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Conference Session
Teaching Tools: Communication (NEE)
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sean St. Clair, Oregon Institute of Technology; Dave Kim, Washington State University, Vancouver; Charles Riley, P.E., Oregon Institute of Technology
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New Engineering Educators Division (NEE)
aerospace, automotive, and rail structures. He has been the author or co-author of over 180 peer-reviewed papers in these areas.Dr. Charles Riley, P.E., Oregon Institute of Technology Dr. Riley has been teaching mechanics concepts for over 10 years and has been honored with both the ASCE ExCEEd New Faculty Excellence in Civil Engineering Education Award (2012) and the Beer and Johnston Outstanding New Mechanics Educator Award (2013). ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2023 Assessing Faculty Implementation of Laboratory Report Writing Instructional ModulesAbstract“An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, anduse
Conference Session
Teaching Tools: Communication (NEE)
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maryam Mirabolghasemi, Mississippi State University
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New Engineering Educators Division (NEE)
analyzing the results. This form of peer interaction encouragesthe students to present a persuasive argument and engage in a technical discussion. An audienceof peers is less authoritative and less intimidating than the course instructor, and may serve as alearning resource for students (Hilgers et al., 1999).In addition to the benefits presented above, by learning and practicing other modes of technicalcommunication, engineering students develop a foundational skill that is key to their futuresuccess (Prausnitz and Bradley, 2000; Kmiec, 2004). Writing emails, preparing budgets andjustifying them, and taking meeting minutes are examples of routine tasks for engineers(Tranquillo and Cavanagh, 2007; Lepek and Stock, 2011). Nonetheless, engineering
Conference Session
Teaching Tools: Communication (NEE)
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexis P. Nordin, Mississippi State University; John Aaron Louis Grimes, Mississippi State University; Amy K. Barton, Mississippi State University; Shelly Sanders, Mississippi State University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators Division (NEE)
research habits, studentsare probably more inclined to adopt both vertical and lateral search techniques.Writing-Based Exercise #2: “Professional” fact checking for your peersThis activity requires that students act as “professional fact checkers” for their peers. Typically,this activity is useful during a drafting process for a paper, after Exercise #1 has been completedand students have begun writing their own papers. Writing-Based Exercise #2: Fact-checking activity—Evaluate your partner’s source use! Directions: For this exercise, you’ll choose at least one of your partner’s main sources. Afterward, you’ll act as a “professional fact checker,” evaluating both the credibility of your partner’s sources and their use of those sources. Remember
Conference Session
Teaching Tools: Student Experience and Reflection (NEE)
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Taru Malhotra, University of Waterloo; Carolyn G. MacGregor, University of Waterloo; Richard Li, University of Toronto, Canada; Alexander Edwin Kay Glover
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators Division (NEE)
focuses on involving postsecondary studentsto better their experiences at different levels, psychological and physical [1]. Instructors haveinvolved students in 1) individual and collaborative activities with hands-on, experiential,problem-based or inquiry-based components and 2) feedback strategies using peer feedback andinstructor feedback [2],[3]. These active learning and collaborative pedagogies enhanceinteraction and increase student engagement with content and peers and better learning andachievement in in-person, blended, and online STEM courses [4], [5], [3].Even with such innovative pedagogies and resulting higher grades, STEM students may feelunsatisfied with the course experience citing lack of interaction as the main reason [6
Conference Session
Teaching Tools: Student Experience and Reflection (NEE)
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christine B. Masters, Pennsylvania State University; Ibukun Samuel Osunbunmi, Pennsylvania State University
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New Engineering Educators Division (NEE)
mechanics of materials.This paper aims to provide lessons learned, highlight some teaching techniques that work,convey class management advice, and tips on balancing priorities when teaching is not your onlyresponsibility. But as I began to put the details together, I realized that given the wide range ofinstitutions and content areas of the audience for this paper, the broad-stroke perspectives towardteaching and classroom management would likely be more beneficial than a highly detailedlitany of content and classroom decisions I made for my course last semester. In writing thispaper, I hope my observations will provide insight and inspiration that new engineering facultycan use as they dive into this wonderfully fulfilling world of
Conference Session
Teaching Tools: Student Experience and Reflection (NEE)
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Morgan R. Broberg, Purdue University; Jose Capa Salinas, Purdue University; Danielle N. Wagner, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators Division (NEE)
. Students enter the program as rising juniors orseniors, and instructors are Ph.D. students with at least a year left in graduate school. As such,these former students are, at the time of writing, in high school (in 11th or 12th grade), their firstyear of college, or their second year of college. All former instructors are currently in academiccareers, including continuing as Graduate Research Assistants, Postdoctoral Researchers andFellows, Research Engineers, and Teaching Professors. Students have enrolled in Purdue’sengineering programs and indicated a preference for civil engineering, but no formal statisticsare maintained on previous students.The course was first taught in the summer of 2020 and continues to be conducted every summer.Due to
Conference Session
Teaching Tools: Problem Solving and Hands-On Teaching (NEE)
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Yanjun Yan, Western Carolina University
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators Division (NEE)
G141210 8 6 4 2 0 Agree Neutral Disagree I want to use Mastering in the rest of this course. I like the instant feedback on the Mastering platform. I like the fact that I am challenged in problems with different parameters from my peers to really show that I understand the concept and I can apply it. I love writing down my steps on paper while solving the problems on Mastering online. I feel that I can learn better (in the sense that I can solve harder problems or am aware of more knowledge points that I might have overlooked before) with more integration of Mastering into my course. I
Conference Session
Teaching Tools: Student Experience and Reflection (NEE)
2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anu Singh, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Heidi A. Diefes-Dux, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Tagged Divisions
New Engineering Educators Division (NEE)
lifelong learners [4], [5]. For astudent to be a self-regulated learner, they must develop an understanding and awareness oftheir learning and should be able to use that awareness to control their learning process [6].Self-regulation in students can be achieved through development of three metacognitivestrategies: Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluating [7].Instructors can use a variety of activities to promote students' metacognitive engagement,such as think-alouds, guided mastery, Socratic questioning, narratives (dialogue andstorytelling), concept mapping, and reflective writing. Including activities that provide anopportunity for reflection enhances students' self-regulation abilities [8]. Self-evaluation andreflection are two activities that