, various aspects of diversity in the absence of an intrinsicallydiverse classroom composition, as well as allow them to reflect on their own professional andpersonal experiences. Specifically, this module includes activities about implicit bias, stereotypethreat, and cross cultural competence. Student response has largely been positive, and studentreflection assignments have demonstrated critical thinking on the matter. As this is a recent pilotintervention, long-term longitudinal effects have yet to be investigated. Included here aredescriptions of the module activities, generalized student responses, and instructor perspective.While this topic is of great importance to all educators, it is often difficult to incorporate suchmaterial in well
ofmaterial Twoquizzesdropped Opportunitiesto retestconceptsto increasegrade Figure 1. Practice-feedback-assessment structure.Exams comprised 3-4 problems with multiple parts. All problems required students to show theirwork and obtain a numerical answer. Some parts of problems asked students to reflect on theiranswers in a few sentences or predict consequences of changing parameters. Multiple choice,fill-in-the-blank, and true-false were not testing constructs used heavily in these courses.Undergraduate graders were utilized in checking the completion-based homework
unfortunate realities14. Although the 3 large fundamental engineering courses in this study pose a different set ofissues, which often implies that quality teaching is not possible in large classes, researchers ineducation10,42,54,75 suggested the contrary –quality teaching is quite possible in large classes whilefocusing on student-centered, cooperative, active experimentation, and high-level thinkinglearning, instead of the traditional teacher-centered, individual, reflective observation, androutine-drill learning. Almost 2 decades ago, Felder23 had recommended the need to change the pedagogy usedin engineering classrooms. According to his study at that time, many engineering classes in1999 were taught in exactly the same way that
evaluation of student work that is valid, fair, and trustworthy, motivate and focus students’actions to learn, and promote data-driven student and instructor reflection [1]. For theseinstructors, grading is not about selecting talent - meaning the issuing of grades is primarilyintended to differentiate students, but rather, grading is about developing the talent of all studentsthrough feedback. The notion that grading is feedback, and “feedback is teaching” [2] resonateswith them.Riley is the instructor of a small class and sole grader of student work. He quickly gets to knowthe students in his class. He is aware of their individual and collective performance throughpersonal interactions in the classroom and office hours and the grading of their
concluding summary is required that includes the following: 1. Context — provide background justifying why the experiment was undertaken, 2. Purpose — what they wished to accomplish with the lab (purpose must be testable!), 3. Key Data — summary of the most important data from the experiment, 4. Take-away — states their conclusion based on the data and what the key outcome was.A major emphasis is placed on getting students to reflect on the meaning of their results and how tocommunicate them in a concise but complete manner; in short, developing the professional habitsof a practicing engineer. The following briefly summarizes the documentation requirements inseveral of my courses.Analog Electronics I and Analog Electronics II are required
, etc. e) Complexity of topic, i.e. whether the topic is too simple or too complex. f) Scientific integrity and depth of analysis, i.e. how good are the technical aspect and analysis of the project outcome.Implementations of new techniquesThe new techniques implemented in the post-changes case are based on having the students bewriters, readers and reviewers while providing them as much feedback as possible. Thefollowing is a list of the changes that were applied and their justifications. I. Provide more feedback more often: This is a key issue and is reflected in most of the changes implemented. Unlike most of the traditional problems in engineering where a numerical answer is often the result of
. MENG 242 (Dynamics) objective is to understand the kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies using vector analysis; force mass acceleration, work and energy, impulse and momentum, translating and rotating coordinate system. The two types of homework problems (in-house and textbook) were similar in difficultyand did not cover the same topic in every course. For example, if in one quarter, Newton’s SecondLaw is covered by in house assignment, it may not be the case for the next time around. This is toensure that the data does not reflect the difficulty of the topic. In addition, some in house problemswere assigned more than once, without given any kind of solution to the students. For MENG 242 (Dynamics
newmaterial. Students will eventually need reliable feedback on their performance thatallows them to move forward as learners and deepens their understanding of thesubject matter. This feedback could come from the instructor, their classmates, theirown self-reflection, or a combination of the three. (27, 28)Another important factor in the optimization process is to integrate the differentcourse components (learning goals, teaching/learning activities, feedback, andassessment), in such a way that the course becomes well-knit while the variouscomponents support and complement each other in a coherent manner, i.e., thesequencing of learning activities, feedback, and assessment should build energy,engage students, and allow learning to develop as the
groundsdoes the accumulation of some threshold number of points constitute mastery of the topic athand? Is such a numerical marker valuable to a learner in reflecting on their progress andaccumulated knowledge? The broad answer to such questions is that points are largely arbitrary,varying wildly in meaning across institutions, courses, or even across assignments.Trends in pedagogy have shifted strongly in the direction of more experiential, authentic learningactivities such as project-based and active learning. As the nature of the classroom activity haschanged, important questions have been raised about the efficacy of traditional grading schemes.Separation has been observed between course objectives and assessment practices, and theability of the
Teaching Model1 recommends that instructors use the ideas of Interpersonal Rapportand Intellectual Excitement as guides towards becoming an effective professor. These categoriesare broad and it is apparent that the assessment of performance is unavoidably subjective. Eachindividual brings a unique perspective to a classroom experience, which influences theirperception of the communication skills, organization, and caring spirit of the professor. Whilethe proposed rubric does not eliminate the subjectivity of a professor’s teaching performance, itdoes provide a tool for young professors to reflect on performance and identify focus areas thatare shown to improve teaching.Final Credits – AcknowledgementsThe inspiration for this collaboration began at