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Displaying results 91 - 120 of 126 in total
Conference Session
An Examination of Methods to Enhance Transfer Student Enrollment, Retenion, Persistence, and Outcomes
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shen Liu, West Kentucky Community and Technical College
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Two Year College Division
. Project-based learning (PBL) is an instructionalapproach that engages students’ interest and motivation, relates the theoretical concepts studentsstudied inside the classroom and their applications explored during the activities outside of theclassroom and provides more opportunities for direct interactions among students. This paperpresents the implementations of PBL in Physics I and Statics courses at WKCTC. Sample teamprojects are described in details and the assessment on learning outcomes are discussed.IntroductionStudents at West Kentucky Community and Technical College (WKCTC) can pursue Universityof Kentucky (UK)’s Bachelor of Science degrees in either chemical or mechanical engineeringwithout leaving home. All four years of classes can
Conference Session
Two-Year College Special Topics Potpourri
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Angela Minichiello, Utah State University; Tracy D Blake, Utah State University; Wade H. Goodridge, Utah State University; David Dwight Sam PhD, Utah State University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
considered relevant information to thecourse. Thus, team-at-a-distance teaching supports experiential learning techniques and moreeffectively incorporates the knowledge and life lessons provided by the non-traditional studentsinto the content of the course.In a distance broadcast learning environment, the team-at-a-distance approach further supports alearner centered environment and diffuses impressions of hierarchy that can arise between“originating” and “receiving” or “satellite” sites. With an instructor(s) present at eachparticipating site (each regional campus), all sites enjoy a perception of equal importance andstature, and a mutual sense of support. Periodically throughout the course, all sites, at times, willbe originating and, at other
Conference Session
Two Year Colleges
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Russell Richardson, College of the Canyons; Kathleen Alfano, College of the Canyons; Joseph Gerda, College of the Canyons; Floyd Moos, College of the Canyons
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Two Year College Division
need equal opportunities to grow and develop asprofessionals. The authors write that adjuncts, (S)hould be integrated into the college community and recognized as increasingly important players in the teaching and learning process in the interest of providing quality instruction to the growing number of full and part-time students who will sit in their classrooms, in the interest of appreciating the investment value of the part-time faculty, and ultimately in the interest of establishing and maintaining the college’s reputation for teaching excellence.3The sheer number of classes covered by adjuncts makes a powerful argument that responsiblecolleges should invest in their teaching lives.The department chairs in the
Conference Session
Addressing Diversity Issues in Engineering Education
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jackie Perez, Texas A&M University - Dwight Look College of Engineering; So Yoon Yoon, Texas A&M University; Teri Kristine Reed, Texas A&M University; Cecelia Diane Lawley, Texas A&M University
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Two Year College Division
partnertwo-year institutions are confident in the opportunities the Engineering Academies present to thestudents and the potential to enrich the diversity of the engineering workforce in the State ofTexas and the nation.Bibliography[1] President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness Announces Industry Leaders’ Commitment to Double Engineering Internships in 2012 (PCJC) (2011). Retrieved from office/2011/08/31/president-s-council-jobs-and-competitiveness-announces-industry-leaders.[2] President’s Council of Advisors on Science Technology (PCAST). (2012). Report to the president, engage to excel: producing one million additional college graduates with degrees in science, technology
Conference Session
Curriculum Development in Two-Year Engineering and Engineering Technology Programs
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary J. Mullett, Springfield Technical Community College
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Two Year College Division
. The lab consists of hands-on exercises that providethe student with the opportunity to program the hardware to perform some simple useful controlfunction(s) and to make projects that can be controlled through the Internet. To implement thecourse the faculty choose to use low-cost universally available hardware that is available from avariety of online sources. The microprocessor platform utilized is the Raspberry Pi and theassociated open-source microcontroller platform is the Arduino Uno. The Arduino Uno shown inFigure 1 below has been around for some time and has been cloned by numerous vendors. Due toits longevity, there are many accessories (known as shields) available from the same vendors. Aquick search of will provide one
Conference Session
Focus on the Classroom: Novel Approaches to Course Delivery
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Elaine L. Craft, Florence-Darlington Technical College; Donna Kay Chrislip; Rex Allen Parr; Victoria Alexandra Sauber, Arapahoe Community College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
and initiative Willingness to learn new skills and tasks via study, experience, or training Willingness to take on additional work load Page 26.168.5 Show initiative in carrying out work assignments Take responsibility for completing one’s own work assignment(s) Be creative and originate or imagine new ideas, methods, or products Be pro-active in career planning Listening and using information Listen attentively with appropriate eye contact Ability to take efficient and thorough notes Appreciate feelings and concern of verbal messages Pick out important information in verbal messages Understand complex messages
Conference Session
Enhancing Student Success in Two-Year Colleges
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicolas N Brown, University of Utah Department of Mechanical Engineering; Joy Velarde, University of Utah; Debra J Mascaro, University of Utah
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Two Year College Division
thepeer mentor program in Mechanical Engineering will be used to inspire and improve peer mentorprograms throughout the College.Bibliography1. Marra, R. M., Shen, D., Rodgers, K., & Bogue, B., “Leaving Engineering: A Multi-Year Single Institution Study,” Journal of Engineering Education, 101(1), p. 6-27 (2012). Retrieved January 30, 2016 from Laier, J., & Steadman, S. J., “Improving Transfer Student Success,” Indianapolis, Indiana: ASEE Conferences (2014). Retrieved from Chen, X., “STEM Attrition: College Students’ Paths Into and Out of STEM Fields,” Washington, DC, United States: National Center for
Conference Session
California on the Move: A Robust Array of Student Success Initiatives
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Courtney Sara Mathews Hadsell, Cañada College; Christine Burwell-Woo, Cañada College; Amelito G Enriquez, Canada College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
ussed tosubmittinng online ho omework fo or a physicss course. T This is usuaally where sstudents beggin tostruggle because app plying physiics concept knowledge k tto homeworrk problems is differentt thanmost hom mework from m other courrses in their academic hiistory. It is ccrucial that tthe students haveaccess too one-on-onee or small grroup tutoring g and instrucctor supportt to coach thhem about hoow toproperly approach th heir physics problems. p As A has becoome evident a crucial parrt of Physicss Jamare the student s tutorrs who aid the main in nstructor to
Conference Session
Female Faculty, Learning, NSF, and ABET Issues at Two-Year Colleges
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nicholas Massa, Springfield Technical Community College; Michele Dischino, Central Connecticut State University; Judith F. Donnelly, Three Rivers Community-Technical College; Fenna D. Hanes, New England Board of Higher Education
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
Conference Session
Engineering Transfer Issues: Two-year College to Four-year College
2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kirsten A Davis, Virginia Tech; Andrea M. Ogilvie P.E., Virginia Tech; David B Knight, Virginia Tech
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Two Year College Division
differencesbetween transfer student experiences within the same institution, particularly between verticaland lateral transfer students. These results indicate that institutions cannot view all transferstudents as having the same experience or requiring the same support. Fostering a welcomingculture, helping students build networks, providing access to institutional agents, and ensuringeasily accessible information are all ways that institutions can begin to improve the transferexperience.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.1428502. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of
Conference Session
Arduinos, Microcontrollers, Inexpensive Robotics, and Other Tech Bytes
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kimberly Grau Talley P.E., Texas State University, San Marcos
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
new than putting theory into practice. The textbook/lectures already covered Gathering Information, "First Cut"s, and Revision, which are simple to grasp, but the Projects give a sense of what can get done in a given amount of time, how easy/difficult it is to actually apply those steps to a real problem, and (especially) what setbacks can occur in the process and what the end result (not just the prototype but the written work too) will look like.”Two of the short answer questions asked what elements of the design process were most or leasthelpful to the students during the project. It was interesting to the author that both questionsyielded very similar responses. Two methods for organizing brainstorming, mind mapping and3-6-5, as
Conference Session
Two Year College Division Poster Session
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Peter Golding, University of Texas, El Paso; Oscar H. Salcedo, University of Texas, El Paso; Mike Thomas Pitcher, University of Texas, El Paso; Oscar Antonio Perez, University of Texas, El Paso; Mariano Olmos, El Paso Community College; Tonie Badillo, El Paso Community College
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
EDUCATION Rafael S. Gutierrez, Sergio Flores, Fernando Tovia, Olga Valerio, Mariano Olmos. ”Simulation Based Modeling of Warehousing Operations in Engi- neering Education Based on an Axiomatic Design.” MAS 2011: The 10th International Conference on Modeling and Applied Simulation, September 12-15, 2011. Rome, Italy. (Collaborators representing the University of Texas at El Paso; Universidad Autonoma de Cd. Juarez; Philadelphia University; El Paso Community College) RECENT COLLABORATORS Professor Rafael Gutierrez, UTEP; Professor Sergio Flores, UTEP; Ar- turo Bronson, UTEP; and Peter Golding, UTEP.Ms. Tonie Badillo, El Paso Community College Ms. Tonie Badillo is a Division Dean at the Valle Verde campus of El Paso
Conference Session
Two year Colleges
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary Mullett, Springfield Technical Community College; Ellen Hause, AACC; Benjamin Taylor, Seminole Community College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
year 2002 somesixty-three community colleges had received grants that directly addressed the IT workforcetraining needs of their local communities [1]. To a great extent, the success of this program wasdue to the vision and generous philanthropy of the Microsoft Corp., the expertise of the AACCmanagement team who oversaw the program on a day-to-day basis, and the dedication of thecommunity college faculty and administrators that took part in the mentoring process.It should be noted that prior to the Working Connections program and the start of the NationalScience Foundation’s Advanced Technology Education (ATE) program in the early 1990’s, mostcommunity college faculty worked in relative isolation with very little contact with colleaguesthat
Conference Session
Innovative Partnerships
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mary Anderson-Rowland, Arizona State University; Caroline VanIngen-Dunn, Arizona State University; Debra Banks, Consultant
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
otherwisehave experienced. They all profess to love their positions, but must be encouraged to put theirown studies first.References1. Sax, L.J. ,Hurtado, S., Lindholm, J.A., Astin, A.W. et al, The American Freshman: National Norms For Fall2004, Cooperative Institutional Research Program, Higher Education Research Institute, University of California,Los Angeles, December 2004.2. Engineering Workforce Commission of the American Association of Engineering Societies, Inc., “Engineering &Technology Enrollments,” Washington, DC, 2004.3. “Land of Plenty: Diversity as America’s Competitive Edge in Science, Engineering and Technology,” Summaryof the Report of the Congressional commission on the Advancement of Women and Minorities in Science,Engineering and
Conference Session
Retention Strategies in Action Part II
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Elaine Scott, Seattle Pacific University; Hannah Azevedo, Seattle Pacific University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
the scholarship recipients have continued to progresssatisfactorily towards completion of their electrical engineering degrees. Page 15.460.2IntroductionOur engineering program at Seattle Pacific University aims to address the increasing technicalneeds of our country (Grose, 2006, NSB 2004), including the greater Seattle community, byspecifically increasing the number of community college transfer students in our engineeringprogram, a potentially untapped resource (Anderson-Rowland et al. 2004). The National ScienceFoundation has supported this effort through a grant in its S-STEM program. The goal of thegrant, Engaging the Community to Achieve
Conference Session
Two-Year College Potpourri
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jana Fattic, Western Kentucky University; Andrew Ernest, Western Kentucky University; Christal Wade, Western Kentucky University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
sector as an environmental consultant prior to being employed by the Center in 2004. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0903286. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recomendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).Andrew Ernest, Western Kentucky University Dr. Ernest earned a B.S. and M.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Southwestern Louisiana in 1985 and in 1986 respectively, and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1991. He has over 18 years of professional experience in
Conference Session
Two Year-to-Four Year Transfer Topics Part II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Patricia F. Mead, Norfolk State University; Gwen Lee-Thomas, Quality Measures, LLC; Abe Eftekhari, Northern Virginia Community College; Ji Hyon Mun, Thomas Nelson Community College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
special summer internship opportunities, andproposals to the NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA and NASA Goddard Space Page 22.1367.7Flight Center have requested summer internship slots as well. A National Science Foundation S-
STEM grant was awarded in January 2011. This award will support fifty-three scholarshipsacross the five T-CUP partner campuses over the next four academic years. The long-term planalso includes significant institutional support from NSU, including a dedicated staff person withoffice space to manage and oversee the program long term, faculty release for program advisors(based on achievement of specific enrollment
Conference Session
Two Year-to-Four Year Transfer Topics Part II
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cecelia M. Wigal, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga; Tim MeGhee, Chattanooga State Community College
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Two Year College Division
that will provide highly-skilled and prepared engineering technicians for the current and future workforce needs of the greater Chattanooga economic region.” Page 22.1200.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Developing an Effective Community College Transfer Pre- Engineering ProgramAbstractMany states are actively addressing strengthening the ties between the states’ 2-year and 4-yeardegree granting institutions. The stated purpose for this activity is to define articulationagreements for A. S. degrees that aid students in completing 4-year degrees
Conference Session
Retention and Two-year to Four-year Transfer
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Hamid Y. Eydgahi, Bakersfield College; Julio R. Blanco, California State University, Bakersfield
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
.      CA ResearchCommunity Colleges across the country, including those in California, are devoted to increasingstudent retention, success, persistence, and completion of a certificate, degree or transfer to asenior university. This can be accomplished, according to recent research, by having students tochoose their major(s) early, rather than accumulating credits that do not apply directly to theirmajor. The results of a research by Moore and Shulock6 point to three recommendations: 1. Entering a program of study is a critical milestone on the path to completing a college certificate or degree; 2. Choosing a major early, the more likely they are to complete a certificate, degree or transfer; and 3
Conference Session
Female Faculty, Learning, NSF, and ABET Issues at Two-Year Colleges
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David A. Koonce, Ohio University; Valerie Martin Conley, Ohio University; Dyah A. Hening, Ohio University; Cynthia D. Anderson, Ohio University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
of part time has been unequal as part time are having biggerdistribution either in STEM related field or in Non-STEM related field. Table 2 Estimated Number of Faculty (1,000’s) of instructional faculty and staff by employment status in public 2-year colleges Fall 20031 All Disciplines STEM Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Male 63.6 124.5 18.4 31.4 Female 61.9 120.7 9.2 15.9 Page
Conference Session
Gainful Employment: Preparing Technicians to Satisfy the Needs of Industry
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Farzin Heidari, Texas A&M University, Kingsville
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
significantlyimprove educational standards and career opportunities for technical college graduates. Page 24.886.9 References1. ETA/ Business Relations Group Report. (2005). Addressing the Workforce Challenges of America’s Advanced Manufacturing Workforce. Retrieved September, 5, 2011.2. Labor Market Information Division, Industry Employment and Labor Force, November 18, 2005.3. Center for Workforce Success, “The Skill Gap 2001,” P.5.4. Rosenfeld, S. (1998). Technical Colleges, Technology Deployment, and Regional Development (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). Chapel Hill, North
Conference Session
Innovative Partnerships
2006 Annual Conference & Exposition
Christine Shaw, Museum of Science, Boston; Michael Pelletier, Northern Essex Community College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
. Page 11.1002.14Component Average 13Keynote: Engineering a Sustainable World: 9.3Roundtable discussions with engineers, students and college 9.1faculty:Keynote: Engineering for Everyone: 8.6Engineering Challenges: 8.7Symposium as a Whole: 9.1Both the Keynote: Engineering a Sustainable World and the RoundtableDiscussions received 10’s from the majority of participants.Reference/BibliographyKatherine L. Hughes & Melinda Mechur Karp
Conference Session
Two-Year to Four-Year Transfer Programs: Best Practices
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric James Davishahl, Everett Community College; Xiaopeng Bi, Washington State University
Tagged Topics
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Two Year College Division
underrepresented populations, particularly women.Looking forward, WSU is increasing its presence and visibility in Everett. WSU recently brokeground on a new building that is located adjacent to the EvCC campus with completionanticipated by fall 2017. The BSME program will occupy most of the first floor of the buildingwith new state-of-the-art facilities and will be increasing capacity from 30 to 40 students for Fall2016.1 Olson, S., Labov, J.B., & National Research Council. (2012) Community Colleges in the Evolving STEMEducation Landscape: Summary of a Summit. Washington D.C.: National Academies Press.2 National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Snapshot Report 17. “Contribution of Two-year Institutions toFour-year Completions” (2014).3
Conference Session
Two-Year College Division Poster Session
2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jill Davishahl, Bellingham Technical College; Joel N. Swisher, Western Washington University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
:// 6. Renner, M, Sweeney, s., & Kubit, J. Green Jobs: Toward Decent Work in a Sustainable, Low-Carbon World. (2008). Retrieved from: wcms_158727.pdf 7. The Pacific Northwest Center of Excellence for Clean Energy (Center), (2013). Retrieved from: and 8. The State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC), (2016). Retrieved from: 9. Washington State Employment Security Department (WSESD), Washington State Green Economy Jobs, (2010 & 2011
Conference Session
Two-year College Division: Authors Address Transfer Matters-Part II
2015 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Monica M. Cortez, Texas A&M University; Teri Kristine Reed, Texas A&M University; P.K. Imbrie, Texas A&M University; Sylvia E. McMullen, Blinn College; Jackie Perez, Texas A&M University
Tagged Topics
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
). A review of the literature on transfer student pathways to engineering degrees. Proceedings of the 121st ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Indianapolis, IN.[8] Sullivan, M. D., Orr, M. K., de Cohen, C. C., Long, R. A., Barna, M. J., Ohland, M. W. (2012). Understanding engineering transfer students: Demographic characteristics and educational outcomes. Paper presented at the 42nd Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference, Piscataway, NJ, USA.[9] Bradburn, E. M., Hurst, D. G., & Peng, S. (2001). Community College transfer rates to 4-year institutions using alternative definitions of transfer. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics.[10] Kuh, G., Kinzie, J
Conference Session
Enhancing Success/Peristence at Two-Year Colleges
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dan G. Dimitriu, San Antonio College; Jerry O'Connor, San Antonio College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
Lennartsson, ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Diego, CA, October 2006 13. The kiss of death? An alternative view of college remediation, by Adelman, C. (1998). National Crosstalk, 6(3). Retrieved from 14. New evidence on college remediation, by Attewell, P. A., Lavin, D. E., Domina, T., & Levey, T. (2006). Journal of Higher Education, 77(5), 886–924. 15. Summer bridge: Improving retention rates for underprepared students, by Garcia, P. (1991), Journal of the Freshman Year Experience, 3(2), 91–105. 16. The benefits of summer bridge programs for underrepresented and low-income students, by Ackermann, S. P. (1990, April
Conference Session
Gainful Employment: Preparing Technicians to Satisfy the Needs of Industry
2014 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel M. Hull P.E., OP-TEC; Greg Kepner M. Ed., Indian Hills Community College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
Academies Press, 2010.6. Allen Phelps, Career Pathways for STEM Technicians, Chapter 3, University of Central Florida, 2012.7. Elizabeth Teles, Career Pathways for STEM Technicians, Chapter 2, University of Central Florida, 2012.8. Paul Illich, Darrell M. Hull, and Paul Ruggiere, Industry Demand for Two-Year College Graduates in Optics and Photonics Technology: An Industry Survey of Current and Future Demand for Two-Year Degreed Photonics Technicians, Waco, TX: OP-TEC Monograph, 2012.9. Darrell M. Hull and Robert S. Gutzwiller, “Two-Year College Enrollment and Completion Rates: An Estimation of Workforce Supply for Technicians in Optics, Photonics, and Laser Technology,” OP- TEC Working Paper Series, Working Paper #5, 2008.10
Conference Session
Two-Year College Division Transfer Topics Part I
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
MD B. Sarder, University of Southern Mississippi
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
, "Practical Proposals for Motivating Students" In R. J. Menges and M.D. Svinicki (eds.), College Teaching: From Theory to Practice. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, no. 45.San Francisco: Jossey-Bass4 Wyckoff, S. C. (1999). The academic advising process in higher education: History, research, and improvement.Recruitment & Retention in Higher Education, 13(1), pp. 1-35 Habley, W.R. and McClanahan, R., 2009, “What works in Student Retention”, American College Testing6 PLTL Progressions Newsletter v3, 12, p10 and v4, 11, p77 Quitadamo, I.J., Brahler, C.J., Crouch, G.J., 2009, “Peer-Led Team Learning: A Prospective Method for IncreasingCritical Thinking in undergraduate Science Courses”, Science Educator, 18, 1 (Spring), 29-39
Conference Session
Female Faculty, Learning, NSF, and ABET Issues at Two-Year Colleges
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David A. Koonce, Ohio University; Cynthia D. Anderson, Ohio University; Valerie Martin Conley, Ohio University; Christine Mattley, Ohio University
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0930229. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. Page 22.1271.10
Conference Session
Arduinos, Microcontrollers, Inexpensive Robotics, and Other Tech Bytes
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Gary J. Mullett, Springfield Technical Community College
Tagged Divisions
Two Year College Division
, Proceedings of the 2007 American Society of Engineering Educators Annual Conference and Exposition, Honolulu, HI 6. The Disappearing Associates Degree Program in Electronics Technology, by Louis E. Frenzal Jr. , Proceedings of the 2003 American Society of Engineering Educators Annual Conference and Exposition, Nashville, TN 7. 8. Department of Transportation website: 9. Special Issue on Cyber-Physical Systems, by Radha Poovendran, Krishna Sampigethaya, Sandeep Kumar S. Gupta, Insup Lee, K.Venkatesh Prasad, David Corman, and Jamers L. Paunicka, Proceedings of the IEEE, January 2012, Vol. 100, No. 1, pp 7-14 10.