decades, one of the top priorities forAmerica’s higher education leaders is to get more students into college. The second priority is tograduate students that are competent in their field of study. In a recent national study, only twoof five minority students who enroll in engineering programs graduate with a baccalaureatedegree in engineering, as compared to two of three non-minority students. Another nationalstudy found that 54 percent of students entering four-year colleges in 1997 had a degree six yearslater, with even a lower percentage for Hispanics and Blacks. The barriers to minority studentretention continue to be: the cost of education, isolating campus environments, a lack of peer andfaculty engagement, and inadequate math and science
) fields.Students are offered a variety of training experiences and opportunities to prepare them foracademic careers.At the UF, seventy-four students in 22 STEM departments have been directly served throughmonetary awards to support their studies and research, travel to professional conferences,professional development seminars, mentoring, and peer support. These students include 41African American, 31 Hispanic, and 2 Native American students. At the end of the fifth year ofthe grant, the program had an 86% retention rate. To date, program participants have earned 12Ph. D. and 7 Master’s degrees, and an additional 47 are currently enrolled and making progresstowards their degrees. Minority graduate enrollments in STEM departments have increased 56%over
findings in nationaland international journals of physics. They also execute research experiments within the existinginfrastructure as it currently exists, serve on Review Panels, peer review papers in scientificjournals and serve on proposal review panels, initiate students in the methods of research, andguide M.S. and Ph.D. students pursuing their studies for their thesis and dissertations in variousareas of physics. They should develop the graduate students as the stewards of the discipline. Asteward is a scholar that can generate new knowledge, critically think and transform thisknowledge through writing, teaching and application. They are also required to support studentsin their presentations and research papers. At present, no release time
students act as mentors and role models for freshmen students and assist them in their understanding of the electrical engineering discipline as well as how to navigate through the electrical engineering program. In addition, the program coordinator acted as a mentor to the upper classmen. In the end, a professional (as well as a social) network was formed among the student participants as a direct consequence of this novel style of peer/tier-mentoring. This proved to be essential since most 1st year engineering students (particularly from underrepresented populations) struggle in identifying a network of students within their major that they can associate with professionally and socially. 3) Career
avoiding student debt 6, 8 , o dealing with issues of social life within the university community 6.• work to improve career skills, including o resume writing 6, 8, o interviewing skills 6, o business etiquette 10.• increase participation in student organizations 1.• encourage undergraduate participation in research programs 1.• seek feedback from students and faculty 1.• increase student interaction/mentoring by peers, faculty, and industry professionals 1.Participants in these programs tended to achieve better grades and graduation rates amongunderrepresented minorities.Felder and Brent 11, in a review article about levels of intellectual development described, amongothers, the Baxter Magolda model that
; • Using MS Word forms for research projects: 1-2-research.doc; 2. Message Boards at NTID • Message Boards are being used in several courses for Deaf students at NTID. I have found them very useful for short writing assignments and for stimulating peer review of students’ work. College Writing -- (moderated by KEC) • Other professors have put them to use for job interview practice situations and for art seminar discussions. Job Search and Freshman Art Seminar -- 3. Chat Rooms General Audience: • Chat and Newsgroups are online for English second language students. • One-on-one
framework was used in theprevious project) with the other graduate students of the faculty member. These measures wereput in place to stimulate interest of STI students on conducting research. The authors believedthat young students learn effectively from their peers. Also, as can be seen in Table 3A, effortwas made to ensure that student’s communication and writing skills were assessed.Progressively, the students became excited to prepare asphalt mixtures including aggregatebatching and sieving, mixing of asphalt liquid and aggregate, and compacting of asphalt pillsusing the gyratory compactor. They conducted laboratory tests such as bulk and maximum
males at the university. TheBMC also sponsors several other programs each year, including general membershipmeeting, discussions on academic and career success, a Black Men’s Retreat, and aKwanzaa celebration, to name just a few. Cross-generational mentoring and rolemodeling occurs in the BMC informally and through the connections made between Page 12.1451.4participants. A formal peer mentoring program was recently developed to foster anintentional link between continuing African American male students and first-yearstudents. Overall, the BCM is perceived by the Rutgers administration as havingprovided a successful initial attempt to help develop and
Component: A communication skills instruction component,structured to be in parallel with and to document the research project, has three segments: aproject description, a progress report, and a final report. A faculty member of the UMTechnical Communication Program provides class instruction, assigns homework, andprovides extensive feedback after first drafts of reports and oral presentation practices.During the first segment, and after the student has been involved for about two weeksbecoming familiar with the research project, each student writes a project description of theresearch to be conducted during the following eight weeks. The project description containsa project title, project goal, review of literature, research methods, tasks
of high school take fewer science andmathematics courses, also scoring low on science achievement tests.9,10 In a recent study, Bakerand Leary interviewed forty girls in grades 2,5,8 and 11 using semi-structured protocol. The Page 12.1613.3interview focused on feelings about science, science careers, peer and parental support, and howscience is taught. All of the girls asserted that women can and should do science. In this report,Baker and Leary11 stated that teacher-student interactions are biased in favor of boys as early asin elementary schools. In the face of failure, boys are encouraged to try again, and girls areallowed to give up.12
AC 2007-2467: A NEW HYBRID LABORATORY COURSE CHRISTENS APIPELINE OF BIOLOGY STUDENTS FROM ALABAMA STATE UNIVERSITYTO THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDAPeter Stroot, University of South Florida Assistant Professor Dept. of Civil and Environmental EngineeringBernard Batson, University of South Florida Mr. Bernard Batson has experience in higher education in the implementation of student peer mentoring programs, fellowship application workshops, retention programs, and the graduate school admissions process for students from underrepresented groups. He is the Program Manager of the NSF IGERT, NSF Bridge to the Doctorate, and Alfred P. Sloan Minority Ph.D. Programs at USF. Since Fall 2004, he has
thinkingand writing skills, dividing students into two sessions: a 12 day camp for 11th and 12th graders23,and a 9 day camp for 9th and 10th graders24, which focus on critical thinking skills in academicactivities: college level writing, research skills, logical thinking/argumentation, study skills, timemanagement, course/major selection, note taking, critical reading, and presentations. EducationalUnlimited21 and Sally Ride Science Camps25 sponsor a camp for girls for girls entering 6th to 9thgrades, are overnight 10-day camps held on college campuses designed to interest girls inscience, technology and engineering using the Sally Ride Science Curriculum. Entering 11th and12th graders can earn college credit and be introduced to the university
Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, and a NASA Adminstrator's Fellow. Dr. Demoz has published more than 50 peer reviewed papers and numerous conference papers and reports. He still serves on student committees and advises graduate and undergraduate students continues to lecture in Cloud Physics, Atmospheric Instrumentation, and Aerosols fr graduate students.Paul Mogan, NASA Paul A. Mogan is a Project Manager at NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Earlier in his career with NASA Mr. Mogan was an instrumentation systems design engineer and managed a lab that developed instrumentation technology. He began his NAFP tenure in 2005 during which he developed and taught a course in Biomedical
found to impact positively: tolerance for diversity,personal development, interpersonal development, and community-to-college connections.Students reported working harder, being more curious, connecting learning to personalexperience, and demonstrated deeper understanding of subject matter. The quality of placementsin the community and the degree of structured reflection were found to be important inenhancing the positive effects, significantly so for critical thinking increases. They found thatthe "students who participated in service-learning differed significantly from those who did notparticipate on almost every outcome we measured." 26 They summed up effective S-L principlesin: connection (students, peers, community, faculty; experience