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. Posting immediately maximizes the time for a tutor to post a solution, and since mostsolutions were put up within an hour, the cheater(s) have time to read the solution and copy it ontheir exam if they chose.An exam window shorter than the 2 hours allowed in this class may be a way to reduce theeffectiveness of cheating seen here. Shorter exam windows would give less time for solutions tobe posted, and less time for students to look for and copy those solutions. Exams could also betimed on a per-problem basis with no opportunity to return to previous questions. This woulddecrease the window for Chegg to provide a useful response. Another way to minimize theeffectiveness of this cheating could include exams with only longer problems. The
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on areas that theywere weak in based on performance on previous problems. Our hope was that this would helpdirect students’ study habits and improve overall learning. Also, for this semester the number ofin class quizzes was further reduced, with 4 quizzes for statics and 2 for dynamics. Also thestatics exam was given over 2 class periods, as a common time for both sections of students wasnot available due to the students’ schedules. Table 1: Description of courses included in the study ID Assessment Term Class Period Instructor(s) N* Homework Fall 2013 TR 8:00-10:45am A&B 37 TH Homework Spring 2014 TR 8
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including required diagrams and figures Competency Incorrect answer due to one or two minor errors II 80% but supported by a correct solution process as described in Level I Does Not Meet Minimum III 0% Incorrect answer due to conceptual error(s) CompetencyIn Level II scores described in Table 1, there are two necessary conditions for classifying an erroras minor: 1. The mistake is a minor algebraic error, computational error, error in units or significant digits, or other human mistake such as misreading a value in the problem statement. 2. If the identified error had not
grade. Students,however, will be quizzed on a weekly basis to check their learning performance and the quizzesaccount for 30% of the final grade.Let us use a particle kinetics problem as an example to explain how this problem is presented tostudents as different assignments. Table 4 An example of different types of assignment on KD. Problem Statement: The smooth 2-kg cylinder 𝐶 has a pin 𝑃 through its center which passes through the slot in arm 𝑂𝐴. If the arm is forced to rotate in the vertical plane at a constant rate 𝜃̇ = 0.5 rad/s, determine the force that the arm exerts on the peg at the instant 𝜃 = 60∘ [1]. Online Assignment Choose a coordinate system for the problem. (Assigned
prerequisite for ENER 340. ENER 240 covers single-variable calculus and particle dynamics. For example, ENER 240 covers (i) trajectory ofa particle moving in air under gravitational force and (ii) friction force. ENER 240 shouldprovide the students with an opportunity to review applied mechanics course(s) they hadtaken in their two-year diploma programs. Both ENER 240 and 340 are designed with theidea that polytechnic students would be able to learn mathematics better if they are alsolearning simultaneously their applications.ENER 340 is delivered in 6 weeks during the Summer term, and each week has 6 hoursof lectures and 6 hours of tutorials. The course load per week (pacing) is twice as that inregular Fall (September-December) or Winter (January
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solving strategies. Our initial results haveshown that these prompts could direct students’ attention to governing principles instead ofguessing equations. Future research should collect more data to explore how scaffolding throughquestion prompts affects students’ learning. Future work should also investigate the design ofquestion prompts and the effect on learners with different background. As the ultimate goal ofscaffolding is to achieve independent learning, research should be conducted to find out whenscaffolding can be removed.References[1] A. S. Luchins, “Mechanization in problem solving: The effect of Einstellung.,”Psychological monographs, vol. 54, no. 6, p. i, 1942.[2] K. Miller, “Einstellung rigidity, intelligence and teaching
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