[2]. đ 2 đ đ 2 đ đđđ đđ + = â đđĽ 2 đđ§ 2 đ đđĽ.While we anticipate that solving the heat equation for time would increase accuracy of TC++âs timeprediction, the cost of computing power and multiple thermocouples, used by solutions generated by finitedifference analysis, could potentially cause TC++ to be as expensive as current consumer smartthermometers.Our conclusion was to develop the time prediction via regression analysis performed on real timethermocouple data sent to an Arduino Uno. The tradeoff of accuracy is especially notable during the initialstages of cooking, but we anticipated
Table 3, we provide a summary of identified themes for each researchquestion and further describe these findings in the following sections.Table 3: Research Questions and Identified Themes. Research Question Theme(s) Present RQ 1: How do undergraduate studentsâ ⢠Prioritizing engineering-related interpretations of course performance experiences and relationships as indicators influence the formation of their professional of engineering identity identities? ⢠Being a student versus becoming an engineer RQ 2: How do undergraduate studentsâ ⢠Decreasing influence of
me, helping me come up with challenge ideas for my workshops, andlearning alongside me as I discovered different ideation methods.Citations[1] American Society for Quality, âWhat is Problem Solving?,â 2023. https://asq.org/quality- resources/problem-solving (accessed Dec. 28, 2023).[2] âJob Outlook 2023,â naceweb.org, Oct. 2022. Accessed: Dec. 28, 2023. [Online]. Available: https://www.naceweb.org/store/2022/job-outlook-2023.[3] H. Besant, âThe journey of brainstorming,â vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1â7, 2016.[4] H. Al-Samarraie and S. Hurmuzan, âA review of brainstorming techniques in higher education,â vol. 27, pp. 78â91, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.tsc.2017.12.002.[5] H.-H. Tang, Y.-L. Chen, and J. S. Gero, âThe influence of
develop my teaching skills without adding additional stress as other languages and other cultures. Teaching is sometimes stressful when we do not have preparation before starting. I surpassed the process and understood the role by myself." â AnyersonSruthi 's challenges led her to innovate in creating cultural awareness in her classroom, turningobstacles into opportunities for enriching the educational experience with diverse perspectives. "In overcoming cultural misunderstandings, I've learned to be more empathetic and patient, taking the time to understand different perspectives and finding common ground. These experiences, both supportive and challenging, have contributed to my development as an educator and
commitment is in place to sustain the implementation ofthe belonging intervention in first-year engineering classes. This continuous effort aims not onlyto validate the persistence of observed patterns but also to gauge the long-term effectiveness ofthe intervention in influencing studentsâ perceptions, self-efficacy, and overall experienceswithin the engineering curriculum.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank the participants for sharing their stories. This material is basedupon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (2111114 and2111513). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience
positionality from a first-person viewpoint, enabling our voices to shine more clearly.Author 1âs Positionality:I come to this work from a place of personal interest. I have always been interested in learning,teaching, and mentoring. I had the opportunity to engage with this process of becoming aprofessor in a much more structured, scaffolded, and safely strategic environment than iscommon for engineering faculty. I have a master's in chemical engineering; thus, I feel veryconfident in my engineering identity, ability to comprehend and communicate the material, andmy familiarity with both the difficulty of the learning process and the struggles of being a studentthrough an engineering program. I was co-teaching with my masterâs advisor, who also
. (2016). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Sage publications.Byars-Winston, A., & Dahlberg, M. L. (2019). The Science of Effective Mentorship in STEMM. Consensus Study Report. National Academies Press. 500 Fifth Street NW, Washington, DC 20001.Eby, L. T., Rhodes, J. E., & Allen, T. D. (2007). Definition and evolution of mentoring. The Blackwell handbook of mentoring: A multiple perspectives approach, 7-20.Fisher, D. R. (2013). Educating engineers for the 21st century: a framework for skill development through co-curricular and extracurricular involvement (Doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).Fisher, D. R., Bagiati, A., & Sarma, S. (2014). Fostering 21st
discussed the changes that would make them feel more welcome and includedwithin academia and their department(s) (cultural and/or infrastructural changes). They alsoprovided advice and recommendations to future queer and trans graduate students. The panelreceived overwhelmingly positive feedback, and the audience expressed their willingness andenthusiasm to learn and support queer and trans graduate students. Overall, the lessons learnedfrom the Queer and Trans Graduate Students Panel are as follows: 1) Provided an opportunity to inform about the specific obstacles that many queer and trans students experience in graduate education. 2) Contributed to the knowledge of designing, facilitating, and conducting a student experiences
Certification, two Naval Achievement Medals, the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, and a Naval Commendation Medal for his work troubleshooting and repairing the Moored Training Ship 635âs reactor and electrical distribution faults. Following his transition from active duty, Bryan earned his PhD as a member of both the Computation and Advancement of Sustainable Systems Lab, where he developed a new method for distributed system demand estimation, and at the Sustainable Design and Manufacturing lab, where his work focused on increasing System of System resilience. Bryanâs work has been published in the Journal of Industrial Ecology, Journal of Mechanical Design, and IEEEâs Systems Journal. At Embry-Riddle
student, andthree undergraduate students. The meetings we observed took place over the course of fiveweeks. We used the Zoom recordings and transcriptions of these meetings as well as our teamâsfield notes to create an ethnographic record. We used Spradley (1980)âs Developmental ResearchSequence (D.R.S.) to guide our analysis of the ethnographic record [5].First, we conducted a grand tour (i.e., high level) observation of the ethnographic record toidentify key components of Team Yâs culture. We focused our observations by identifying theactivities, places, goals, time frames, and feelings expressed in relation to the engagement of theundergraduate members of Team Y. Following this grand tour description, we conducted threedomain analyses: the
women in engineering, though this type of study can enhancealready existing research. The capitals men and women utilize should be observed forresearchers to gain a better understanding of the different ways these demographics succeed inengineering.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1734347. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. Additionally, this work is partially supported by the Clemson University CreativeInquiry program.References[1] S. L. Dika and M. M. D'Amico, âEarly experiences and integration in the persistence
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specifically invited to participatein the events, though all people were welcome. Invitations for the events were sent out 1-3 weeksbefore each event through graduate college newsletters and with the help of staff graduatecoordinators and student volunteers from each department. Flyers were also put up on noticeboards in the engineering buildings. Three surveys were conducted throughout the program: onejust after the first event in the series, one at the end of the Fall 2022 semester, and the last one atthe end of the Spring 2023 semester.The program targeted three categories of intervention: belonging (B), advice and support (A), andskills and opportunities (S). The belonging intervention sought to promote a feeling of belongingin the participants
anchored in achievement but requires more than a checklist of academicaccomplishments. Understanding engineering course content and being able to apply thatknowledge in other contexts was the main priority for each student interviewed.Theme 4: Social Connections with Peers (supplement)Connie did not attribute engineering inspiration or motivation to family members, but rather toher peers. When asked about the most helpful resource for engineering students, she said, For me, the most helpful was the classmate[s] because seeing other peopleâs perspectives and also a lot of my classmates had internships already, and so, being able to talk to them like, hey, what is this like? What do you like about it? What do you not like
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student in the Learning Design + Technology program at NC State University. Her research interests include communities of practice, professional development for students, and makerspace instructional design. ŠAmerican Society for Engineering Education, 2023 WIP: Staff Communities of Practice for Makerspace Professional DevelopmentIntroduction The âBe A Makerâ (BeAM) Makerspace at the University of North Carolina at ChapelHill exemplifies an inclusive makerspace, where users are welcome to design, prototype, andcollaborate with others regardless of skill level, personal interests, academic major(s), and/orphysical abilities. The space employs 50-60
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(s) B A, D, E, & F CLevel I â Have the students changed, or have I?Professor B was the only professor with less than or equal to six years of experience as anengineering professor. Professor B was initially hesitant to participate in this study, as they felttheir lack of experience would hinder their ability to acknowledge differences in their studentspre- and post-pandemic. They said: When COVID hit, I was only in my third semester teaching [second-year Mechanical Engineering course] ⌠I was still learning and trying to optimize my class. For some of the changes [in students] I have noticed over the years, I would be tempted to attribute them mostly to my
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terms like âreflection AND educationâ returnedmany more results.Students are suffering from a phenomenon exemplified by T. S. Elliotâs quote, âWe had theexperience but missed the meaningâ [23]. For students, the university experience today is aconstant cycle of attempting to absorb new information, learning just enough to completeassignments, turning in those assignments, and moving on to the next. Educators typically provideample opportunity to practice skills, but little opportunity to reflect upon them. Academia does notalways approach reflection with the most favorable perspective. It is often seen as a nonsensicaloutpour of emotions or a simple summary of events, neither of which are compatible with therigorous and âobjectiveâ world of
the college environment. Her research interest focuses on higher education policy, access, and representation of marginalized groups in STEM disciplines.Dr. Roberta Rincon, Society of Women Engineers Dr. Roberta Rincon is the Associate Director of Research with the Society of Women Engineers, where she oversees the organizationËa Câ˘s research activities around issues impacting girls and women from elementary through college and into the engineering workDaniel E. Chand, Kent State University Daniel E. Chand is an associate professor of political science and public administration at Kent State University. He earned his Ph.D. in Public Policy from the University of Arkansas in 2013. His research applies policy and
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