, J. (2015, June),Creating Inclusive Environments in First-year Engineering Classes to Support Student Retentionand Learning Paper presented at 2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Seattle,Washington. 10.18260/p.23757 https://peer.asee.org/23757[5] Brewer, M., & Sochacka, N., & Walther, J. (2015, June), Into the Pipeline: A FreshmanStudent's Experiences of Stories Told About Engineering Paper presented at 2015 ASEE AnnualConference & Exposition, Seattle, Washington. 10.18260/p.24355 https://peer.asee.org/24355[6] Walden, S. E., & Foor, C. E., & Pan, R., & Shehab, R. L., & Trytten, D. A. (2015, June),Leadership, Management, and Diversity: Missed Opportunities Within Student DesignCompetition Teams Paper
. Analternative hypothesis is that there are more women and minorities starting civil or structuralengineering studies now than there were in the past, so the graduate student diversity willincrease as these students continue through the pipeline. However, nationwide data shows that, ifanything, women and minority representation among students in science and engineeringdisciplines has decreased slightly over the past 10 years2,5, making this hypothesis unlikely.Table 1. Demographic data obtained for university students and faculty in civil (C) and/or structural (S)engineering. FACULTY UNDERGRADUATE GRADUATE STUDENTS
activity conducted over two consecutive course periods, students, in teams, choosefrom a list of articles about different types of technologies, such as a bridge, a GPS app, airconditioning in office buildings, and airbags. Many of the articles were non-academic includingsome blogs. Our intent here was to push students to not only be able to discern the key points theauthor(s) raise(s) and what information and evidence (or lack thereof) is used to support theirclaims, but also critically consider what the stance of the author is and how this might havecolored his/her assumptions and viewpoint.After evaluating the article as a whole, students are asked to analyze the technology itself andcreate a single presentation slide to summarize their
and build the "Bombe," a machine that was successfully used by the United States during the war to analyze and “crack” encoded communication messages from the German Naval Enigma machine. While Desch’s work and contributions to the design and manufacturing of such machines led him to be awarded the Presidential Medal for Merit by President Harry S. Truman in 1947, it was not until 1992 that this work was declassified. 8|P a g e In this interview, Anderson discusses her life and career, such as the difficulties of being a woman in the STEM fields. Although not of a STEM profession, she provides encouragement to continue
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DiversityCommittee members and delegates whose hard work and dedication have truly impacted ASEEand the engineering environment. We especially thank Kristen Constant for phrasingsuggestions.References[1] C. Herring, “Does diversity pay?: Race, gender, and the business case for diversity,” American Sociological Review, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 208–224, 2009.[2] N. M. Carter and H. M. Wagner, “The bottom line: Corporate performance and women’s representation on boards (2004-2008),” Catalyst, vol. 1, 2011.[3] S. Devillard, W. Graven, E. Lawson, R. Paradise, and S. Sancier-Sultan, “Women Matter 2012. Making the Breakthrough,” McKinsey \& Company, 2012.[4] B. L. Yoder, “Engineering by the Numbers,” in American Society for Engineering Education
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