the physicalsystem.The specific wording she uses during this transition is also significant. The student talks aboutwhat she “can’t” do or what she “should” do in reference to information the problem provides.The problem itself is referred to as both “it” and “they”, demonstrating the fuzziness of theboundary between problem and creator(s).DiscussionIn this moment, the student is using the intentional stance to view the problem as an epistemicagent in the problem solving process. There is full dialogue and shared agency between the twointerlocutors. One represents the student; she is attempting to engage with the
/education-oer/ (accessed Feb. 09, 2023).[3] N. B. Colvard, C. E. Watson, and H. Park, “The Impact of Open Educational Resources on Various Student Success Metrics,” International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 262–276, 2018.[4] B. Khan, C. Robbins, and A. Okrent, “The State of U.S. Science and Engineering 2020 | National Science Foundation,” 2020. Accessed: Feb. 09, 2023. [Online]. Available:[5] E. Litzler and J. Young, “Understanding the Risk of Attrition in Undergraduate Engineering: Results from the Project to Assess Climate in Engineering,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 101, no. 2, pp. 319–345, 2012, doi: 10.1002/j.2168
platform also invites learners to engagewith the material through conversation threads, providing valuable feedback for the author(s). This uniquetool encourages student agency and creativity in the classroom by inviting them to weave theirexperiences, understandings of sustainability issues, and acquired knowledge into a story. As described inan article online, the platform (accessible here: is continuously growing withsupport from multiple NSF grants [10]. Figure 1. Locations of case studies authored on Gala. ( study was piloted in a graduate-level engineering class at the university called Fundamentals ofRenewable Energy Processes and Electrochemical Storage. The final project
offers immersive experiences that can further enhancestudents' comprehension and retention of complex material science concepts.In summary, the development of animated visual aids represents a step towards addressing thevisualization challenges in materials science education. By leveraging emerging technologies andcontinuous assessment, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of dislocations and their role inmaterial behavior, ultimately enriching the learning experience for students.References[1] R. A. Streveler, T. A. Litzinger, R. L. Miller, and P. S. Steif, “Learning Conceptual Knowledge in the Engineering Sciences: Overview and Future Research Directions,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 97, no. 3, pp. 279–294, Jul
AnnualConference & Exposition, Baltimore , Maryland.[3] Andrade, N., & Smela, E., & Nguyen, V., & Bigio, D., & Egyen-Davis, A., & Nganjo,D. (2022, August), Environmentally and Socially Responsible Engineering - AssessingStudent Empowerment Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference &Exposition, Minneapolis, MN.[4] S. Hoffmann, I. Hua, E. Blatchley, and L. Nies, "Integrating sustainability into coursesacross the engineering curriculum: a faculty workshop model," in ASEE Ann. Conf.Expo, Louisville, KY, Jun 20-23 2010, pp. AC 2010-1802, 15.773.1, doi:DOI:10.18260/1-2--16732.[5] A. L. Welker, V. Smith, S. Shrestha, and K. M. Sample-Lord
, social factors) could draw attention tothis important topic. This is particularly relevant for required courses such as thermodynamics,materials, and manufacturing. Institutions might alternatively offer a number of elective courseswith a strong sustainability focus, such as renewable energy and/or sustainable development.These courses could form a concentration within mechanical engineering. Making sustainabilitycommitments readily apparent on the ME program website could help attract prospectivestudents, including women and underrepresented minorities. Encountering genuinesustainability-related content in their courses could help motivate and retain these students.References[1] S. Vinodh, K. Jayakrishna, and K.E.K. Vimal, “Sustainability in
," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 205-210, 2004.[2] R. Taraban, "Information Fluency Growth Through Engineering Curricula: Analysis of Students' Text‐Processing Skills and Beliefs," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 100, no. 2, pp. 397-416, 2011.[3] C. M. Campbell and A. F. Cabrera, "Making the mark: Are grades and deep learning related?," Research in Higher Education, vol. 55, pp. 494-507, 2014.[4] C. Habibi, A. S. R. Roti, and M. Alaei, "Are Solution Manuals Detrimental to Student Learning?," in 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2015, pp. 26.231. 1-26.231. 14.[5] I. Olwi, "An active learning fluid mechanics course based on outcomes assessment," in 2006 Annual
Alberto Ledesma Villalba. "Digital twins in civil and environmental engineering classrooms." In EUCEET 2018: 4th International Conference on Civil Engineering Education: Challenges for the Third Millennium, pp. 1-10. International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 2018.23. Kinsner, Witold. "Digital twins for personalized education and lifelong learning." In 2021 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2021.24. Baranov, V. N., A. I. Bezrukikh, I. L. Konstantinov, E. A. Rudnitsky, N. S. Solopeko, and Yu V. Baykovskiy. "Digital twin application in teaching students majoring in metallurgical engineering." Vysshee Obrazovanie v Rossii= Higher Education in Russia 31
. The76 authors believe this semi-private exchange between two peers results in better understanding of77 the topic. Some students have expressed that they felt more confident asking seemingly trivial78 questions from a classmate whom they had felt comfortable to take the quiz with. To facilitate a79 productive discussion the instructor frequently checks the progress of the teams and provides80 feedback. S/he then uses the remaining 20 minutes of the class time to solve and explain the81 problem, and the quiz grade is awarded to all who participate in the discussion, regardless of the82 correctness of their submissions. A student who participated in a similar quiz format in a83 different mechanical engineering courses