mentoringprimarily suited to only one of their multiple hats. Given their limited resources, this is also aconcern for formal faculty development programs. In this section, we will show how the primaryskill sets from Arreola et al.'s "Meta-Profession" project [12] are orthogonal to and illustratesome of the available sources of faculty mentoring and faculty development programs across themultiple hats faculty wear. Part of our choice of the Meta-Profession project is rooted in itsorigins: the concept grew out of the need to define the role of teaching in a comprehensivefaculty evaluation program [13]. As such, the skills sets described below are formed for use asmentoring/development prompts, a part of faculty evaluation, and a means to supporting
between thestudent and professor. Sometimes the contract is required to specify deliverables.An independent study usually addresses a topic that is not covered in a regular course. Facultycan use them to build up their teaching and research program. For example, an independent studymay be used to introduce a student to a particular research area in which (s)he may pursue athesis (though in some cases, students are not allowed to earn both independent-study and thesiscredits on the same topic). It may also be used to assist another student on a thesis project, aswhen an undergraduate gathers data that a graduate student can use in writing a thesis.Independent studies can also be used to enrich existing courses. A faculty member may want
and lean enterprise, more specifically Mahalanobis-Taguchi System, Robust Design, Lean Enterprise and Six Sigma.Suzanna Long, Missouri University of Science and Technology Suzanna Long is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology. Prior to joining Missouri S&T she was an Assistant Professor in the Departments of Management and Marketing, Missouri Southern State University and Coordinator of the transportation-logistics program. She holds a PhD and an M.S. in engineering management, B.S. in physics and a B.A. in history from the University of Missouri-Rolla (UMR) and an M.A. in history from the
assess student learning? Is it a tool for developing mastery? Is itan outdated model? In his recent paper Homework Is So 20th Century!, Brunnhoeffer observes,“For most student[s]…the homework assignment becomes a game of getting it in with the leasteffort possible. It is a short term strategy to minimize the effort (time spent solving problems)and to maximize the reward (grade awarded for completing the assignment)” [1]. Chegg® seemsto agree. A user’s twitter post featured on the front page of their textbook solutions pagepromoting the service states “Shoutout to Chegg Study for allowing me to knockout [sic] myhomework in 30 min” [2]. If Homework is simply an obstacle I need to jump through to mydesired credential (a degree in engineering), I
8 0 s s ) ie in ie la ud ud
. Methods Student(s) Clicker ABCD Internet / Proposed raise voting App based method: LaserPerformance Criteria hand(s) cards pointersEasy and quick hardware/ x x xsoftware set-upLow cost of setup and use x x xLow usage burden for x x xstudentsLow/no learning curve for x x xadoption by facultyZero potential for technical x
their preparation for real jobs6, 7. The choice of one- or two-semester capstonecan make a difference in what students experience and what can be achieved. Most engineeringschools opt for a two-semester capstone8. In addition, the experience obtained is in tune withABET accreditation requirements9, 10. Moreover, close interaction with students offers theinstructor an invaluable chance to mentor them and initiate them into research and design in aninformal and actually more effective manner than in traditional courses. It was reported thatpromoting creativity in engineering classes leads to student retention and better student-professorinteractions11. Therefore students are also likely to understand the instructor‟s guidance from amore
would allow them to learn more about what they know. Professors whileteaching would also be involved in the learning process. All involved would benefit. As one writerput it, “I think mentors should be role models, BUT a role model who hasn't forgotten where s/hecame from, how s/he got to where s/he is now and always looking back to see if s/he can help thosethat came from the very same place.”3 Everyone has had to write and engineering faculty continue tohave to produce text throughout their careers. By taking their own travels through communication asa means to get engineering students to look at their own tasks, a bond can form that allows for theimprovement of student text.ProcedureHow does one approach a situation where the faculty is to
see the value inthe process and prefer it to traditional, instructor-graded homework approaches and desire for theprocess to be expanded to more courses.References[1] “” (accessed Nov. 13, 2018).[2] L. Feldmann, “What, Why, How Of Homework,” presented at the 1998 ASEE Annual Conference, Jun. 1998, pp. 3.630.1-3.630.5, Accessed: Jan. 25, 2020. [Online]. Available:[3] A. C. Estes, R. W. Welch, and S. J. Ressler, “The ExCEEd Teaching Model,” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, vol. 131, no. 4, pp. 218–222, Oct. 2005, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)1052-3928(2005)131:4(218).[4] P. D. Gwen Lee-Thomas, A
. This hasincluded a comparison of TA and expert scoring11, progression of students’ mathematicalmodels13, and s progression of students’ problem formulations14.15. The results of the researchhas helped reform the content of TA training materials, MEA design, and the MEA Rubric and I-MAPs. This dynamic nature of MEAs also has helped the PR to acquire adaptive expertise – anability to adapt instruction to ever-changing student needs16. This also provided the experiencewith utilizing research to enhanced and informed classroom instructions. Since research is oftencurrent and changing, classroom instructions should also acquire these traits. Page
the practical strategies that transform and sustain inclusive and productive organizations.Alice Pawley[6]’s career vision has also evolved in the years since she wrote her CAREERproposal. 2010 To do innovative, strongly grounded research that helps build engineering education institutions around the lives of diverse students. 2020 To help people, including the engineering education profession, develop a vision of engineering education as more inclusive, engaged, and socially just.There are advantages of writing your career vision beyond your CAREER proposal’s success. Ikeep mine taped on my computer monitor so I can see it every day and let it guide my decisions.When an opportunity arises, I
the instructor/TA relationship with a contract. Examples ofcontracts are presented.1. IntroductionAlthough virtually unknown in liberal-arts colleges, teaching assistants1 (TAs) are a fixture ofmost engineering programs, where class sizes are large and the subject matter is technologicallycomplex. Usually, teaching assistants are assigned to instructors to assist with a particular coursesection. Sometimes TAs are paid hourly, but more often, they are on a monthly stipend for tenor twenty hours’ work per week. It is difficult for a beginning instructor to know how to makeeffective use of that time until (s)he has taught a class several times.Much has been written about teaching assistants at the ASEE Annual Conference [1–6] andelsewhere [7–9
,questionnaires and surveys, content analysis of text, secondary analysis of existing data, quasi-experiments (e.g., comparison of two sections of the same course), observational research, andcase studies” [13]. In addition, Lee S. Shulman, president emeritus of the Carnegie Foundationfor the Advancement of Teaching, has long encouraged teaching faculty to engage in scholarlysystematic research in the practice of teaching and learning. He argues that it is “only when westep back and reflect systematically on the teaching we have done, in a form that can be publiclyreviewed and built upon by our peers, that we have moved from scholarly teaching to thescholarship of teaching” [15, p. 1].Active learning exercises emphasizing the design process as a
research emphasis in the WSOE of Engineering at FGCU. Founded inlate 90’s, FGCU is the newest public university in Florida. FGCU can be viewed as a non-traditional university, where the conventional tenure system is replaced by a three-yearrenewable term contract. In 2006 three young faculty, who are also the authors of this paper,accepted faculty positions in Bioengineering, Civil Engineering, and Environmental Engineering.We were faced with the challenge to balance scholarship, teaching and service as new facultymembers at this recently established institution. To overcome these obstacles, we identified asystem that centers on using available resources that the position has to offer and managing ourtime and resources wisely to enhance career
Press, 2007).5. Freeman, S. et al. Active learning increases student performance in science, engineering, and mathematics. PNAS Early Ed. (2014). doi:10.1073/pnas.13190301116. Hake, R. R. Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses. Am. J. Phys. 66, 64–74 (1998).7. Hora, M. T., Ferrare, J. & Oleson, A. Findings from classroom observations of 58 math and science faculty. Madison WI Univ. Wis.-Madison Wis. Cent. Educ. Res. (2012).8. Fiore, L. & Rosenquest, B. Shifting the culture of higher education: Influences on students, teachers, and pedagogy. Theory Pract. 49, 14–20 (2009).9. Hjalmarson, M. et al. Developing interactive teaching
various locations around theUnited States. The courses referenced by the surveyed instructors were primarily engineeringdesign-based project courses, but did also include other technical courses in engineering andcomputer science. Data Collection and Analysis: An open-ended survey was administered through the onlinesurveying tool Qualtrics. Each instructor was asked the following questions: 1. Please describe your implementation of standards-based grading in your course(s), including best practices. 2. Please describe any barriers or obstacles you have faced or currently face in your implementation of standards-based grading. 3. What benefits do you believe students gain from your course(s) using standards
the process of scoring resubmissions. Time savings can also be achieved by allowing students to continue from the point in a problem where their mistake occurred.Mastery grading on the whole can improve student learning, and if done correctly it can be aneasy way for new engineering educators to establish a fair system that encourages studentgrowth. It is hoped that the guidelines provided above can help new engineering educatorsseamlessly integrate this innovate method into their classrooms.References[1] M. Borrego, J. E. Froyd, and T. S. Hall, “Diffusion of Engineering Education Innovations: A Survey or Awareness and Adoption Rates in U.S. Engineering Departments,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 99, no. 3, pp. 185–207, Jul. 2010.[2] D
–90, Feb. 1990, doi: 10.1901/jaba.1990.23-483.[5] W. P. Hung, “Clicker Clicks It,” Jun. 2011, p. 22.330.1-22.330.12, Accessed: Nov. 12, 2020. [Online]. Available:[6] C. Demetry, “Use Of Educational Technology To Transform The 50 Minute Lecture:,” Jun. 2005, p. 10.1385.1-10.1385.11, Accessed: Nov. 12, 2020. [Online]. Available:[7] L. V. D. Einde, S. H. Lee, and J. L. Le, “Incorporating Clickers and Peer Instruction into Large Structural Engineering Classrooms,” Jun. 2012, p. 25.759.1-25.759.19, Accessed: Nov. 12, 2020. [Online]. Available:
humor by an instructor is 1.60 1.58 1.68 typically a waste of classroom time. 5. I feel more comfortable asking an 3.83 4.25 4.43 instructor a question if s/he uses humor in the classroom. 6. An instructor’s job is to teach, not 2.83 2.33 2.75 entertain. 7. I would rather have an instructor try to be 4.14 4.17 4.00 humorous and fail rather than not try to be humorous at all. 8. I am sometimes offended by the uses of 1.43 1.79 1.72 humor by an instructor. 9. I am likely to go to class where the 4.13 4.30 4.50 instructor uses some humor. 10. An instructor doesn’t have to use humor 3.96 3.42 3.50 to be an
], adapted from Zhu et al. [13]. During the module session, the graduate student teaching team… 1. Addressed my individual needs or concerns 2. Helped me and my partner(s) when we needed assistance 3. Provided responses that guided me in problem-solving 4. Motivated me to continue learning 5. Facilitated my communications with professors or other Learner-Centered course staff 6. Acknowledged that learning engineering concepts can be challenging at times
likecourse is the need to train the staff that aid in the operation of the course(s).Any large pedagogical change made in a course of this size requires careful advancedplanning. A key step in the implementation is training40. Instructions to graders must be clear,instructions to TAs may require practice or guided real-time instruction. Depending on thechange, the TAs may need additional technical training, like running MATLAB or moderatinga discussion board.A key aspect of any team is cohesion. The teaching team must “buy in” to the changes. At aminimum this reduces the risk that TAs will revert back to “easier” or more familiar methods.At worst, the teaching assistants can revolt. Buy-in is also important because changes canrequire more time and
). pcaratozzolo@tec.mxAlvaro Alvarez-Delgado, Language Department, School of Social Sciences, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico Alvaro Alvarez-Delgado was born in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. He obtained his PhD in Hispanic Literature from El Colegio de Mexico in 2009 with the thesis, Compa˜neros de viaje (1959): The First Jaime Gil de Biedma. Since 2009, he has been a member of the faculty at Tecnologico de Monterrey, Santa Fe campus, in the Languages Department from the School of Education and Humanities. He is the Coordinator at the Writing Center, Santa Fe Campus. His literary interests are related to literature written by women from the middle ’50’s to the middle ’70’s in Mexico, especially focused on the works by Elena Garro. His
the same subject.Second, build a spreadsheet model to solve the calculated problem to test out your formulasbefore you put them into the LMS question. Have a data block in the spreadsheet that shows thelabels for all problem variables, identifies the randomized parameters by name, and includesyour settings for those parameters’ minimum value(s), maximum value(s), and number ofdecimal places. If your LMS has other potential settings for algorithmic parameters, includethose as well. While the formulas and functions are obviously different for a spreadsheet than anLMS formula answer, this step is still valuable for building the question.Having the parameter value settings worked out in advance makes constructing the calculatedquestion in the LMS
Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, 20033 Brent, R., Felder, R., and Rajala, S., “Preparing New Faculty Members to be Successful: A Radical Concept,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, 20064 Soukup, R. J., “Guidance for New Faculty,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, 19995 Minerick, A. R. and Keith, J. M., “Culture Shock: Acclimating as a New Faculty Member,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, 20056 Brent, R., and Felder, R. M., “Helping New Faculty Get Off to a Good Start,” Proceedings of the American Society for
and engagement in a health professions school," Journal of Academic Medicine, vol. 89, no. 2, pp. 236-243, 2014.[7] J. Subbiah, "Using Just-in-Time Teaching in a Flipped Undergraduate Biological Systems Engineering Course," in "Discipline-Based Education Research Group," University of Nebraska- Lincoln Digital Commons 2016, vol. 94.[8] H. Fredriksen, S. Hadjerrouit, J. Monaghan, and R. J. Rensaa, "Exploring tensions in a mathematical course for engineers utilizing a flipped classroom approach," in CERME 10, 2017.[9] S. J. DeLozier and M. G. Rhodes, "Flipped classrooms: a review of key ideas and recommendations for practice," Journal of Educational Psychology Review, vol. 29, no. 1, pp
students use the proper solution technique with the correct equation(s), theywill still get an incorrect answer if the property values are wrong. It is believed that spending asufficient amount of time to teach this skill is very beneficial to the students and necessary forsuccess in both thermodynamics courses. Thermodynamics I looks at the primary laws of thermodynamics and some additionalconservation equations along with the application of these when analyzing various processes andcycles. Although the zeroth law is critical in measuring temperature, it is only given a trivialamount of coverage due to its simplicity and the fact that it is not actually used in the analysis ofthermodynamic systems. The first law of thermodynamics examines
AC 2007-2681: STORYTELLING IN ENGINEERING EDUCATIONRobin Adams, Purdue University Robin S. Adams is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Education at Purdue University. She also leads the Institute for Scholarship on Engineering Education (ISEE) as part of the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education (CAEE). Dr. Adams received her PhD in Education, Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Washington, a MS in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Washington, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Dr. Adams' research is concentrated on design cognition and learning
committeecompleted a study on the development and implementation of metrics for scholarly teaching or"instructional scholarship" within the discipline of engineering. The committee sought to identifynew options (with respect to choices of existing metrics, processes for evaluation of metrics, andagents to perform the evaluation of metrics) for evaluating scholarly teaching and to assessbroadly the options identified in terms such as their validity, reliability, and ease-of-use byengineering faculty. The intent is to contribute to greater acceptance of instructional scholarshipwithin engineering disciplines. The committee examined specific choices for metrics of thescholarship of teaching, schemes for the evaluation of selected metrics, and agent(s) who
currently stands, we believe Recap’s technology glitches hinder true learninggains and have decided not to implement Recap during the spring 2017 semester. Plans to revisitthe technology later in 2017 to see what improvements have been made will determine future useand implementation decisions.References1 Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L. & Cocking, R. R. How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience and School. (National Academy Press, 2000).2 Fisher, D., Frey, N. & Rothenberg, C. Content-Area Conversations. (ASCD 2008).3 Brookfield, S. D. & Preskill, S. Discussion as a Way of Teaching. (John Wiley and Sons, 2005).4 Alexander, R. J. Towards Diologic Teaching: rethinking classroom talk. (Dialogos, 2017).5 Dreyfus