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Nathalia De Souza, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Michaella Ochotorena, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Brian P. Self, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Lauren Anne Cooper, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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Paper ID #32966Sudden Shift to Online Learning: COVID-19’s Impact on EngineeringStudent ExperiencesMs. Nathalia De Souza, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Nathalia De Souza is a second-year Aerospace Engineering student (B.S.) at California Polytechnic Uni- versity, San Luis Obispo. She obtained her A.A. in Math and Science at West Hills College, Lemoore in 2019. Nathalia currently works as a research assistant for the Cal Poly Mechanical Engineering De- partment and is also pursuing a minor in Ethnic Studies. Her engineering education interests include researching the gap in performance and between
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Bala Vignesh Sundaram, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus; Nadia N. Kellam, Arizona State University; Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus
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narrative research methods and is interested more broadly in interpretive research methods. In her research, Dr. Kellam is broadly interested in developing critical understandings of the culture of engineering education and, espe- cially, the experiences of underrepresented undergraduate engineering students and engineering educators. In addition to teaching undergraduate engineering courses and a graduate course on entrepreneurship, she also enjoys teaching qualitative research methods in engineering education in the Engineering Education Systems and Design PhD program at ASU. She is deputy editor of the Journal of Engineering Education.Dr. Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University, Polytechnic campus SHAWN JORDAN, Ph.D
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Taylor Lightner, Virginia Tech Department of Engineering Education; Siddhartha Roy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Jeremi S. London, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Marc Edwards, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
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engagement, and the societal impact of engineering infrastructure.Mr. Siddhartha Roy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Siddhartha Roy is a PhD student in Civil & Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech. His research focuses on factors leading to failures in drinking water infrastructures; in particular, erosion corrosion of copper pipes in hot water systems. His advisor is Dr. Marc Edwards.Dr. Jeremi S. London, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Dr. Jeremi London is an Assistant Professor in the Engineering Education Department at Virginia Poly- technic Institute and State University. London is a mixed methods researcher with interests in research impact, cyberlearning, and
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Student Division Technical Session 4
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Maral Kargarmoakhar, Florida International University; Stephanie Jill Lunn, Florida International University; Monique S. Ross, Florida International University; Zahra Hazari, Florida International University; Mark A. Weiss, Florida International University; Michael Georgiopoulos, University of Central Florida; Ken Christensen P.E., University of South Florida; Tiana Solis, Florida International University
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Florida International University (FIU). Her research interests span the fields of Computing and Engineer- ing Education, Human Computer Interaction, Data Science, and Machine Learning. Previously, Stephanie received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Neuroscience from the University of Miami, in addition to B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from FIU.Dr. Monique S. Ross, Florida International University Monique Ross, Assistant Professor in the School of Computing and Information Sciences and STEM Transformation Institute at Florida International University, designs research focused on broadening par- ticipation in computer science through the exploration of: 1) race, gender, and disciplinary identity; 2) discipline
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Laura Jill Carroll, University of Michigan; Cynthia J. Finelli, University of Michigan
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opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are thoseof the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] M. K. Eagan, E. B. Stolzenberg, H. B. Zimmerman, M. C. Aragon, H. Whang Sayson, and C. Rios-Aguilar, “The American freshman: National norms Fall 2016,” University of California, Los Angeles, CA, U.S., 2017.[2] A. L. Green and D. L. Rabine, “What do we really know about ADHD in college students?” Neurotherapeutics, vol. 9, pp. 559-568, 2012, doi:10.1007/s13311-012-0127-8.[3] G. J. DuPaul, L. L. Weyandt, S. M. O’Dell, and M. Varejao, “College students with ADHD: Current status and future directions,” Journal of Attention
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Meg E. West, The Ohio State University
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/browse/superstar. experiences, professional contexts, and superstar teacher of engineering using the belief that identities are [Accessed: 01-Jul-2020].external political environments were critical to storied. 3 J. E. Reimers, C. L. Farmer, and S. S. Klein-Gardner, “An
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Student Division Technical Session 7
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Catherine Hendricks Belk, Clemson University; Marisa K. Orr, Clemson University
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Science and Mathematics Education, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 14-31, 2019.[2] R. E. Mayer, Thinking, problem solving, cognition. New York, NY: W. H. Freeman, 1992.[3] G. Duffy, S. Sorby, and B. Bowe, "An investigation of the role of spatial ability in representing and solving word problems among engineering students," Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 109, no. 3, pp. 424-442, 2020, doi: 10.1002/jee.20349.[4] A. D. Baddeley and G. J. Hitch, "Working Memory," in The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in research and theory, vol. 8, G. h. Bower Ed. New York: Academies Press, 1974, pp. 48-79.[5] A. Baddeley, "Fractionating the Central Executive," in Principles of Frontal Lobe Function, D. T. Stuss and R
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Student Division Technical Session 3
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Felicity Bilow, Clarkson University; Jan DeWaters P.E., Clarkson University; Gordon D. Hoople, University of San Diego
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, "Depoliticization and the Structure of Engineering Education," in International Perspectives on Engineering Education, S. H. Christensen, C. Didier, A. Jamison, M. Meganck, C. Mitcham and B. Newberry, Eds., New York, NY, USA: Springer, 2015, pp. 203-216.[7] M. Nelson, G. D. Hoople, J. A. Mejia and S. M. Lord, "Work-in-Progress: What is Energy? Examining Engineering Students' Conceptions of Energy," in Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, QC, Canada, 22-26 June 2020.[8] G. D. Hoople, D. A. Chen, S. M. Lord, L. A. Gelles, F. Bilow and J. A. Mejia, "An Integrated Approach to Energy Education in Engineering," Sustainability, vol. 12, no. 21, 2020.[9] R. Rincon, "SWE Research Update: Women in Engineering by
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Student Division Technical Session 3
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jorge Jimenez, University of Pittsburgh; April A. Dukes, University of Pittsburgh; Morgan V. Fedorchak
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semester reports. There was a total of 23 reports (Semester A – N = 8, Semester B – N = 7, Semester – N – 8) with a maximum of 8 reports per semester. Theme 2, regulation in healthcare had the highest frequency (1.65 text references/report, 38 references,/23 reports). When comparing theme 4, public health perspectives between class cohorts, Semester B had the highest frequency (0.43 text references/report, N=8). atient compliance Degree in which a person adheres to medication or medical advice ase of administration rocess of a person ta ing medication is simplified ood and Drug dminstration .S. regulatory body guiding pharmaceutical development and uality Clinical trials
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Bibhav Bhattarai, Auburn University; Edward W. Davis, Auburn University; Joni M. Lakin, University of Alabama; Virginia A. Davis, Auburn University; Daniela Marghitu, Auburn University
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-person camp with greater number of participants. Besides, following changes tocation usage. The findings of the paper suggest that the overall perspective remained posi- the applications is proposed:tive with application usage amongst the students. Similarly, a literature by Lehman, S., et al. •Currently, the water application only supports two of the buildings inside Au-(2018). [2] proposes an AR app that helps cognitively impaired elderly
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Student Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Tyler Milburn, The Ohio State University; Krista M. Kecskemety, The Ohio State University
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emerged [1].As technology advanced and grew, society’s problems and needs became more complex andspecialization areas became more specific, allowing more engineering disciplines to take shape.Examples of engineering disciplines taking shape more recently in the past few decades includeusability engineering [5], web engineering [6], and mechatronics [7]. In some cases, additionaland more specific disciplines are considered ‘branches’ or ‘sub-disciplines’ of the ‘original’disciplines that many consider to be the primary engineering disciplines: civil, mechanical,electrical, and chemical [8]. For example, in Dixit et al.’s [3] book describing the history ofmechanical engineering, he also explains production engineering, industrial engineering
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Student Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Pasquale Sanfelice; Mia Erdenebileg; Doris J. Espiritu, Wilbur Wright College- One of the City Colleges of Chicago
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Paper ID #34731Paper: Overcoming Comfort Zones to Better the Self-Efficacy ofUndergraduate Engineering Students (Tricks of the Trade) (WIP)Pasquale Sanfelice, Pasquale Sanfelice completed Associates in Engineering Science (AES) at the City Colleges of Chicago- Wilbur Wright College as the class of 2021’s salutatorian. Pasquale was admitted to Wright as an Engi- neering Pathway student in Fall 2019 and will pursue his bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at Northwestern University in Fall 2021. Pasquale was the American Chemical Society’s Student Chapter president AY 2020-2021, a volunteer engineering tutor, and a
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Mehdi Lamssali, North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University; Olivia Kay Nicholas, RAPID; Alesia Coralie Ferguson, North Carolina A&T State University; Andrea Nana Ofori-Boadu, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University; Angela M. White, NC A&T State University
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with those gleaned from student and administrator experiencesacross the larger project.Acknowledgments This project is supported through the National Science Foundation (NSF-RAPID)program under Grant No. (NSF 2028811). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Special thanks to all student and facultymembers that participated in this research.References [1] E. Mahase, “Covid-19: WHO declares pandemic because of ‘alarming levels’ of spread, severity, and inaction,” Bmj, p. m1036, 2020. [2] P. Sahu, “Closure of Universities Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Impact on Education
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 2
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Kevin Zhu, University of Toronto; Aoran Jiao, University of Toronto; Xinyue (Crystal) Liu, University of Toronto; Scott Ramsay P.Eng., University of Toronto
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synchronization," European Journal of Neuroscience, vol. XXV, pp. 603-610, 2007.[4] C.-M. Chen, J.-Y. Wang and C.-M. Yu, "Assessing the attention levels of students by using a novel attention aware system based on brainwave signals," British Journal of Educational Technology, vol. XLVIII, no. 2, pp. 348-369, 2015.[5] NeuroSky, "MindWave Mobile 2 Brainwave Sensing Headset," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 17 April 2021].[6] G. H. Klem, H. O. Lüders, H. H. Jasper and C. Elger, "The ten-twenty electrode system of the International Federation. The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology," Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, vol. LII, pp. 3-6, 1999.[7] S. Dikker, L. Wan
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Student Division Technical Session 3
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Dolores Herrera; Claire Marie Leader, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; Soham Patel; Anahid Behrouzi, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
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* Resources Time Affiliation S F/S A Total 1 Fri What is Anti- ARCH - - - - An Anti-Racist Manifesto [8] 6/26/20 Racist Design, student Why I’m an architect that designs for social impact, 5-6 PM Planning and not buildings | Liz Ogbu TED Talk [9] Building? Black in Design Session 3, Mobilizing and Organizing [10] 2 Wed Placemaking as
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Cassondra Wallwey, The Ohio State University
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. [3] J. A. Hattie and H. Timperley, “The Power of Feedback,” Rev. Educ. Res., vol. 77, pp. 81–112,person’s actions at a “personality-level” [7, p. 125]. This mini-theory feedback to be implemented. 2007.categorizes an individual’s initiation and regulation of their own [4] S. A. Ambrose, M. W. Bridges, M. DiPietro, M. C. Lovett, and M. K. Norman, How Learning Works
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Student Division Technical Session 1
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Melissa Shuey, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Atsushi Akera, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Sarah Appelhans, University at Albany-SUNY; Alan Cheville, Bucknell University; Thomas De Pree, University of New Mexico; Soheil Fatehiboroujeni, Cornell University
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M.C. Richey, “The wisdom of winter is madness in May,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 108, no. 2, pp. 156-160, 2019.[3] R.A. Cheville, “Board # 22 : Ecosystems as Analogies for Engineering Education,” in ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017.[4] W. Lee, “Pipelines, pathways, and ecosystems: An argument for participation paradigms,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 108, no. 1, pp. 8-12, 2019.[5] S. Lord, M. Ohland, R.A. Layton, and M. Camacho, “Beyond pipeline and pathways: Ecosystem metrics,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 108, no. 1, pp. 32-56, 2019.[6] L. Vanasupa and L. Schlemer, “Transcending Industrial Era Paradigms: Exploring Together the Meaning of Academic Leadership for Diversity
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Alexis Rae Walsh, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Sarah E. Norris, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Nathaniel Blalock, Enlite Research Group Led by Dr. Faber: University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Daniel Patrick Mountain, University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Courtney June Faber, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
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of 8 participantsCommunication response from other teammate(s)Delegation Impact of assigning roles to individual team members 8 out of 8 participants and overall distribution (or lack thereof) of tasks required by the projectLack of Team member(s) show a lack of motivation after 8 out of 8 participantsMotivation moving onlineMeeting Team member expresses challenge of getting team to 8 out of 8 participants meet after moving online due to schedulingRelationship Student expresses impact of getting to know teammates 8 out of 8 participantsFormation for online project compared to in
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Vanessa Elizabeth Santana, Purdue University; Scott R. Bartholomew, Brigham Young University
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met with the class during one semester of school for a total of 21,90-minute class periods over the course of 13 weeks. Lessons and activities took place within thestudent’s regular classroom and a multi-use lab space adjacent to the classroom. All students (n =24 students) enrolled in the class were included in the outlined intervention, but in line with thenature of this work in progress, the preliminary data presented here includes informationdetailing only one student, Jamie (pseudonym used for student’s privacy).Prior to beginning the intervention, a modified version of the Student Attitudes toward STEMsurvey (S-STEM) [1] was created. The S-STEM survey, which collects student data related tothoughts and feelings regarding STEM (Science
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Student Division Technical Session 7
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Haleh Barmaki Brotherton, Clemson University; Marisa K. Orr, Clemson University
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on taking action to accomplish the task bothmoves us closer to the final goal and empowers us to tackle the next task.Reference:[1] American Psychological Association (APA), “Perfectionism.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 03-May-2020].[2] G. L. Flett and P. L. Hewitt, “Perfectionism and maladjustment: An overview of theoretical, definitional, and treatment issues.,” in Perfectionism: Theory, research, and treatment., 2004.[3] D. Burns, “The perfectionist’s script for self-defeat.pdf,” Psychology Today. 1980.[4] R. O. Frost, P. Marten, C. Lahart, and R. Rosenblate, “The dimensions of perfectionism,” Cognit. Ther. Res., 1990.[5] H. Seong, S. Lee, and E. Chang
Conference Session
Student Division Technical Session 4
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Regina Palero Aleman, University of San Diego; Mireya Becker Roberto; Joel Alejandro Mejia, University of San Diego; Susan M. Lord, University of San Diego; Laura Ann Gelles, University of Texas at Dallas; Diana A. Chen, University of San Diego; Gordon D. Hoople, University of San Diego
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, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2017.[8] G. D. Hoople, D. A. Chen, S. M. Lord, L. A. Gelles, F. Bilow, and J. A. Mejia, "An Integrated Approach to Energy Education in Engineering," Sustainability, vol. 12, no. 21, p. 9145, 2020.[9] L. A. Gelles, S. M. Lord, G. D. Hoople, D. A. Chen, and J. A. Mejia, "Compassionate Flexibility and Self-Discipline: Student Adaptation to Emergency Remote Teaching in an Integrated Engineering Energy Course during COVID-19," Education Sciences, vol. 10, no. 11, p. 304, 2020. [Online]. Available:[10] University of San Diego. "Courses - Integrated Approach to Energy."
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Student Division Technical Session 5
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amanda N. Quay, Stanford University; Callan E. Monette, Stanford University; Stacey A. Huang, Stanford University; Alexa Wnorowski, Stanford University; Anjali Mulchandani, Stanford University; Ronnie Miller, Stanford University
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%20NSF_RAPID_GraduateStudentExperiences_Covid19_White_Paper.pdf[2] N. Winstone et al., “Who stands to benefit? Wellbeing, belonging and challenges to equity inengagement in extra-curricular activities at university,” Act. Learn. High. Educ., Feb. 2020.[3] S. K. Gardner and B. J. Barnes, “Graduate student involvement: Socialization for theprofessional role,” J. Coll., vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 369-387, 2007.[4] K. Farley, M. McKee, and M. Brooks, “The Effects of Student Involvement on GraduateStudent Satisfaction: A Pilot Study,” Alabama Counseling Association Journal vol. 37, no. 1, pp.33-38, 2011.[5] J. A. Austin, “Flourishing Elements: Psychological, Social, Contemplative, Physical, andEmotional Well-Being: COVID-Impacted,” Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, 2020.[6] A. E. Lundquist and L. Carter
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Student Division Technical Session 6
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Nathaniel Blalock, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Alexis Rae Walsh, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Daniel Patrick Mountain, University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Sarah Emily Norris; Courtney June Faber, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
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Borders and Technologies: Advancements in Virtual Teams Research,” Jul. 01, 2012. [2] N. A. Ebrahim, S. Ahmed, and Z. Taha, “Virtual Teams: a Literature Review,” p. 222818 Bytes, 2014, doi: 10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.1067906. [3] Y. Zhang, M. Gregory, and Y. Shi, “Global engineering networks (GEN): Drivers, evolution, configuration, performance and key patterns,” Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 299–314, Jan. 2008, doi: 10.1108/17410380810853740. [4] “The Massive and Rapid Shift to Remote Work and Virtual Leadership - i4cp,” Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp). massive-and-rapid-shift-to-remote-work-and-virtual
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2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Amanda Marie Singer, Michigan Technological University; Michelle E. Jarvie-Eggart, Michigan Technological University
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-care. The advice provided by online students in 2020 introduced a new concept to thetheme of time management, the idea of attending online class at its “scheduled” time. For classesbeing administered synchronously, student advice indicates that students should attend class atthe time scheduled by the university, regardless of whether the session will be recorded andavailable to view later. For asynchronous courses, where lectures are pre-recorded, onlinestudents should schedule time(s) each week to watch the recordings, supporting advice offeredby unsuccessful online learners.6 In traditional in-person learning environments, a student’s classschedule is dictated by the available course offerings and their associated times. However
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2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Jennifer Shaffer Brown, Clemson University
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, 2011.[3] E. M. Duffy and M. M. Cooper, “Assessing TA buy-in to expectations and alignment of actual teaching practices in a transformed general chemistry laboratory course,” Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 189–208, 2020.[4] R. Tormey, C. Hardebolle, and S. Isaac, “The Teaching Toolkit: design of a one-day pedagogical workshop for engineering graduate teaching assistants,” Eur. J. Eng. Educ., vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 378–392, 2020.[5] T. Bourelle, “Preparing Graduate Students to Teach Online: Theoretical and Pedagogical Practices,” Writ. Progr. Adm., vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 90–113, 2016.[6] F. Marbouti, K. J. Rodgers, H. Jung, A. Moon, and H. A. Diefes-Dux, “Factors that help and hinder teaching assistants
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Student Division Technical Session 7
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Andrew H. Phillips, The Ohio State University; Krista M. Kecskemety, The Ohio State University
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Function: Sensing (S) and Intuition (N) • Cognitive Judging Function: Thinking (T) and Feeling (F) • Attitude of the Functions: Judging (J) and Perceiving (P)The True Colors taxonomy is a simplification of the MBTI created by Lowry based on Keirsey’sfour temperament groupings [4]. Many versions of a test instrument utilizing the True Colorstaxonomy exist. One of the most commonly used versions is the True Colors “word cluster”version. This instrument is used because it is relatively quick to administer and is easilyaccessible. The True Colors “word cluster” test has four personality dimensions identified ascolors: • Gold • Orange • Blue • GreenThe Five-Factor Model (FFM) is also called the Big Five personality traits or the
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2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access
Matilda Ho, University of Texas at Dallas; Maria Fernanda Valdez; Casey Hatfield; Jieun Kim; Taylor Carlile Beach
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tool.Special thank you for the support from the Control Systems Department at University of Texas atDallas. 10 References1. B. Balamuralithara and P. Woods, "Virtual laboratories in engineering education: The simulation lab and remote lab," in Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Wiley Online Library, 2008, pp. 108-118.2. D. Cook, S. Hamstra, B. Zendejas, J. Szostek, A. Wang, P. Erwin and R. Hatala, "Comparative effectiveness of instructional design features in simulation-based education: Systematic review and meta-analysis.," in Medical Teacher, pp. 867-898.3. Kiryakova, Gabriela & Angelova, Nadezhda &
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Jeong Hin Chin, University of Michigan; Herbert Li, University of Michigan; Robin Fowler, University of Michigan
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5, we notice that Cluster 2’s Control score is higher than Control scores ofClusters 1 and 3. We can say with certainty that there is a difference in Control score betweenCluster 1 and Cluster 2. Nonetheless, the Control scores in Cluster 2 and 3 are almost the same.Therefore, when there is ambiguity in the value in the table, we can use bootstrap analysis tohelp us determine if there is a difference in the control variable between Cluster 2 and Cluster 3. ```{r} # We just want Cluster 2 & 3 control % filter(Cluster != 1) # Setting up the functions and constants B
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Jessica Marie Mingee, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ann-Perry Witmer P.E., University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign
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| Section 1. Strategies for Community Change and Improvement: An Overview | Examples | Community Tool Box. [Online]. Available: e. [Accessed: 04-Mar-2021].[21] E. H. Spicer, Human problems in technological change: a casebook. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1974.[22] M. C. Ramírez, J. Plazas, C. Torres, J. C. Silva, L. C. Caicedo, and M. A. González, “A Systemic Framework to Develop Sustainable Engineering Solutions in Rural Communities in Colombia,” Systemic Practice and Action Research, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 95–116, 2011.[23] S. Glade, C. Karter, and K. Pagilla, “Case Studies from a Community-Focused
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Hamidreza Taimoory, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; David B. Knight, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Kazuki Hori, Virginia Tech
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, Tseng, & Akarasriworn, 2013). Furthermore, several studiesfound that collaboration improves students’ performance by developing higher order-thinkingwhen students discuss their ideas in the group (Chung, 1998; S. D. Johnson & Chung, 1999;Mergendoller, Bellisimo, & Maxwell, 2000). Students will more engaged in learning when theyfeel they are an accepted group member (Willms, 2003). For example, girls have positiveperceptions about team processes when they are in a group comprised of other girls. As shown inprior research on SEEK, girls felt less positive about their team processes and were less engagedwhen they were in a co-ed team (Beauchamp, Edwards, Knight, & Lee, 2019). Thus, in additionto focusing on the outcomes (i.e