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Displaying all 5 results
Conference Session
Crafting the Future of Computing Education in CC2020
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Stephen T Frezza, Gannon University; Arnold Neville Pears, Uppsala University; Marisa Exter, Purdue University, West Lafayette (College of Engineering); Barry M. Lunt, Brigham Young University
Tagged Divisions
Computing and Information Technology, Software Engineering Division
.,ComputerEngineeringCurricula2016:CurriculumGuidelinesforUndergraduate DegreeProgramsinComputerEngineering(CE2016); 2017August30.[6] ACMetal.,ComputerEngineering2004:CurriculumGuidelinesforUndergraduateDegree ProgramsinComputerEngineering(CE2004); August30.[7] ACMetal.,InformationTechnologyCurricula2017:CurriculumGuidelinesforUndergraduate DegreeProgramsinInformationTechnology(IT2017);[8] Exter, M. E. & Turnage, N. M. Exploring experienced professionals’ reflections on computing education. Transactions on Computing Education, 12 (3), 2012.
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cam Macdonell, MacEwan University; Heidi J.C. Ellis, Western New England University; Darci Burdge, Nassau Community College; Lori Postner, Nassau Community College; Gregory W Hislop, Drexel University (Computing and Informatics)
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Division
Source Day did notfulfill the participants’ expectations. Or the convergence of the post-experience survey maysimply reflect that the women had a better understanding of HFOSS by the end of the day and soresponse became more similar across ethnicities.Opinion results breakdown by age - The opinion responses were also analyzed by agecategories. Significant positive change was found in age categories “20-21” and “over 24” onH3, “consider taking more courses”. This mirrors the significant change for the total set ofrespondents. Sample sizes in the other age categories were much smaller and no significantdifferences were detected. White Hispanic Asia/Pacific Item Pre Post P Pre
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gregory Kulczycki, Virginia Tech; Steven Atkinson, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Division
that led the educator to seek out professional assistance was the concern that thedesign of the Affable Bean Project (the web site that was developed by following the NetBeansE-Commerce Tutorial) may not reflect industry best practice. The tutorial is very well writtenand covers the major objectives of the course, but it is somewhat dated (it was written in 2009),and a portion of it emphasizes EJB (Enterprise JavaBean) technology, which is not as prevalentin industry as some other technologies. When the educator and professional were discussingways to modify the Affable Bean Project to bring it more in line with industry best practice, theprofessional suggested employing a version of the DAO (Direct Access Object) Pattern usingJava instead of
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 2
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Mourya Reddy Narasareddy Gari, North Dakota State University; Gursimran Singh Walia; Alex David Radermacher, North Dakota State University
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Division
recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.8. References:[1] J. Hamari, J. Koivisto, and H. Sarsa, “Does Gamification Work?–A Literature Review of Empirical Studies on Gamification” in System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on, 2014, pp. 3025–3034.[2] I, M.B., A.Di-Serio, C. Delgado Kloos.: “Gamification for engaging computer science students in learning activities: a case study”. IEEE Trans. Technol. 7(3), 291 301(2014).[3] T. Auvinen, L. Hakulinen and L. Malmi (2015). Increasing Students' Awareness of Their Behavior in Online Learning Environments with Visualizations and Achievement Badges
Conference Session
Software Engineering Division Technical Session 1
2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
James R Vallino, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE); Bryan Basham, Software Alchemy (with RIT)
Tagged Divisions
Software Engineering Division
Python on top of the Django framework. The low level of design skills wasnoted by faculty teaching the following design course, SWEN-262 Engineering of SoftwareSubsystems, which emphasizes design abstraction and design patterns. Students were talkingabout design information learned in their first-year CS course and not the Introduction toSoftware Engineering course. The department's Industrial Advisory Board also identified this asa problem after having discussions during our annual meeting with students at all year levels.Learning Goals for the CourseIn considering yet another redesign of our Introduction to Software Engineering course, we gavesome reflection on why we had so much trouble getting this course "right". We were