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Conference Session
Peer Mentorship, Cross-Race Mentoring Relationships, Race, Gender, Student Success, and Career Outcomes
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Federico Cifuentes-Urtubey, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Paola A. Baldaguez Medina, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Julie E. Lorenzo, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Natasha Mamaril, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
. and Ph.D. degrees in Educational Psychology from the University of Kentucky. She also has nine years of industry experience. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Peer Mentorship in a Virtual University Setting: A Hispanic Perspective on How Mentorship Broadens Participation in Advanced DegreesAbstract Mentorship is crucial in providing a platform for academic and leadership developmentand success among underrepresented groups in STEM. Studies on mentoring students fromunderrepresented groups in STEM demonstrate the characteristics of strong peer relationships,superior communication skills, and favorable academic and career development
Conference Session
Cohort-Based Postdoctoral Scholars Program, Transforming the National Engineering Education, Defining Accountability, and Evaluating the Low-Stakes Assessment Performance
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Ocif Love, Northeastern University; Claire Duggan, Northeastern University; Jeffrey Xavier, SageFox Consulting Group; Ami N. Slater; Kenneth Rath
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
new research emerges [7 - 11].Deliverable #5: Professional Learning Finally, stEm PEER Academy’s fifth deliverable is a toolbox of resources that guides Fellows’ professional development such as developing Broader Impact identities, Broadening Participation efforts, proposal development, and writing research papers. For example, stEm PEER Academy prepared an NSF-aligned proposal guideline for Fellows to use for requesting implementation funding from Engineering PLUS to launch their own Implementation Projects. The purpose of this NSF-aligned proposal exercise was to provide Fellows with a more accessible and less intimidating proposal format for developing their Implementation Project, especially if they were navigating
Conference Session
Towards a Participatory Action, Retention of Black Students, and Exploring Black Engineering Student Success
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hermine Vedogbeton, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Crystal Brown; Gbetonmasse B Somasse, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Robert Krueger, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
, and don't listen to my ideas or concerns” (Female student). “One time in a lab I was working with two white boys and when it came time to write up the lab report one of them would always give me the writing option that had no brain power, and they did everything else” (Female student).Students also reported bias in teamwork assignments within their group where they would beasked to complete less significant tasks or ignored. Consequently, students reported experiencinganxiety when working with non-Black peers on group projects because they feel stereotyped as“lazy”. To avoid this stereotype, many Black students would work harder than expected evenwhen they do not feel well because they are not afforded the same level
Conference Session
Virtual Mentoring Program, Listening to Those That Matter, Moving Beyond Research, and Career Outcomes Tracking
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Lexy C. Arinze, Purdue University; Janet M. Beagle; Jacqueline E. McDermott
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
institutions will be presented.IntroductionVirtual mentoring is not a new practice, it has been in existence for over 20 years [5], [6] [7], [8],[9]. The online setting can seamlessly connect undergraduate students across the country withmentors, and the GradTrack program was initially started in 2021 during the COVID-19pandemic. Virtual mentoring has also been shown to increase sense of community, STEMachievement, career self-efficacy, and drive to persist in mentors and mentees [10].The GradTrack mentoring structure is a scalable group and peer mentoring model, with 2graduate student mentors from Purdue with 5-7 URM undergraduate student mentees fromacross the United States and Puerto Rico joined in a mentoring circle. The second iteration of
Conference Session
Cohort-Based Postdoctoral Scholars Program, Transforming the National Engineering Education, Defining Accountability, and Evaluating the Low-Stakes Assessment Performance
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jameka Wiggins, The Ohio State University; Monica Farmer Cox, The Ohio State University; Ayanna Howard, The Ohio State University; Martina Leveni; Tatiana Z. Cuellar-Gaviria; Colin Lee Hisey; Daniel Raphael Ejike Ewim, The Ohio State University; Leonardo Rodrigues da Costa Moraes; Beenish Saba; Shawanee' Patrick, Texas A&M University
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
in the areas of research, teaching, and service. LEGACY wasintentionally developed to prepare and diversify the next generation of engineering leaders inacademia. Rybarczyk et al. (2011) argue that postdoctoral training should include independentresearch experience, productivity in the form of peer-reviewed publications, and improvement inscholar’s skills in grant writing (Rybarczyk et al., 2011). To prepare scholars, LEGACY trainsscholars in grant creation and management, research program development, and career mapping.Additionally, as LEGACY Director, Dr. Cox works with scholars to independently brandthemselves using social and professional networks so that more people can learn about thescholar and their work. Scholars also receive
Conference Session
Self-Advocacy, Sense of Belonging, Measuring Authentic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Construction Management Education Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Carmen Maria Lilley, The University of Illinois, Chicago
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
first workshop by Lindsay Marshall was focused onhelping PhD students overcome barriers to writing their dissertation, which is a source of anxietyfor PhD students and was a topic requested by members of the program. Students learned aboutmethods to organize their writing and overcome writing blocks. Resources for PhD graduatestudents to support their thesis writing were also shared with the group. The second workshopwas on time management for the busy student offered by the UIC Wellness Center. Finally, therewas a seminar on leadership by Dr. Jarrad Hampton-Marcell on science and being competitive inSTEM. We had a seminar on how to prepare for the postdoctoral search and maximizing theexperience as part of supporting their professional
Conference Session
Virtual Mentoring Program, Listening to Those That Matter, Moving Beyond Research, and Career Outcomes Tracking
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gerard Dorvè-Lewis, University of Pittsburgh; Danielle Vegas Lewis, SUNY Fredonia; Maricela Bañuelos, University of California, Irvine; Natascha Trellinger Buswell, University of California, Irvine; Linda DeAngelo, University of Pittsburgh
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
, stereotype threat, and impostersyndrome [2], [3]. The systemic racism that BLI students experience manifests through STEMcurriculums that center the experiences of white1 people and exclude minoritized populations,BLI stereotypes that assume academic incompetence, persistent microaggressions, intersectionaloppression, exclusion and isolation, and lack of representation among faculty and peers of thesame race or ethnicity [4]–[7]. Systemic racism leads to heightened stereotype threat andimposter syndrome in BLI students, by increasing the pressure to prove one's academic ability,1 We deliberately chose to capitalize the terms Black, Latinx, and Indigenous while intentionally using lowercasewhen discussing whites and whiteness. In doing so, we resist
Conference Session
Self-Advocacy, Sense of Belonging, Measuring Authentic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Construction Management Education Programs
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claude Brathwaite, City University of New York, City College
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
limited number of Graduate Research Assistantships, International Research Programs, Peer Mentoring, Professional Development Institute, Weekly Research Presentations, Global CUNY Conference. Ongoing Program Components - Collaborative Infrastructure, Institutionalized Workshop Instruction in Gatekeeper courses, Research AssistantshipsWhile in Phase I, the Learning Centers formed the hub of the activities for the NYC LSAMPproviding tutoring in STEM courses and workshops for the restructured gatekeeper courses, theACs did not require a STEM background and were full time positions at each campus. Initiallyfocused on the operation of the STEM Learning Centers across the LSAMP in Phase I (1992-1997), the role was institutionalized and changed to
Conference Session
Mentorship, Retention, Minority Participation, and Examining the Experiences of Women
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claude Brathwaite, City University of New York, City College
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
LSAMP Scholars were also allowed to participatein BTD activities and are encouraged to apply directly to doctoral programs nationally and tocompete for Graduate Research fellowships. BTD scholars also act as peer mentors and rolemodels to undergraduate NYC LSAMP Scholars. Workshops on science and engineeringpresentations, writing workshops, the transition to graduate school, and survival skills ingraduate school are conducted by NYC LSAMP doctoral students and BTD Scholars. BTDScholars come from a variety of disciplines, have graduated from ten BA/BS degree grantingunits of CUNY, with five graduating from non-CUNY schools.Table 1. Bridge to the Doctorate Program Activity Bridge Scholar Activity Description 1
Conference Session
Promoting Social Sustainability, Cultural Assets, and Assessing Equity and Diversity Index
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Collette Patricia Higgins; Emily Joanna Kamp; Kenneth Stewart; Azadeh Bolhari, P.E., University of Colorado, Boulder; Daniel Ivan Castaneda, James Madison University
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
draw upon theirLinguistic, Familial, and Social Capitals more readily when compared to non-First-Generationstudents (see Table 5). The understanding and belief that First-Generation students possessunique cultural resources to their peers are evident in many other additional studies [Verdin &Godwin, 2015] and our survey results suggest these differences are emergent in the Linguisticand Familial capitals they possess and leverage.First-Generation students readily draw upon their Linguistic Capital assets as it relates to having(and sensing importance) to speak or write about engineering in more than one language (ItemsB and H). Moreover, First-Generation students tend to agree that it is necessary to speak or writeabout engineering in more
Conference Session
Mentoring, Case Study of Racial and Ethnic Diversity, Identity Dilemmas, Cultural Homelessness and Intersectionality, and Transfer Students
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maimuna Begum Kali, Florida International University; Stephen Secules, Florida International University
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
marginalization in engineering settings, specifically focusing on students’ hiddenor non-apparent identities that their peers or professors are unaware of or maybe do not understand. Forrecruitment, we adopted an intentional nationwide strategy. We conducted 21 zoom interviews withstudents, each lasting 45 to 90 minutes and representing a variety of marginalized identity groups.As a way to establish rapport during the interview, we utilized a scaffolding strategy of showing aniceberg or identity wheel [14] containing many identities, including the concept that some identities aremore visible and/or apparent. In contrast, depending on context and person, some are less visible or non-apparent. Some prompts for all participants included: 1) How do you
Conference Session
External Factors, Shifting Identity Trajectories, Persistence Analysis of Cultural Models, and Exploring the Experiences of Black University Students
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Claude Brathwaite, City University of New York, City College
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Minorities in Engineering Division(MIND)
Articulation Programs; established the. Urban University Conference Series; established. NASA-Institute on Climate and Planets; and NASA Teacher Prep Program. Phase III 2002-2007 Bridge To the Doctorate began; Bridge to Teaching Program; DOE-MOU/Brookhaven National Lab Partnerships. Phase IV 2007-2012 Integrating Research Strategies (Course restructuring); CUNY Collaborations – College- Science and Technology Entry Programs, and the CUNY Black Male Initiatives; Bridge to the Doctorate Program ended. Phase V 2012-2018 Undergraduate and a limited number of Graduate Research Assistantships, International Research Programs, Peer Mentoring, Professional Development Institute, Weekly Research Presentations, Global CUNY Conference. Ongoing Program Components