coding scheme adapted from a related study by Song, Guoand Thuente [1], focusing on density, organization, and content of the study sheet. The codingcriteria are explained below and summarized in Table 1.Density: • A study sheet is considered dense when both sides of the paper are covered, leaving minimal vacant space. This indicates the volume of information on the paper and the effort invested in crafting the sheet. • Very dense sheets may suggest inadequate preparation for the exam, potentially reflecting a last-minute effort to compile material for use during the test. Dense sheets may not necessarily indicate a strong understanding of the course concepts. • Very sparse sheets may suggest a lack of time
, equity and inclusion (DEI). Simple exposure to adiverse environment in the classroom does not fully prepare students to succeed in a similar real-world environment.In order to best prepare students for post-graduation roles, we must incorporate DEI into ourcurriculum. Education in these issues promotes their awareness of the topic and allows them toexplore their own implicit bias in a safe environment. Practicing our teaching with similarthought, we must assess the student outcomes in a manner which is reflective of our ownunderstanding of these issues and aims to minimize performance gaps due to disparities betweenstudents.Systems Engineering is an ideal platform to promote student awareness of global inequities inthe world as well as explore
developer reflect upon and address those biases? How can we check our assumptions? Competitors The competitors would always come up with a better deep learning model for the system. Decolonizing Question for Competitors: How does the ethical conduct of your entity or project influence the accepted norms of how others in the field conduct their own systems design and implementation? Can your work set a standard for ethics and justice in the design process that influences the field?As you can see the decolonization questions help emphasize a critical view of power dynamicsand community engagement to ensure that a more full, accurate understanding of influences onthe design process. In each phase, we
represents engineering and technical skills, economic feasibility, ethical considerations, andcultural sensitivity, which can be considered when studying potential solutions [3]. "The Village of Yakutia has about 50,000 people. Its harsh winters and remote location make heating a living space very expensive. The rising price of fossil fuels has been reflected in the heating expenses of Yakutia residents. In fact, many residents are unable to afford heat for the entire winter (5 months). A Northeastern Federal University study shows that 38% of village residents have gone without heat for at least 30 winter days in the last 24 months. Last year, 27 Yakutia deaths were attributed to unheated homes. Most died from
accurately reflects a typical systems engineering process than acollection of isolated tasks.Lowering the stakes encourages student participation by providing a low-risk incentive tocontribute to the learning environment. The Discussion posts are graded - but students need onlycontribute to a discussion to receive the full grade. The content of the discussion post itself is notgraded. As the modeling assignments progressively build on the assignments that have gonebefore, students have the opportunity to correct previous mistakes for extra credit, thus loweringthe stakes for each individual assignment. Students also have the opportunity to complete onlinequizzes to demonstrate understanding of the concepts being taught. These are optional
skill baseline level among university engineering students. Results from thisstudy will also inform the systems thinking community and enrich the literature on human-centered designthat discusses how engineering students understand and navigate design problems in complex systems in adesign course.1. INTRODUCTIONAlthough certain basics of engineering will not change, engineers have to adapt to the explosion ofknowledge, the global economy, and the complex systems they work with when entering the workplace.Engineering education needs to, therefore, evolve to reflect these ongoing changes [2]. A report titled“Educating the Engineer for 2020 and beyond” published by the National Academy of Engineering (NAE)[3] has offered several overarching trends
strangest thing I learned is that the height of a population is not always tied to genetics. … Humans are a lot more similar than we give each other credit for and the barriers of race, genetics, or even politics are very thin. At the end of the day, everybody is just human [emphasis added].”What a powerful statement from a student growing in understanding of people, planet,prosperity, partnerships, and peace, or the 5 Ps.This example reflects an approach to people that is atypical for many students of engineeringwho often focus on the technical and economic aspects of engineering design and problemsolving. By engaging with aspects of public environmental health nursing, such as understandingpeople as individuals
proposed changes after they're implemented. The changes are reflected in a gamedashboard that displays information about the different variables that affect the systems' behaviorand balance.The player has a monthly budget, an initial inventory of species, and an estimated number ofvisitors as an entry point. All this information is available in their dashboard. They can use theirbudget to commission surveys of species or other park features and/or hire rangers for specifictasks such as removing an invasive plant species or creating park programs. The player willreceive a bonus when certain goals are met. New goals and problems may be introduced as eachpark level proceeds, and each level is won when all goals have been completed and the system isin
performers. These entities are abstractmission participants who can perform activities in the scenario. Fig. 4 focuses on motivation forthe articulated mission (shown in the diagram) from research lab directors. Given this mission orenterprise vision, drivers are used to define factors or rationale that drive the articulated mission.Each driver can then be mapped to one or more challenges which reflect issues that need to beresolved to address the driver. This dependency is expressed using the PresentedBy relationship.The challenges identified are used to motivate a set of opportunities expressed by theMotivatedBy dependency. These opportunities can be further traced to the capabilities of the SoIto achieve the proposed mission