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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Anitha Sarah Subburaj, West Texas A&M University; Pamela Renee Lockwood-Cooke, West Texas A&M University; Emily M. Hunt P.E., West Texas A&M University; Vinitha Hannah Subburaj, West Texas A&M University
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Minorities in Engineering
: Engineering, Arts and SciencesNumber of students: 16 students, 5 yearsInitiatives: 1. Two, one-credit courses 2. Peer mentoring of seniors to freshmenResults: 1. Beneficial to the retention of the freshmen 2. New study habits and the importance of time management 3. Experience in research, report writing, and poster presentations were also found to be very beneficial to the freshmen 4) NSF S-STEM Scholarship [20] University: University of Maryland Baltimore County Discipline: Mechanical engineering Number of students: 45 students, 5 years Initiatives: 1. Proactive recruitment 2. Selected high impact practices such as orientation, one-to one faculty mentoring, peer
- Conference Session
- Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 1
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Dianne Grayce Hendricks, University of Washington; Anat Caspi P.E., The Taskar Center for Accessible Technology; Heather A. Feldner, University of Washington; Molly Y. Mollica, University of Washington; Shawn M. Rundell, University of Washington; George Zatloka, Design Research Consultant; Jennifer Mankoff, University of Washington; Katherine M. Steele, University of Washington
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Minorities in Engineering
, project-based learning but also gives students opportunities to develop the ability towork in a team to accomplish self-assigned responsibilities; give and receive peer critique; anddevelop empathy. A common reason for student interest in the course is motivation to make apositive contribution to society. Table II. Representative comments from student reflections on HuskyADAPT course “…it was wonderful to work on a project that individuals have a real need for. Many of my design experiences have involved hypothetical end products that don't necessarily benefit its potential users.” “I really enjoyed the difficulty of the challenges presented to me in this project. Most engineering challenges are very deterministic and straight forward, whereas
- Conference Session
- Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 5
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Keith A. Schimmel P.E., North Carolina A&T State University; C. Dean Campbell, North Carolina A&T State University; Marcia Gumpertz, North Carolina State University; Yvette Maria Huet, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Ajit D. Kelkar, North Carolina A&T State University; John P. Kizito, North Carolina A&T State University
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Minorities in Engineering
increases culturalcompetence and creates a graduate experience that enhances the success of diverse andinclusive graduates and future faculty: A variety of initiatives have been identified to addressdepartment concerns: (1) Develop a mentor-mentee work/communication styles learning moduleinto the graduate program core course required for all new graduate students, (2) Host aworkshop on how to write and evaluate a job application diversity statement that will trainfaculty and graduate students, (3) Develop a peer mentoring program for graduate students, and(4) Provide conference travel funds for graduate student(s) and/or faculty member(s) toparticipant in a conference URM program/event, (4) To revisit the doctoral qualifyingexamination in
- Conference Session
- Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 4
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Teresa J. Cutright, University of Akron; Rebecca Kuntz Willits, University of Akron; Linda T. Coats; Debora F. Rodrigues, University of Houston; Lakiesha N. Williams, University of Florida
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Minorities in Engineering
Fellows from each yearindicated that they would recommend the professional development to their peers. Table 5contains a few comments from each year as to why they would recommend it to their peers. Acommon theme was the how much was learned about they learned about the topics andacademia. Table 4. ACADEME Fellows perceptions of the quality of the professional development workshop % Strongly %Disagree %Agree % Strongly Disagree Agree Cohort year 17 18 19 17 18 19 17 18 19 17 18 19 Content was useful for my 0 8 0 0 4 0 20 0 26 80 88 74 professional
- Conference Session
- Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 9
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Girum Urgessa P.E., George Mason University
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Minorities in Engineering
with engineering programs did notdisclose a breakdown of faculty demographics on the latest 2018 ASEE data).The number of engineering deans signing the ASEE diversity pledge from those 113 R1institutions has reached 85 at time of writing of this paper. Given there is such an interest indiversifying the engineering professoriate, a logical question is what is the status of the tenure-line black engineering faculty 5-years after the pledge? Findings are reported by incorporatingmulti-level factors, including but not limited to gender, rank, geographical location, andprivate/public status of the institutions. Note that tenure-line in this paper refers to both tenure-track and tenured faculty. This work-in-progress does not include non-tenure
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Patricia R Backer, San Jose State University; Cindy Kato, San Jose State University
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Minorities in Engineering
the grant: block scheduling of freshmen,creating a new First-Year Experience course, creation of new student learning communities inhousing, expansion of the peer mentor program, and development of a new Faculty Staff mentorprogram. Figure 2 shows the goals of objectives of the Strengthening Institutions grant. CDP Goal 1. Strengthen SJSU’s core academic performance in two key areas: retention and graduation. Objective 1.1. By Fall 2019, SJSU will increase freshman to sophomore student retention by 5%. Objective 1.2. By Fall 2019, SJSU will increase the 6-year graduation rate by 9% for all first- time freshmen. Objective 1.3. By Fall 2019, for upper division transfers, SJSU will increase the 5-year graduation rate by 6%. CDP Goal 2. Providing
- Conference Session
- Computing -- Increasing Participation of Women and Underrepresented Minorities
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Laura K. Dillon, Michigan State University; Maureen Doyle, Northern Kentucky University; Linda Ott, Michigan Technological University; Wendy Powley, Queen's University; Andrea E Johnson, Spelman College
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Minorities in Engineering, Pre-College Engineering Education, Women in Engineering
, stereotype threat, andfeelings of isolation, which can undermine their confidence and engender a fixed mindset [2][3].Such gatherings inspire women that they can be successful in pursing satisfying careers in atraditionally male-dominated field [4]. They boost women’s confidence, help them buildnetworks of peers and mentors to help them navigate difficult situations, and encourage them toassume leadership roles in changing the face of computing and creating transformativetechnologies [5][6]. Although not as well known as GHC, the ACM Richard Tapia Celebrationof Diversity in Computing (often just called “Tapia”) serves similar goals as GHC but for allunderrepresented minorities in computing regardless of gender.1 Tapia highlights the critical
- Conference Session
- Minorities in Engineering Division Technical Session 3
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- 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
- Authors
Mauro Rodriguez Jr, California Institute of Technology; Karen Mariela Siles, IBM Corporation; Dora Louise Renaud, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
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Minorities in Engineering
hybrid continuous-episodic chapter management, growth and successprogram. The NRP programmatic structure serves as robust system to prepare Hispanics STEMprofessionals for the STEM workforce and ensure organizational mission fulfillment.Additionally, this study serves as an example of best practices for other peer chapter-based nationalengineering diversity organizations. The experience report is organized as follows. In Section 2,SHPE’s decade-long chapter continuous programming chronology is detailed from the EOYR toNRP version 3. The program’s strategic approach and corresponding required components arediscussed. Participation outcomes and lessons learned from the different iterations of the programsare discussed in Section 3. An outlook on