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Carolyn Kelly Ottman, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
meeting with teammates.At the beginning of ERT, students delivered team products through traditional written formats ofWord and Google Docs. Holding onto what had worked well in the past, it appeared thatcompleting team-based work was limited with reliance on “cut-and-paste” methods.New tools that reflected a virtual environment were needed to shift the focus to collaborativelearning. In a just-in-time fashion, faculty learned and utilized tools such as JamBoard [5] andMural [6]. These tools provided platforms for students to discuss, learn from each other, and stillproduce a product. They also allowed the faculty to see students’ collaborative processes, whilestill having a finished product to assess with rubric criteria.Students, used to face
- Conference Session
- Design in Multidisciplinary Learning Environment
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Joanna Ambrosio; M. David Burghardt, Hofstra University; Deborah Hecht, Center for Advanced Studyin Education
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
assessment data.The WGG project created blended engineering design challenges that engage youth in problemsolving and reflection. Through the WISEngineering online learning environment, youth arepresented with a design challenge. They are guided through knowledge and skills builders(KSBS) that help them to learn the content knowledge needed to successfully complete thedesign challenge. Youth are later asked to evaluate their design solutions according to criteriathat were presented along with the challenge. After completing the design challenge, the youthengage in guided reflection about the experience. This informal learning activity was deliveredat Boys and Girls Clubs. The project team was very aware that if the assessment resembled aschool “test
- Conference Session
- Multidisciplinary Endeavors: Engineering, Art and Society
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- 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Brianna Benedict McIntyre, Purdue University
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
deeply in graduate education,interdisciplinary learning has not been highly reflected or cultivated in engineering educationcurricula [1]. This lack of acknowledgment may be attributed to the historical exclusion ofinterdisciplinary ways of being and thinking across the disciplines, which also limits how studentssee themselves as engineers. Historical perspectives within engineering education include thosethat “institutionalize cultural and epistemic injustice” by excluding views that deviate from thedominant ways of thinking in engineering [2, p. 4]. Riley and Lambrinidou [2] expressed how thisapproach to educating engineers may result in engineers who do not feel they fit into the mold ofa stereotypical engineer, which emphasizes technical
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- Multidisciplinary Learning and Teaching Experiences
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- 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Ann-Perry Witmer P.E., University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign; José G. Andino Martínez, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Olivia C. Coiado, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jessica Marie Mingee, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Flavia Andrade, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Tim Pollack-Lagushenko, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
University of Illinois, a Professor ofAgricultural Engineering at Makerere University in Uganda, and a Professor of Social Work atNational Yang-Ming University, Taiwan.The series concluded with an informal session that allowed participants to reflect on previousconversations with the group of panelists (see below). Total engagement among the roundtableswas 79 non-panel participants, and the ratio of faculty to students was roughly 50 percent ofeach. Additional faculty and students could view the forum sessions afterward by linking tovideos of each roundtable off the Working Group’s website.The Working Group honed the topics of the forum by developing a set of three questions forpanelist discussion that would be posed in each roundtable. The goal was
- Conference Session
- Multidisciplinary Curriculum and Course Development
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- 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Jorge R. Lara, Texas A&M University; Sunay Palsole, Texas A&M University; Mark H. Weichold, Texas A&M University; Patrick Linke, Texas A&M University at Qatar
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
), called for a Decade of Education for sustainabledevelopment from 2005 to 2015 [1]. This worldwide reflection is creating a new engineeringeducation culture. Engineering educators are observing significant shifts in societal expectationsof the engineering profession to help address immediate and longer-term sustainable developmentchallenges. According to the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO),engineering plays a significant role in planning and building projects that preserve naturalresources, are cost-efficient, and support human and natural environments [2]. The NationalAcademy of Engineering formulated in 2004 its vision of the engineer of 2020 [3]. This reportoutlines a number of aspirational goals where it sees the
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- Multidisciplinary Endeavors: Engineering, Art and Society
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- 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Olgha Bassam Qaqish, North Carolina State University at Raleigh; Andrew Greenberg, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison; Christine S. Grant, North Carolina State University at Raleigh; Ashley Brown
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
reflective practitioner: Toward a new design for teaching and learning in the professions. Jossey-Bass.18. Wenger, Etienne, Richard A. McDermott, and William Snyder (2002). Cultivating communities of practice: a guide to managing knowledge. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
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- Multidisciplinary Endeavors: Engineering, Art and Society
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- 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Cristian Eduardo Vargas-Ordonez P.E., Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE); Morgan M. Hynes, Purdue University at West Lafayette (COE)
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
model constructed socially about a punctual element of the social object.This framework has been helpful to research the representations about the health and disease, externaldebt, values transmitted by the massive media, women’s role in society, feminism, moral conduct, theconception of body, or the students’ body seen by their teachers, among others [10]. Nevertheless, the three elements of the SR are organized in a structure that changes through timebecause of periods of crisis related to the individual and group reflection, dialogue between groups, anddifferent life experiences. For Abric [11], this structure has a stable core and a flexible periphery. Thecore is compact and creates a rigid and complex field of representation that
- Conference Session
- Multidisciplinary Experiences: Teaching in a Pandemic
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- 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Bahaa Ansaf, Colorado State University - Pueblo; Nebojsa I. Jaksic, Colorado State University - Pueblo
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
. • I use my personal email more frequently than my school email. Also, update as much and as soon as possible to blackboard. Industrial Robotics • I have taken online classes in the past and I didn’t learn as well as I do in face-to- face lectures. • I hope Blackboard works throughout the semester. The survey results (Table 2) reflect the following facts for each challenge and the possible impact onthe program quality. Table 2. Possible impact on program quality with respect to challenge type Challenge typeFacts Possible impact on the program quality Technology • About 40% percent of students
- Conference Session
- Multidisciplinary Curriculum and Course Development
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- 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
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Karl D. Schubert FIET, University of Arkansas; Manuel D. Rossetti P.E., University of Arkansas
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Multidisciplinary Engineering
science (statistician,computer scientist, industrial engineering, operations researchers, etc.) are in-demand and requirehighly skilled professionals with knowledge of data science, which has resulted in a highlycompetitive labor market. While the median annual salary for data scientists is quite high, about$122,000, according to the BLS, this reflects the higher educational, experience, and skill levelrequirements needed for such positions, as well as geographical differences related to keyemployer locations.Employers have recognized that data science professionals will be a critical resource to theiroperational excellence, as well as for the future of their innovation ecosystems. This need fordata science professionals has naturally driven an