the criminal justice system. Dr. Barringer has been PI or co-PI on grants in excess of one million dollars. He is truly committed to the area of diversity and all of its associated benefits. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2017 A Case Study on Moving the STEM Fence: Exposing STEM to Minority Youth Who are Oftentimes Not Aware of Such OpportunitiesAbstractFlorida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) in partnership with the NAACP of Collier County hosteda two-week, on-campus, STEM camp during summer(s) 2014, 2015, and 2016. The programobjectives were to improve students’ skills in mathematics; expose students to real-world mathand its application in related career fields; increase the
. Combined with Oregon and Idaho, the Northwest is home to approximately 170,000(6.8%) of the nation‟s federally-enrolled tribal members3.African Americans, Hispanics and Alaska Indians/American Natives (AI/AN) together onlyaccount for 11.3% of the science, engineering, technology and math (STEM) workforce4 outsideof universities, but make up 29% of the population5. From 2000-2020, the non-Hispanic laborforce will grow by 9%, while the Hispanic labor force will grow by 77%6. Tremendous disparitystill exists in the educational achievements of adults from different ethnic groups (Table 1),suggesting that the changing demographics will create a significant workforce problem in STEMfields in the future. For example, over 41% of Hispanic students never
PAESMEM scholars’ valued mentoring practices, thepresent study has generated recommendations for mentors seeking to advance their mentees’efforts in STEM fields. Mainly, mentors should attempt to establish a caring and respectfulrelationship with the mentee. Mentors should also carefully balance the level of structure presentin the relationship so as to allow the protégé to maintain independence while still encouragingtheir success. More specific suggestions will require additional research to be performed on thepractices utilized by PAESMEM recipients.Bibliography1. Mueller, S. (2004). Electronic mentoring as an example for the use of information and communications technology in engineering education. European Journal of Engineering
are truly underrepresented, what efforts are being made to correct the phenomenon? Dowomen in science and engineering reach the top in their fields? If not, why? For the purpose ofthis paper, women in academia and in the industry will be the focus.I. IntroductionThe statistics of education show that women outnumber men in college enrollment. Womenrepresents sixty percent of the undergraduate population and in 2001-2002, women earned moredoctorates in the United States than men. However, women are underrepresented in science andengineering (S&E) fields. Science and engineering education in the United States has a genderedhistory. In a study for the National Science Foundation, Jon Miller1found that while 9 percent ofadult men are
graduate student mentors and SURE participants is a vitalaspect of establishing strong mentoring relationships. During the 2005 SURE programthe SURE Program Coordinator was solely responsible for the pairing of studentparticipants with graduate student mentors. However, in the 2006 SURE program,graduate student mentors were given the opportunity to select student participants tomentor. Selection was based upon evaluation of a list that included the studentparticipant’s home school, hometown, research area, and faculty advisor. A maximum oftwo and a minimum of one SURE participant(s) were given to each graduate mentor.Graduate student mentor opinions were solicited in the 2006 SURE program. Thisincreased participation in program activities amongst
that affords different levels of analysis that can be used to triangulatefindings. By doing so, the validity and reliability of the recommendations and implications canbe strengthened through maximum information and perspective, corroboration of data, andreduction of bias [18, 19]. Such methods might be used to clarify complex social, cultural, and/orpolitical phenomena [20] such as the lack of diversity in particular engineering fields.References[1] S. Cheryan, S. A. Ziegler, A. K. Montoya, and L. Jiang, “Why are some STEM fields moregender balanced than others?” Psychol Bull, vol.143, no.1, pp.1-135, Jan. 2017.[2] C. E. Foor, S. E. Walden. and D. A. Trytten, “I wish that I belonged more in this wholeengineering group: Achieving individual
as an Assistant Professor.Dr. Anidza Valent´ın-Rodr´ıguez, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus c American Society for Engineering Education, 2020 Success Expectations of Low-Income Academically Talented Students in Engineering - A Preliminary Study at a Hispanic- Serving InstitutionIntroductionThis paper describes findings on interviews conducted with Hispanic engineering studentsinterested in participating in an S-STEM fellowship program at the University of Puerto Rico,Mayagüez Campus (UPRM). The program seeks to increase the retention, persistence, andsuccess of Low-Income Academically Talented Students (LIATS) at the College of Engineering(CoE). The
a study to examine the factors that impact theproduction of African American Ph.D.’s in engineering, as well as those factors that affectthe pathway to tenured faculty positions in engineering. Their findings have highlightedthe need to discuss race and gender and its impact on developing a more diverseengineering workforce [1-4].References[1] E. O. McGee, W. H. Robinson, L. C. Bentley, and S. L. Houston II, "Diversity stalled: Explorations into the stagnant numbers of African American engineering faculty," in ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA, 2015.[2] W. H. Robinson, E. O. McGee, L. C. Bentley, S. L. Houston II, P. K. Botchway, and R. Roy, "Racial and gendered experiences that dissuade a
Postsecondary Research., Bloomington, 2007.[2] S. H. Russell, M. P. Hancock and J. McCullough, "Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experiences," Science, vol. 316, no. 5824, pp. 548-549, 2007.[3] A. L. Zydney, J. S. Bennett, A. Shahid and K. W. Bauer, "Impact of Undergraduate Research Experience in Engineering," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 91, no. 2, pp. 151 - 157, 2002.[4] R. S. Hathaway, B. A. Nagda and S. R. Gregerman, "The Relationship of Undergraduate Research Participation to Graduate and Professional Education Pursuit: An Empirical Study," Journal of College Student Development, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 614-631, 2002.[5] B. A. Nagda, S. R. Gregorman, J. Jonides, W. v. Hippel and J. S. Lerner, "Undergraduate
engineering studentparticipation but the association with success outcomes for non-Black student members is also afuture area of interest. Additional insights into quantitative relationships can be gained by graded categorizationof NSBE membership that accounts for factors such as number of years of involvement, whenthey first joined the organization (e.g. freshman vs later years), level of involvement, and otherstudent success outcomes (e.g. GPA). Exploring how and why particular associations exist canalso be supported by more rigorous qualitative explorations of NSBE members decisions topersist or leave engineering and/or the organization and what unique role NSBE played in thesedecisions.References[1] D. E. Chubin, G. S. May, and E. Babco
). The latter resource provided disaggregated information regardingparental education, occupation, GRE and College GPA of doctoral engineering students and acomparison with science and math students. Zavala (2003) pointed out the diversity of the Hispanics/Latinos, for example “PuertoRicans are about 10 percent of all Latinos but make up 29 percent of the Latino Ph.D.’s” (p.189). Furthermore, based on a Pew Hispanic Center report, Friedrich and Cabrera (2012) andCrisp and Nora (2006) state that “Cuban students are the only Hispanic group who areperforming on par with white students, while Mexicans, the largest Latino group in the nation,tend to have lower achievement than other Hispanics” (p. 8). In consequence, thismisrepresentation is a
that gives a review of electro-magnetics, transmission line theory, s-parameters and two-port network analysis, and impedance matching. The second semester courseoffered in the spring is EEGR 444, Specialized Topics in Microwaves, builds upon EEGR 443and includes topics related to design methodologies on filters and amplifiers. These courses areprerequisites for advanced graduate coursework in RF Microwaves. Prior to 2008, the Department’s microwave courses offered had no laboratory componentto complement the theoretical understanding of concepts taught in the course lecture. As a result,students were not actively engaged in the learning process nor motivated to enroll in subsequentmicrowaves courses. Therefore, because they were not
. Page 24.899.10Bibliography1 National Science Foundation, N. S. B. Science and Engineering Indicators: Digest 2012. NSB 12-02. (National Science Foundation, 2012).2 Olson, S. & Riordan, D. G. Engage to Excel: Producing One Million Additional College Graduates with Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Report to the President. Executive Office of the President (2012).3 National Science Foundation, N. C. f. S. a. E. S. Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering: 2013. Special Report NSF 13-304. Arlington, VA. Available at (2013).4 Seymour, E. & Hewitt, N. M. Talking about leaving : why undergraduates leave
on their specific andgeneral experiences. Onesection of the semi-structured interview that will be of focus in this particular study askedparticipants to describe and rate the value placed on specific social support. On a 10-pointLikert scale ranging from 1-10, participants are asked to rate the value placed on theeducational and career support from family, classmates, friends, and engineering faculty.Participants were also asked whether these groups provided support, and if so, what types ofsupport(s) they received.ResultsQuantitative Analysis: Survey Black and Hispanic engineering students‘ responses on the Engineering Fields Surveyprovided quantitative data to examine students‘ perceptions of social support and barriers
Chicago Legal Forum, 140, pp. 139-167, 1989.[2] E. Pascarella, L. S. Hagerdorn, E. Whitt, P. M. Yeager, M. I. Edison, P. T. Terenzini, A. Noura, “Women's Perceptions of a "Chilly Climate" and Their Cognitive Outcomes during the First Year of College,” Journal of College Student Development, 38(2).[3] M. Ong, C. Wright, L. Espinosa, and G. Orfield, “Inside the Double Bind: A Synthesis of Empirical Research on Undergraduate and Graduate Women of Color in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics,” Harvard Educational Review, 81(2), pp. 172–209, Summer 2011.[4] A. Bandura, “Self-efficacy,” in Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, V. S. Ramachaudran, Ed. New York: Academic Press, 1994, pp. 71-81
evaluate the field trips. Results ofquestion 4 are shown in Figure 2. FU SE - Sum m er 2004 F IE L D T R IP E V A L U A T IO N F O R M F ie ld T r ip t o :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D a te: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. T h e m o s t im p o r ta n t th in g I le a r n e d fr o m p a r tic ip a tin g in th is fie ld tr ip w a s :_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. T h is fie ld tr ip c a n b e im p r o v e d if_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. D id th is fie ld tr
, C.S., and Prevedouros, P.D. 2001. Transportation Engineering and Planning, Printice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.3. Haldar, A. and Mahadevan, S. 2000. “Probability, Reliability and Statistical Methods in Engineering Design”, John Wiley and Sons, New York.4. Kuebler R. and Smith, 1976. “Statistics”, John Wiley and Sons, New York.5. Lipsey, M.W. 1990. “Design Sensitivity: Statistical Power for Experimental Research”. Newbury park, CA, Sage. Page 22.1258.6 Fig. 1 No. of hints vs. Cost of the grade for Problem 1 120Cost of
, in2000’s decade, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed a program tomotivate female high school students to pursue engineering [28]. However, these programs,although achieving relative success, involved students with a pre-existing interest in engineering-related careers. Also, these programs contained a very low part of female population of highschool in the U.S. [28].Similarly, the governments of other countries have recognized the importance of increasinginterest in the field of engineering and have developed policies to motivate women to work in thefield. For example, in March 2002, the Norwegian government passed legislation requiring that40 percent of the executive board of director members should be women by the year
(Phase 2)Once phase 1 is complete and the benchmarking team has been formed, the identification of thebenchmarking subject (i.e., focus of the benchmarking process) must be completed. During thisphase, it is important that: • The desired areas to be benchmarked are identified; • The number of areas is narrowed down to key areas that can realistically be impacted; • The importance of each area is determined based on priorities; and • The final benchmarking subject(s) are identified.Through multiple conversations between the assistant director of The Center and one of theauthors, several desired areas to be benchmarked were identified. In particular, the assistantdirector was interested in benchmarking interventions with regard to
. She holds a Ph.D. in Learning, Teaching, and Social Policy from Cornell University, and an Ed.M. in Administration, Planning, and Social Policy from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.Dr. Ebony Omotola McGee, Vanderbilt University Ebony McGee, associate professor of diversity and STEM education at Vanderbilt Universityˆa C™s Peabody College, investigates what it means to be racially marginalized in the context of learning and achieving in STEM higher education and industry. In partic ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2019 Development of the Persistence of Engineers in the Academy Survey (PEAS)AbstractThis paper reports the
]. New SCCT models were developed to explain vocational satisfaction and well-being [10,11], and career management [9]. At the core of the original SCCT model, and most of the SCCTmodels that followed, are self-efficacy (i.e., confidence in the ability to successfully perform adomain-specific task, like a specific engineering skill), outcome expectations (i.e., anticipatedoutcomes of a particular behavior), interests (i.e., patterns of likes/dislikes for career activities),and goals (i.e., determination for a particular outcome). Taking this one step further, Lent etal.’s [9] integrative social cognitive model of academic adjustment, derived from both SCCT [1,2] and the social cognitive model of academic satisfaction [10, 11], explains how
reasoning to exploreself-efficacy.Self-Efficacy and Self-RegulationThe lack of progress in retaining women and minorities in engineering is partially due tostudents’ self-efficacy. Self-efficacy refers to a person’s belief that s/he is capable of takingaction to achieve a certain goal, such as completion of a college degree. Self-efficacy is formedby a person’s mastery experiences (previous success leads a person to believe s/he is capable ofcompleting a similar task), vicarious experiences (when a person sees someone else completing atask and believes s/he could do the same), social persuasions (supportive people in a person’s lifesuch as teachers, family, or mentors), and physiological reactions to a task (anxiety, etc.).Self-efficacy relates to
’s (Lorenz 1963; Baker and Gollub 1996; Flake 2001). The dictionary meaning of the word “chaos” is complete disorder or confusion. Chaosin science and engineering refers to an apparent lack of order in a system thatnevertheless obeys certain laws and rules. This understanding of chaos is the same as thatof dynamical instability. Deterministic system can produce results which are chaotic andappear to be random. But these are not technically random because the events can bemodeled by a nonlinear procedure/formula. The pseudo-random number generator in acomputer is an example of such a system. A system which is stable, linear or non-chaoticunder certain conditions may degenerate into randomness or unpredictability (may bepartial) under other
toparticipate in the clubs and activities. To receive funding to support their club and activities, theclubs must consist of a minimum of 50% membership from students traditionallyunderrepresented in engineering10. Project monies are used to provide start-up materials to theclubs and an annual stipend of $1500 has been provided to each school for club sponsor(s).The Diversity in Engineering Technology Project is executed by the project PI on the UNCCharlotte campus, a key individual at each of the community college partners and the clubsponsor(s) at each of the high schools. Competition judges, mentors and support personnel havebeen university and community college faculty, staff and student volunteers, in addition to localmembers of industry and
, MATH 1348 Analytical Geometry,Year-2 PHYS 2425/2426 Physics I/II, CHEM 1311 Inorganic Chemistry I MATH 1316 Trigonometry, MATH 1348 Analytical Geometry, MATH 3320Year-3 Differential Equations, PHYS 2425 Physics I, CHEM 1311 Inorganic Chemistry I Identify Concept(s) to be Develop Draft Module Identify Bottleneck Covered Each Week including Sample Problems/ Concepts According to Teaching Examples and Solutions (Course Instructor) Schedule
., Lundy-Wagner, V. C., Drezner, N. D., Gasman, M., Yoon, S., Bose, E., & Gary, S. (2009). The contribution of HBCUs to the preparation of African American women for STEM careers: A case study. Research in Higher Education, 50, 1-23.4. Smyth, F. & McArdle, J. (2004). Ethnic and Gender Differences in Science Graduation at Selective Colleges with Implications for Admission Policy and College Choice. Research in Higher Education, 45, 353–381.5. Scriven, O. (2013). Why so few? African American women in STEM—Part II: By the numbers. Scientista. few-african-american-women-in-stem-part-ii-by-the-numbers#sthash.%20HwrVZ5ir.dpuf6. Alliman
population groups are expected to be more than half (52percent) of the resident college-age (18–24 years old) population of the United States by 2050.Additionally, just about a quarter century ago, the National Science Board’s Commission onPrecollege Education in the Mathematics, Science, and Technology (MST) assessed the state ofUS precollege education in the subject fields and found it seriously lacking to meet the projecteddemand.[1]In the late 1980’s the Task Force of Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Scienceand Technology called for cooperation among schools, colleges, industry and federal and stategovernments to increase the pool of science and engineering talent, particularly forunderrepresented minority groups, through
-profit STEM diversity organization, nation-wide chapter development, reporting, andcompliance program is presented. In the late 2000’s, the program transitioned from the End-of-Year Report (EOYR) to the National Report Program (NRP). Throughout the 2010’s, SHPEunderwent internal infrastructure changes, including an inter-organizational merger, to expand andbetter fulfill its mission to serve the Hispanic community. In turn, the NRP underwent changesfrom the EOYR to via Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats analysis. The currentiteration supplements on the former by targeting chapter growth, development, and managementthrough a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) workforce-preparednesseducational framework. The program has
methodologicalinsights on how to examine the research questions addressed in this proposal. We will build on these initialfindings to create surveys, revise interview protocols, collect larger-scale quantitative and qualitative data,design an intervention, and assess the effectiveness of the intervention. ReferencesAmerican Society for Engineering Education. (2019). Longitudinal retention and time-to-graduation report [Data file]. http://www.asee.orgAndres, L., & Carpenter, S. (1997). Today's higher education students: Issues of admission, retention, transfer, and attrition in relation to changing student demographics. Centre for Policy Studies in Education, University of British
practical problem-solving [13]. This cohort of PACE students are assigned graduate or senior-level undergraduate student mentors. The mentors remain with the PACE students II. CTF & S TUDENT P REPARATION and train them in their freshman and sophomore years onA. Capture-The-Flag Competition foundational cyber topics and software tools such as Python. The embedded Capture-The-Flag (eCTF) competition was 2) Hands-on Learning Experiences – CAP Lab: The PACEhosted by MITRE Cyber